Chapter 1074 Differential Arrangements
"Sister-in-law Cunhua, you are lucky. Not only can you marry a college student, but you can also train a college student. You have trained more than one. Now you have three college students in your family."

"Yes, the first, second, and third universities in the forest farm are all from Cunhua's sister-in-law's family."

"None of the women in our forest farm are as good as Sister-in-law Cunhua. She is a promising man and has excellent children."

Compared with when Xingjie was admitted to college, Lao Gu's popularity in the forest farm is better now.

Most of the villagers either pointed at Gu Changshan or Gu Zhaocheng to discuss their livelihood.

Of course, the flowing water banquet was more lively, and Cunhua received more compliments and adulation.

The lives of every family in the forest farm are also much better than before.

Regardless of whether there is a forest farm employee in the family or not, it is not difficult to make a good income now.

If you don't have to worry about food and clothing, you will be more in the mood to join in the fun, eat and drink and participate in the flowing water banquet.

"Don't say that either. Although the children in Sister-in-law Cunhua's family are excellent, the other children in the forest farm are not bad either. Our Fengqin was also admitted to university, and he was admitted to a serious university."

Of course, people's hearts are complicated, and no matter how well the old Gu family does, they can't satisfy everyone.

Even on such occasions, not everyone compliments Na Cunhua.

Second Aunt Ma was annoyed by how prosperous and prosperous the old Gu family had been in recent years.

When the old Gu family was in trouble, the relationship between Ma Eryi and Na Cunhua was able to maintain a good relationship.

But as Lao Gu's life gets better and better.

Second Aunt Ma wanted to be strong and didn't want to be weaker than others. In addition, Fengxia's marriage was not going well and she couldn't get married, so she was rejected by both sons of the Gu family.

Second Aunt Ma became more and more bitter towards the old Gu family.

"His second aunt, although our family Zhaoxi is a sports student, he is also admitted to a serious university. The child relies on his own ability, which is no different from your family Fengqin."

Na Cunhua is still very protective of her children. Children adopted by Xingjie and Ziqiang need to be protected. Their biological Yaoer Zhaoxi cannot accept being questioned or being criticized.

"His second aunt also has children who have been admitted to college. Old Gu's family is going to hold a flowing banquet for three days. Do you want your family to follow suit for three days in such a lively manner?"

The aunt sitting next door started teasing Aunt Ma directly.

After the Gu family has become more popular, there will of course be more people helping Cunhua speak up.

"Let's put it on, you just wait, our family will also set up a banquet."

Second Aunt Ma has always been unable to bear the excitement.

"His second aunt, there is no need. It will cost a lot of money to set up the flowing water mat."

Na Cunhua was kind-hearted and advised Aunt Ma.

Not to mention that Lao Gu's family was setting up a banquet this time and invited the best cooks in the city.

Chicken, duck, fish, fresh seafood, famous cigarettes and famous wines have raised the level of Sandaogou Liushui Banquet to such a high level.

The question is whether the Liang family can keep up with the standards.

It was this time that the old Gu family was hosting a banquet, and they had agreed in advance that they would not accept any gifts.

If the Liang family wants to run the running banquet, it will be impossible to do it smoothly.

If the gift money is not accepted, the Liang family will lose a fortune.

If you receive gift money, it will definitely be used to compare with the Gu family, which is not elegant enough.

When Lao Gu's family holds running banquets, they actually always receive gift money.

Xingjie received a lot of gifts for his college entrance banquet.

Mainly because many people thought that Xingjie was an "orphan" and gave Xingjie personal support, so it was really hard for Cunhua to refuse it on Xingjie's behalf.

"Do it, don't look down on me. Our family must do it. You are all waiting to come to our house for dinner."

It's okay if I don't persuade her to save the flowers, but Aunt Ma will be even more competitive when I persuade her.

"Okay, okay, we will definitely go."

Given this atmosphere, people who do good things will naturally respond directly.

Aunt Ma Er is just a small episode, and it will not affect the success of Lao Gu's family.

Except for a few people who were a little bitter, most of them were kind to the Gu family.

Gu Changshan and Na Cunhua have been kind to people for decades, but it is not useless at all.

Most people still recognized Gu Changshan's character.

Feng Qin’s flowing water banquet, the old Gu family members could not participate.

The time has come, Lao Gu's family is going to Shenzhen.

Although the entire Gu family actually likes Feng Qin.

But compared to Xingjie, Feng Qin still had to lean back.

Xingjie has lived in Lao Gu's house for two years, and has been in constant contact with him over the years, as a family member.

As for Fengxia, she lived at Lao Gu's house for a few months.

Although I can see him often from now on, his identity has changed.

Just a neighbor's kid.

