Chapter 98

There is a natural stone cave on the upper part of the middle peak of Wuru Peak behind the Shaolin Temple, which is the place where Bodhidharma faced the wall in the ninth year of the year, and it is called Bodhidharma Cave.

As the founder of Shaolin Temple, Master Bodhidharma has mastered 72 unique skills, and even created top-level martial arts such as Bodhidharma's Yijinjing and Xisuijing.

It is said that the Yi Jin Jing is the martial arts created by the ancestor Bodhidharma in the spare time facing the wall in the Bodhidharma Cave, and after he had some insights.

The Bodhidharma cave faces southwest, and the entrance of the cave is made of bluestone blocks. The cave is about seven meters deep and more than three meters high and wide.There are three stone statues on the platform in the cave, the middle one is a sitting statue of Bodhidharma, and the two sides are his disciples.

In the cave, there are green lamps and wax stands that are always burning, illuminating the entire Dharma cave.

Jueyuan waited outside with Xiaolongnu.

Li Yuan stepped into it alone, and went straight to the deepest part of the Bodhidharma Cave.

It is said that when Patriarch Bodhidharma faced the wall for nine years, when he left the Bodhidharma Cave, he left exactly the same mark on the wall as himself.

Li Yuan walked to the deepest part of the cave, and sure enough, he found a bright mark on the wall at the end.

When Li Yuan saw this Buddha seal, he couldn't help but stop and observe carefully.

Perhaps because of the passage of time, the imprint in the Bodhidharma cave has become somewhat blurred, and he can only see a vague human figure and a smooth bald head on the stone wall.

After observing carefully for a while, Li Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and his expression became a little surprised.

Because he can still see man-made marks near this mark, although these man-made marks are almost the same as the original Buddha seal.

But the sharp lines left by tools such as knives and axes still failed to escape Li Yuan's observation.

Li Yuan clutched his chin and pondered for a moment, and finally came to his senses and laughed out loud.

"Haha, these monks of Shaolin Temple are quite scheming. The imprint left by Bodhidharma in this cave may be very clear, but after so many years of time, it should have gradually disappeared. The monks of Shaolin Temple want to keep this site. , to maintain Bodhidharma's image, and then still intervened artificially."

But this made Li Yuan's plan come to nothing.

He is still planning to observe and understand in the remains of the Bodhidharma Cave, but now most of the imprints left by Bodhidharma have disappeared, and most of the charm that should have disappeared.

Li Yuan thought for a long time, and a frivolous look appeared in his eyes.

"It's said to be the Patriarch Bodhidharma, but after all it's just a shadow left by a monk. Watching or not watching, it doesn't really affect me much."

Just after Li Yuan finished speaking, a loud cry came from the depths of Dharma Cave.

"Hahaha, the young man is so bold. In the Bodhidharma Cave, he said that Patriarch Bodhidharma is just a monk. After all these years, you are still No.1."

A strange color appeared in Li Yuan's eyes.

At this time, an old monk in a gray open robe slowly walked out from the depths of the Bodhidharma Cave.

He has a bald head, a tattered gray monk robe with many patches, and a worn-out yellow wine gourd pinned to his waist, and his whole body smells of alcohol.

Although the old monk looked old and smelled of alcohol, his spirit was very hale and hearty.

Li Yuan probably already guessed that the old monk in front of him was the wine fighting monk that Jue Yuan had mentioned disappeared.

But still pretending to be puzzled, he clasped his fists and asked: "Dare to ask senior Gao's name, but he actually lives in this Dharma Cave."

"Haha, the sky is the father and the earth is the mother. I don't remember my surname for a long time! Decades ago, many people called me a wine priest. In recent years, they have shaved their heads, and they call me a wine priest." Monk."

At this moment, Wine Monk's eyes were burning, staring at Li Yuan, as if he wanted to see through Li Yuan.

"Since the Shaolin Temple has been closed for so many years, this is the first time I have seen an outsider like you in the Bodhidharma Cave. You probably beat up all the ignorant donkeys in the Shaolin Temple for coming here, right?"

Then he didn't wait for Li Yuan to answer, and said with a smile: "But you are also very interesting young man, you actually called Patriarch Bodhidharma a monk. But this is also true, even if Bodhidharma is the Patriarch of Shaolin Temple, after all, he is just a monk. It’s nothing more than an old monk, at best, he is stronger than me, and the Dharma is more exquisite than me, hahaha.”

The Doujiu monk called the monks of Shaolin Temple Bald Donkeys, and Patriarch Bodhidharma an old monk.

His words sound a bit outrageous at first glance, but after careful taste, this is absolute confidence in his own strength.

He is proficient in the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.If he behaved well, it seemed abnormal to respect Patriarch Bodhidharma very much.

The wine monk walked slowly in front of the imprint left by Patriarch Bodhidharma.

