Film and television started from Yan Jiecheng in the Siheyuan

Chapter 1112 Leading the team to break out

The Qing Dynasty's modern industrial foundation was not good, and its weapons and equipment were not enough.

If you spend money to buy it, you will lose your money to all kinds of people. If you don’t have money, you can’t imitate the technology yourself, and your production capacity is limited.

So after Zhu Chuanwen got rid of his days, he was quite frugal.

If you can lick the bag, you must lick it. After entering Lushun City, Zhu Chuanwen entered the "eat chicken" mode.

When he arrived at Xia Yuanzhang's home, Zhu Chuanwen had already collected five Japanese Type 30 rifles.

And two of Maozi's Mosin-Nagant M1891 rifles, and also took off a set of Maozi's skins, which will always be needed in the future.

Maozi's gun can be regarded as a classic modern rifle.

As for individual soldier equipment, Maozi's is definitely better, with a 7.62mm caliber and sufficient lethality.

But due to various political reasons both at home and abroad.

Xiaori was the one who took the initiative to stir up trouble. Even if Maozi's warships and artillery were killed first, Maozi's infantry could only be defeated.

"Bang bang bang!"

After visiting Xia Yuanzhang's house, in order not to scare the Xia family too much, Zhu Chuanwen chose to knock on the door first and be polite.

The Xia family hid and shivered, and did not respond to Zhu Chuanwen. Only then did Zhu Chuanwen climb over the wall and enter the Xia family's house. He looked at the closed doors and windows, stuffed the letter through the crack in the door, and then shouted into the house. :
"Anyone hasn't. I was asked by Shopkeeper Xia to take my family out of the city. If anyone responds, I have a letter written by Shopkeeper Xia here."

"Hero, why are you wearing a military uniform?"

After waiting for some time, a middle-aged woman's voice came from the room.

"It's a long story. I don't have time to explain. Just pack up and come with me. If you're late, you won't be able to leave the city."

After opening the door, Zhu Chuanwen discovered that Xia Yuanzhang's family was quite large. An old couple were Xia Yuanzhang's father-in-law and mother-in-law.

A middle-aged woman is Xia Yuanzhang's daughter-in-law, and a pair of children about ten years old are Xia Yuanzhang's children.

"How can we go? There are people and soldiers everywhere outside?" the middle-aged woman said in horror.

"Hitch the carriage and follow me. If you give it a try, you still have your life. You should know what will happen if you stay in Lushun. You should know why Lushun City was empty before."

Lushun was massacred by life ten years ago. Not many people understand the atrocities of life more deeply than the people of Lushun.

"Let's set up the car." Xia Yuanzhang's father-in-law, Old Man Li, replied after overcoming the fear in his heart.

"Maozi's troops have all gone to the west gate. Let's go out from the west gate and take the alley."

People from Lushun City have experienced going to the city once, and they have a very clear understanding of the consequences.

It's not just one or two people who want to escape.

Those who were able to leave early after being besieged had already fled as early as possible.

Even among the people who were trapped in the city due to the fighting between Japan and Mao, a large number of people did not sit still and were ready to leave the city while taking advantage of the chaos.

Therefore, Zhu Chuanwen was not alone. The further west he went, the more refugees gathered.

Not everyone is like the Xia family, only the old, weak, women and children.

"Heroes, there is a group of Japanese soldiers in front of us."

Among these refugees, there are also some young and strong people, holding various weapons, mainly old-fashioned cannons.

After witnessing Zhu Chuanwen's crisp and accurate shooting for two days, they all consciously obeyed Zhu Chuanwen's command.

The fleeing group of more than 100 people is temporarily headed by Zhu Chuanwen.

"What are you doing in a daze? Kill them."

Because of his prejudice against life, Zhu Chuanwen did not seriously learn Japanese except for appreciating art films about life.

If you want to fish in troubled waters and get into the inner workings of life, you will definitely not be able to do so.

So after seeing the day, we can only fight directly, sneak attacks from behind, and fight hard from the front.

After several rounds of team blockades, Zhu Chuanwen finally broke out of Lushun City with his refugee team, which suffered heavy losses.

Zhu Chuanwen's last kindness to the compatriots in the city was to use the explosives collected along the way to blow up the city gate, causing more trouble for the daily blockade.

"Thank you hero for your life-saving grace. Please leave your name. We will definitely be rewarded when we meet again in the future."

After leaving the city, the leaders of the refugees expressed their gratitude to Zhu Chuanwen with fists in his hands.

"We are both fallen people at the end of the world. We meet by chance. No need for names. We finally get out of the city. Let's all run for our lives."

Although this is indeed an opportunity to make a name for himself, Zhu Chuanwen is not prepared to plant a flag as a beard in the Northeast, so he cannot claim this name.

Sometimes, being famous is not necessarily a good thing.

