Film and television started from Yan Jiecheng in the Siheyuan

Chapter 1208: Inciting Old Zhang to Revolt

After playing with Mary for a Sunday, it was workday again.

Weekends always go by so fast, but luckily for Mark, work is not boring.

If we really compare, for Mark, the joy of every day is almost the same, and weekdays are actually a little more relaxing than weekends.

What you lose is just a little bit of time. It's not a good idea to slack off when you have classes.

"Teacher Ma, Teacher Ma, someone is looking for you."

Mark was in the office, checking his stocks, when a student came in and said.

"Who is looking for me?"

Mark asked this familiar-looking classmate.

"I find you!"

An old man jumped out from behind the students and the office door and spoke to Mark in a menacing manner.

"Okay, go ahead, classmate. Don't delay the next class."

Seeing that the situation was not very good, Mark sent his classmates away first, and then looked at the old man: "Are you looking for me?"

"I'm here to settle accounts with you!"

The old man walked to the opposite side of Mark's desk, looked down at Mark and shouted.

"What are you going to settle with me? Are you going to settle with me for introducing that scumbag to Wang Xiaomi?"

Although Mark felt that he and Old Zhang were on the same side, the old man was so aggressive that Mark couldn't be polite.

Repaying grievances with justice has always been Mark's insistence.

There was no one else in the office, so Mark didn't need to hide his attitude.

After being questioned by Mark, the forced momentum on Old Zhang's face collapsed instantly, revealing a bit of embarrassment, and he said to Mark hesitantly: "Why do you mention this? Xiaomi is not dating Tianzuo."

"Nothing happened between Xiaomi and me, but Xiaomi's friend was cheated by the scumbag you introduced. The girl is still trying to survive. If something bad happens to her, how can you deny the relationship?"

I heard that the scumbag is your nephew and adopted son. You are really a "good neighbor in China". You don't cheat others, but you only harm those you know. Rabbits don't eat grass near their nests. You think it's easier to get close to the water, right?"

In order to suppress the old man's momentum, Mark continued to question Old Zhang.

Dai Anfen's condition is indeed quite serious this time.

It's one of those situations where after thinking of names for both of our children, the plans are suddenly shattered.

Dai Anfen even wanted to go back to her hometown and escape from the capital. The damage was already huge.

"How could I possibly cheat Xiaomi? If I knew about this, I would never have introduced anyone to Xiaomi."

Old man Zhang Guoqiang shrank back unconsciously because he felt guilty.

There was no difference between Mark scolding Old Zhang and scolding a student who made a mistake.

Although Mark is a physical education teacher, he doesn't criticize students easily.

But over the years, I have accumulated a lot of experience, which is enough to deal with Old Zhang.

"Since you don't know and understand, why do you introduce people to Xiaomi? Is this what a responsible person would do?"

"It was my fault that I didn't fulfill my responsibilities and didn't fully understand Tianzuo's current situation before introducing him to Xiaomi. I betrayed Xiaomi's friends."

Old Zhang bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

As a teacher, it is normal for Mark to be good at teaching people.

But for some reason, Old Zhang bowed his head and admitted his mistake very skillfully. He seemed to be very good at it, and the cooperation with Mark was really perfect.

"Do you realize you were wrong?"

"I see."

"Now that you've realized the truth, why are you still standing here? Go back and settle the score with that scumbag. Don't come to see me until he gives you an explanation." Mark waved his hand and chased the man out.

"Oh, that's not right."

Old Zhang obediently turned around and left the office, but before he even left the school teacher's office area, he turned back and slammed the table at Mark as soon as he entered the door:

"Boy, did you just fool me?"

"What are you talking about? You are so smart. It's you and your uncle who are cheating others. How can others cheat you? How can I fool you?"

Although Mark said so, Old Zhang did not look particularly smart. He did not have the wisdom of someone who retired in his sixties and lived for most of his life.

Although he has lived a long time, his experiences may be very simple. Although he is old, he does not have many ideas.

"Didn't I come here to settle accounts with you? Why did you give me a lesson?" Old Zhang said angrily.

"You want to settle accounts with me, haven't you already done it? I am Xiaomi's boyfriend, and you cheated Xiaomi. As Xiaomi's boyfriend, I scold you, and that's enough. You are so old, I can't beat you up."

Mark deliberately misinterpreted what Old Zhang meant.

