"Then you have to be more confident. If you take someone out, you won't be able to bring him back."

Liu Hongchang can sympathize with Wang Cuilan's reluctance to let her eldest son leave home.

Although this era is open, Wang Cuilan, who reads newspapers and news every day, is still open-minded enough.

But it's normal for young people to go out and have a try. Liu Yunchang is already in his forties.

The conditions at home are already very good, so there is no need to worry anymore.

Even if a good man has ambitions in all directions, there is no need to let Liu Yunchang, a middle-aged man, go everywhere.

"You can rest assured that I will do things. Even if there is nothing, I can still find something for him. I will definitely make him realize clearly that he is not suitable to be a factory director in the provincial capital. He does not have the ability. Let him stay in Ningzhou honestly. "

Since Wang Cuilan was willing, Liu Hongchang still supported Wang Cuilan.

There are differences between my mother and my eldest brother. It is not difficult for Liu Hongchang to choose.

"Liu Yunchang, are you sure? It's okay to go to the provincial capital with me. Don't wait until you come back from the provincial capital and you two will fight again?"

Whether Liu Hongchang takes Liu Yunchang to the provincial capital depends on whether Liu Yunchang can handle Wu Xiaoying and whether he has Wu Xiaoying's consent.

If Liu Yunchang couldn't even deal with Wu Xiaoying, there would be no need for Liu Hongchang to take action.

"It's okay. Don't you know my status in our family? I always stick to my word."

Liu Yunchang, like most men in this era, brags and criticizes when he leaves home.

Every daughter-in-law who boasts is obedient and obedient.

The reality is that most of them don’t have that status.

Many women in the city have jobs and earn their own wages, so of course they are tough.

Compared with rural women, urban women awaken to their feminist consciousness earlier.

"Okay, Liu Yunchang, you can just brag about it to your workshop workers. Do you want to brag about it to me? It's not like I know your family status."

If a couple is exhausted, then men and women are considered equal.

It is impossible for Liu Yunchang to make the decision on such a big matter alone.

"I'm used to it." Liu Yunchang was not embarrassed after being exposed. He lost face in front of Liu Hongchang, so he was skinny and would not break the defense easily: "Your sister-in-law agreed that I would go to the provincial capital with you to visit."

"Okay, you go and arrange things in the workshop, and we'll leave after lunch."

This is a short distance of several hundred kilometers and a highway.

Liu Hongchang always drives there now. After all, the provincial capital is much larger than Ningzhou.

Bring a car there to make it easier to go out and meet guests.

It is also a businessman’s facade needs.

People in this generation are more straightforward, and their face is only in the car.

Depending on how much the car costs, it basically represents the level of the boss.

"I've finished explaining the workshop. How about we set off now? We can arrive at one or two o'clock now. We can go to the provincial capital for dinner."

When I don’t dare to go, I don’t dare to go. When I want to go, I am anxious.

"Okay, let's go now and get your things."

Liu Hongchang took a driver and Liu Yunchang, and the three of them set off for the provincial capital.

Just a few years after private cars became popular, bosses brought a driver as standard equipment.

Because he needed to go out to socialize, Liu Hongchang only took one with him.

It's not suitable to bring a beautiful secretary, but it's okay for a driver.

The driver's car was really just a decoration, because Liu Yunchang started school when he was interested in cars, and it was Liu Yunchang who drove the car on the road.

"Let's go to the factory to have a look first, and then you can live in the factory and get to know the situation in the factory first."

After having a meal in the provincial capital, Liu Hongchang was ready to send Liu Yunchang to the factory first.

Although the factory has just been taken over, production has not yet resumed.

There are just some security and administrative staff working.

However, due to the long shutdown, the situation in the factory is a mess, it can be said to be a mess.

There are thousands of things that need to be dealt with, enough to give Liu Yunchang a kick.

"how about you?"

After taking Liu Yunchang to visit the factory, get to know the administrative staff, arrange an office, and arrange a room for temporary accommodation, Liu Hongchang was ready to leave.

"I have my stuff to do and some government relations to deal with."

"Then I'm staying in the factory today, where will you stay?"

"Not necessarily. It depends on where you are after you are busy today. You can just live there."

Liu Hongchang is going to find a high-end hotel to stay in.

Liu Yunchang needs to endure hardship, but Liu Hongchang does not and will not treat himself badly.

Liu Hongchang really has something to do. The first thing to do is to deal with government relations.

