Happy times like holidays always pass faster.

Mark accompanied Mary to a week-long guitar class.

I spent the New Year holidays at home again and attended some gatherings with relatives, friends and colleagues.

After the New Year, I took Mali to Yunnan for a few days, and a month's vacation passed in the blink of an eye.

After coming back, Mark went to see Wang Xiaomi first.

"Xiaomi, I brought this back for you."

After going out for a while, Mark brought back a lot of local specialties, including coffee, tea, dried bayberry, dendrobium, and some wild delicacies, basically all edible things.

"Uncle, is Yunnan fun?"

"It's quite fun. The local customs and people are quite special compared to the capital."

"I really envy you for having such a long vacation to travel around."

"When I have time later, I'll take you there."

This time, Mark did not insist on taking Wang Xiaomi with him. For one thing, Wang Xiaomi’s vacation was only about ten days, which was not very long.

On the other hand, Mark felt that Mary and Wang Xiaomi might not be able to get along well in the long run. If they stayed together for too long, the possibility of their relationship breaking down was greater than its improvement, so he did not take that risk.

"Uncle, what is this? Jade? It's quite expensive, right?"

Wang Xiaomi rummaged through the gifts and pulled out a pair of jade bracelets.

“I bought it there. It’s not very expensive.”

The small ice type jade is actually only more than 10,000 yuan. For Mark, who has the ability to identify jade, it is quite appropriate to buy these in a border city.

If you don’t know how to identify it, don’t think about getting a bargain, as the possibility of being cheated is greater.

"Is it beautiful?" Wang Xiaomi gestured to Mark after putting on the bracelet.

Although Wang Xiaomi is not a person who likes to pursue jewelry, there is no woman who doesn't like these.

"Beautiful, it suits you very well."

"You bought me something again, and I didn't buy you anything."

"You didn't go out. We are both in the capital. Why do I need you to bring me any local specialties?"

"Uncle, you can't bring all the local specialties back to me, right? You should take some back and give some to Auntie."

Mark brought a lot of things for Wang Xiaomi, considering that Wang Xiaomi has a mother.

Mom also has a cheap boyfriend situation.

"Don't worry, I brought back a lot."

Even though Mark has a small world that can cheat, he never goes out to play because it is not easy to carry and the local specialties he brings back are not enough.

Afterwards, Mark went to the courtyard again, visited Ling Mingyu, left some local specialties, and a new semester began.

"Good morning, Teacher Ma, good morning, classmate Ma Li."


"Good morning, Teacher Liu."

After getting off the bus, Mark and Mary kept greeting the teachers.

Because of the cold weather, Mali didn't insist on riding her bicycle.

For a long time since the beginning of the year, Mary has been going to school with Mark by bus.

"You've had enough fun. Study hard in the new semester. It's only a year and a half before you take the college entrance examination."

Before they parted, Mark gave Mary instructions.

Compared to normal students who spend their winter vacations attending cram schools, Ma Li's vacation can be considered very happy.

Mark didn't feel he was doing anything excessive when it came to the request at the beginning of the school year.

"I see, Teacher Ma, why are you still fussy now? You were not like this before."

Mary also had a feeling that Mark was obviously stricter than before.

"Were the previous semesters as critical as they are now? It was fine to indulge you before, but I can't indulge you forever."

In fact, these things were all done by Tian Ye in the past.

Mark doesn't have to discipline his children, so naturally he is always a good guy in front of Mary and doesn't need any preaching.

"Got it. I will definitely study hard."

"I'll wait for you to go home after school."

Mark knew very well that if he didn't restrain himself, Mary would have a lot of fun at the beginning of the new semester and it would take a long time for her to calm down.

"Teacher Ma, it's time for the meeting."

"it is good."

After school starts, it’s time for the long-awaited meeting.

After the plenary meeting, there is a senior meeting, and after the senior meeting, there is a group meeting.

No one has taken over Mark's position as sports team leader yet, so Mark has more things to do.

In the new semester, the first thing to do is to arrange the teaching work.

Although there is basically nothing new in the work, we can just follow the teaching syllabus of previous years.

But procedural issues are still necessary.

As for the class schedule, Mark thought it was okay and not much different from last semester.

There are still more than ten classes a week, which is still very easy.


"Okay, dismiss, free time from now on."

