Film and television started from Yan Jiecheng in the Siheyuan

Chapter 1006 The wave of layoffs is coming

"No, in the next period of time, I have to run connections and go through formalities in the city. I won't just stay in the mountains for a month."

It's really not right to think of being away from home for a month.

After leaving for such a long time, Liu Hongchang himself was actually thinking about home in the next few days.

It was the first time I went out to play by myself. I got into fun and was a little bit unrestrained, but I didn't hold it back.

Later, Liu Hongchang himself was also prepared to control it. A person with elders above him and younger ones below still had to take care of his family.

"You and Liu Zi can go over to deal with the mine matters separately. Don't leave our two families in the city. No man is left. Something happened in the factory at home, and there is no one left."

Yang Maixiang took over the factory completely for the first time and was obviously under some pressure.

"What happened at home and in the factory?"

Listen to what Yang Maixiang said, something must have happened.

Although Liu Hongchang went to the mine after having arranged everything.

But unexpected situations are accidents, that is, they are not expected.

"I won't talk about our family's affairs. They are all trivial matters. Mom and I can handle them. But there are only the young couple in Liuzi's family. When Liuzi left, Yanzi was left alone. Why didn't you think about Yanzi and take Liuzi with you? It takes so long to be gone.”

"There's something going on at Liuzi's house. Is it Yanzi's side or Liuzi's parents?" Liu Hongchang asked anxiously.

Liu Hongchang still has great feelings for Liuzi, his apprentice who follows him all day long.

Although he is not much older than Liu Zi, Liu Hongchang is mature at heart.

He also has the title of master, and he always has a bit of an old father's mentality towards his six sons.

"Don't worry, it's a good thing. The swallow is here."

"When did this happen?"

"I accompanied her to the hospital for a checkup just two days ago, and then I notified you of her return."

"Yanzi, is she doing well?"

"pretty good."

"Okay, let her take care of her peacefully. I will go out to do errands and try not to take my six children with me."

It is indeed important for the sixth son to become a father.

Liu Hongchang was not going to play with Liu Zi anymore.

However, the loss of six sons does not affect Liu Hongchang. With so many people employed in the mine, Liu Hongchang does not have to worry about finding people to go into the mountains with him.

Liu Hongchang spent most of his time in the city and half of his time in the mountains. Liu Hongchang lived like this for three years.

Liu Hongchang went to the mountains not just for fun, but after successfully contracting two mines with good reserves.

Liu Hongchang is also considered successful. He achieved financial freedom before the age of thirty-five.

If it weren't for the fact that he had to produce as soon as possible after contracting, Liu Hongchang would have been free two years earlier.

Being able to contract coal mines at cheap prices means that the local area does not have the ability to open up.

Due to development and taxation needs, the project was contracted to individuals.

When there was a need for production, Liu Hongchang took the time to build the mine and arrange for it to be put into production.

Now that both mines are on track in all aspects, Liu Hongchang can spend more time in the city.

As the 1990s approached, the city became noticeably more modern.

The infrastructure maniac can be regarded as the first sign of his emergence.

Many high-rise buildings have been built and many construction sites have been opened.

Although commercial housing and residential buildings are not yet popular, other high-rise buildings have begun to be built.

It can be said that various aspects of entertainment, such as KTV and dance halls, have also kept pace.

There are also a lot more trucks and cars on the road, and the traffic is much more congested than before.

After the city became crowded, it looked much more energetic than before.

"Director Liu, someone is looking for you at the factory gate."

Although Liu Hongchang was not doing anything in the stationery factory, he wanted to show that he was not an idler in the city.

When I have nothing to do, I will occasionally sit in the factory for a while.

He still gave himself the title of chairman.

Liuzi, the shareholder, is of course the vice chairman.

Yang Maixiang is the general manager, and Yanzi is the vice president and financial director.

Positions have been clearly divided according to the modern management system.

All state-owned enterprises are undergoing restructuring and gradually improving their management systems.

In a private enterprise like a stationery factory, the boss can make decisions at his own word, so changes can be made faster, and of course, modern management systems will be introduced faster.

"Who is looking for me?"

"Said he was an old coworker from your days in the No. 2 Canteen."

"Please come in."

Liu Hongchang said to the guy from Mengang.

The janitors in state-owned enterprises like to use uncles, but private factories do not take care of the needs of veteran comrades.

Of course, young guys were chosen to stand guard.

"Da Liu, is this your office?"

"Da Liu, your office is much more elegant than Director Yao Guofa's office."

"Master Liu, are you really the big boss now?"

