Film and television started from Yan Jiecheng in the Siheyuan

Chapter 1095 A loving mother and a filial daughter

Chapter 1095 A loving mother and a filial daughter
In the next few days, Gu Zhaocheng took Ziqiang with him to attend some gatherings in the city.

Gu Zhaocheng's only business in Bianhe is tourism in the Sandaogou Forest Farm.

Cooperating with the Forestry Bureau is considered a self-contained entity. It does not require a relationship between various departments. It is enough to maintain a familiar face and a basic sense of worldliness and courtesy.

But doing business in Ziqiang is different because there is a need to go into the mountains to receive goods.

The relationship needs to cover all areas of Bianhe, and because there are processing plants and storefronts in the city, we need to communicate with various departments in the city in all aspects.

Not to mention the good development of forest farm tourism and its driving effect on the city's economy.

Assets alone, in this era when the government is vigorously attracting investment.

Gu Zhaocheng can eat well wherever he goes in the city.

However, the scale of Ziqiang is almost meaningless, and it has not yet been taken seriously.

Gu Zhaocheng couldn't use this part of the relationship, and it was troublesome to socialize, so he just left it to Ziqiang.

"Brother, Wang Qingshan's workshops and stores have been sealed."

"What about the old boy?"

"The person was also taken away by the relevant departments." Ziqiang said with a bright smile, finally relieving the depression of the past few days.

"This strict investigation will be enough to clean up the market for a period of time. You can pay more attention during this time, improve the channels, and occupy more markets."

These counterfeit and shoddy products can only last for a certain period of time after being strictly investigated.

If these interests are kept here, there will always be people pursuing them.

This thing is like grass growing on the ground. Once you cut it, someone will grow it.

What Ziqiang can do is to sell more goods in various supermarkets and stores.

Try to occupy as many markets as possible.

"Brother, I know. I have contacted the packaging and am planning to use certain anti-counterfeiting measures on the packaging."

When Ziqiang encounters trouble, he will use his own brain and always try to solve it himself.

Completely waiting for help from others is not a self-improvement style.

"That's almost it. In the future, we will keep more contact with their industrial and commercial businesses and conduct more supervision on the market. This will be enough to eliminate a large part of it."

Lao Gu's family has some connections in the city and some in the provincial capital.

It just covers the business scope of Ziqiang.

"I understand." Ziqiang: "Brother, I'll leave first."

"You didn't stay for a meal and you ran back. Why are you in such a hurry? No matter how anxious you are, you still have time to eat?"

Because Xingjie came back and because of what happened in the past few days, Gu Zhaocheng did not return to the forest farm these days.

With her children, she lived in Bianhe with Gu Changshan and Na Cunhua.

But even in Bianhe, the houses in the forest farm resettlement area are still some distance from the city center.

Ziqiang's company in the city center and the factory in the development zone are all some distance away.

Running back and forth does take some time.

It still takes a lot of effort to run back, stay there for just a few minutes and then leave.

Although Gu Zhaocheng understood the excitement of self-improvement, he immediately wanted to share it with Gu Zhaocheng.

But now that I'm back, I should have a meal anyway.

"I won't eat at home today. While I still have some time, I will go look at two properties for my third brother."

"Zhaoxi has left the matter of finding a venue to you?" Gu Zhaocheng reacted after hearing what Ziqiang said.

"I know Bian He best in the family, so I should help him a little bit. Isn't that what I should do?"

Ziqiang said naturally.

The relationship between these two is better than that of ordinary brothers.

Because they are the same age, they really have the same relationship as twins who grew up.

When something happened, the first thing Zhaoxi thought of was self-improvement.

It is not polite at all to use it for self-improvement.

"Okay, if you have time, you can help him, but if you don't have time, don't force it, and don't delay your work. It's not unreasonable to leave the location selection to others."

The relationship between these two people was such that even Gu Zhaocheng couldn't get involved.

Two people can trouble each other as much as they want, as long as they are happy with it.

"Mom and Dad, this is my college diploma, and this is the photo taken at my graduation ceremony..."

As soon as Zhaoxi came back, he started to show off.

On the one hand, he has a flamboyant personality, and this is also a sign of good fortune.

I went to the provincial capital for four years and spent a lot of money to achieve results.

"It's not easy. After so many years in our family, we finally have a college graduate."

Gu Changshan took the diploma and looked at it over and over, very excited.

The person who is best at making his parents happy is actually Gu Zhaoxi.

With a diploma and a few photos, I made Gu Changshan's Cunhua smile.

After all, to be more precise, Gu Zhaoxi is the first college student in the old Gu family.

