"Go away. Don't think you can be the master of the Wang family just because you call me mom. What's the use of your presence? Can you be responsible for your aunt's safety?"

Mark started to scold Qiu Feng. Normally, Mark didn't do this, but recently he was really dissatisfied with Qiu Feng.

Ma Li’s problem was caused by Qiu Feng, and Wang Lanfang’s problem was also caused by Qiu Feng.

"He can't be responsible for my safety. Can you, Mark, be responsible for my safety?"

Wang Lanfang protected Qiu Feng behind her and said.

"If I am not responsible for the relationship between Xiaomi and me, then who will? Aunt, those who are truly doing good for you are asking you to have a physical examination now.

Those who indulge you to go home have bad intentions and only care about your health and appearance. The eunuchs in the Forbidden City in the early years were all like this. "

Mark looked at Qiu Feng and replied to Wang Lanfang.

It would definitely not be a good idea to let Mark confront Wang Lanfang directly, but now Qiu Feng and Wang Lanfang are on the same side, so there is not much difference between Mark confronting Qiu Feng and Wang Lanfang.

"Mark, what do you mean? How can I have bad intentions? I am sincere to my godmother, how can I be regarded as a eunuch who spreads slander?"

Qiu Feng said anxiously. Although he was not afraid of Wang Lanfang misunderstanding, there was also Wang Xiaomi listening next to him. Qiu Feng definitely did not want to be blamed.

"What do you think? Xiaomi's mother doesn't even recognize her home, and you still want to bring her home like this. What do you mean? You are not treating her illness. Aren't you being immoral?"

As long as the two of them didn't admit that they were pretending, Mark felt that he could choke them to death.

"You are sick, Mark. Even if I don't agree with you and Xiaomi being together, you can't curse me like this."

Seeing that Qiu Feng's army was completely defeated, Wang Lanfang had no choice but to face the enemy personally.

"Okay, we're in the hospital, why are you arguing? Teacher Ma, please help my mother get hospitalized first." Seeing Wang Lanfang arguing with Mark, Wang Xiaomi became unhappy.

No matter what, Mark will not suffer any loss, and Wang Xiaomi is a complete nemesis against Wang Lanfang.

"Then wait for me." Mark replied.

"Don't be hospitalized. I'm willing to get checked out. Isn't that enough?"

Wang Lanfang saw that Mark was serious and was using his connections to make a phone call, so she hurriedly tried to stop him.

"Wouldn't it be over if you did this earlier?"

After Wang Lanfang compromised, Mark and Wang Xiaomi sent Qiu Feng away and took Wang Lanfang for a physical examination.

Knowing that Wang Lanfang was not mentally ill, Mark arranged a full physical examination for her, which was not unnecessary.

After the results came out, Wang Xiaomi was so angry that her face turned red. However, under Mark's comfort, she waited until she got back to Lao Wang's house before she exploded:

"Look for yourself. We've checked EEG, CT, MRI, everything that can be checked and can't be checked. There's nothing wrong. Do you have anything else to say?"

"I really have dementia. Did this hospital make a mistake in the examination?"

Facing Wang Xiaomi's question, Wang Lanfang replied in silence.

"Teacher Ma, what's going on?"

After returning to Lao Wang's house, Lao Zhang rushed over as soon as possible.

Old Zhang was really concerned about Wang Lanfang, and after not seeing her for just one morning, he made several phone calls to her.

"Give them some space. Let's go out and talk."

Afraid that the presence of outsiders would affect Wang Xiaomi's performance, Mark pulled Old Zhang out of Old Wang's house.

"Okay." After responding, Old Zhang took Mark home.

"Why is Xiaomi so angry?"

"What's going on, don't you know?"

Mark looked at Old Zhang with suspicion. It was hard for Mark to believe that as a military strategist, Old Zhang had no involvement in Wang Lanfang's pretending to be sick.

"What do I know? I'm so worried. What happened to Lan Fang?"

Judging from the surface, Old Zhang doesn't seem to be pretending.

"Alzheimer's disease, commonly known as senile dementia." Mark replied tentatively.

"How is it possible? Lan Fang is so old, how could she get this disease?" Old Zhang jumped up.

"You really don't know anything?"

Originally, Mark was thinking about how to "repay" Old Zhang since he didn't inform him, but it seems that Old Zhang might not really be involved.

"It's already this late, what's the point of knowing or not? Seeing a doctor is the most important thing. Even at this point, why is Xiaomi still so angry with Lan Fang!"

"Don't worry, Xiaomi's mother's Alzheimer's is just fake."