Since we didn't get along day and night, the relationship still faded away.

"Hi dad, please bring all the things you should bring. These are the things Xingjie likes to eat."

After having breakfast together, Na Cunhua started working on the kang.

While helping Gu Changshan pack his luggage, he gave Gu Changshan instructions, basically not worrying about anything.

This day is the scheduled time for Gu Changshan to fly to Shencheng.

Cunhua didn't care about his family. They all came back to have breakfast, feeling strange.

In addition to Gu Changshan's clothes, he also brought many specialties from his hometown to Xingjie.

Thinking that Gu Changshan was going on a long journey, they all came back to see Gu Changshan off.

Na Cunhua actually prepared a lot of things for Xingjie, filling a large suitcase.

Although the fungus, dried fruits, bacon, and pickles I brought with me looked a little low when I went out like this.

But the taste of hometown is definitely worth bringing.

“Mom, don’t just pack dad’s things, pack your own things too.

We are going to Shencheng together. The weather is very hot there, so there is no need to bring thick clothes. Just bring two thin clothes. "

Gu Changshan went alone or with the whole family, so the things he had to bring were pretty much the same, just a few specialties.

Everyone else just needs to bring a few sets of clothes each.

"Mom, our family is all going to Shencheng to attend Brother Xingjie's wedding."

"Mom, my father's luggage has been packed. Now I just need your things."

Zhaoxi and Ziqiang took out their luggage and said, these two people are positioned as assistants.

"What happened at this time? Why did the whole family have to go? Did you discuss it with me?" Na Cunhua was a little confused at the moment.

"I know you won't go even after discussing it with you, so we will buy your tickets directly. They are all on the same flight. Pack up quickly and we are about to leave." Gu Zhaocheng continued.

"Mom, if you are not prepared, that's okay. When we get there, we can buy whatever we need. It's a big city over there, and shopping is much more convenient than here."

Gu Zhaocheng's wife followed and persuaded Na Cunhua.

The daughter-in-law has a relatively high reputation, so if she doesn’t directly object to the deposit of flowers, she can at least be regarded as a deputy C.

"Hey, if your child wants to go, just go with him. I know you want to go too."

Gu Changshan also followed suit. Gu Changshan spoke very forcefully and was considered a wild core.

"Cunhua, let's go together. Even an old man like me is going. Is it possible that you want to stay at home alone?"

Song Liuxi had already been given a good job by Gu Zhaocheng.

Except for things other than planting trees, the old man is very obedient and is a very good communicator.

Of course the old man has the most face, he is considered the main C.

"It's getting late, let's set off quickly, we have to go to the provincial capital first."

After the whole family went into battle, of course Cunhua couldn't hold on to his little thoughts and concerns.

The family first drove to the provincial capital to the airport, and met Lin Heng and his wife in the waiting room. The two families are quite unfamiliar now, especially Lin Xiaoqing's mother, who has her head raised as if she has cervical spondylosis and a look of arrogance on her face.

No one except Gu Changshan wanted to spoil Lin Xiaoqing's mother.

The two families didn't communicate much when they boarded the plane, just a simple greeting.

"Deputy Director Lin, long time no see."

After getting on the plane, Gu Zhaocheng chose to sit next to Lin Heng.

"Zhaocheng, the boss of the Changshan family, you have done a great job in developing tourism in Sandaogou in the past few years. I have heard of your name even in the provincial capital."

Lin Heng's attitude towards the Gu family is okay.

When the two of them were confused, Lin Heng was quite opposed to it.

But Xingjie and Lin Xiaoqing started dating and decided to get married.

Although Lin Heng was still dissatisfied, he still accepted the marriage and approved of Xingjie.

"Fortunately, it's all thanks to the leadership of the bureau."

Lin Heng was polite, so Gu Zhaocheng replied in a fake polite manner.

Although Gu Zhaocheng's development did not receive any help from the bureau, if the bureau did not cause trouble, it would be regarded as support.

"Boss of the Gu family, where are your parents and grandfather? Why are they missing?"

Lin Xiaoqing's mother was in the cabin, looking around and asked contemptuously.

Lin Xiaoqing's mother has an unfriendly attitude towards the Gu family.

In his heart, he has the arrogance of coming from a big city.

The man's position is getting higher and higher, which adds to the pride of being a leader's family member.

This woman has a very high vision, even though she has no abilities or abilities.

But in the entire Northeast, there are not many people who can be attracted to this woman.

He doesn't like the old Gu family, but he still wants the Gu family to have a male attitude.

It was obvious that they disliked Gu Changshan and Song Liuxi for not accompanying him, the female parent.

"It was their first time flying, and I was afraid they wouldn't get used to it, so I let them sit in first class."

All the plane tickets were paid for by Gu Zhaocheng.

