Chapter 1078 Indecision
"Sister-in-law Cunhua, go out and talk to me."

Second Aunt Ma looked at the people in the room and pulled Na Cunhua to go out.

"What are you talking about? Why are you still avoiding people?"

"If you want to talk about it, it must be something that cannot be known to too many people."

"Zhaocheng, go wash some more fruits for your uncles and aunts, and I'll go out with your second aunt."

Cunhua couldn't resist Ma Eryi's general pattern.

After a brief explanation, she was half-actively and half-passively dragged into the courtyard by Aunt Ma to chat alone.

"Sister-in-law Cunhua, are you really confused or are you pretending to be confused? Don't you know at all what our Fengju thinks about your Zhaoxi?"

Because Fengju was too infatuated, even if she identified Zhaoxi, Aunt Ma didn't even think about avoiding taboos when talking about it.

Even if the forest farm is closed, the people in the village have a more open attitude towards young people's love than they did seven or eight years ago.

Maybe it was through Fengxia that Aunt Ma learned a lesson.

Emotionally, if you are just secretly in love or hinting, you will not get good results if you hide it, so it is better to reveal your thoughts as early as possible and take advantage of it.

"You mean Fengju likes my family Zhaoxi?" Na Cunhua said in surprise: "How is that possible? The two of them just played together since they were young. They have a close relationship and like to play together."

"If we just like to play together, why can't my Fengju chase your Zhaoxi to the provincial capital?" Second Aunt Ma asked.

"Your Fengju is only sixteen. She can understand this. Isn't she in puppy love?"

Na Cunhua was obviously not able to accept Zhaoxi and Fengju.

Fengju has a strong personality, let alone a hot temper.

Na Cunhua himself has a gentle personality, and living in the forest farm, if Gu Changshan had not been the captain and had status, he would have suffered a lot.

But I don’t reject my daughter-in-law’s strong character.

But in terms of culture, Fengju only graduated from junior high school, so she obviously didn't meet Na Cunhua's expectations for Zhaoxi's girlfriend.

"She has been clamoring for how many years to marry your Zhaoxi family. How can she not understand this? She is not a child for falling in love early." Second Aunt Ma frowned and stamped her feet: "I don't know what evil she has done. , all the girls who gave birth like your family so much.”

"His second aunt, even if this matter is true, you came over and said, how do you want me to deal with this matter?"

Think about it, Fengju has been clamoring to marry Zhaoxi since she was a child.

It can be said that it is a joke when you are a child, but it is no longer a joke when you are a teenager.

Na Cunhua didn't want to but could only believe that Fengju just liked Zhaoxi and wanted to marry Zhaoxi.

"I'm here to let Zhaoxi be in charge. Our family Fengju will follow Zhaoxi to the provincial capital. Your family Zhaoxi must give me a guarantee. Should the two of us establish their relationship?"

Aunt Ma Er's words went beyond Na Cunhua's expectations.

Na Cunhua originally thought that Ma Eryi was asking for trouble and wanted to separate the two of them.

I asked Na Cunhua to help persuade Gu Zhaoxi, and asked Gu Zhaoxi to persuade Fengju not to go to the provincial capital.

I didn't think of directly establishing a relationship between two people. Seeing this, if possible, it would be fine to directly arrange a marriage for two people.

"His second aunt, the child is still young..."

Na Zunhua said in a dilemma.

"It's just that the child is still young, which makes it even more uneasy. What should I do if your son delays my girl again?"

Fengxia became an old girl and could not get married.

No matter what others think, Aunt Ma gave all the blame to the Gu family.

"You go back first and let me think about how to tell the child about this."

Na Cunhua was kind-hearted and didn't want to see Fengju delayed again. Although he didn't know how to deal with this matter, he still agreed.

"That's the thing. What do you think we should do now?"

After everyone at home watching the excitement left, Na Cunhua called Gu Changshan and Gu Zhaocheng to discuss Zhaoxi's issue.

"Mom, Fengxia has never gotten married, but it has nothing to do with me, and it actually has nothing to do with Xingjie. Although she likes Xingjie, no one in our family has promised her anything."

After Gu Zhaocheng heard this, he first threw the pot away.

Fengxia became an old maid because of her bad reputation and her high standards.

This blame cannot be shouldered by others.

It can't be said that Fengxia likes Xingjie. Xingjie is too good and Fengxia's eyesight has become high. It's Xingjie's fault.

"It has nothing to do with our family in the first place." He was quite sure, but Cunhua didn't have much confidence in what he said.

I feel that the two sons of the old Gu family have to bear part of the responsibility for rejecting Fengxia.

"It has nothing to do with our family. Don't feel any burden because of Fengxia's incident. Now use Zhaoxi's life-long event to compensate their family."