"Leave such a factory to me?"

"Liu Yunchang, you are already a mature factory manager. It's time to learn to handle various things by yourself."

"What should I do first?"

Liu Hongchang has never regarded Liu Hongchang as the focus of his career.

Therefore, there was never any training for Liu Yunchang. It was completely dependent on Liu Yunchang's wild growth. In actual work, he learned some business management and production management experience.

"You can do whatever you want first, but the most important thing is to arrange for the factory to resume production as soon as possible. Even if this factory has laid off many workers, there are still more than 200 people, and we need to pay wages. If we are delayed for one day, we will all lose money. Family money.”

In addition to making demands on Liu Yunchang, Liu Hongchang also put pressure on Liu Yunchang.

The factory was purchased and there was no rent expense, but for the hundreds of workers, the basic salary was 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a month.

This time the workers have to do nothing but receive living allowances.

This expenditure is not small and can put enough pressure on Liu Yunchang.

"So many people don't go to work and let us spend money in vain. If you don't deal with it quickly, why are you running outside?"

"I have more important things to do than these."

Liu Hongchang is not just perfunctory to Liu Yunchang, he really wants to do something.

First, get through the relevant departments and make the relationship smooth, and then start arranging the factory step by step.

In addition to keeping up with the various departments, we also have to socialize.

Now that the factory has opened in the provincial capital, it is no longer just a sales department, and entertainment is inevitable.

Even if the factory has been taken over, both parties still have some needs.

Liu Hongchang needs various infrastructure support, including water supply, power supply and transportation.

Various policy supports are needed.

Of course, there are also jobs in provincial cities, and taxes need to be considered.

Because labor and living costs are lower in the city, Liu Hongchang is more willing to put his production base in Ningzhou, and he also wants to bring technology research and development personnel back to Ningzhou.

Even if the provincial capital agrees, they will go home and try to win over them.

Even if the headquarters of the stationery factory cannot be brought to the provincial capital, the minimum requirement is to provide more jobs in the provincial capital.

"Hong Chang, you are finally back. While you were away, many people came to the factory!"

Liu Yunchang was just thrown into the factory for three days. When Liu Yunchang saw Liu Hongchang again, it was like seeing a savior.

"Where is this? Isn't this what you have experienced? When you were laid off, didn't many people in your unit go to your factory leaders?"

Liu Yunchang only faced some laid-off workers, and it was just a simple difficulty.

Because when I took over the factory, the cutting was clean.

It did not take over the various debts of the factory.     Whether it is money owed to others or debts owed by others, we will not accept any debts.

Otherwise, it would be really scary if various suppliers demanding debts block the door.

These people are more difficult to deal with than the workers, and Liu Yunchang has no way to deal with them.

"Everyone is so pitiful. Everyone has lost his job. The whole family is about to starve to death. What should I do?"

When Liu Yunchang saw someone saying something pitiful, he couldn't bear it.

It is difficult for such a person to become a qualified capitalist.

"You didn't randomly agree to solve the work for others, did you? These people have been screened, and the most difficult batch are already in the factory. These people in the factory haven't eaten yet, so they can't afford to recruit more people. "

The factory is already shouldering a considerable burden. Even if it is short of people, it still needs to recruit people who can create benefits for the factory.

If we bring in these burdens again, we will really be operating at a loss.

Twenty years later, selling land and developing real estate may not be able to fill the housing holes.

"A few of them were really pitiful. I couldn't hold on, so I agreed."

"Liu Yunchang, how old are you, how can you still be so naive? Have you done actual investigation? Why did you accept someone just because you believed one side of the story?"

Liu Hongchang already felt that he had protected Liu Yunchang too well.

It's already the 1990s, but Liu Yunchang's thoughts are still stuck in the 1970s, maintaining the simplicity of the collective days.

"What should we do?"

"You've already promised me, what else can you do? Just buy some gifts and come to the door to apologize. Otherwise, if you make such an opening, you won't be bothered to death by people blocking the door."

It was definitely impossible to recruit people. It was not easy for the original factory leaders to solve the problem of layoffs.

You can't just open a hole and let everyone's emotions be aroused.

It's not about being a widower but about being unfair. Those who have been laid off are not wanted. It's better to solve it a little bit.

Suddenly a few more people are brought in, and there's no telling what the situation will develop into.

"Well, I'll handle it. I'll go to their homes to see if they are really in trouble."