That's why Xingjie is regarded as a family member, and Xingjie is also a member of the Chen family.

It really has nothing to do with the ancestors of the old Gu family.

Guangzong Yaozu of the old Gu family still pointed at Zhaoxi.

"Uncle and aunt, Zhaoxi is not only a college student, but also a big boss in the future. You two are already ready to enjoy our blessings."

When Zhaoxi comes back to Bianhe, Fengju comes back too, of course.

And after coming back, he followed Zhaoxi back to Lao Gu's house.

Facing Gu Changshan and Na Cunhua, Fengju was also a sweet-tongued little girl.

"Okay, okay, my aunt has noticed that you are a good girl since she was a child, so she is ready to enjoy your blessings."

Fengju's strong character is exactly the character that Cunhua likes most in his daughter-in-law.

The four brothers have all found partners now, and it cannot be said that the other girls do not have their own personalities and tempers.

But in terms of strength, the other three combined are not as good as Feng Ju.

Fengju's bad temper can be done as easily as the gentlemen are told.

It is the character that lives in the countryside and will not suffer at all when facing other women.

"Brother Changshan, sister-in-law Cunhua."

After chatting for a few words, I heard someone knocking on the door outside.

"Uncle Liang, second aunt."

After Gu Zhaocheng opened the door, he saw the Liang family and his wife.

These two people deliberately got together with the old Gu family.

When I was choosing a house, I had to live or die on the floor above Lao Gu's house.

This is a situation where the old Gu family occupies one floor.

If the old Gu family hadn't occupied the same floor, these two would have definitely chosen the right one for the Gu family.

The couple's desire for Zhaoxi to provide for them in their old age is quite obvious and they don't hide it at all.

It was Zhaoxi himself who promised to be the son-in-law of the Liang family four years ago, which made the Liang family make this choice.

Even with the conditions of the old Gu family, Zhaoxi could not become a son-in-law of the Liang family. But the couple chose to live with the Gu family.

When Zhaoxi and Fengju were filial to Gu Changshan and Na Cunhua, it did not affect the two of them from enjoying the glory together.

It is absolutely convenient to visit relatives and return to your parents' home.

Although this couple has three girls.

But the only girl who really belongs to Liang Fukuan is Fengju.

Not to mention Fengxia and Fengqin, whether they are willing to be filial to Liang Fukuan or not.

Shan Fengxia had no choice but to marry in Linshi because of her bad reputation.

Fengqin went to university and chose to stay in the provincial capital to develop.

Due to the distance, it is impossible for these two girls to come back often.

It is basically impossible to count on two eldest girls to provide for themselves in old age.

"Is my girl at your house?" As soon as she opened the door, she heard Aunt Ma's menacing voice. When she saw it was Gu Zhaocheng, she lowered her tone: "Zhaocheng, is our Fengju at your house?"

"Fengju, your parents are here."

Gu Zhaocheng did not reply to Aunt Ma, but directly reminded him in the living room.

Feng Ju's heart is too biased towards Zhao Xi, which is of course good for the old Gu family, but for the Liang family, this girl seems to be a waste of money.

Judging from the current performance, Fengju is much more obedient, sensible and closer to Gu Changshan and Na Cunhua than to her own parents.

"Zhaoxi, your Uncle Liang and Second Aunt are here. Quickly pour a cup of tea for your Uncle Liang and Second Aunt."

Seeing the Liang family couple coming, Na Cunhua quickly asked Zhaoxi to show off.

No matter whether you were willing to accept Feng Ju before or not.

Now that the two of them are in love, Cunhua has due respect for the Liang family.

Although their education and background are not high, the old Gu family is much more particular about respecting people than Xingjie's mother-in-law, the Lin family.

"I'll go pour the tea." Zhaoxi responded and prepared to go to the tea room to pour the tea.

Fengju and her husband are ready to go with Zhaoxi.

"Feng Ju, just stay. I knew you were coming back. Your dad and I took a break and were waiting for you at home. You just walked to the second floor and couldn't go home. Why do you want me and your dad to wait for you? What time?"

Second Aunt Ma stopped Feng Ju and became fierce towards Feng Ju.

Second Aunt Ma is rather petty and doesn't want to see Feng Ju acting like a little daughter-in-law in the Gu family.

If you see a girl treating the Gu family better, you will get jealous.

"How long can I wait? I was planning to go back after a while?"

Feng Ju was very well-behaved when she was with the Gu family, but she was quite rebellious towards her parents.

It's not considered rebellious, because the Liang family doesn't have much dignity as parents.

