Chapter 1086 Begin mobilization

"Brother, you are a tourism development company, which is not in line with my expertise. How do I know this? Your company is doing very well now, how dare I give you any guidance."

Xingjie usually focuses on humility.

There are even some excessively low-key, completely devoid of youthful enthusiasm in this period.

"Why is this not your major? The purpose of any company is to make money. Although you don't understand tourism, you understand economics and how to make money. Which company is not for making money?"

Xingjie may not be good at specific operations because he has no experience.

But how to develop the company and the general direction of development are quite professional and relevant to Xingjie.

"Brother, let me try to say something?"

"If you have anything to say, just say it. We brothers don't need to hide it."

Gu Zhaocheng is still looking forward to any suggestions Xingjie can give.

"Brother, have you heard of carbon neutrality?" Xingjie asked excitedly.

"No." Gu Zhaocheng shook his head.

"Brother, carbon neutrality means..."

In fact, it is an environmental issue. For an enterprise or a region, carbon emissions and carbon absorption can be relatively offset to achieve zero emissions.

"Xingjie, you didn't read this book in vain, you just know more than my elder brother."

Xingjie's concept is definitely a good one.

"Brother, if we can achieve carbon neutrality, then our forest farm will not have to wait until the trees mature to make profits. When the saplings are planted, we will start creating profits for the forest farm."

If carbon neutrality is to be profitable, it means absorbing excess carbon from forest farms.

Sold to some companies that need carbon neutral indicators.

Most of the companies that need carbon neutral indicators are companies that need to export.

Companies that have not achieved carbon neutrality or carbon peak will not be able to put their products into the international market.

The dark side of this thing is that it is a means for developed countries to control production costs in developing countries.

To achieve carbon neutrality and reduce emissions, companies need huge investments.

These environmental protection investments must be allocated to specific products.

If they lose their price advantage and have no technical advantages, many products will lose their competitiveness in the market.

The main reason why this thing can be passed internationally is because of environmental protection. It is considered politically correct and is definitely an issue that needs attention.

If everyone has to mess up, there will be no sustainable development.

"Xingjie, your idea is a good idea, but this thing has just received attention. If our forest farm relies on this to make money, at least we have to wait until certain regulations are issued."

In the absence of any legal requirements, forest farms absorb a large amount of carbon due to the large number of trees and vegetation, and have considerable carbon neutrality indicators.

However, there are indicators that cannot be sold. At present, it has no practical significance.

The concept has not been proposed for a long time, and this thing is already being discussed hotly internationally.

But it’s still something ahead of its time.

"Brother, I want to work on the topic of carbon neutrality. This can explore a new way out for our forest farm and the entire forestry industry."

Xingjie's whole body suddenly became excited.

Xingjie's ideological realm is indeed not on the same level as Huang Xiaoping's.

Huang Xiaoping thought about how to take advantage of the bureau and get a few more square meters of house.

Xingjie, a person who had no direct connection with the bureau, was thinking about how to find a way out for the bureau.

The two people's outlook on life are so different that it would be normal for them not to be able to talk to each other.

"Okay, no matter what you want to do, my eldest brother will support you. My eldest brother doesn't understand this either, so just tell me, what can I do to help you?"

Gu Zhaocheng must support Xingjie.

People like Xingjie, who have studied and obtained Ph.D.s, can be regarded as highly intellectual talents, and survival is no longer an insurmountable problem.

If it is just for survival, it is easy to pursue a good quality of life no matter what.

It's a good thing to have some pursuits of your own.

And Xingjie is not considered to be floating in the sky.

When pursuing goals, do not delay your personal life.

"Brother, I need some data on carbon neutrality. I hope you can help me collect it."

"No problem, it's a small matter."

Just hire a few people, purchase some equipment, and monitor them from time to time. It doesn't cost much.

"Brother, I'm troubling you again."

"It's not troublesome. If you can research the project, won't our forestry farm also benefit from it?"

The forestry farm contracted by Gu Zhaocheng is not allowed to cut trees.

All kinds of income generated by the trees belong to Gu Zhaocheng.

If the carbon neutrality index can really be sold, the profits will certainly belong to Gu Zhaocheng, and Gu Zhaocheng's hard work will not be in vain.

"Godfather, Godmother, then we will go back to Shencheng."