Gu Zhaocheng affirmed to Na Cunhua, confirming Na Cunhua's heart.

"I think Fengju is pretty good. Although she has a bit of a hot temper, she is sincere and not pretentious. It is suitable for Zhaoxi and us to grow up together since childhood."

Gu Changshan laughed and said.

Gu Changshan has a very open attitude towards Zhaoxi's marriage. He does not insist on equality between men and women, and they are of the same family.

From the fact that Gu Changshan married Na Cunhua who brought Gu Zhaocheng with him, we know that Gu Changshan is quite liberal in marriage.

"Is Zhaoxi your biological son? He is going to college in the provincial capital soon. He will also be a college student in the future. He should also find a girl from a big city." Na Cunhua glared at Gu Changshan and said.

Na Cunhua was obviously angry, and Gu Changshan had no requirements for Zhaoxi's marriage.

"We all come from forest farms, why do we have to find girls from big cities."

Gu Changshan retorted, asking whether Lin Xiaoqing's mother had caused a shadow for Gu Changshan.

"Mom and Dad, it doesn't make much sense for us to argue about this matter. It still depends on Zhaoxi. He can find someone wherever he wants. In matters of love, it's better for Zhaoxi to make the decision."

Of course, Gu Zhaocheng couldn't watch two people quarreling, so he tried to persuade them.

Na Cunhua and Gu Changshan looked at each other and thought for a moment: "We should let Zhaoxi make the decision on his own. Which of you will tell Zhaoxi about this?"

"If dad doesn't feel comfortable speaking, then I'll go talk to Zhaoxi."

Gu Zhaocheng took over this matter. Gu Zhaocheng felt that Na Cunhua dragged him to the family meeting today just to let Gu Zhaocheng communicate with Zhaoxi.

"Okay, then go ahead and go now." Na Cunhua urged.

Gu Zhaocheng left the old Gu's house and came to the new house he built.

This house has been built for seven or eight years and is no longer considered a "new house."

But the house was in pretty good condition. Before Zhaoxi and Ziqiang got married, they lived in three large tile-roofed houses that were quite spacious.

"Gu Zhaoxi, please stop playing games. Can you deal with your emotional issues first? Your future mother-in-law has come to our house and has to explain to our mother, you know?"

Regardless of the uncertainty about Zhaoxi and Fengju, it is basically certain that Gu Zhaoxi will be the son-in-law of the Liang family.

Zhaoxi likes Liang Fengqin, and Zhaoxi likes Liang Fengju. If nothing unexpected happens, Zhaoxi will definitely choose one.

"What, brother, I can't understand what you are saying?"

Zhaoxi took off the headphones from his ears and replied.

"Do you know that Fengju is going to the provincial capital to work?"

"I know. Feng Ju told me that we will go to the provincial capital together then."

Zhaoxi replied directly without hesitation.

It was obvious that the two people were communicating about this matter. Maybe Gu Zhaoxi also agreed to give Fengju support and help Fengju find a job in the provincial capital.

"You know it, but you still let Feng Ju go. Do you think it's appropriate for a big girl from the Liang family to go to the provincial capital with you and accompany you to college?"

Gu Zhaoxi was still very immature when thinking about things.

Although he has matured a lot compared to his childhood.

But compared to his precocious self-improvement, Zhaoxi feels unreliable.

"Brother, what's inappropriate about this? With my relationship with Fengju, isn't it right for me to take care of her?"

When it comes to Gu Zhaoxi's childhood sweetheart, there is no doubt that it is Feng Ju. Although Zhaoxi really likes to play with Fengqin, Fengqin loves to study after all.

I don’t have that much time to play with Zhaoxi.

The ones who accompanied Zhaoxi around the village the most were Ziqiang and Fengxia.

"It's quite right. Just because it's right, Second Aunt Ma is going to let you take care of Feng Ju for the rest of her life!"

"Brother, what do you mean by this?"

"It's not what I mean, it's what Second Aunt Ma means. If you want to take this girl out, you first need to establish a relationship with her."

"Brother, Feng Ju and I are close buddies." Zhaoxi stood up in shock.

"Don't be friends anymore. You and Feng Ju are in a relationship. Have you ever asked Feng Ju if she wants to be in a relationship with you?"

Gu Zhaocheng patted Zhaoxi on the shoulder and said.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see Fengju's thoughts about Zhaoxi.

Zhaoxi knew what the girl was thinking, but he didn't accept it and kept playing with her all day long.

If you don't take the initiative, refuse, or take responsibility, you are definitely a scumbag.

If Zhaoxi wanted to slut a strange girl, Gu Zhaocheng wouldn't be able to say anything.

But being a scumbag inside this forest farm will cause trouble for the family.