Liu Hongchang originally thought he was alone, but without thinking about the Mengang guy, he brought in seven or eight people.

Liu Hongchang's office is actually not very luxurious. It is simply equipped with a set of mahogany office desks, desks, sofas, coffee tables, bookcases, and TVs.

But my own factory is a large office with an area of ​​more than 30 square meters. It is clean and brightly decorated.

It's bigger than most people's homes here, so it looks relatively luxurious.

They are all poor people who have entered the second cafeteria and have no chance of being assigned a house.

If the target does not have a good unit to allocate a room to, three generations of the same family will be required, and several families will be squeezed into three small rooms.

"Sister Wang, Xiao Song, you are all here. Sit down quickly. Please sit down."

Although when they were in the No. 2 Canteen, because Liu Hongchang and Liu Zi lived too much and lived too comfortably, the co-workers were a little envious of them.

But in such a small unit, there can't be much room for troubles and small bumps. After leaving, there will be no conflict and they will naturally disappear.

Generally speaking, the relationship is good. Liu Hongchang also misses the fishing days in the cafeteria, and he treats these people warmly.

"Da Liu, are we here to ask you to come?"

"What's wrong? Did something happen in the cafeteria?" Seeing so many people, Liu Hongchang already had an ominous premonition.

"Our second canteen closed down and everyone was laid off."

"I just went there last month. Isn't the canteen still open?"

Liu Hongchang knew that the Second Canteen would close down, but he didn't expect it to be so sudden.

I go to the Second Canteen every once in a while.

The business of the Second Canteen is far worse than before.

But in the catering industry, if there are old customers for many years and the chef's skills are good, there will always be a certain amount of customer flow.

From all aspects, it is difficult to see that the Second Canteen will suddenly be unable to operate.

"Brother, I heard someone came to our canteen!" Liuzi ran over and asked.

"Liuzi, you came just in time to see if Yanzi is busy. If not, call her over and let's have a chat together." Liu Hongchang first said to Liuzi at the door.

"Let's have a cup of tea first, and we'll talk together when the others arrive." The few people were so polite after they came in that Liu Hongchang didn't even bother to pour tea for them.

While Liu Zi went to call for help, Liu Hongchang made tea for a few people and asked them to control their emotions.

"It was a sudden notice that someone was willing to use the space of our Second Canteen to open a large restaurant, so our Second Canteen was cancelled. After working for so many years, the Second Canteen is gone!"

Sister Wang was filled with emotions as she spoke, including complex emotions of fear, resentment, worry, pity, and disappointment.

"Then I'll take some time to go back and take a look. Even if I want to go back and take a look in the future, there's no second canteen."

Liu Zi also has feelings for Er Canteen.

I have been working for ten years. Not only did I meet Liu Hongchang in the Second Canteen, but I also met my wife in the Second Canteen.

"Yeah, I thought the Second Canteen would always be there..."

Following this topic, everyone became sad and couldn't stop it.

The people who came to see Liu Hongchang were all unskilled, old, and had difficulty working after leaving society.

People who have other options will not come to Liu Hongchang to find a job.

Lao Qin wants to retire early, Su Hou has a brother-in-law who owns a restaurant, and Yao Guofa has various connections.

These people, who were already in good conditions in the Second Canteen, no longer had to worry about how to survive after leaving the Second Canteen.

"Sister Wang, don't be too sad. Without the second canteen, life must go on as usual. Since you trust us and come here, we will go to the workshop in a while. See what we can do, and we will make arrangements for it. .”

In order not to be affected by this bad mood, Liu Hongchang readily agreed and arranged work for several people.

Although these people are all old fritters in the cafeteria, what they are best at is cheating and fishing in troubled waters.

She is already quite old. For example, Sister Wang is already over forty, so her training is of little value.

Liu Hongchang is not willing to recruit these employees who are not considered good if he only considers benefits.

But with so many years of friendship, these people must be given a job opportunity.

Most of them are quite good in themselves, but they have become more and more successful due to the influence of the trend in recent years of having more people and less work and pushing each other back.

If it were ten years ago, when the atmosphere was good, everyone would still work very hard.

These people are basically waiters in the second canteen, and they have no work skills.

The good thing is that most women in this era are good at needlework.

You can be assigned to the schoolbag workshop and go to the workshop to sew schoolbags.

With piece-rate wages, the more you work, the more you earn, and you don’t have to worry about people taking advantage of the situation and not working.

Not long after colleagues from the Second Canteen came to Liu Hongchang, many colleagues from Yang Maixiang’s bus company also came to Yang Maixiang.