"Brother Changshan, sister-in-law Cunhua, please remember to inform me if there is any news about the relocation of the forest farm. You must remember my mobile phone number clearly."

This time Xingjie returned to the forest farm, he didn't stay for many days, only a week.

The main time is spent with Huang Xiaoping.

Xingjie supervised Huang Xiaoping, and Huang Xiaoping supervised the construction of Chen's house.

Neither of them did anything else. They waited until the roof was tiled and the project was over.

This house was originally intended to be used in exchange for compensation. It was not intended for people to live in, and there was no need to decorate it.

Then Huang Xiaoping was reluctant to leave and was forced back to Shencheng by Xingjie.

In other words, Huang Xiaoping didn't have much money, and Xingjie didn't pay for support.

Otherwise, Huang Xiaoping would still like to build more floors in the house.

"Go back, even for Xingjie, we won't not take your house seriously."

Gu Zhaocheng replied impatiently.

Huang Xiaoping is quite a villain. She is not a responsible person, so she is afraid that the Gu family will not be responsible.

After Xingjie also left, the forest farm was basically quiet.

In the past, those who had to carry out construction projects or change their household registration were also very busy.

In order to change houses, I did everything I could.

It's late October, and it's snowing here at the forest farm.

According to the tradition of the forest farm in previous years, it is also the logging season of the forest farm.

But here at Sandaogou Forest Farm, there has been no logging activity since two years ago.

Some of the wood still remaining in the forest farm is due to various reasons.

The dead and fallen trees were dragged out and not worth transporting to the bureau, so they were left at the forestry farm for later use.

Originally, Gu Changshan, the director of the farm, should be able to have a leisurely winter.

But the bureau has made arrangements again.

Gu Changshan, the director of the farm, is asked to mobilize the employees to relocate.

It's not yet time to actually move, but the ideological work of the employees must be done well in advance.

This is another difficult thing to deal with. If demolition is not forced, it will always be a problem.

I don’t want to say whether these forest farm employees are greedy or not.

There are still some people who really don’t want to go to the city and are unwilling to move under any conditions.

Not to mention other people's families, Lao Gu's family has its own problems.

"Master, are you really not going to live in the city?"

Gu Changshan asked Song Liuxi carefully. Regardless of other people in the forest farm, Song Liuxi was unwilling to live in the city in the first place.

His own family members have not done a good job in ideological work, so how can Gu Changshan persuade others.

Song Liuxi was taken care of by the Gu family. He was not alone, but he didn't want to go to the city.

Not to mention other old bachelors in the forest farm.

I spent half my life in the forest farm without a wife, children, or any relatives.

The only thing I am familiar with is this forest, and I am not willing to leave the familiar place and live in a new place.

Although there are not many old bachelors, these people have really bad tempers.

"I'm already this age, why should I live in the city?"

Song Liuxi took a puff of cigarette, looked outside the window and replied.

The old man has already seen through life, and has no desire at all except to plant a few trees.

As a person who has his own persistence, he looks down on external things.

"Master, it's not that I have to live in the city, it's that the forest farm needs to be relocated, and everyone in our forest farm has to move to the city.

We are all moving to the city, why are you still here in the mountains?"

Gu Changshan himself actually didn't want to live in the city, but because he was the director, he had to persuade others to persuade Song Liuxi to move into the city.

When you are unwilling in your heart, it will be difficult for your words to be powerful or convincing.

"I stayed at the forest farm and continued to plant trees. Although the people have left, the trees still have to be planted."

Song Liuxi said slowly.

"We will plant trees. The forest farm now has money and arranges to plant seedlings every year. Those that were cut down before will be replaced."

Planting trees and logging are just jobs for Gu Changshan.

Gu Changshan's generation of forestry workers experienced layoffs and almost had no food to eat.

When you are about to starve to death, you can't think about protecting the environment.

The difference from Song Liuxi's generation is actually quite big.

It’s really not appropriate to have so many pursuits when you have nothing to eat.

"What our generation has to do, we do it ourselves. What you do is what your generation should do."

Song Liuxi's words may sound philosophical at first glance.

Normally, Song Liuxi smiles all day long and has a very docile temper.

Sometimes, the old man still has a bad temper.

Especially when it comes to planting trees, the old man is very determined and no one can say anything.

"Dad, if I don't want to live in the city, just let me live there. I still have to stay in the forest farm."