This is the request of father Gu Changshan.

I feel that the Lin family is the head of the woman's family. If she goes to attend the wedding of the couple, the man has the obligation to pay for the travel expenses.

Of course Gu Zhaocheng would not refuse Gu Changshan's request.

"Does his flight only have three first-class cabins?"

Lin Xiaoqing's mother's face darkened, and she was obviously unhappy.

I just had to ask Gu Zhaocheng if he felt that he was not worthy of flying first class.

In fact, only Lin Heng in the Lin family makes money.

Although the leader's salary is high, Lin Heng is unwilling to make mistakes.

It's definitely not how rich he is.

However, Lin Xiaoqing's mother's petty bourgeoisie smell cannot be heavier, and she has very high requirements for the quality of life.

"Of course not. Even if the plane is not big, there are still seven or eight first-class seats. But Deputy Director Lin is a leader after all, so he should pay attention to the impact when he goes out. I chose economy class on purpose because I was afraid of damaging the director's reputation."

Gu Zhaocheng knew that Lin Xiaoqing's mother had such a problem.

He also chose this deliberately to separate Lin Xiaoqing's mother, Gu Changshan, and Na Cunhua.

Otherwise, this woman would look down on Gu Jia and find a lot of faults no matter what.

If they want to do it separately, Gu Zhaocheng will definitely not hesitate to arrange a better experience for his elders.

"You are so thoughtful, you are worthy of being a businessman..."

Lin Xiaoqing's mother said yin and yang.

"Okay, Zhaocheng's consideration is not unreasonable. It will only take a few hours and you will be there if you persist."

Lin Heng said to smooth things over.

"Yes, just hold on and you'll be there. It's not as comfortable as home when you go out. If you want to be comfortable, you can stay at home and not go out."

Gu Zhaocheng felt that he was interesting enough. In order to avoid Xingjie losing face, he said that the Gu family did not take care of the Lin family and stayed with the Lin family in economy class.

He's quite big, so he's been aggrieved by being cramped in the economy class.

If you don’t have money, of course you can sit anywhere.

But now Gu Zhaocheng is rich and has no shortage of money.

"Dad, Mom!"

After arriving in Shenzhen, Xingjie and Lin Xiaoqing came to pick them up.

As soon as they met, they all went to their parents.

Xingjie has been here for eight years, and the number of times he has returned to the forestry farm can be counted on one hand.

On average, it takes two years to go back and stay for a few days.


"Brother, it's a good sign to be strong."

After greeting his parents, Xingjie had time to say hello to Gu Zhaocheng.

"Xingjie (Brother Xingjie)..."

We haven’t seen each other for a long time, so we exchanged pleasantries at the airport for a long time, at least twenty minutes.

The Lin family has a small family of three, so naturally they don't have much to say.

"Xiaoqing, how long do we have until we can leave? We are already very tired after sitting so far. Your dad and I need to take a rest."

Lin Heng didn't show much, but Lin Xiaoqing's mother got impatient with the waiting.

This woman is really hypocritical and very good at acting. It is really not easy to raise a girl like Lin Xiaoqing.

"Since we're tired, we'll leave right away. Xingjie, have you arranged a place to stay?"

Gu Changshan said immediately after hearing it.

This dad may have stayed in the forest farm for too long.

Affected by the general environment where it is difficult for forest farm boys to find wives, when facing a woman, she cannot be strong-willed at all.

Lin Xiaoqing was the girl from the leader's family, so Gu Changshan's attitude was even weaker.

What stands out is that he is humble and cautious in everything, for fear that the Lin family will be dissatisfied.

But in fact, although Lin Heng is a big cadre.

But it was impossible for Lin Heng to violate any principles and give Xingjie any help.

When Xingjie doesn't return to his hometown, this cadre family is equivalent to no one.

Xingjie is not short of money now, he has just graduated from graduate school and is studying for a doctorate.

Matching up with Lin Xiaoqing is no longer a high achievement. There is no need to let Lin Xiaoqing's mother act like a monster.

"Dad, the place to live has been arranged." Xingjie replied.

After so many years outside, Xingjie is no longer the novice who can set his home on fire.

He has been able to handle all kinds of things very thoroughly. Of course, it is impossible for the old man in his hometown to arrange a hotel poorly.

"Master, are you tired?" Gu Zhaocheng asked Song Liuxi loudly.

"I'm not tired yet." The old man looked around, a little dazzled.

Don’t say whether you like it or not, the old man must be looking fresh.

"Sir, it's still like you. Laborers who have been working in the mountains are strong and will definitely live a long life in the future. Since you are not tired, let's go shopping in this big city?" Gu Zhaocheng said with something in mind.

(End of this chapter)

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