Although Gu Zhaocheng has certain arrangements for Gu Zhaoxi, if Gu Zhaoxi has reliable ideas, Gu Zhaocheng will still choose to respect them.

Some people like to have their lives arranged by others, and it's nice to have things go according to plan and be stable.

But there is still a part of me that is rebellious by nature, doesn’t like to be arranged, likes to go its own way, and is willing to stumble on its own.

Gu Zhaoxi's character is probably more rebellious.

"I've just finished my freshman year. It's too early to think about the future. Can you first let me finish college happily?"

There is no life plan, just one day at a time, which is in line with Gu Zhaoxi's spontaneous nature.

I still have the mentality of a child and haven’t thought about my future at all.

"It's still early in your future, but you shouldn't be too idle in the past few years. At least deal with your emotional affairs. It will take you four years to go to college, and you won't learn much in this major. Wait until When you graduate, you have to give equal weight to your studies and your relationship, right?"

After Zhaoxi went to college, Gu Zhaocheng's only request for Zhaoxi was not to get into trouble.

Xingjie and Ziqiang have very mature ideas, but they both paid the price of becoming "orphans".

Zhaoxi grew up in a completely different environment, with both parents and brothers in harmony, who could not be more friendly.

Even though he was poor and had not been educated for a few years, it was unrealistic to expect Zhaoxi to be as mature as two people.

"Brother, what's wrong with Zhaoxi's relationship? Is there a girl you like?"

He usually doesn't show it, but Xingjie is also a bit gossipy.

Except for the first two years, Xingjie and Zhaoxi did not have long-term contact.

I really don’t understand Zhaoxi’s emotional state.

"You're not at home all the time, so you don't know..."

Gu Zhaocheng briefly talked about the love triangle between Gu Zhaoxi and the two girls from the Liang family.

It's not easy to tell outsiders about this kind of thing, but it's okay to tell Xingjie.

"Zhaoxi, you are now an adult. You have indeed reached the age where you should consider emotional issues. If you like her, then boldly pursue her. My second brother supports you."

Xingjie encouraged Zhaoxi loudly.

It's just that Xingjie doesn't understand that Zhaoxi's problem is not that he doesn't dare to pursue Fengqin.

The number of times Gu Zhaoxi confessed to Zhaoxi was no less than the number of times Fengju confessed to Zhaoxi.

There was no result at all. Feng Qin still didn’t like Zhaoxi at all.

Even if Feng Qin could reluctantly accept Zhao Xi, Feng Ju would express her sovereignty over Zhao Xi all day long.

Feng Qin couldn't help but compete with Feng Ju.

"Why have you been staring at me? I'm still a student, and my fourth brother is already a member of society. He has already opened a company and become the boss. Isn't there still no partner?"

Even Zhaoxi's generous character couldn't bear the thought of everyone teasing her feelings together, trying to divert the fire to Ziqiang.

"Don't compete with your fourth brother. Your fourth brother is much more efficient than you. The girl has already arrived at the company, so there is no way she can escape."

Gu Zhaocheng still paid some attention to the emotional issues of self-improvement.

Ziqiang recruited a very beautiful girl from another store in the farmer's market and became the store manager of the company's store.

It's impossible that he just took a fancy to the girl's ability, he obviously had ulterior motives.

"Fourth brother, this is why you are so dishonest. How come I don't know about something that even my eldest brother knows?"

Zhaoxi boasted that he and Ziqiang talked about everything. When Gu Zhaocheng knew the news that he didn't understand, he immediately became unwilling to Ziqiang and started fighting.

"This matter hasn't been settled yet. We have to settle the relationship no matter what, so I can tell you."

Ziqiang said with a slight blush, there is still some innocence in the feelings of this era, even though Ziqiang has such a mature character, he is a little shy when it comes to it.

"Everyone has gone to your company, and there must be someone with a horoscope. Ziqiang, when you have time, let us meet this girl you like."

Xingjie summed up his feelings about self-improvement very accurately.

In this era, unlike in the past, you can go directly to the hotel the same day you meet someone.

It takes time for a small place like Bianhe to open up, and the general atmosphere is more conservative.

If a girl is willing to be poached by herself, it at least proves that she has a good impression and a willingness to have further contact.

"Second brother, why are you starting to make noise? I haven't even asked you yet, when are you going to have a child with Sister-in-law Xiaoqing?