"Don't keep saying Xiaomi is your girlfriend. I came to you to make you break up."

Old Zhang is so angry now that he doesn't think anymore and can't try to fool people anymore.

"You want us to break up?"

"Yes, you can't go on, you have to separate."

"Who are you?"

Mark said disdainfully.

Although both of them were thinking about the women of the Wang family, Mark's progress was undoubtedly much faster than that of Old Zhang.

Mark could frankly say that he was related to the Wang family, that he was Wang Xiaomi's boyfriend, and that Old Zhang was a neighbor of the Wang family.

"I'm here on behalf of Xiaomi's mother, Wang Lanfang."

"Who are you? Do you represent Xiaomi's mother?"

"Well... although I don't have any official status yet, I may very well be Xiaomi's father in the future."

"You are a hooligan, aren't you? How can you take advantage of others as soon as you open your mouth? No wonder your nephew is a scumbag, hooliganism is a family tradition in your family!"

Mark slammed the table, stood up, and acted angry.

"I mean Xiaomi's mother and I, the two of us..."

"What are you two saying? You two have nothing. I'm saying this on behalf of Xiaomi. No matter what you think, we don't agree with it."

"What do you disagree with? We don't need your consent for our business."

Old Zhang was so angry that he had completely forgotten that he came here to ask Mark to give up Wang Xiaomi.

"I will marry Xiaomi, and we will be a family in the future. Of course I have the right to express my opinion." Mark said with certainty and confidence.

"We can't do this. Xiaomi has already given us the go-ahead."

Old Zhang had a gloomy face and was clearly begging for mercy.

"You've come here and asked me to give up Xiaomi, why should Xiaomi still support you?"

Seeing that Old Zhang was discouraged again, Mark sat down again and his tone became calmer.

"Isn't this for Xiaomi's own good?"

Old Zhang said with a bitter face.

"What do you mean by doing it for Xiaomi's own good? You're just trying to please Xiaomi's mom. If you want to do it for Xiaomi's own good, can you introduce any scumbag to him?"

"Can you please stop talking about this? Xiaomi's mom is so anxious, how can I remain indifferent?" "Yes, you are really angry for your beloved, but I can see that you are not really angry. You are not pretending at all."

Before Mark made it clear, Old Zhang always thought he was pretending well.

"Did you see it?"

"Do you need me to see it? It's written all over your face."

Even without the ability to see through others' eyes, one could tell from the aggressive manner in which Old Zhang walked in that he was pretending.

"Then why have you been teasing me for so long?"

"Who has so much free time to tease you? I talked to you for so long just to see if you have any brains!"

Mark said so much, actually to win over Old Zhang.

Pull Old Zhang over from Wang Lanfang's side.

"Do you think I have a brain?" Old Zhang asked disappointedly.

"Not much, but it can still be saved." Before Old Zhang gets angry again, Mark said earnestly:
"You pursue Wang Xiaomi's mother, and I pursue Wang Xiaomi. We are both for the women of the Wang family. We should be in the same trench and maintain the same position."

"No, I was sent by Xiaomi's mother to stop you. How can I stand on the same side as you?"

The old man really liked Wang Lanfang. Even though he was almost driven to a breakdown by Mark, he still remembered Wang Lanfang's mission.

"How can you be so stubborn? Let me ask you, what good will it do you if I break up with Xiaomi?"

After thinking for a long time, Old Zhang couldn't think of any benefits.

"There's no benefit, right? Think about it again. What's the difference between you and me? We're both much older than them, both married, and both have children. If I can't pursue Wang Xiaomi, why can you pursue Xiaomi's mother?"

"Are our situations the same?" Old Zhang felt dizzy again.

The main difference between the two is that Wang Lanfang and Wang Xiaomi's basic conditions are not at the same level.

Of course, suitable men cannot be the same.

"Think about it yourself, isn't it exactly the same? If Xiaomi and I can't succeed, it proves that Xiaomi's mother doesn't like men with such conditions from the bottom of her heart. If I have no hope, then you don't have any hope either."

Mark just wants to tie Old Zhang and himself together.

As he spoke, Mark pulled a chair over for Old Zhang, poured him a glass of water, and asked Old Zhang to sit down opposite Mark.

If Mark didn't sell Old Zhang and let Old Zhang help him count money, he would have lived several lives in vain.

"I haven't asked you yet, what's your name?"

