Chapter 271 Earth Tribulation
As Li Yuan's booth opened, many people walked straight into the street without looking at the street entrance as before.

Because according to common sense, the deeper you go in this pharmacist street in the dungeon, the higher the level of the pharmacist will be.

Before Li Yuan appeared, the general situation here was like this.

Those on the periphery are all fifth-rank pharmacists, and occasionally one or two fourth-rank pharmacists will come to join in the fun.

In the middle are a large number of fifth-rank high-level alchemists, who can refine various fifth-rank elixirs, and each has its own strengths.

Those in the inner position are mostly sixth-rank pharmacists.As for the deepest part, it is the seventh-rank pharmacist.

But because most of the people who can come to this dungeon are Dou Huang, Dou Zong level strength, so the sixth-rank and seventh-rank pills are the most popular.

Because this is Zhongzhou.

Most of the families, sects, and various forces support some pharmacists, even if it is a third-rate force, no matter how bad it is, it will support at least one pharmacist of the fifth rank.

Therefore, the number of people who need to refine fifth-grade elixirs is much less.

With the appearance of Li Yuan's booth, many experienced old people did not take the risk to ask Li Yuan to refine the elixir.

Because they are in urgent need of pills, and they don't want Li Yuan to experiment with their materials.

And although the newcomers to the dungeon are all strong at the Douhuang Douzong level, they also have the attitude of blind obedience.They saw that those experienced people did not seek Li Yuan for alchemy, so they simply went to the alchemist further down the street to refine pills.

In this way, even if Li Yuan hung up the banner, it took several hours.

Just when Yin Kui couldn't stand it anymore and wanted Li Yuan to change to a deeper position, a strong Dou Zong stood in front of Li Yuan.

This person's face was covered by a gray hat, so his specific face could not be seen clearly.

He glanced at Li Yuan's face, and then asked aloud: "Can you refine seventh-grade pills?"

Li Yuan didn't talk much nonsense, he just said lightly: "Naturally."

"If it can't be refined, will all the materials be returned?"

"Naturally, there is the Guardian of the Soul Palace next to me. If you don't believe me, don't you believe in the Guardian of the Soul Palace?"

When Li Yuan said this, Yin Kui could only nod helplessly.

Seeing that Yin Kui was the protector of the Soul Palace, the Dou Zong expert reached out and took out a roll of pill formula and several ingredients from his receiving ring.

"I want to refine a life-returning pill. Here are the pill formula and materials. If you can refine it, I will pay you more."

"Returning Life Pill?"

Hearing that it was the life-returning pill, Yin Kui standing behind Li Yuan's complexion changed.

Returning Life Pill is a highly effective healing pill. Its effect is that as long as the head is not directly chopped off or the heart is directly shattered, then this pill can save a person's life.

If you have such a seventh-grade pill when you are facing the enemy, it is equivalent to an extra chance to survive in a desperate situation.

Its precious value is self-evident.

But Yin Kui also knew that the refining steps of the Life Returning Pill were extremely complicated, and even ordinary seventh-rank alchemists might fail one after another.

Let Li Yuan refine it now, can he really do it?
But just when Guardian Yinkui was puzzled, Li Yuan had already waved his hand, took the materials, set out a black pill furnace, and began to try to refine pills.

Although Li Yuan had never refined the Seventh Rank Returning Life Pill, he had great confidence in refining it successfully.

Because in his eyes, the life-returning pill is just a cumbersome refining process, and there are no difficulties in other places.

At this time, Li Yuan waved his hand, and a high-end operation came directly.

With a wave of his hand, he revealed Qinglian's heart fire, put all the ingredients into the pill furnace, and began to cook the pill.

Seeing the appearance of the strange fire, the eyes of the strong Dou Zong standing in front of Li Yuan lit up.

Although Qinglian's heart fire is not a high-ranking strange fire, but at least one can have a kind of strange fire, and its strength is far beyond that of ordinary alchemists.

After showing the strange fire, Li Yuan tightened his mind and began to concentrate on alchemy.

Only half a stick of incense had passed before and after, the elixir aroma came out from the pill furnace, and along with the elixir aroma, there were waves of pill mist evaporating from the pill furnace.

Seeing that Li Yuan could really refine seventh-rank pills, many fifth- and sixth-rank pharmacists all cast curious eyes on Li Yuan.

Even the two seventh-rank pharmacists in the deepest part came out from the depths of the street to spy on Li Yuan's alchemy process when they felt the strong medicinal effect contained in the pill mist.

Seeing that Li Yuan was controlling Qinglian's heart fire and displaying various superb alchemy skills at the same time, all alchemists looked at him with admiration, no matter good or bad.

Alchemist is a special profession.

In this profession, the only means to conquer other peers is not force, but excellent alchemy means.

Now, Li Yuan obviously has excellent alchemy methods.

Because Li Yuan had never refined the life-returning pill before, he maintained a cautious attitude just like the first time he refined the pill.

During this process, he continued to adjust the energy in the elixir with the hands of the Nine Heavens Xuannv.

Just when the energy in the pill furnace converged to a critical point, a dense vision of heaven and earth appeared near the pill furnace.

There are golden lotuses springing up from the ground, the sun is overflowing, and the golden bridge is crossing, colorful.
All of a sudden, everyone in the nearby streets was blinded by the light of Li Yuan's potion of medicine.

"Visions are everywhere, this is about to become a pill!"

"I didn't expect that this guy is also a seventh-rank pharmacist, and judging by his method of refining seventh-rank pills, it's not an exaggeration to say that the dungeon of this soul hall is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!"

"Something's wrong, why is the vision still going on? Isn't the life-returning pill a seventh-grade middle-rank pill? Could it possibly lead to catastrophe?"

next moment.

Right below Li Yuan's alchemy furnace, the veins of the entire land suddenly trembled, and a terrifying earth-shaking energy comparable to the self-destruction of a high-level Dou Zong struck from below the ground.

At the moment when this earth-shaking energy erupted, many nearby Dou Huang Dou Zong who were weak in strength actually withdrew from this street one after another, for fear of being affected.

Li Yuan was shocked when he felt the evil spirit of the earth, and subconsciously wanted to forcibly awaken the supreme bone to fight.

But at this moment, Yin Kui whispered from the side: "You concentrate on refining the elixir, our dungeon has the means left by the master of the Soul Palace, and the earth robbery of the little seventh-rank elixir can't be against it." You pose a threat."

Li Yuan nodded slightly when he heard this, but at the same time he also had some guesses in his heart.

"Only a branch hall of the Disha Hall of the Soul Hall has the means left by the Dou Sheng. As one of the three Tiangang Halls, what kind of layout is there in it? It seems that it may not be imagined to destroy the Hall of Humans It's so easy!"

(End of this chapter)

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