He smiled and said to Li Yuan: "But young man, you have to be optimistic. Patriarch Bodhidharma was able to leave this mark back then. Naturally, there is something magical about it."

He spread out a pair of big hands, and streaks of golden soft internal force transformed into golden lotus flowers spewed out from his hands, pressing down on the mark of Patriarch Bodhidharma.

Li Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the internal strength of the wine monk.

Wine Monk's internal strength has reached a terrifying level, both in quality and quantity.Moreover, his internal force is both rigid and soft, far beyond the level of control of internal force by ordinary masters.

At the same time, Li Yuan also discovered another point.

That is, the internal force exerted by the fighting wine monk is not the internal force of the Nine Suns Scripture, but a seemingly more advanced martial art.

Just now.

I saw that the imprint left by Bodhidharma on the stone wall began to move along with the internal force of the fighting wine monk.

Bodhidharma's imprint on the Buddha statue was like a slideshow, and he began to make various movements with every move.

Sometimes he swings his arms and punches, sometimes he sits in meditation, sometimes he pinches the Buddha's seal with his hand, feeling the world
"This is?" Li Yuan looked surprised.

Fighting wine monk smiled slightly and explained: "Patriarch Bodhidharma's skill has reached an incredible level, and this Buddha seal is a collection of all the essence of his meditation since he faced the wall for nine years. The internal strength has not yet dissipated."

"Has the internal force not yet dissipated?"

Li Yuan suddenly thought of the sword energy scattered from the wooden sword when he got Dugu Qiubai's wooden sword in the sword mound.

Calculating based on time, the sword demon Dugu Qiubai is at best a figure from the Northern Song Dynasty before the divine sculpture. It is not easy for the sword energy to be sealed in a wooden sword for about a hundred years.

The era of Patriarch Bodhidharma was the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, and more than 500 years have passed since the Southern Song Dynasty.

After 500 years, it can still leave a mark of internal strength. This kind of strength has obviously surpassed the concept of traditional martial arts.

At this moment, the phantom on the stone wall stopped abruptly, and everything returned to its original state.

The drinking monk grabbed the gourd, took a sip of the wine and said with a smile: "It's been too long, and most of the profound martial arts left by Bodhidharma back then has dissipated. If it was earlier, maybe we could see it from this stone wall. More stuff."

Fighting wine monk thought that Li Yuan came here specially for the Bodhidharma stone wall, and just now he heard Li Yuan's frivolous words, so he took the initiative to show the magic of the Bodhidharma stone wall.

But now that Li Yuan had already guessed the identity of the wine monk, he undoubtedly cared more about the wine monk than Bodhidharma.

As for the golden lotus internal force shown by the wine monk just now, his strength is definitely at the level of Wujue, and even Li Yuan vaguely guessed that his strength is still above Wujue.

Moreover, the drinking monk is free and easy to go with him, and he is not bound by everything.

So Li Yuan didn't have any more routines, so he directly said to the wine monk: "Senior, I have a kind of martial art, and I want to talk about it with you."

Wine Fighting Monk smiled slightly: "Young man, what martial art do you want to talk about with me?"

Li Yuan spoke bluntly, and said loudly: "The name of this way is nine yin and nine yang."

"Nine yin and nine yang?"

Fighting Wine Monk was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed: "It seems that you have obtained the Nine Yang Mantra that I wrote in the Langa Sutra, and you have also obtained the complete Nine Yin Mantra before? Is that right?"

Li Yuan smiled slightly, which was the default.

Although he obtained the Nine Yang Scriptures first, and later collected the complete Nine Yin Scriptures in the hands of Guo Jing and Huang Rong, the sequence is harmless.

At this time, Li Yuan asked a question that had been in his heart for a long time: "Senior, may I ask if there is a possibility for you to practice together with nine yin and nine yang?"

Doujiu Monk himself is the creator of Jiuyang. Although his views on Jiuyin cannot be compared with Huang Chang, the original creator, he must have his own unique insights.

After listening to Li Yuan's question, the wine monk pondered for a while.

Then he pulled Li Yuan to sit on the ground in the cave, just like Bodhidharma sitting cross-legged in the cave and meditating.

The wine monk didn't answer Li Yuan's question directly, but instead asked Li Yuan: "Young man, I see that you are full of heaven, have extraordinary bearing, and you can break into Shaolin alone and defeat those bald donkeys from Shaolin Temple outside, obviously your strength is not ordinary. So, what is your martial art like?"

"My martial art?"

When Li Yuan heard the question of the wine monk, his eyes were slightly distracted.

Since practicing martial arts, he hasn't thought about this problem yet, he just knows that if he can practice martial arts, he should practice martial arts, and if he can practice martial arts, he should practice martial arts.

The word martial arts seems a bit distant to him.

