Chapter 253 The Dust Settles
As a divine cauldron containing the dark origin of this world, the Black Demon Cauldron is far more tenacious than Li Yuan imagined.

When Yao Lao was refining the eighth-rank elixir, there was nothing wrong with bathing in the eighth-rank elixir in the Black Demon Cauldron.

According to Yao Lao, the limit of the Black Demon Cauldron may be to refine the ninth-grade pill, so this is the reason why he is unwilling to hand over the pill to Li Yuan.

Li Yuan also knew in his heart that although Yao Lao only had his soul body left now, he still

Now it's just a seventh-rank energy bomb, as long as Li Yuan grabs the alchemy furnace, at most he will suffer some flesh injuries.

However, Li Yuan also underestimated the horror of the seventh-grade energy bomb.

The arc-shaped black and red energy fluctuations across the sky of Misty Cloud Sect, wherever it went, the clouds and the air were instantly evaporated.

Moreover, vaguely, the space began to visibly fluctuate layer by layer like waves.

After the energy fluctuations in the arc dissipated, a stronger stamina surged up.

All of a sudden, the wind was raging, and thunder and lightning flashed.

A terrifying power surged out from top to bottom.

Dozens of hilltops nearby, including Yunlan Mountain, all dropped hundreds of meters to the ground at this moment, and there were even many monks who were not strong enough, and they were directly crushed to death by this momentum on the spot at this moment!
Seeing this situation, Yun Yun and Hai Bodong could only immediately unite with countless elders and deacons of Misty Yunzong to urge the mountain protection formation of Misty Yunzong to resist this momentum.

But even the Yunlanzong's mountain protection array couldn't stop this destructive momentum at the moment.

At this moment, Medusa on the side made a move.

She released all her fighting energy and leaned against Yun Yun to help them resist this wave of indiscriminate attacks.

At this moment, Yun Yun looked at Medusa quite unexpectedly.

It stands to reason that Medusa is decisive in killing and killing snake people, and she is a little indifferent to the life and death of snake people. What's more, the human disciples of the Misty Cloud Sect are not related to him, so there is no need for her to help.

And in the desert, Yun Yun and Medusa basically didn't speak a few words, so the relationship between them is not very good.

Just when Yun Yun was puzzled, Medusa took the initiative to explain: "You, Misty Cloud Sect, will belong to Li Yuan sooner or later. I'm not helping you, but helping him. If he knows that I didn't help , although I won’t say anything, I may feel dissatisfied in my heart.”

When Medusa said this, Yun Yun understood in her heart, but at the moment she also admired Li Yuan's charm.

"I didn't expect that he actually conquered the famous Queen Medusa, but it's true, Li Yuan's ability is extraordinary."

Thinking of this, Yun Yun's face showed an unnatural blush.

But as the powerful force in the sky continued to emerge, she immediately put away her mind and began to defend against that force with Medusa.

This kind of power fluctuation lasted for as long as a cup of tea, and finally disappeared slowly.

Li Yuan felt that the fluctuation of external power disappeared, Li Yuan kicked off the lid of the Black Demon Cauldron, and then stood up.

At this moment, he stepped on his sword and volleyed into the air, searching carefully for the figure of Guardian Wu.

But at the moment the sky is clear and white, there is not even a cloud left, so where is there any Dharma protector?

Li Yuan was very satisfied with the result.

It's not that he hasn't thought about taking the soul of Dharma Protector to practice the Soul Eater Art, but there are too many methods for Dharma Dharma, and he is a Douzong cultivation base.

The so-called centipede is dead but not stiff, Li Yuan will not do that kind of risky thing if he is not completely sure.

The guardian duck is indeed dead.

But at this moment, a powerful aura gradually recovered from the back of Yunlan Mountain.

This aura is slightly weaker than Duck Guardian and Medusa, but much stronger than Yunyun, Jia Xingtian and other Douhuang powerhouses.

A moment later, a white shadow rushed from the back of Yunlan Mountain to the Yunlan Mountain Square.

Bai Ying was wearing a set of extremely plain white robes, the robes fluttered in the breeze, giving him an air of immortality.

He doesn't look very old, with long snow-white hair.

There are no wrinkles on the face that an old man should have, but it exudes a gentle and beautiful jade-like shimmer.

This person is none other than Yunshan, the previous suzerain of Yunlanzong.

Jia Xingtian and the others were a little surprised when they saw Yunshan.

But not surprised.

Because the surprise that Li Yuan and his party gave them was far stronger than that of Yun Shan.

Yun Shan looked at the Yunlan Mountain compressed by [-] meters with a bit of astonishment, and the mess on the Yunlan Mountain, everyone was stunned.

"What the hell happened?"

At this moment, Yun Yun quickly stepped forward and told Yun Shan everything.

"You, what are you talking about? Dharma protector, was killed by your disciple? Ah!?"

Yun Shan's chest kept rising and falling, and his words seemed a little eager.

Because Guardian Wu had just helped him break through the realm of Dou Zong, in the blink of an eye, Guardian Wu was killed by a junior of Misty Cloud Sect who only had the cultivation of a great Dou Master?

These things fell to Yun Shan's ears, as if a three-year-old child had killed a fully armed professional mercenary, it was simply ridiculous!
But the terrifying energy fluctuation just now was not fake.

Yun Shan looked up.

He saw Li Yuan standing in the air with an indifferent expression on his face.

The eyes of the two collided slightly.

Seeing Li Yuan's calm and natural expression, Yun Shan's mind was racing and thinking about many things.

At this time, Li Yuan Lingkong stared at Yunshan coldly, and there was no respect for Yunshan in his eyes.

If Yunshan dared to fight for the Dharma Protector, he wouldn't mind teaming up with Medusa to kill another Douzong.

Looking at each other, Yun Shan finally sighed.

He knew that Guardian Duck was indeed dead, but Li Yuan and Medusa were still alive.

And he also knew that if Li Yuan could kill the guardian, he would be able to easily kill him, who had just been promoted to Douzong.

After brewing for a long time, Yun Shan changed into a smiling face, and said loudly: "I never thought that my Misty Cloud Sect would produce such a young talent who would remove a potential disaster for my Misty Yun Sect! It's really satisfying!" !"

When the rest of the onlookers heard Yun Shan's words, they complained in their hearts about how quickly the old guy changed his face.

When he heard that Protector Duck had died, Yun Shan looked anxious and sad, just like his dead father.

But now that Yunshan has expressed his position, it means that Li Yuan already has the support of the two fighting sects. Today's Li Yuan is in full swing!
Wait until the dust settles.

Li Yuan was guarded by Medusa, Yun Yun, Yun Shan and others in the middle, and fell to the ground.

At this time, Li Yuan looked at Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan in the middle of the square, and said calmly: "It's okay, the business is done, you two continue."

When Xiao Yan heard Li Yuan's words, he felt a little aggrieved in his heart.

Li Yuan just made such a big commotion, and now his three-year agreement with Nalan Yanran is like a child's play, there is no pleasure of revenge at all!

(End of this chapter)

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