"Let's do this for now. If it's really difficult, just help them find a job in the cooperative unit. You still have to seize the time and solve the problem of renovating the production line. Resuming production as soon as possible is the most important thing. "

Mechanical aspects are Liu Yunchang’s major.

This was considered a serious matter for Liu Yunchang to come over.

But because this is not in Ningzhou, without all kinds of connections and manpower, how to get things done as soon as possible is also a test for Liu Yunchang.

"Hong Chang, are you leaving again?"

"I have to find Xiao Changmao and the others. If we don't solve the sales problem, you won't be able to get money for the products you produce."

After increasing production capacity, the company must also expand the market.

Liu Hongchang also needs to discuss how to expand the market with the sales department stationed in the provincial capital.

Now that the company has reached this point, it is time to consider doing some advertising.

By this era, television had become somewhat popular.

Even in rural areas, it is not rare.

It cannot be said that every household has one, but a TV, even in rural areas, is unlikely to cause a sensation.

Of course, this is talking about ordinary rural areas, some isolated rural areas in the mountains, and cannot be generalized.

"Hong Chang, let's go back to Ningzhou. I am no longer the factory director."

Liu Hongchang met Liu Yunchang a week later and had already negotiated advertising matters at the provincial capital TV station.

While the advertising fees are still acceptable, build the brand first.

The advertising fees for satellite channels are quite expensive, but the advertising fees for other TV channels are quite friendly.

"What's wrong?"

"I discovered that I probably really don't have any management skills."

"The maintenance master in this factory doesn't give you face?"

It is to be expected that when you take over a factory, you will encounter some thorns with seniority.

The mentality of these people changes from factory owners to workers, which requires a process.

It can be said that now is the time when the mentality is exploding and the fire is strong.

Disobedience is normal, and these are ordinary workers. It will be even more difficult for the leadership.

This is also the reason why Liu Hongchang does not retain too many management personnel in addition to the problem of corruption.

"There are not many people in this factory who listen to me."

"Forget it, we'll sort it out slowly when we have time. Since you're not willing to do it, just wait for me for two days and we'll go back to Ningzhou."

Liu Yunchang can take over the team that has been trained

Liu Yunchang cannot handle this complicated situation, which is beyond Liu Yunchang's ability.

Liu Hongchang did not give Liu Yunchang too many rights.

"Okay, for such a long time, I have missed my mother and daughter."

Liu Yunchang knelt down very quickly, faster than Liu Hongchang expected.

Liu Hongchang also prepared a third step, asking Liu Yunchang to deal with suppliers, but it has not been used yet.

It seems that the supplier is asking the factory to help the factory supply goods.

But the factory does not have such an absolute advantage and still needs to negotiate.

Discussing the billing cycle and material prices, many details need to be negotiated.

Pressuring suppliers for payment is a common practice in this era.

In addition to doing business in this era, everyone likes to make IOUs.

It is also the actual demand of the enterprise. In order to ensure the quality of materials, pressing payment is a routine operation.

Liu Yunchang made a completely unreasonable request and embarrassed Liu Yunchang.

After the personnel sent by Yang Maixiang to take over the factory in the provincial capital arrived in the provincial capital, Liu Hongchang took Liu Yunchang back to Ningzhou.

This trip to the provincial capital was also a bad experience for Liu Yunchang.

After being taken to the factory, he basically never left the house.

Liu Hongchang was afraid that Liu Yunchang would be dazzled by the prosperity of the provincial capital.

I don’t want to go back and cannot complete the task assigned by Wang Cuilan.

Liu Yunchang was not allowed to experience the modernity of the provincial capital at all.

So I finally thought about asking Liu Yunchang to bring some gifts to his wife and children, and went to the mall to spend some money.

After returning to Ningzhou, Liu Hongchang met another frustrated man.

Hou Dunzi, the "big boss" who went to the south to do business.

"Dunzi, it's only been a few years, how many secretaries have you had?"

Although the business is not doing well and there are losses and profits, it is possible that the profits are less and the losses are more.

Thanks to the continuous cash flow support from coal mines, trade can continue.

But in terms of life, Houdunzi is enjoying it.

Every time he returned to Ningzhou, Liu Hongchang never saw Hou Dunzi returning with the same secretary.

For Houdunzi, he still got what he needed.

The social status has been improved, and those who engage in foreign trade are in a higher class than those who mine coal in the mountains. (End of chapter)

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