"I've checked it, and there's nothing wrong with it. If it's not fake, what else could it be?"


"You don't know, how should I know?"

Wang Lanfang’s purpose was definitely to break up Mark and Wang Xiaomi, but Mark didn’t want to say it himself.

"I really don't know. Because I spoke up for you, Lan Fang has been in a cold war with me for several days."

"You two are in a cold war because of me, Uncle Zhang, how can I trust you when you say this?"

It was hard for Mark to believe that Old Zhang would do this for him.

"Teacher Ma, I really want you to be with Xiaomi, you know that."

"I know that."

Mark nodded. He had no doubt that Old Zhang wanted to marry Xiaomi off.

"So I have really paid for you and Xiaomi. Now I need your support. Should you and Xiaomi support me?"

"What do you support?"

Mark understood Old Zhang's purpose of asking for help from others and showing off his achievements to him.

"Isn't this my nephew Tenzo..."

"Zhang the scumbag?"

Old Zhang's face darkened as he explained, "It's him, but he's not a reformed man, he's not a scumbag, and he's not in contact with anyone else anymore. He's married."

"Oh, congratulations."

Mark said perfunctorily.

After thinking about it, there is nothing surprising about Dr. Zhang getting married. It is only because Dr. Zhang got married that Dai Anfen could block Dr. Zhang.

"Now that he has obtained a U.S. green card, he wants to take me to live in the U.S. for a while."

"That's great. Go ahead and accept the extravagance of capitalism."

The idea of ​​bringing Old Zhang to the United States actually made Mark have a better impression of the scumbag Zhang.

There are too many men who are bad women. Judging from their character, there are basically no good men.

As long as he thinks of Old Zhang as his adoptive father, he is not completely useless.

"I want to take Lan Fang with me."

"Okay, I have no objection."

"Where's Xiaomi?"

"Xiaomi should have no objection."

"Teacher Ma, you should know that if we want to stay longer, we can only apply for a family visit visa. This family visit visa can only be obtained by relatives."

"Oh...Uncle Zhang, are you waiting for me here?"

Mark seemed to have found the root of the matter.

"I want to get the certificate with Lan Fang first."

Using this reason, Mark and Wang Lanfang got their marriage certificate. Mark felt that this was a trick that the scumbag Zhang helped Old Zhang to do.

"You wanted to get the certificate with Xiaomi's mom, but she disagreed, so you two went into a cold war."

"You can't say that. In principle, Lan Fang is willing to get the marriage certificate with me. It's mainly because I spoke up for you that the two of us are in a cold war."

"Before Xiaomi got married, Xiaomi's mother didn't want to get married with you. So you helped me talk to Xiaomi, wanting Xiaomi and I to get married as soon as possible so that you could marry Xiaomi's mother, and then you two started a cold war."

It cannot be said that Old Zhang did this for Mark, Old Zhang did this for himself.

"If you insist, it's not impossible." "I understand, but I can't make the decision on this matter. I have to discuss it with Xiaomi."

If Wang Lanfang is willing to get a marriage certificate with Old Zhang, it would be no problem for Mark to help Wang Xiaomi agree.

Wang Lanfang is unwilling to get the marriage certificate with Old Zhang now, so Mark can no longer represent Wang Xiaomi.

"What's wrong? Why are you parting on bad terms?"

After leaving Old Zhang's house, Mark found Wang Xiaomi downstairs.

"The medical examination report is out, but my mother is still playing dumb with me and saying that she has dementia."

It seems that the only way for Wang Lanfang to avoid being scolded by Wang Xiaomi is to continue to be stubborn.

"Hey, don't be so angry, I have some news to tell you..."

Mark told Wang Xiaomi the details of his conversation with Old Zhang.

Otherwise, Wang Xiaomi doesn't have Mark's good temper.

It is not impossible to teach Wang Lanfang a lesson as if she were a child.

"What does my mom mean? It's not like I disagree with her and Uncle Zhang, but she's making a fuss with me." Wang Xiaomi looked confused.

"Hey, don't be angry with her. You had more trouble with her when you were little, so just consider it tit-for-tat."

Although Mark was happy to see Wang Xiaomi confronting Wang Lanfang, he really couldn't add fuel to the fire in person.

"Second Uncle, you know, she wants us to break up again."

"Don't take it personally. It's impossible for the two of us to break up."

After listening to what Old Zhang said, Mark actually understood the purpose of Wang Lanfang's fuss.

I just want to try one last attempt, it would be best if I could use emotional kidnapping to make Wang Xiaomi break up with Mark.

If Wang Lanfang really suffers from Alzheimer's disease and Mark and Wang Xiaomi refuse to break up, Wang Lanfang will give up and probably won't continue to oppose it.