The courses at the beginning of the new semester are simpler, mainly to allow students to get familiar with the pace of the school.

After a brief stretch of body movement, Mark disbanded the team.

"Teacher Ma, we are short of one person, do you want to come with us?"

A member of the school team in the class invited Mark while holding a basketball.

"Classmate, did you attend a training class during the holidays?"

It is relatively rare that students ask Mark to play ball with them.

When students ask Mark to go to the court, it is usually because they want him to be the referee. Not many people ask Mark to play together.

After all, if Mark were to participate in a student competition, it would indeed be a bit of a bully.

"Teacher Ma, let me show you if I have made any progress."


Some students want to try out the gap, and Mark doesn’t mind letting the students get to know each other.

Because of the difference in physical fitness, even if it is a game, it is no different from shooting training for Mark.

Although Mark no longer cares about whether the basketball team can get good results.

After all, in an ordinary school like Mark, it's okay to cheat for one year.

If you want to steal chickens every year, the bug-level schools in Beijing are no joke.

Even quasi-professional players can be recruited into the school as students. This kind of ordinary school is simply incomparable.

Having learned their lesson, the bug schools will definitely make some arrangements for admissions.

Winning the city championship for two consecutive years is only possible if Mark is allowed to play in person.

But if students want to "improve", Mark will never be stingy with his guidance.

"Old Ma, are you bullying students again?"

When Mark was having a great time playing with his classmates, he heard a familiar voice.

"Hey... Lao Sun, why are you back?"

Turning his head, Mark was surprised to see that it was Lao Sun who was speaking.

"Shouldn't I come back?" Old Sun replied with his mouth and hands open and a bright smile.

"Okay, play by yourselves. The teacher will play with you another day."

Mark returned the ball and said to the students on the court, "You're finally back. I'm not used to your absence from school."

Lao Sun left quite suddenly, and came back quite suddenly as well.

Mark didn't hear any news when he left, and he still didn't hear any news when he came back.

That is to say, this is a school, but it can be changed into other types of units.

Even though Mark is not well-informed, he can still say that the workplace environment is very dangerous and there is a possibility of being eliminated.

"Didn't you always believe that I could come back?" After returning to the office and sitting down, Lao Sun could no longer conceal his pride.

As a teacher, it must be humiliating to be fired because a student questions your teaching ability.

But if he is hired back because of his teaching ability, it not only washes away the humiliation, but also proves his ability.

"Yes, I believed you could come back, but I didn't expect you to come back so soon."

Only a few days into the new semester, Lao Sun returned to school, which was a bit beyond Mark's expectations.

Mark thought that it would take a few more exams before Lao Sun’s teaching ability could be demonstrated.

Teaching ability is no different from other abilities, it takes a process anyway.

The traces that Old Sun left behind for his students would be enough to give the foreign teachers several tests.

Now, after just one final exam, the gap is clearly evident.

Mark couldn't tell whether Lao Sun's teaching level was too high or the foreign teachers' level was too poor.

"I am able to come back this time thanks to Lu Kuan. If he hadn't organized many students to petition together, I might not have been able to come back so soon." Old Sun said with a serious look on his face.

"Thank you for what? Isn't this what he deserves?"

Mark replied disapprovingly.

However, Mark still expressed his approval of Lu Kuan's brain.

This kid is really smart. He is a high school student, but he can easily control Lao Sun and make him leave or come back at will.

As Ma Li's adviser, Lu Kuan is much smarter than Lao Zhang, who is Wang Lanfang's adviser.

If this kind of brain were used on Mary, she might not be able to handle it.

If there is any development between the two of them, Mark must be there to keep an eye on it.

"There's no such thing as a should. Although we teach students knowledge, it's also to complete the work. There aren't many students who are so grateful nowadays. He even visited me at my home, did you know that?"

In other words, Lao Sun is just a high school English teacher.

If he were a university professor, he would definitely accept Lu Kuan as his student and pass on his legacy.

Lu Kuan left school and brought her back, and I was so touched by all the trouble she had.

The road is wide now, and it may be closer to Lao Sun than his own son.

"How do I know this?"

Mark actually knew that Lu Kuan sent a fruit basket to Lao Sun, and the effect was very significant.

Old Sun wanted to give Lu Kuan free tutoring in exchange for a fruit basket.