So Li Yuan held the heart of asking for advice, and asked the monk fighting wine: "Please help me, senior."

Wine Monk flipped his hands, and a lotus flower formed by the condensed inner force emerged in his palm.Different from the golden lotus before, the lotus in his hand at this time turned out to be a pure white color.

Doujiu Seng said: "In the Confucian concept, the lotus flower emerges from the mud and is not stained. It is a representative of a gentleman. In Buddhism, the lotus flower is considered holy and noble, and it also represents 'enlightenment' and 'liberation'. In Taoism, the lotus flower is It is interpreted as the most pure, the most wonderful, the most divine, and the most holy. Although Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism have their own understandings of lotus, which can be traced back to the source, the three schools have many similar understandings."

Li Yuan frowned slightly: "Senior, what do you mean, the nine yin and nine yang are like the lotus among the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, they all have something in common, and like the senior, they can integrate different ways and practice together? "

Fighting wine monk said with a smile: "Right or wrong, I also practice the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, but it doesn't necessarily mean that I will become a gentleman without dirt, and it doesn't mean that I will be enlightened and detached, let alone what is the most pure, the most wonderful, the most divine, The realm of the Holy One. Up to now, I am just obsessed with fine wine, and I am just a layman between heaven and earth. You pursue the ultimate, but even if you combine nine yin and nine yang, it is not necessarily heaven The most powerful martial arts in the world."

Li Yuan frowned slightly: "Senior, what do you mean? Could it be that even if there is a way to practice the Nine Yin Manual and the Nine Yang Manual together, it will be futile in the end?"

"Yes and no, but it's no wonder that young people are young people, full of energy and eager for success. Let me ask you again, what is your martial arts?"

Wine Monk looked at Li Yuan with a smile, and added: "Think carefully before answering."

Sitting cross-legged in the Bodhidharma Cave, Li Yuan suddenly turned his eyes slowly, staring at the white lotus in the hands of the fighting wine monk, and fell into meditation.

His mood suddenly calmed down, and he figured out the purpose of the wine monk's actions.

The wine monk showed him the white lotus transformed by internal force, and at the same time told the meaning of the white lotus from the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

In fact, he didn't want to use this as a metaphor for the nine yin and nine yang exercises, but to show Li Yuan his own martial arts.

The wine monk learned the three profound meanings of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and later borrowed the Nine Yin Scriptures to create the Nine Yang Scriptures.

However, he did not focus on the Nine Suns Manual, but insisted on his original martial arts.This white lotus-like inner strength is the martial arts he insists on.

Li Yuan's heart was shocked suddenly, his expression flickered, and a thought flashed by.

"Perhaps I don't have to force the combination of the Nine Yin Scriptures and the Nine Yang Scriptures. If I can go out of my own way and create an ultimate martial art with soft yin and yang, it will definitely be better than combining the Nine Yang and Nine Yin. Being together is more suitable for me."

Both the Nine Yin Scriptures and the Nine Yang Scriptures are supreme martial arts, but as the wine monk said, the combination of these two top martial arts is not necessarily the strongest.

It is precisely because there are similarities between these two martial arts, and they both have their own understandings of the power of yin and yang.

But in many places, both of them have interpreted Yin-Yang martial arts to the extreme.

Just like the interpretations of refining by Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, although they are different, they also have similarities, but in the end they may not be compatible.

When Doujiu Monk asked about Li Yuan's martial arts, he was asking whether he had found a way that suited him.

Now Li Yuan is eager to combine the two top martial arts, but he ignores whether he can be compatible with different ways of yin and yang.

Martial arts is not just a concept on paper, now Li Yuan has to practice it himself.

Once he made a mistake, he would take a step into the sky from the abyss, and all his cultivation would be invalidated.

The wine-fighting monk is intoxicated on the face.

He knew that according to Li Yuan's current strength, the strongest martial arts may not be the most suitable for him, but the most suitable martial arts for Li Yuan can make him stronger.

Li Yuan pondered for a long time.

During this period, he thought of a lot about the development direction of his future strength, and he felt that he gradually realized his own martial arts.

When he opened his eyes and wanted to share with the wine monk, he found that the wine monk had disappeared in place without a trace.

But there was a section of his deep understanding of Nine Yins and Nine Yangs left on the ground.

On the stone brick in front of Li Yuan, there are hundreds of characters engraved in a profuse manner.

It reads: "Young man, you and I are destined. This is my lifelong understanding of Jiuyin and Jiuyang. Now I will give it to you. I don't have the ability to go further on the basis of Jiuyin and Jiuyang. Borrowing from Nine Yins to create Nine Yangs is already my limit. But you are young and have unlimited potential, you may be able to overcome the theory of Yin and Yang in the future, and you may achieve a mysterious realm above martial arts."

(End of this chapter)

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