After all, Old Zhang was in such a hurry, and Wang Lanfang didn't have that much time to waste with Wang Xiaomi.

Although Wang Xiaomi is Wang Lanfang's life, she cannot ignore herself at all.

"Uncle, I will definitely not break up with you."

Wang Xiaomi hugged Mark and said solemnly.

"Okay, I know. I definitely believe you. Go upstairs and talk to your mother."

After Wang Xiaomi calmed down, Mark said to Wang Xiaomi.

"Uncle, are you leaving?"

"It's getting late, and our two dogs are still in your store."

There was nothing to do here, and Mark was delayed for a day, so he didn't have any appointments.

"Can you show me this ring?"

After Mark came back, he didn't go to pick up the dog, but went to the mall to look at jewelry.

Mark was in a good attitude when persuading Wang Xiaomi.

But if Wang Lanfang wanted to make trouble with Mark like this, there was no way Mark would not fight back and respond.

"This is our favorite series, designed by a famous designer..."

"No need to introduce so much, just take it."

Diamond rings are just something that cost a lot of money, so Mark didn't bother with introducing them.

No matter how it is introduced, the essence is to sell it at a higher price.

"Sir, you are going to give it to my lover, right..."

"Swipe your card."

The item looked pretty and the price wasn't particularly outrageous, it was considered normal, so Mark asked the clerk to pack it up.

If girls weren't fooled and brainwashed into liking diamond rings, Mark actually didn't like such things that had no practical value.

After all, diamonds are not a precious material, and there is actually no difference between natural and artificial ones.

The price is so high, it's just like buying a brand. It's one of the products that costs the most IQ tax.

The next afternoon, Mark asked Wang Xiaomi out again and they met at a western restaurant that Wang Xiaomi liked very much.

When you need atmosphere, Western restaurants are indeed better than Chinese restaurants.

Otherwise, once the smell of fireworks goes off, it will be hard to create a romantic atmosphere.

After all, Mark was proposing, so his proposal couldn't be any worse than what Qiu Feng prepared in the rehearsal room to win back Wang Xiaomi.

"Uncle, is there no one in the restaurant today?"

"Maybe it's still early and no one has come yet."

Mark booked the restaurant, so naturally there would be no one there.

It’s not that Mark likes these things, but girls of Wang Xiaomi’s age like this kind of thing.

"Uncle, it's so strange today. Why hasn't anyone else come?"

After finishing the meal, Wang Xiaomi said curiously.

In most things, Wang Xiaomi's reaction is quite slow.

"It's too quiet, isn't it? Wait a moment."

Mark turned around and went to the front desk, notified the lights and music, then came back with the prepared roses:
"Xiaomi, this is for you."

"Uncle, what day is it? You're giving me flowers again."

No matter how slow she was, Wang Xiaomi could sense something was wrong.

"Take a good look."

"what is this?"

With Mark's hint, Wang Xiaomi finally found the jewelry box in the middle of the bouquet.

"Xiaomi, marry me!" Mark said after helping to open it.

"Uncle, I do." Wang Xiaomi burst into tears excitedly.

Although Mark feels it is a bit exaggerated, this form is indeed very effective and can easily make girls cry.

Although the moves are very old, they have been verified by countless people and can indeed stand the test.

"Uncle, when are we getting married?"

After being excited, Wang Xiaomi asked Mark questions.

"Um... there's no rush to get married. We can't rush into important life events. Let's just settle it now."

In response to Wang Lanfang's fuss, Mark decided to get married to Wang Xiaomi first.

In fact, the best way to make Wang Lanfang give up is for Mark to get married directly.

But Mark really wants to marry Wang Xiaomi when he has no confidence that Mary and Wang Xiaomi can get along well under the same roof.

There is no doubt that there will be too many questions waiting for Mark later.

Mark still wanted to follow the original plan and marry Wang Xiaomi after Mary went to college.

"Uncle, I don't mind the form."

"You can not care, but I can't help but care for you."

"Uncle, your words are enough. Let's go get the certificate now."

After being moved by Mark, Wang Xiaomi's urgency was revealed again.

"This is your first marriage, you can't be so careless."

Mark hurriedly comforted her, otherwise, Mark was worried that Wang Xiaomi would drag him to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

"It's not enough to have such a romantic proposal. I don't think it's hasty at all."

"Neither your mother nor my mother has agreed yet. We should get their blessings. Go back and talk to your mother first and then we can talk about it."

Mark no longer dared to say anything to move Wang Xiaomi. (End of this chapter)

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