So many people know that Zhu Chuanwen has been killed for many days, and if word spreads, it will also be a trouble for the old Zhu family.

After all, Northeast China will be under the control of Risei and Maozi for a long time.

My father's name was widely spread. There were legends about Zhu Kaishan everywhere in the northern provinces.

It has become a story told by storytellers.

It doesn’t matter whether you enjoy eating in the arena or not.

Anyway, Zhu Kaishan was so messed up that he couldn't even return to his hometown.

"Hero, where is the head of our family?" Shopkeeper Xia's wife Li Shufang asked.

Zhu Chuanwen focused on taking care of the family, Xia Yuanzhang's family of five, and finally saved their lives.

Even the elderly Mr. Li and his wife, apart from being a little embarrassed, had no major problems.

"On the southern outskirts of the city, I will take you there."

It is said that Zhu Chuanwen brought a few people there, but in fact, Zhu Chuanwen was far less familiar with the area around Lushun than a few people.

After being shown the way by several people, Zhu Chuanwen drove the carriage and walked many country roads. He circled outside the city and met Xia Yuanzhang and the old Zhu family.

Then the two families started repairing on the outskirts of Lushun.

Although the accommodation conditions in the old man's house were average, and there were so many people from the Zhu and Xia families, it was certainly a bit difficult.

But it is still much more comfortable than traveling in Shandong or taking a boat at sea.

Waiting for the Lushun and Dalian areas, the battle between Tian and Maozi came to an end.

After the trains were running normally, the two families entered Dalian together and got on the train heading north to Yuanbao Town.

The Zhu family originally wanted to go to Yuanbao Town to join their father, Zhu Kaishan.

Xia Yuanzhang's family's property in Lushun was destroyed by the war.

Xia Yuanzhang could only run to Yuanbao Town and seek refuge with his father.

Although the age gap between Zhu Chuanwen and Xia Yuanzhang is not small, they can be regarded as two generations, but they agree on the fact that they want to grow old in Yuanbao Town.

"Mom, the weather in the Northeast is too cold."

Taking the train was relatively smooth. There were no accidents, no natural disasters, no man-made disasters. The two families arrived at Yuanbao Town in Sanjiangkou smoothly.

Waiting in Lushun for a while is still faster than rushing on your own.

Even after such a long delay, it has already entered late autumn. For the Northeast, it has already entered the freezing snow season.

None of Lao Zhu's family had ever felt the temperature in the Northeast. Chuanwu was the first to curse.

"Chuan Wu, put on your hat and don't let your ears freeze off."

Zhu Chuanwen said to Chuanwu. After recovering from the fatigue of rushing, Chuanwu jumped up again.

The hard work along the way did not affect Chuanwu's mental state. If you can't tell from others, it's definitely okay for this second child to endure hardship.

"Sister-in-law, after you meet my old father, I will arrange for someone to take you to the cowherd ditch."

After getting off the train, Xia Yuanzhang followed Zhu Wei and introduced the situation of Yuanbao Town.

Because Xia Yuanzhang had lost his family and property, and only had a little bit of the wealth he had taken with him when he escaped from Lushun.

Zhu Chuanwen did not accept Xia Yuanzhang's monetary gift.

But as a decent person, Xia Yuanzhang still showed his respect and spent a lot of money for Lao Zhu's family.

Not to mention food, accommodation and transportation for this period, we also bought two sets of cotton-padded clothes for everyone in Lao Zhu's family.

There was no problem with keeping warm. Chuanwu complained about being cold, but he was still out of character. He didn't dress properly and didn't keep warm.

"Shop Manager Xia, don't bother me. We've already arrived at Yuanbao Town. Let's just go to Fangniugou to find the head of our family."

The enthusiasm of Xia Yuanzhang, a shrewd businessman, was a bit overwhelming for Zhu Wei.

"Chuanjie, after you return to your home, you must remember to come to the town to find me."

The adults were talking on the side, and the children were saying goodbye to each other. They didn't spend too many days together.

Xia Yuanzhang's daughter Xia Yushu had a fierce fight with Chuanjie.

Xia Yuqing, Xia Yuanzhang's son, is also a follower of Chuanjie and Yushu.

These three are all literate readers and have many topics in common.

I can't really get along well with that reckless man Chuanwu.

"Don't worry, after I find my father and our family settles down, I will come to the town to play with you."

Chuanjie replied to Yushu that it was rare to meet a girl who had read books and had many topics in common. Chuanjie also liked being with Yushu.

"Dad, my family is gone!"

After leaving the small train station, Xia Yuanzhang immediately knelt down when he saw Mr. Xia.

"As long as everyone is fine, I have been worried about you since I saw the newspaper about the war in Lushun."

Mr. Xia stretched out his hand to help Xia Yuanzhang and replied.

Although Mr. Xia is old, he is energetic and kind-hearted.

