Film and television started from Yan Jiecheng in the Siheyuan

Chapter 1010 If it doesn’t work, you have to brag.

"Brother Dunzi and Sister Junling, after you go to college and finish your classes, are you considered college students?"

Entertaining Houdunzi's family, Yang Maixiang heard about the boss's training class and was full of interest.

Even though Liu Hongchang knew that people in this era were eager to learn, he had never experienced it personally and his understanding was still not deep enough.

"I do have a diploma, but it's still not comparable to serious college students." Houdunzi replied.

I actually know it in my heart. If we talk about a diploma, this is the surface gloss.

"Maixiang, why don't you also go for training?"

Seeing Yang Maixiang's interest, Liu Hongchang suggested.

"Should I go too?" Yang Maixiang was obviously moved.

"Go ahead. The training is in our city and not far from our home. It's a good opportunity."

The more Liu Hongchang thought about it, the more appropriate he felt.

Yang Maixiang is not young yet and has the desire to improve, so she should not give up.

Although Ningzhou is not big, there are still some standard universities at the city level.

Although the school is not the top in the province, it is still considered to be below the best.

In the 1990s, business people were replaced by cultural people. It is really difficult to get along without some culture.

"If you go to class often, should you delay things in the factory?"

"Don't worry, Liuzi doesn't have much to do at this time. You can let Liuzi take over more things in the factory."

"This is indeed the case, but for such a good thing, shouldn't you and Liu Zi also train together?"

Yang Maixiang still puts men's status higher.

For this kind of opportunity, it is better to think of men first, which is in line with the tradition of this era.

Men need to take on more responsibilities and need to improve more.

"Six sons can participate in the next period."

Liu Zi is a man and can go out easily. If Liu Zi wants to improve, Liu Hongchang even wants to send Liu Zi to a big city for training.

Not to mention that the level of training courses is higher, but it is also important to go out and broaden your horizons.

Otherwise, if you just stay in a small rural city, it is really easy to become a real nouveau riche in the countryside.

"What about you? You just barely graduated from junior high school. Do you want to improve as well?"

"I don't need it, my learning ability is not good. With you and Liuzi, what you learn is what I learn. I am the big boss, and it is enough to know people well and assign them well."

"Then you should do the logistics from behind."

Yang Maixiang had some understanding of Liu Hongchang's preference to lie flat.

Liu Hongchang was not forced to train with him.

After all, if there are children at home, a chicken husband is not as good as a chicken baby.

In the next few days, Liu Hongchang was busy enrolling Yang Maixiang in school.

Hou Dunzi and Gao Junling came to the city because the training class was about to start.

Yang Maixiang also wants to join the class, so she must hurry up.

Fortunately, in this kind of class, the system is not so strict in all aspects.

The biggest condition is that you must be able to pay the starting tuition.

Tuition fees are not a problem for the old Liu family.

"Brother, my sister-in-law is going for training and promotion, and you are taking care of the baby at home. Isn't this a bit reversed?"

Yang Maixiang went to training, although some of the work in the factory was given to Liu Zi.

But the factory is in a relatively stable period, and nothing is actually going on.

After staying in the factory for a whole morning and finishing the work, Liuzi took his children to Liu Hongchang's house to play with him.

Liu Hongchang's yard is relatively large, so there are many things for all kinds of children to play with.

Swings, slides, courts, rocking cars and other facilities for children to play are no less than those in kindergartens.

"What's the point? Since your sister-in-law has this ambition, as a man, I should support her. Do you think it's unfair for you, a grown man, to take care of your children at home?"

Liu Hongchang was willing to lie down, but Liu Zi could not reach the realm. He was still young and passionate about his career.

I don’t know if it’s better to lie down, but I always want to enjoy life when I’m older.

I completely fail to realize that when I get older, I can no longer enjoy life.

I can't eat, drink, or play, so I can only survive.

"It's not that I feel aggrieved. I just feel that some of them are overqualified."

Liu Zi expressed in a subtle way that he was aggrieved.

"Yes, you, the sixth son, are no longer the apprentice six sons of the Second Canteen. You want to do a big career. Taking care of children is no longer your job, Boss Jiang. Then give me the child and go back to work in the factory. Bar."

Regarding Liu Zi's attitude towards life, Liu Hongchang somewhat resented the fact that iron cannot become steel, and despised his disciple for not knowing his blessings despite his blessings.

"If I just go back to the factory, nothing will happen, right?"