Gu Zhaocheng's hands were a little itchy and he wanted to practice with his little brother.

"Fengju may have a little crush on me, but I definitely have no sexual feelings towards Fengju."

Zhaoxi did not continue to pretend to be confused.

"There is no love between men and women. If you stay with Feng Ju all day long, aren't you giving her hope?"

Xingjie had a similar relationship with Fengxia at the beginning.

But Xingjie dealt with it much more decisively and straightforwardly than Zhaoxi.

Xingjie's treatment made the Liang family blame the Gu family.

Zhaoxi did it again to Fengju, and Gu Zhaocheng felt that the Liang family was going to risk their lives with the Gu family.

Not to mention, Zhaoxi is still thinking about another girl from the Liang family.

Playing this way, Zhaoxi will block his own path.

"Brother, after so many years of friendship with Fengxia, it is impossible for me to..."

"You don't need to explain to me, I'm just asking you what to do now?" Gu Zhaocheng said angrily.

When Gu Zhaoxi was a child, Gu Zhaocheng was worried that the child was impulsive.

I didn't notice that this child was so indecisive when it came to feelings.

"Brother, tell me." Zhaoxi lowered his head and replied.

Gu Zhaocheng has been disciplining him since he was a child, but Gu Zhaocheng can still control this little brother.

"Now Second Aunt Ma will give you two choices. One is to establish a relationship with Fengju, and then you can take the person wherever you want. The second is to persuade Fengju to stay in the forest farm and stay in the forest farm. At the edge of the river.

It's your choice what to do. Anyway, don't let Aunt Ma go to our house to find our parents because of this matter. "

Neither Gu Changshan nor Na Cunhua forced Zhao Xi's feelings, and Gu Zhaocheng was even less likely to force it.

Although Fengju doesn't look so perfect, her sincerity towards Zhaoxi is still worth it.

"Then let Fengju and I discuss it?"

"You decide."

Although he didn't know how the two of them would discuss it, Gu Zhaocheng didn't want to interfere with emotional matters.

In the next few days, Zhaoxi and Fengju's discussions still had results.

At least Aunt Ma didn't come to Gu's house again.

The days went on as usual.

Because I was away for half a month, and after I came back, I had a lot of things to do.

Gu Zhaocheng also has a lot of things to do. The first thing is to deal with the company's affairs.

Then, just like when I was a forest ranger, I did a full tour of the forest farm.

The last step is to start the hunting project in the forest farm.

The hunting ban has been in place for many years.

Hunting wild animals is definitely not allowed, but if you breed them artificially, you can still get a license.

At this stage, it is better to encircle a hunting ground first.

Then the animals will be cultivated artificially, and after the animals reach a certain scale, they can be opened to the outside world.

The animals in this area are relatively simple, mainly wild boars, wild sheep, hares, and pheasants, all of which are easy to breed.

Among these animals, wild boars are somewhat dangerous, while the others are considered vegetarians, so their safety can still be guaranteed.

This is Gu Zhaocheng's own hobby, so Gu Zhaocheng is quite interested in it.

Everyone else in the family is also busy with their own affairs.

Gu Changshan wants to organize forest farm workers to plant trees.

Planting trees is an ever-changing theme at the forest farm.

Moreover, cultivating forests is also a continuous work.

Then there is the cultivation of medicinal fruits.

Purchase, packaging and sales of mountain products.

If he wants to be busy, there will never be a shortage of things Gu Changshan wants to do here at the forest farm.

The dozens of people left behind in the forest farm do not simply receive a salary. .

There are still a lot of things to do on a daily basis.

Of course, these jobs are much safer and easier than logging.

Then the busiest thing in the family should be said to be self-improvement.

Before going to Shenzhen, Ziqiang did some preparations for starting a business, registering a company and applying for a license.

After returning from Shencheng, I didn't rest for a few days.

Ziqiang started to officially launch, renting a storefront and warehouse in the city.

With these, we must first pay attention to the quality and progress of the decoration.

Then there was the issue of supply. Ziqiang bought two pickup trucks, hired a few workers, and started going into the mountains to collect goods.

I go out early and come back late every day, and sometimes I don't even see anyone for several days.

In the early days of starting a business, as I said before, it was very hard.

After missing the basic base of Sandaogou.

The difficulty of starting a self-improvement business is much higher.

At least in terms of receiving goods, going to other forest farms is far less convenient than Sandaogou.

When you go to a strange place, you can only compete on price, and you have to be careful about substituting quality products for something less than what you pay for.

After taking it in, how to take it out is also a problem.

Even if you have a storefront in a farmer's market, there will still be competition.

In the days before school starts, Zhaoxi mainly follows Ziqiang around.

Although it may not be of much use, it should still be able to help with energy and relieve boredom on the road.

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