"The child is quite pitiful, otherwise the mother would not be willing to have another mouth."

Cunhua, who has a hard mouth and a soft heart, has always been like this.

He said it forcefully, but deliberately lowered his voice. It was obvious that he was worried, and Ziqiang felt mentally stressed after hearing it.

"It doesn't matter if I have more mouths. When the weather gets warmer, I can start to engage in some mountain goods, and my family's income will be more."

Gu Zhao said to the Cunhua, guarding this large forest, the people on the forest farm would actually not go hungry.

Even in the most difficult times, people here will never run out of food.

If you work harder, you can earn some income no matter what.

Even if there is no income, it is not difficult to find something to make ends meet.

In the past, the income of Lao Gu's family was relatively small, mainly due to the old and young who kept the flowers and managed the family.

I don't have much time to go out and chat with old ladies, let alone go hunting for goods in the mountains.

"Just go to your class and perform well at your job and strive to become a regular employee as soon as possible. You don't have to worry about family matters."

Na Cunhua's expectation for Gu Zhaocheng was to become a regular worker in the forest farm.

This is because the forest farm is too small, and the best way out is to become a forest farm employee.

"It's not a delay. My job is to patrol the woods, so doing this is just a casual thing."

Gu Zhaocheng doesn't really expect to get rich by picking up some wild vegetables, wild fruits, hazel mushrooms, and pine nuts.

When the season comes, these things are everywhere.

In this era when mountain goods are still priced at low prices, it can be said that it is a hard job to pay for them.

Gu Zhaocheng is considered to be relatively capable of working, and he can only serve as a supplement to his income.

"Then when the time comes, I will also go into the mountain and paddle a little bit with you." Na Cunhua thought for a moment and said.

Gu Zhaocheng didn't expect that he would even inspire the idea of ​​saving flowers and going into the mountains, so he quickly stopped him:

"Don't go into the mountains. Not to mention how hard it is. There are people of all ages working at home. If you go too, who will provide the logistics for our family?"

Gu Zhaoxi was blinded in one eye because of an accident when he went into the mountains to look for mushroom picker Na Cunhua.

Although Gu Zhaocheng has warned his little brother many times in this regard.

Don't run into the mountains alone, chances are something won't happen.

Gu Zhaoxi just knocked once, and it happened to hit his eye. This was actually a small matter.

At another time, it would basically not be the same situation.

But even though he was 80% or 90% relieved, Gu Zhaocheng was still a little sensitive about this matter.

"Isn't it just three meals a day at home? You can bring lunch out in the morning..."

Maybe it's because the children are older and they don't have to keep it in front of them all the time, or maybe last winter, the family's finances were too difficult, so I saved the flowers because I really wanted to try my best to help the family earn some money.

"We'll talk about this later. By then, maybe something will happen."

It was still early, and Gu Zhaocheng didn't want to persuade Na Cunhua to change his mind now.

After such a long time, there might be another surprise later.

Write the things down, and when the time comes, if you can't persuade him, then find something else to do for Na Cunhua.

According to the custom of Xingjie's first visit to the Gu family, Ziqiang's first day at the Gu family will also have a sense of ceremony.

Although they didn't make dumplings, they cooked a table of delicious dishes and welcomed Ziqiang to the Gu family.

"Happy sign, self-improvement, get up."

When Ziqiang arrived at Gu's house, Gu Zhaocheng was living at home again, so of course he woke Ziqiang up to exercise together in the morning.

Both of them are still children and have great potential for growth. It would be good to exercise more to strengthen their physical fitness.

It is not the tradition of the Gu family to treat Gu Zhaoxi alone and treat children differently.

"Brother, our family gets up so early in the morning." Ziqiang was not used to it so early. He rubbed his eyes blearily and asked drowsily.

Ziqiang was well educated by Liu Yuliang, and he still felt a sense of belonging when he arrived at Lao Gu's house.

"It's not too early. You are at your age. You don't need so much sleep. Eight hours a day is enough." Gu Zhaocheng replied.

"Strengthen yourself and get up, everyone is about to get up."

Children sleep for eight hours, and adults like Xingjie, who is over 18 years old, of course sleep even less.

During the critical period of the senior year of high school, it is impossible to guarantee eight hours of sleep, and six hours is considered good.

Chen Xingjie is not a genius. He has good academic performance and hard work plays a big role. He is a small town problem solver who has really worked hard.