Gu Zhaocheng's villa is not in the family area.

Not included in the relocation.

Even if it was really within the scope of relocation, Gu Zhaocheng would not be able to relocate.

Gu Zhaocheng stayed in the forest farm most of the time.

"Zhaocheng, grandpa is so old that he won't bother you young people anymore."

Song Liuxi refused to live in Gu Zhaocheng's villa.

Not wanting Gu Zhaocheng to get into trouble was probably on the one hand.

Song Liuxi likes to live in a tile-roofed house and a heated kang most, which is probably one of the reasons.

"Zhaocheng, your grandpa should come to the city with us. You don't have children now. It's okay to live in the forest farm because of your work. When you have children in the future, why will you continue to live in the forest farm?"

Gu Changshan also disagreed and was unwilling to hand over the responsibility he took over to Gu Zhaocheng.

"We'll talk about the future later. If my father wants to stay in the forest farm, only my place can live there. Not a single house in the family area will be left."

Qin Yan is preparing to develop business in the forest farm.

It is impossible to leave a nail household here in the forest farm.

Even if there is a nail household, it cannot be Song Liuxi.

Gu Changshan is the director of the farm. If Song Liuxi's house cannot be demolished, let alone other people's houses.

"Zhaocheng, please leave your father alone and ask your father to go to the city with your mother and me. How can we start causing trouble for you before this is a big deal?"

Gu Changshan directly made an excuse and called Gu Zhaocheng out.

Although he has raised so many sons, Gu Changshan's choice for his retirement is Gu Zhaoxi.

If possible, I am not prepared to trouble the other three people to provide for themselves in old age.

Gu Zhaocheng is a little different from Xingjie and Ziqiang.

He is Na Cunhua's biological son, and Gu Changshan may be able to accept it. Gu Zhaocheng helps the couple take care of themselves in old age.

But it is absolutely unacceptable to ask Gu Zhaocheng to help raise the master.

"Dad, why are you still separated from me? My father is your master, so he is still my father's. What's wrong with me providing for him in his old age?"

Gu Changshan has raised Gu Zhaocheng for so many years.

Gu Zhaocheng was still willing to help Gu Changshan take on this responsibility.

"Let's not talk about this matter anymore. You can work with me to persuade your father and me to go to the city. You and your wife are so busy that you don't even go home. How can you have so much time to take care of others? It will delay both of your affairs. ”

"Then why don't you leave the city and live together there, or should you just stay the same as now?"

If it weren't for Song Liuxi's unwillingness to enter the city.

Gu Zhaocheng still hoped that Gu Changshan and Na Cunhua would live in the city.

Although the forest farm is good in all aspects, it is not suitable for elderly people.

It's just a medical inconvenience, so you can pass it off.

Not to mention, after all the neighbors of the forest farm have moved away.

Gu Changshan still has to go to work and interact with people.

Life is not much different from the present.

Na Chunhua stayed at home all day, and there was no one to talk to.

"We live in the city, and the city has compensated us with houses. Why should we live with you?"

Gu Changshan said with a reluctant expression.

"Then the mobilization can't be stuck here. Our family can't get through, so how can you mobilize other people to move?" Gu Zhaocheng asked rhetorically.

Gu Changshan's mobilization of employees looked like it was about to end before it even started.

"Your father will definitely follow us into the city, let's slowly persuade him.

If he really wants to plant trees, then I can just go back to work at the forest farm and bring him back. "

After Gu Changshan spent a long time, he came up with such an impossible solution.

"If you are like this, I might as well buy you a piece of land on the edge of the city. If my father likes to plant trees, just let him plant it."

Although the forest farm is only dozens of kilometers away from Bianhe.

It only takes a few dozen minutes by car, but the road has not been repaired yet.

It's still the original dirt road, a little too bumpy.

For Song Liuxi's age, it was a bit difficult to bear.

Although the forest farm train ride is quite comfortable.

But this thing is not under the control of the forest farm, or even the Forestry Bureau.

It's not that Gu Zhaocheng wants the train to leave at whatever time it leaves.

What's more, after the forest farms have moved to the city, there is no need for the forest farm trains to run and may have to stop running.

If Gu Zhaocheng wants to preserve a section, he may not be able to preserve such a long distance from the forest farm to the edge river.

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