If other parents knew about this kind of bargain, they would fill up Mr. Sun’s house with fruit baskets.

"Now you know, Lu Kuan is a really good kid. Your Ma Li..."

In fact, anyone with eyes can see the relationship between Ma Li and Lu Kuan.

Although the two of them did not do anything excessive, their relationship was obviously better than that of ordinary classmates.

Therefore, most of Ma Li and Lu Kuan’s teachers have reported the two of them to Mark, including Lao Sun of course, in order to prevent the two from falling in love too early.

Now Old Sun has completely changed his attitude. He even wants to speak well of Lu Kuan in matters like this. He is truly like his own student.

"Stop, if you say Lu Kuan, then Lu Kuan is the right path. Don't bring my Ma Li with you. My Ma Li has nothing to do with Lu Kuan. They are just classmates."

"Okay, we are classmates." Old Sun also felt that he had said something wrong, so he didn't say anything else: "Old Ma, I have prepared a party, you can come and join us."

"What party?"

"Just a few alumni we are familiar with."

Mark has a better relationship with Lao Sun, and the fact that they graduated from the same alma mater is also a key point.

"Oh, okay."

Mark thought about it and accepted Lao Sun's invitation.

It was not difficult for Mark to guess what Lao Sun was thinking.

Old Sun was kicked out of school before, and he must have lost face in his social circle.

Now that the “Dragon King has returned”, colleagues at school will definitely be the first to know about it.

But for some friends who you don’t contact often, it is impossible to get news immediately.

Everyone knows that good news doesn't spread as fast as bad news.

In order to feel proud and avoid being misunderstood, it is normal for Lao Sun to take the initiative to organize a party and inform his friends.

"Don't forget to invite your girlfriend."

"She doesn't want to attend our mid-life party, so she won't go this time."

Mark directly helped Wang Xiaomi reject the invitation.

Compared to the beginning, both Mark and Wang Xiaomi want the other to integrate into their social circles.

Now both of them have become more open-minded about these things.

A tacit understanding has been formed. If something is incompatible, it is better to force it to blend in.

These alumni of the same school have a more distant relationship than school colleagues.

When the relationship becomes distant, people tend to flatter the powerful and look down on the weak.

Middle-aged alumni like Mark have an advantage over Wang Xiaomi in their careers.

It is difficult for people to look up to Wang Xiaomi because she has no career. The age gap is too big, and it is difficult for Wang Xiaomi to participate in these people's topics.

Just like Mark and Wang Xiaomi attending a reunion of Wang Xiaomi's friends and classmates, it was not a good experience.

It's just pretending, but it's not fun.

With Lao Sun back, Mark will still have a little more fun at school.

Even if he is not at school, Lao Sun knows more about the school situation than Mark.

Before they knew it, the two of them had been talking for the entire afternoon.

Since there was a party scheduled, Mark didn't go drinking with Lao Sun after get off work.

Just like the previous few days, I took Mali home after get off work.

Everything was normal until the meal, but after the meal, Mark noticed something strange about Mary.

"Mari, why are you wearing makeup?"

"Everyone loves beauty. There's nothing strange about wearing makeup."

"Don't you know that natural beauty is the essence? You are still a high school student. What are you learning from those people in society? Who are you trying to scare by doing this in the middle of the night?"

The little girl suddenly put on makeup. Regardless of her makeup skills, it looked abnormal no matter how you looked at it.

As an old father, it is impossible for Mark not to worry about Mary.

"My makeup is so good, how come it scares people?"

Ma Li's makeup is indeed quite good, and it is light makeup, which is not particularly excessive. This may be a natural skill of little girls.

"Where are you going with all that clothing and makeup on?"

Ma Li changed into a hip-hop style outfit. Although it was not revealing, it gave her a somewhat mature look as a student.

How can we not say that it is in line with the student temperament?

"I'm going out to play with my friends. I'm wearing this and putting on this makeup. Is there anything inappropriate about it?"

If she were two years older and a college student, it would be more appropriate for Mary to say this.

"What kind of friends are you hanging out with? You've got to get yourself into this state. You're still a student. Don't you think this is too much? You're hanging out with your friends this late at night. Aren't you going to school tomorrow?"

In fact, Mark didn't think it was too much, but looking at Mary's preparations, it was obvious that she was going to find a band. (End of this chapter)

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