Of course, Xingjie didn't get up early to exercise.

When I get up in the morning, I start memorizing English words. It really takes this effort to defeat those students in the city.

"Zhaocheng, do you want to take this child out for exercise?"

At this time, Na Cunhua would basically get up and start cooking, which meant that Gu Changshan could take a little more rest, but it wouldn't be long.

"Exercise some exercise. You will grow taller if you exercise more."

Gu Zhaocheng replied Na Cunhua and took the two of them out for exercise.

The self-improvement character is relatively weak.

Those with strong personalities are afraid of getting into trouble, while those with weak personalities are afraid of being bullied.

Exercise time is also an opportunity to educate your children.

As the eldest brother, he always has to worry about his little brother.

After returning from exercise, we have breakfast and then the family goes their separate ways.

Go to school, go to work, go to work, only the flowers are left at home.

Gu Zhaocheng only had two dogs. If he had more dogs, he would keep one to accompany Cunhua to relieve his boredom.

After Liu Ziqiang arrived at home, his impact on the family's life was actually very small.

How to raise Gu Zhaoxi, just how to raise Liu Ziqiang.

This is truly like herding one sheep, and driving two sheep. It’s really just a matter of cooking one more meal at home.

During normal times, the children go to school, and Liu Ziqiang also plays with Gu Zhaoxi after school.

Make sure not to cause any trouble to the family.

There won't be a biological mother here, and something will happen from time to time.

As long as the child and the Gu family help make the decision.

As for Liu Yuliang's matter, Qin Yan didn't show up and didn't pay attention to it.

Gu Changshan has to follow the police station and do the work.

The case involves Liu Yuliang's hometown in Shandong, and communication between the two places requires a process.

The other is to go through the adoption procedures for the child.

Lao Gu's family does not have many conditions and has many children. It is a bit troublesome to adopt a child, but it is always better than sending the child to an orphanage.

I don’t know if anyone would be willing to adopt such a big child.

Children who are healthy in all aspects are actually favored by various adoptive families.

However, it is still unknown whether the adoptive family's character will be good to the children.

Moreover, Ziqiang also has a father who is in jail. He is not carefree and will not be able to deny it in the future. This can be regarded as an obstacle.

Liu Yuliang clearly wanted the Gu family to adopt the child.

It is obviously a better choice to keep the child with the Gu family.

This matter is mainly the work of Gu Changshan and the police station.

Gu Zhaocheng couldn't participate, and there was no need to participate. But Gu Zhaocheng had his own affairs during this time. Years ago, when Gu Zhaocheng first became a ranger and became familiar with the forest, he rescued a doe from a poacher's snare.

It can be regarded as knowing the existence of this deer, and Gu Zhao was more serious when he patrolled the forest before he became an adult.

It was true that many traps were destroyed, but this deer was not spared either.

In such a big forest, it is really unrealistic for Gu Zhaocheng to check all the traps bit by bit.

When Gu Zhaocheng found this doe, she had been trapped for a long time.

It is a situation of being completely separated from the deer herd.

When Gu Zhaocheng let her go, the doe did choose to leave.

But not long ago, the doe gave birth to two calves. The weather in March was actually not very suitable for animals to give birth. Not to mention it was a little cold, and there was not enough food.

Since no deer herds were found and it was difficult to find food, the mother deer may feel that she cannot raise her cubs.

Then he found Gu Zhaocheng again, bringing two cubs to feed.

Not to mention after feeding, the doe followed Gu Zhaocheng with her fawn every day, shamelessly asking Gu Zhaocheng to be the breeder.

The original Gu Zhaocheng defected to Lu, probably because he was naturally kind.

But now Gu Zhaocheng also has the bug-level talent of "Animal Friends".

Born to be favored by these herbivores, even the carnivores in the forest would not take the initiative to attack Gu Zhaocheng.

Just this talent is actually very suitable for survival in this forest.

It’s just that I was born twenty years late, otherwise it wouldn’t be so difficult to get rich.

It happens to be the time when the resources in a forest are most depleted. Even if it is a few years later, the forest will be able to recover a lot and it will not be so desolate.

"Lu Zi, you have to work harder and smell it carefully to see if there is any smell of your deer nearby. We still need to find your husband quickly."



Two deer, one large and three small, responded to Gu Zhaocheng.