Our mother has been thinking about this for a long time and has long wanted to hold a grandson. It's just that Dad is in the hospital these days, so Mom doesn't start urging you. "

If you want to expose the truth, of course the four brothers all have something to say.

The two who are not married have a partner problem, and the two who are married have a child problem.

Xingjie's face darkened when he mentioned this. Although his biological mother didn't care about Xingjie, his godmother still cared about him every day. When he called, he hinted and made it clear:
"There's no rush about this. Xiaoqing and I are both still young, so we still have to be busy with our careers first. Young people still have to work hard first and be more busy with their careers. My eldest brother must also understand this."

Xingjie was difficult to deal with and directly implicated Gu Zhaocheng.

Gu Zhaocheng talked about Zhaoxi, Zhaoxi talked about Ziqiang, Ziqiang came back to Xingjie, and Xingjie turned the topic back to Gu Zhaocheng, forming an endless loop.

After the two little brothers grew up, the four of them getting along together were almost like bad friends.

"Xingjie, don't compare yourself to me. I have already put the matter of having a child on my agenda. You can't keep delaying it. You have to be busy with your career. When will your career end? Yes. Isn’t it your daughter-in-law who can’t let go of her career?”

Naturally, Gu Zhaocheng would not let Xingjie take his word for it.

No matter what, when four people sit together, Gu Zhaocheng is the boss and has the initiative in speaking.

Lin Xiaoqing is good in all aspects, but when it comes to wanting to be a strong woman, she is a little too strong.

"Brother, this matter has nothing to do with Xiaoqing. It's because I haven't achieved much at work yet and I'm not stable enough, so I didn't consider having a child too early."

With Xingjie's feelings for Lin Xiaoqing, he would naturally not pass the responsibility to Lin Xiaoqing, and would definitely defend him at every turn.

But in this matter, even if Xingjie wanted to defend Lin Xiaoqing, it was hard to find a reason.

Xingjie is still very stable at the university, after personally participating in a wave of economic crisis.

Xingjie also gained a lot of experience, and the number of papers he wrote was enough to graduate with a doctoral degree.

If it wasn't for the purpose of learning more from his mentor, it wouldn't be difficult for Xingjie to graduate with his PhD a year early.

"Xingjie, aren't you stable enough? There is no job that is more stable than your job at school. When you get your doctorate, and with your experience as a teaching assistant in the past few years, it won't take too long to be promoted to associate professor. Doesn’t that count as an achievement?”

Gu Zhaocheng did not cooperate with Xingjie this time and directly exposed Xingjie's excuse.

"Brother, you also said that this takes time. Even if it doesn't take much time, working in a school requires qualifications. I want to be a professor, and it will take at least two or three years."

Two or three years is not a long time for a department like the school.

Xingjie was well established in his alma mater and was appreciated by mentors and leaders, so he had connections and background.

Although he doesn't like worldliness, Xingjie mainly doesn't want to be worldly with strangers. Because Xingjie knows how to be grateful for the limited number of people who have helped him, he naturally does a good job of being humane and sophisticated.

The relationship with the mentor and leader has been maintained quite well, so Xingjie dares to say that in such a short period of time.

"It's said to be two or three years, but it's possible that plans can't keep up with changes. That's a school, after all, not our company, so there's no such certainty. You can't just stop considering your child if he keeps failing to get an evaluation."

"Brother, it will only be four or five years at the latest. It won't be a long time." Xingjie explained.

"Xingjie, what do you think about us poaching your wife and setting up a venture capital company?"

Xingjie kept making excuses, but Gu Zhaocheng changed his mind.

There is actually no problem on Xingjie's side, the problem still lies with Lin Xiaoqing.

Although various benefits and benefits are very standard in foreign-funded enterprises, they are not so humane.

It is unavoidable for women to take pregnancy leave and affect their career development in this kind of unit.

It's understandable that Lin Xiaoqing, a strong person like her, doesn't want to waste the golden development time in the past few years when she first joined the company.

But there is naturally a way not to delay Lin Xiaoqing's development.

Gu Zhaocheng, the eldest brother, has the obligation to take care of Xingjie and help solve this difficult problem.

It would definitely be better to set up a capital company and let Lin Xiaoqing directly serve as a senior executive than to just be a team leader in a foreign company.

Not to mention that Lin Xiaoqing works in a foreign company and is always worried about her boss.

Although Lin Xiaoqing's feelings for Xingjie are trustworthy, her daughter-in-law is still very estranged from her because she is constantly pursued and cared about by her boss.