Even if each unit does not close down, it is still downsizing its staff.

Whether it is a joint venture or a private company, it will not support so many idle people.

The bottom layer of the bus company is actually the conductor.

Yang Maixiang has worked as a conductor and as an accountant she has had the most contact with conductors.

So the most people who defected to us were the conductors.

But these people are okay, they do pretty hard work.

After arriving at the factory, I adapted well.

It is a pity that we have lost the guarantee of our iron rice bowl.

"Mom, give me some advice and take care of your eldest son Liu Yunchang!"

Not many days later, as soon as Liu Hongchang returned home, he saw Wu Xiaoying with her child and complained to Wang Cuilan.

"Sister-in-law, what's wrong with Liu Yunchang? What mistake did he make? There's no need for our mother to take action. I'll take care of him for you."

When it comes to disciplining Liu Yunchang, Liu Hongchang became energetic.

For this big brother who likes yin and yang, Liu Hongchang still likes to discipline.

In the past few years, no one has confronted Liu Hongchang, and Liu Hongchang has become a little bored due to the commotion.

"Your eldest brother is laid off."

"Liu Yunchang is also laid off, so if I go to their workshop to recruit people, wouldn't it be in vain?"

Liu Hongchang originally went to Liu Yunchang's maintenance workshop to recruit people.

At the beginning, there was still an illusion that Liu Yunchang would not be eliminated after there were fewer people in the workshop.

What I didn't expect was that Liu Yunchang was still disliked by the leader after Liu Hongchang hired five or six people in the workshop.

Liu Yunchang is an honest man. He has no technical problems, but he was eliminated. It can only be said that he has flaws in his life and cannot please the leader.

"I asked him to find a job, but he wouldn't go. He said that there were laid-off workers everywhere and he couldn't find a suitable job at all. I asked him to come to you and told him to work in your factory, but he didn't want to find you either. At home, I have been idle for half a month, and if she continues like this, she will let us two eat and drink whatever she wants!"

Previous companies have closed down one after another because the companies themselves were not managed well and could not sustain themselves.

This wave of layoffs is the result of enterprise restructuring organized by the city.

Even well-run companies still need to be aware of redundancies.

Therefore, this wave of layoffs is very concentrated, directly forming a wave of layoffs.

"Mom, your eldest son is so shameless. He really needs to be taught a lesson. After my sister-in-law was laid off, she didn't go to work because her child was still young and she was taking care of her children at home. Doesn't he, Liu Yunchang, a grown man, also have to take care of his children at home? "

Liu Hongchang invited Liu Yunchang again and again.

Liu Yunchang wasted Liu Hongchang's good intentions, but he was stubborn and unwilling to give up his iron rice bowl.

Now we can't blame Liu Hongchang for adding insult to injury.

"It's really time to teach him a lesson. You two are brothers. Brothers should support each other, but they just want to work for you. He has nothing to say to him."

"Sister-in-law, is Liu Yunchang at home now?"

"at home."

"Then let's go find him."

"Go and teach him a lesson?"

Wu Xiaoying hesitated.

In fact, Liu Hongchang could probably guess the purpose of Wu Xiaoying's visit.

Take advantage of the time when dinner is about to come and complain to Wang Cuilan.

On the surface, he was complaining to Wang Cuilan, but in fact, he was complaining to Liu Hongchang.

Liu Yunchang couldn't help himself, Wu Xiaoying obviously wanted Liu Hongchang to invite Liu Yunchang.

Give Liu Yunchang some face and a step forward.

"Let's go. If you don't teach him a lesson earlier and let him go to work, what will my eldest niece eat next month?"

Liu Hongchang picked up his eldest niece and left without giving Wu Xiaoying a chance to say anything.

Work must be done, and lessons must be learned, there is no contradiction.

The eldest niece actually followed Wang Cuilan and lived at Liu Hongchang's house.

Even the room, Liu Hongchang prepared one for his eldest niece.

The level of concern for their children is definitely not as high as that of Liu Yunchang and Wu Xiaoying's daughter Liu Hongchang when she was a child.

But for his eldest niece, Liu Hongchang at least regarded her as half of his own daughter.

The child is also very close to Liu Hongchang. Even if his biological mother is there, Liu Hongchang can hold him and leave.

"You two can't start fighting. I'll go with you." Wang Cuilan chased her out.

"Mom, you are overthinking this. There is no way Liu Yunchang will fight with me."

Because of Liu Hongchang's absolute superiority in force, the moment Liu Yunchang wanted to take action, Liu Hongchang could control it, and there was no possibility of a fight. (End of chapter)

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