When a big deer calls, it sounds like a deer call. When a small deer calls, it sounds like a lamb.

"Da Hua, Xiao Hua, please do your best to find your father as soon as possible so that I can reunite your family."

After speaking to the doe, Gu Zhaocheng spoke to the two fawns.

Of course, neither the doe nor the fawn could understand human speech, and they just chirped to signal that they heard Gu Zhaocheng speaking.

Gu Zhaocheng is now taking them around the forest, tracking the traces of the deer.

If the deer can be found, these three mature deer will be Gu Zhaocheng's undercover agents.

It is possible to use three deer to conquer a herd.

Raising three deer is certainly not difficult for Gu Zhaocheng.

But Gu Zhaocheng is having a hard time at home now, so he doesn't want to simply do good deeds.

Without killing the chicken to retrieve the eggs, it would take at least three years to make any profit from these three deer.

Waiting for the big flower inside the two fawns, the little buck to grow, took a little too long.

I am going to take these three deer, one big, two small and three, to find their husbands and fathers.

The weather will get warm soon, and once it warms up, it will be time to collect velvet antler.

Gu Zhaocheng was confident that he could collect velvet antlers without harming the deer.

Of course, I don’t want to miss this opportunity, which is the easiest to earn my first pot of gold.

If the deer herd were larger, Gu Zhaocheng could easily complete the first wave of accumulation.

Because of the wanton hunting before, the resources in the forest are now exhausted.

Therefore, the price of medicinal materials such as wild deer antlers is also at a peak.

The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish, the same applies to this forest.

But before Gu Zhaocheng found his husband and father with the three deer, the forest farm here first found Gu Zhaocheng:

"Zhaocheng, the bureau is organizing training for forest rangers. Why don't you go to the city to participate?"

"This requires training. Should we train everyone, or just the newcomers like us?"

Gu Zhaocheng knew that he had not participated in the training yet, so he went to work directly.

Training is definitely necessary, but I didn't expect the timing to be so unlucky.

It can't be said that it was a coincidence. If the forest farm wants to organize training, it must be at a relatively free time.

After the weather warms up, tree planting will begin on the forest farm.

This kind of training activity must be arranged during relatively free time both on and off the forest farm.

During this period, the forest farm has completed its production tasks and has not yet started planting seedlings.

It’s a time when everything is free up and down.

"All rangers must participate in training, mainly newcomers like you." The old ranger replied.

"How long will this study take?" Gu Zhaocheng continued to ask.

I still don't want to go. Gu Zhaocheng has taught himself almost everything a ranger needs to know.

Training at this time is of little significance to Gu Zhaocheng and is a waste of time.

"It doesn't take long, only a week."

The old ranger heard Gu Zhaocheng's resistance and emphasized that this time was not long.

"If it's a week, I'll go there." Gu Zhaocheng thought for a moment and said.

It didn't take long, and Gu Zhaocheng could go to the city to stay for a few days.

It's not a delay. I've caught fish for a long time and haven't processed it yet. I can go to the city to process it again.

Although I fished in a ground trap, I waited a few days to collect it.

It's not as efficient as Gu Zhaocheng's use of sticky nets and fishing rods, but it saves trouble, so you can't ask for too much.

Gu Zhaocheng doesn't have much capital to be picky now. He is still in the accumulation stage. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

"This ranger..."

For training activities like this, there will definitely be a roll call and sign-in session on the first day.

They are all a group of adults, and they behave like primary school students in class.

Since Gu Zhaocheng came to the city, he came to the bureau to participate in training and reported again.

I stopped skipping classes and started listening honestly on the first day.

What he said was similar to what Gu Zhaocheng knew.

Only the protected species in the forest will be updated.

The quality that could be harvested in the past may need to be protected after a while.

There are some differences between the policies of the previous period and the policies of this period.

You can learn about these things.

The training that started on the second day was the previous knowledge on fire prevention, hunting prevention, and disaster prevention.

Gu Zhaocheng could just skip some classes, which he already knew a lot about, and work on his own affairs.

The training organized by the bureau is not without personal benefits.

After calling people to the city, they always help solve the problem of food and accommodation.

Although the conditions for food and accommodation are not very good, they eat in the bureau's canteen and live in the forestry unit's own guest house.

If you don't want to spend tens of dollars to stay in a hotel, this condition is okay. (End of chapter)

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