Fengju has always been relatively casual when communicating with this couple.

Just say whatever you think and won't hide it.

"My children were planning to go back. You see, they bought so many things for you in the provincial capital." Na Cunhua was very protective of Fengju. He pointed to the gifts next to him and said, "Sit down, you guys sit down." Say it again.”

Most of these things were bought by Fengju for the old Gu family.

Na Cunhua is also willing to share it with Lao Liang's family.

"Sit down and talk. The girl is back now, and she brought you so many things."

Liang Fukuan also persuaded Aunt Ma.

When the two families are about to marry each other, Liang Fukuan is easier to get along with.

Liang Fukuan is just a bit lazy, greedy and slippery, and likes to play mahjong.

After satisfying Liang Fukuan's personal desires, this person actually didn't have many ideas.

Relatively speaking, Liang Fukuan is actually not that fond of causing trouble.

On the contrary, Aunt Ma, who is usually quite generous, is quite troublesome at this time and likes to compete in everything.

Even if the girl attaches too much importance to the old Gu family, Aunt Ma will come over to compete for her favor.

"Brother Changshan, sister-in-law Cunhua, look, I raised this girl just like the one I raised for your family. I haven't returned to Bianhe for such a long time. When I came back, I didn't go home even downstairs. I didn't do this for nothing." Have you raised it?”

Originally it was Fengju's own choice, but Aunt Ma insisted on letting adults get involved.

"Second aunt, drink tea." Zhaoxi brought the tea cup over, first gave one cup to Second Aunt Ma, and then gave one cup to Liang Fukuan: "Feng Ju is going home, we will prepare to visit you later."

From the way Zhaoxi pours tea, you can tell who is in charge in the family.

"How long will it take? Wait until it gets dark before going back."

Aunt Ma was not so polite to Zhao Xi.

Although I like Zhaoxi very much, I also want Zhaoxi to be my son-in-law.

However, because the process was not as expected, Aunt Ma was a little angry with Zhaoxi and did not show up.

"It's dark and we have things to do, so we don't have time to go there." Feng Ju continued: "Since you are here, you can take these things and my luggage back in a while, and I won't send them back myself."

What stands out about Fengju is a trouble-free thing.

"You girl, what are you going to do? Your dad and I came over to see you, and you didn't even come back home." Aunt Ma immediately got angry.

"When we come back today, our Gu family is back together. We have to reunite in the evening, so I don't have time to go back."

Of course the Gu family smiled when Feng Ju said this, but Ma Eryi and Liang Fukuan started to blush.

"Liang Fengju, you are not a Gu family member, you are a Gu family member. Now you are still a Liang family member." Second Aunt Ma was really anxious now.

When you first walked in, there was obviously some disguise, but now it's really about to break through.

"Isn't it just a matter of time? Sooner or later, I belong here. I can't always belong to the Liang family."

Feng Ju's truth really caused real harm to Aunt Ma.

Second Aunt Ma stood up and looked around for someone who could hit someone. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a feather duster in the old Gu family: "I still don't believe it, I can't control you anymore. You are not from the Liang family, so what about me?" What did you raise in Nian?"

"His second aunt, don't be anxious now, you know nothing like a child."

With so many people here, it was impossible to watch Aunt Ma beating the child.

Not to mention that Fengju is the future daughter-in-law of the Gu family.

Cunhua stopped directly in front of Second Aunt Ma.

Others grabbed their arms, and even Aunt Ma, who was quite big, was able to control her easily.

"Second Aunt, don't you just want to stay with Feng Ju today?" Gu Zhaocheng and Liang Fukuan stood aside. They were equally angry and funny to Second Aunt Ma's reaction: "We are not outsiders. Our families are gathering together. Isn’t it over?”

Because Fengxia married a relatively wealthy small business owner.

Although he is a widower, the Liang family is not picky either.

It is difficult for a thirty-year-old girl to find an excellent first marriage partner.

Fengxia married well, and the Liang family had a lot less resentment towards the Gu family.

Fengxia is no longer in Bianhe, so the only people in the Liang family are Liang Fukuan and his wife.

Now that the two families get along together, seeing each other is no longer so embarrassing.

Otherwise, it would still be inappropriate for the Liang family and the Xingjie family to meet.

Feng Xia's mind was different. Seeing Xing Jie's happiness, she couldn't even eat.

To see Xingjie now having a successful career, loving his wife, and a happy family of three, his lungs would explode with anger.

"His second aunt, Fu Kuan, let's gather together today to give birth to our two children."

Gu Changshan also reacted and followed Yan Huo.

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