Wearing a pair of glasses, he looks like an old gentleman teaching more than a profit-driven businessman. It fits Zhu Chuanwen's image of a Confucian businessman in this era.

"Father, Port Arthur is over. After entering the city, the city was massacred for three days..."

In addition to suffering for those compatriots, Xia Yuanzhang also felt sorry for his own huge business.

"I know, I know everything." Mr. Xia looked sad. Every Chinese can sympathize with this kind of thing, but he still tried his best to comfort his son:
"You are here just in time. I am too old to do this anymore. Now that you are here, you can support our Chun Hesheng."

After hearing that his father gave him another share of the family business, Xia Yuanzhang's mood eased a lot and he thought of the Zhu family:
"Dad, this is the benefactor I mentioned in my letter. Without them, I would not be able to reach Haibei. Even Yushu Yuqing and the others would be trapped in Lushun. They are going to Fangniugou."

"Grandpa (Grandpa.)"

After being named, Yushu Yuqing, including Xia Yuanzhang's daughter-in-law's father-in-law and mother-in-law, all greeted Mr. Xia.

"Hey, let's talk about it later with the in-laws. Just settle down when you come."

After briefly greeting his grandchildren and in-laws, Mr. Xia looked at Mrs. Zhu Wei:
"Xia, thank you all for saving my son's family. The family has made arrangements. Let's go home for a quick meal and take a rest. Then I will send someone to take you to Fangniugou to find your relatives."

"Old man, I won't go home. After finally arriving at Yuanbao Town, I will take the children to find their father."

After walking for so long, Zhu Wei just wanted to see Zhu Kaishan as soon as possible.

While Mrs. Zhu Wei and Mr. Xia were dealing with it, Zhu Chuanwen took Xian'er and left the crowd.

The favor given to the Xia family was to be left to the Zhu family, and Zhu Chuanwen himself did not discuss it much.

"Brother Chuanwen, what are you looking for?"

Xian'er pulled Zhu Chuanwen's sleeve and asked. Zhu Chuanwen had been looking around since he got off the train.

"Looking for dad." Zhu Chuanwen replied.

"We didn't send the letter in advance. How could Uncle Zhu be here?"

"Dad is a caring person. If we can come here during this time, he will come to town and wait for us if nothing happens."

Zhu Wei was anxious to see Zhu Kaishan, and Zhu Kaishan was also anxious to see the Zhu family.

Here in the Northeast, there is not much farm work after it snows.

It is normal for Zhu Kaishan to go to town and wait for Lao Zhu and his family.

"Sister-in-law, where are you going? I'm going to the cattle ditch. If you want to stop by, I'll take you back."

Then Zhu Chuanwen heard someone chatting with Mr. Zhu Wei.

This big man is obviously Zhu Kaishan.

No wonder Zhu Chuanwen did not admit his mistake and came to Zhu Kaishan. Zhu Kaishan was wearing a thick dog skin hat and a scarf.

He wrapped himself up tightly, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed, and deliberately changed his dialect to Northeastern dialect, so that he could not recognize the person at all.

"Xian'er, let's go, we can go home."

Seeing Zhu Kaishan, Zhu Chuanwen was very happy that he could finally return this small family.

"Manager Xia, we happened to have a car, so we went to find the manager. We haven't seen him for many years, so we are really anxious."

Hearing that there was a car going to Fangniugou, Zhu Wei, who was eager to find someone, did not hesitate any longer.

Maybe he hesitated in his heart, but thinking about Zhu Chuanwen's record, he didn't worry about encountering any bad guys.

"Thank you, uncle."

Xingjie was smart and answered Zhu Kaishan's words.

Not to mention that Zhu Kaishan is fully armed, even if Zhu Kaishan is clean and clean, Chuanjie may not recognize his father after not seeing him for four years.

"Brother, please send their family to Fangniugou."

Xia Yuanzhang saw that the old Zhu family was resolute, so he grabbed a handful of copper coins and handed them to Zhu Kaishan.

"Get in the car and I'll help you load your luggage."

Zhu Kaishan accepted the copper coins and got together to help pack the luggage.

"Mom, let's go."

Zhu Chuanwen also helped to pack the luggage.

In fact, there is nothing valuable, just those clothes and bedding.

Important things that were not convenient for taking the train were put away by Zhu Chuanwen.

"Mom, this is my dad."

While loading his luggage, Zhu Chuanwen whispered to Zhu Wei that he sold Zhu Kaishan directly and did not give Zhu Kaishan a chance to play tricks on others.

"Sister-in-law, please send a message that if you go to Fangniugou to find someone and settle down, you must get some news. Then our family will come to visit you."

There is actually a big difference in Xia Yuanzhang's attitude between saving Xia Yuanzhang's family and simply saving Xia Yuanzhang.

(End of this chapter)

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