"If you want to do something, how can it be possible? Introduce some new technologies to the factory, help open up some new markets, and expand the production scale."

If you just want to maintain stability, of course there will be nothing wrong in the factory.

But if we want to become bigger and stronger, there will be endless things to do in the factory.

"Brother, I'd better take care of the child." Liu Zi thought about it.

Maybe it was because I felt that the stationery factory had been completely managed by two women.

I had scruples about getting involved, so I chose to refuse.

"I want to take care of a child, but I won't be able to take care of it for you for a long time. If the child gets older and is sent to kindergarten, you won't be needed anymore. If you have any ideas of your own, just go for it. I support you."

Liu Zi has always been very smart. Without Liu Hongchang to lead him, Liu Zi would definitely start doing business.

The business may not be big, but buying and selling is Liuzi's specialty.

If you want to give it a try, Liu Hongchang still supports it.

Regardless of whether it works or not, at least you can gain experience.

In the end, no matter what happens, there will be coal mine shares to back it up.

It is definitely no problem to have enough food and clothing.

"I really want to do something on my own, but now is not the time. Let's wait until my sister-in-law comes out of the training class. Now, brother, tell me, I am relatively free now, so should I buy myself a house? "

"It is indeed time to buy one, but there are not many decent houses in the city now. You might as well continue to live in the factory for a while."

Liuzi doesn't like the yard of the bungalow, but only likes the building.

If you buy a two-bedroom apartment with three bedrooms, you might as well continue to live in the factory.

"What about after living there for a while?"

"I heard that someone is already planning to build a villa in the east of the city. After the villa is built, you can buy one."

Although the small town is not developing rapidly, Ningzhou's real estate is finally showing some signs.

Ordinary buildings don't look very good yet, but some people are starting to build villas for wealthy people.

"Then I'll wait a moment." Liuzi nodded and said, "Hey, brother, do they make money building villas?"

"You must make money by making money. Otherwise, what would other people be busy with?"

In such an ordinary small city, real estate is actually not good.

If you want to make a lot of money from this, you have to wait at least twenty years.

But if you are just pursuing profits, this is not something that cannot be done.

"Can I do it?"

"Why do you do this? It's a big investment, you don't make much money, and you might lose your money. You still have a lot of free time, so think of other things to do." Since Liu Hongchang was asked for his opinion, Liu Hongchang must be the one to do it. Unsupported.

If you want to do this, in this era, there are only a few big cities where there is a little room for house prices to rise, and the profit is okay.

"Brother, can you show me the way?"

"Brother won't help you this time. I'll give you a chance to make your own decision."

Liu Hongchang was less involved, so that the six sons could completely make the decision and do something independently.

"Brother, don't you have any suggestions?"

"Yes, let me give you some advice. You can choose some industries with high technical content, so that the competition will be smaller in the future."

Only by mastering some core technologies will it be easier to survive for a long time.

After Liuzi thought about starting a business, he became very serious about it. He read newspapers and looked up information, let alone talk about it.

I also go out frequently to find people to understand various projects.

Liu Hongchang is not as free as before.

Houdunzi was training in the city and Liuzi went out for inspection, so Liu Hongchang needed to go to the mine more often.

Supervision cannot be stopped, and there are some problems in the books.

Liu Hongchang cannot afford safety issues.

In this kind of industry, you still can't be a hands-off shopkeeper.

Why do I have to go out two days every week?

He went to the mine for seven or eight days and to the stationery factory for seven or eight days. Liu Hongchang's time was only half gone.

The rest of the time, I have to be the king of children at home.

When the child is willing to stay at home, Wang Cuilan can be alone.

When children want to go out and play, they need Liu Hongchang more.

Although there are many places to play in the city, when taking such a young child out, the main thing is to go to the park.

If you walk too much at night, you will always encounter ghosts.

Liu Hongchang took his children to the park again that day. As soon as he went there, he saw an acquaintance, He Wenyuan.

He Wenyuan changed his partner again, and the two of them went on a date in the park.

Dating can be considered a dividing line in this era. People who prefer to be rich and show off as men already like to go on blind dates in restaurants.

But ordinary men and women have not given up on the tradition of dating in the park.


When Liu Hongchang saw He Wenyuan, He Wenyuan also saw Liu Hongchang.

He waved hello to Liu Hongchang from a distance.