Seeing Old Zhang holding the water cup and lost in thought, Mark started to get closer to Old Zhang. If they were to be allies in the future, he should at least ask Old Zhang's name.

"My last name is Zhang... Zhang Guoqiang."

"Then I'll call you Uncle Zhang. Uncle Zhang, think about it carefully. Helping me is helping yourself. You have been thinking about Xiaomi's mother for many years, but there has been no progress in all these years. Have you ever thought about it?"

If you want people to work hard for you, it is necessary to get close to them and gain their trust.

"It's been many years, and there has been no response. Old Zhang agreed: "I have to think about it, how could I still have no status until now."

"Do you want to know the reason?"

Old Zhang nodded frantically, and Mark was worried that the old man might have problems with his cervical spine.

"A single woman with a child who has not remarried, what other reason could she have other than for the sake of the child?"

Mark's question is actually only suitable for women with traditional ideas.

If divided by generation, most of these people were born before the 80s.

If we get to around the 80s, people start to become more rigorous.

Many people born in the 80s are like Tian Ye, and their self-awareness has awakened.

It is rare for a person to stay single for the rest of his life in order not to let his children suffer.

Even after divorce, if one remains single with children, there are many other reasons.

"You said she did it for Xiaomi?" Old Zhang suddenly understood.

"I also come from a single-parent family, so I know this situation best. If Uncle Zhang doesn't believe me, you can continue to wait. I believe that Xiaomi's mother will never consider personal issues before Xiaomi gets married."

"I believe you." Old Zhang nodded solemnly: "Xiao Ma, I found that Xiaomi is willing to be with you, and he has his reasons."

Maybe he has figured it out, and Old Zhang wants to try to fool Mark.

With decades of life experience, it is impossible that he is without any tricks, and he must be familiar with the ways of the world.

"Just trust me. After Xiaomi and I are done, we will help you together."

Old Zhang played this game with Mark, and Mark started to make promises for Old Zhang.

Although Mark is reluctant to draw pie in the sky, when he does, he can ensure that it is big and round.

"Xiao Ma...Mr. Ma, how can I help you?"

Old Zhang asked expectantly.

"If you want to help me, you can't follow Xiaomi's mother and try to break us up like you are doing now. You have to speak well of me in front of her and help Xiaomi's mother to make our relationship a success."

Old Zhang is just a bootlicker in front of Wang Lanfang.

Whatever Wang Lanfang says is what it is, and she has no thoughts of her own at all.

A bootlicker cannot get a house, and this applies to people of all ages.

Let Old Zhang object, maybe there will be some unexpected surprise.

"If I had the ability to help others make things happen, there wouldn't have been no progress for so many years." Old Zhang said frustratedly, questioning his own abilities.

"How did you get married in the first place? Was it arranged?"

"Ah." Lao Zhang nodded. This should be considered normal in that era.

"..." Mark hesitated a little, thinking that it was very likely that Old Zhang would become a bad teammate. At least according to what Mark knew, Old Zhang had always been a bad teammate around Wang Lanfang: "Then just listen to me."

Although Mark asked Old Zhang to listen to him, he still wanted to teach him how to pursue women.

Mark felt that Old Zhang would definitely learn better from his scumbag nephew than from Mark.

The reason why scumbags can be scumbags is that they are good at dealing with women.

Mark is actually not that good at dealing with women, he is only good at getting close to people.

"Okay, what do I do now?"

Old Zhang seems to be quite used to following other people's instructions.

Whether it's Wang Lanfang or Mark, they are both obedient.

"You must go back now and hand in the task to Xiaomi's mother first. Then persuade Xiaomi's mother to let Xiaomi out first."

Wang Lanfang was quite serious about keeping Wang Xiaomi at bay. In order to keep Xiaomi from going out, she not only forbade Wang Xiaomi from going to work, she also stopped going to work herself and closed the pork stall.

It can be considered that the family’s source of income has been directly cut off, and the cost is not small.

"Now that we are like this, how can I report to the emperor?"

"Do I need to teach you how to explain it?" Mark was a little tired at the beginning: "Uncle Zhang, Uncle Zhang, don't you know how to fool me?"

Old Zhang was a bit straightforward and was obviously considering whether he should tell Wang Lanfang that the two of them were having a good conversation.

Mark has come to believe that Dr. Zhang’s inability to find the person is not because Old Zhang cooperated with him to hide the person. (End of this chapter)

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