"Brother, why did you suddenly think of doing this?" Xingjie asked suspiciously.

Suspecting that this was Gu Zhaocheng's care, Xingjie didn't want to accept it.

"It's not a sudden thought. I've been thinking about this issue for some time. We now have a lot of funds in hand, but we just invest in stocks, and the structure is a bit too simple.

During this period of time, I read books and learned about venture capital. Investing in stocks of mature companies, companies with investment potential can make big profits. It just so happens that your wife does this, so I just want to get involved. "

Originally, Gu Zhaocheng did not consider this aspect.

Venture capital is not just about capital.

If the company is in its early stages, it may just need funds.

But companies with real potential are also very picky about funding.

The company needs to have funds, mature management experience, industry channels, social relations, etc.

Therefore, given Gu Zhaocheng's character of not liking trouble, he is still unwilling to cause so much trouble for himself just to make money.

But if there is a ready-made talent like Lin Xiaoqing, it is not impossible to allocate part of the funds to play finance and try to be a venture capital investor.

If it succeeds, of course it will be great, but if it fails, it will not have a big impact on Gu Zhaocheng.

At least Gu Zhaocheng still understands some of the development trends in the next ten or twenty years.

Can give some opinions and suggestions.

"Brother, I can't decide such a big thing by myself. I have to wait until I go back. Xiaoqing and I will discuss it before deciding."

Xingjie thought for a while before replying.

Xingjie, who has a PhD in economics, certainly knows how to develop a normal company.

"Don't rush this matter. If you really want to open a company, this kind of company can only be opened in a big city, preferably in your deep city. You are indispensable for preparation."

It is normal for university professors to work part-time outside their homes.

If we really want to start a company, there is no doubt that the candidate for president is Xingjie.

"There is no problem preparing the company."

"In order to express my gratitude, brother, let me toast you a few more glasses in advance."

After talking about this, the few of them just reminisced about the past.

Talking about the childhood of several people, mainly the time when they first arrived at the Gu family.

The story is always about wine, and in the end Gu Zhaocheng brings the three people back to the hotel.

"Director, I heard that you are hospitalized. Let's come over and see you."

"Brother Changshan, you have to take care of your health. Our forest farm cannot do without your leadership."

"Sister-in-law Cunhua, is my brother Changshan's health okay? This brother Changshan is tired from the forest farm. He has worked really hard for everyone."

When Gu Zhaocheng arrived at the hospital the next day, he already saw a large ward filled with people who came to visit Gu Changshan.

Everyone came with gifts, including various fruits, various milks, various eggs, and gift boxes. It was piled up in a large pile, just like a commodity wholesale department.

"Mom, what's going on? Why did you come to the hospital? Why didn't I know that my dad is so popular in the forest farm?"

Gu Changshan is very busy, everyone has to chat with Gu Changshan.

Gu Changshan could only approach Cunhua, who was about to turn on the water outside, and asked Cunhua.

"I don't know. They came here one by one early in the morning. I've already sent them away. I've even poured out two pots of tea."

Na Cunhua lifted the kettle in her hand and said.

Of course, Gu Zhaocheng took the kettle and said:
"Uncle Da Guo and Uncle Chang Feng, they just came to see my dad. Why did those thornheads also come to the hospital? If it weren't for these families, my dad wouldn't have been hospitalized."

If it is not inappropriate, I should reserve some reputation for Gu Changshan.

Afraid of making Gu Changshan angry again, Gu Zhaocheng wanted to drive those thorns away.

"I don't know. As soon as they came over, they apologized to your dad and praised your dad in all kinds of ways. They also received the most gifts. Most of the gifts you saw came from them.

Everyone else had left a few times, but they still refused to leave. I don’t know what these people want to do. It’s not because the report was unsuccessful. I just want to give us some more gifts, and then report them after we receive them. "

Na Cunhua scratched her head and thought for a few times before saying, she still thought about it seriously.

Even direct frame-up came to mind.

That Cunhua was not as big-hearted as Gu Changshan.

Whatever is in my heart is written on my face. In fact, I still can't stand the thorns in these forest farms, and I am wary of them.

"They took those things, so that's normal. We can't collect these things. Let them take them back when they leave."

If several assassins behave like this, they should be dealt with by Qin Yan.

It only lasted three days, but Qin Yan was still very efficient. No wonder the leaders like to use Qin Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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