Liu Hongchang chose not to see it and turned around, preparing to take the children to another place to play.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, didn't you hear me calling you?" But He Wenyuan was not ready to let Liu Hongchang go, so he ran to catch up with Liu Hongchang and grabbed Liu Hongchang's arm.

"Did you call me?"

"I called my brother-in-law, many times."

"What does it have to do with calling me brother-in-law? I'm not Li Jianbin."

Liu Hongchang shook off He Wenyuan's arm and said.

He Wenyuan's sense of proportion is much worse than that of ordinary girls.

Liu Hongchang was not sensitive to the title brother-in-law before.

But after getting involved with He Wenhui, I had a stress reaction to these two words.

As long as the three little white-eyed wolves of the He family call them brother-in-law, nothing good will happen.

"Wenyuan, wait for me, why are you running so fast?"

He Wenyuan was followed by a little tail.

The blind date ran over after He Wenyuan.

Although he is not good on the inside, He Wenyuan still has a good skin.

Although this skin is far from being civilized and intelligent, it still stands out among ordinary people.

Just looking at appearance, it can be said that the first impression you make on your date is pretty good.

No matter how modern it is, men are very realistic. They must first accept the outside before they can understand the inside.

"Then I'll call you Brother Hong Chang from now on, okay?"

"No, just call me Liu Hongchang. If you call me something else, I won't be used to it."

It's not that Liu Hongchang is mean, it's that Liu Hongchang really doesn't believe in He Wenyuan's politeness.

"Young man, you are on a blind date with He Wenyuan, right? Take her to play. Have a good date and try to win her over."

Liu Hongchang said to the young man who was following him.

The young man was of good quality and was ignored by He Wenyuan without getting angry.

He Wenyuan really needs to find someone with such a temper.

"Xiao Jiang, I met my niece. You don't need to send me back. Let's stop here today."

He Wenyuan also turned his head, but his words didn't make sense and he wanted to drive people away.

Liu Hongchang dragged He Wenyuan aside: "He Wenyuan, can you stop fooling around? Is it easy for your brother-in-law to find you a blind date? Can you not waste all his hard work? Besides, if this guy comes to really date you, you can just kick him out. Come on, are you polite?"

Since the young man was still around, in order to leave a good impression on the young man and take action against He Wenyuan as soon as possible, Liu Hongchang did not reprimand him loudly, but only persuaded him in a low voice.

Otherwise, He Wenyuan should be scolded all over his face.

"Brother Hong Chang, do you know what that man does? He is a vegetable seller, and his family is from the countryside. What do you think is going on with Li Jianbin now? Introduce all kinds of people to me. Who does he think I, He Wenyuan, am?"

Li Jianbin asked people to introduce many people to He Wenyuan, but they all failed.

In fact, it wasn't just He Wenyuan who didn't like anyone else.

After others got to know him deeply, they actually looked down on He Wenyuan.

Therefore, the requirements of the people Li Jianbin introduced to He Wenyuan would continue to decrease.

Apart from He Wenyuan's appearance, his urban household registration is already not very valuable, which can help add some points.

Those who are interested in He Wenyuan's household registration must come from rural areas.

"What's wrong with the vegetable vendor? After all, he's also a boss. Why isn't he better than you, the unemployed vagrant? What's wrong with the rural ones? Even if you have an urban household registration, you can't find a job. What's the difference between an urban household registration and a rural household registration? The difference. It’s not as good as someone else’s rural household registration, where you can be allocated some fields, and at least you don’t have to spend money on food.”

After clarifying the reality, Liu Hongchang continued:

"Hurry up and go on a date with someone. This guy has a simple and honest look on his face, and he looks like a down-to-earth person at first glance. It's not easy to meet someone like him. You must grasp it."

A woman like He Wenyuan who has seen everything and played with everything is actually the most suitable person for an honest person.

These are the experiences that many women have worked hard to sum up in the future. Liu Hongchang taught them to He Wenyuan for nothing, and he was already very proud.

Many facts prove that honest people are a good match like He Wenyuan.

"Xiao Jiang, please leave, we are not suitable."

Without thinking, He Wenyuan walked up to the young man and gave him a cold rejection.

Just now I just asked people to leave, now I want to brag about it.

"Xiao Jiang, right? He Wenyuan is joking with you. He is actually quite satisfied with you."

Liu Hongchang quickly followed to appease the young man and cherish the fruits of Li Jianbin's labor.

"Wenyuan, what's going on?" (End of Chapter)

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