"Qingshu, Mount Emei is ahead."

Song Qingshu followed Yin Liting all the way from Wudang, heading west to Shu.

Although he did not delay his business along the way, he visited various gangs along the way and asked the gangsters he had connections with to help him gather information.

He did not miss the opportunity to find out about the important business of the Vajra Sect, but it was very obvious what Yin Liting was thinking as he hurried along.

"Sixth Uncle, are we going to Emei now?"

"Let's take a rest today to get rid of the dust from all the traveling. Tomorrow we will go to Emei Mountain to visit Master Miejue."

Before paying homage to the mountain, one must rest for a night and wash up. Whether this is a preparation for meeting Miejue or Ji Xiaofu, only Yin Liting himself knows it best.

"Sixth Uncle, Master Miejue is the third generation disciple of Emei, right?"


"I am a third-generation disciple of Wudang. My master and Lady Guo Xiang had a history in the past. This is something that everyone in the martial arts world knows, right?"

"You're right." Yin Liting nodded.

"So we are both third-generation disciples. When I meet Nun Miejue, I should call her Senior Sister, right? Now that we are on Mount Emei, can we discuss our seniority separately? Is it okay for you to call me Uncle and I to call you Senior Sister?"

Yin Liting is twelve years older than Song Qingshu and is already twenty-eight this year.

In the feudal era, this age was considered an unmarried young person.

Song Qingshu could understand that Yin Liting was still missing his wife at such an old age.

But Song Qingshu was not very happy that Yin Liting was obsessed with someone else's wife and lowered his generation.

"I call you Master Uncle, and you call me Master Sister. So I should also call you Master Uncle, right?"

This relationship is so complicated that Yin Liting can no longer figure it out and his brain is itching.

"That's not necessary. We've already agreed to talk about our own affairs. After all, we are uncle and nephew. You don't have to call me uncle-master. I can still call you uncle-master."

Song Qingshu comforted Yin Liting.

Although the Seven Heroes of Wudang are only fellow disciples, their relationship is deeper than that of real brothers, so it is absolutely correct to say that they are close relatives.

Although the Yuan Dynasty was a time when the Mongols were in power and rituals and music were in ruins, Zhang Laodao was a man of the Song Dynasty and still followed Han rituals. He fundamentally did not support Song Qingshu's disrespect for elders.

"Qingshu, Master is open-minded by nature. He doesn't care about the common etiquette of ordinary people. He has always been on equal terms with the leaders of the major sects in the martial arts world."

Yin Liting explained to Song Qingshu.

"Even though that's what I said, people in Jianghu are not particular about small matters. When walking in Jianghu, people of similar age are always considered disciples of the same generation, right?"

Song Qingshu retorted to Yin Liting.

Zhang Laodao is unwilling to take advantage of others, he is indeed very free and easy and handsome.

But for the younger disciples, it is actually quite a pitfall.

Song Yuanqiao, a second-generation Wudang disciple, was already fifty years old.

He is older than some of the leaders of major sects, and even a generation younger for no reason.

"It's up to you. Just don't make the nun angry after you go up the mountain."

Yin Liting said helplessly.

Emei is no different from other sects. Because of the relationship between Zhang Laodao and Guo Xiang, the two sects can be considered natural allies and brother sects.

If Yin Liting and Ji Xiaofu had not been engaged, messing up the order of generations, in fact, the order of generations between the two families has always been quite strict.

Of course, it also has something to do with the fact that the first, second and third generations of Emei transitioned too quickly, and no Taoist Zhang could survive.

As the head of a sect, it's not easy for him to go out and meet someone younger than him, which is not decent at all.

"Sixth Uncle, Miss Guo Xiang has a good eye. The scenery of Mount Emei is no less beautiful than our Wudang Mountain."

Although Song Qingshu had visited these places in later generations.

However, the developed scenic spots and the current natural areas are at most similar in some topographical features.

It would be difficult to climb a mountain without some Qinggong skills.

However, it is really good to be a gangster in this era. If you have the ability, you can directly occupy the mountain and become the king.

By finding a famous mountain or river, you can claim it as your own territory, and even the imperial court will be helpless.

"Be more serious and show more respect to the heroine."

After going up the mountain, Yin Liting became serious.

"Okay, it's really not my place to judge a heroine."

After thinking for a while, Song Qingshu said.

Paying attention to Guo Xiang in Mount Emei can indeed easily cause conflicts.

"Stop whoever comes!"

After reaching halfway up the mountain, Song Qingshu and Yin Liting were stopped by two Emei disciples who suddenly appeared.

"Wudang disciples Yin Liting and Song Qingshu, carrying a letter from their master, have come to pay respect to the mountain."

"Sixth Hero Yin, the head nun has gone into seclusion. Before she closed the door, she instructed not to see any visitors."

It is useful to have a name in the world, otherwise if you don’t know each other, no one will know who is who.

"Here is a letter from my master. Please inform the two of you." Yin Liting took out the letter from Taoist Zhang and continued.

"Hold on."

After the two men took Yin Liting and Song Qingshu to a reception room and stopped, they went up the mountain to report on their own. They didn't even show any attitude of inviting the two people to the mountain. It could be said that they were really rude.

"Uncle Master, are there any male disciples in Mount Emei?"

After the two people left, Song Qingshu asked Yin Liting.

"Emei has never banned male disciples, but the martial arts passed down by female warriors are more suitable for women, so male disciples are generally not given much importance."

"This is much more humane than our Wudang people."

Song Qingshu sighed and said.

The Wudang Sect is good in every way except that the only bad thing is that there are only men on the mountain.

Other sects have a group of senior and junior sisters, but among the major martial arts sects, only Wudang and Shaolin only accept male disciples.

Perhaps this is also the reason why the two factions can lead the group.

When practicing martial arts, there are no senior and junior sisters to distract you, so you can definitely focus more.

"Do you have any objections to the rules set by your master?" Yin Liting's face darkened, and he acted like his uncle to Song Qingshu.

"No problem, no problem. Uncle Six, why didn't you tell me that Master wrote a letter?"

"Your master wanted to help your junior brother Wuji obtain the Emei Nine Yang Gong. He wrote to the master several times but she didn't reply. She always said she was in seclusion. She returned the letters unopened several times. This time I brought it here in person."

"Sixth Uncle, Nun Miejue is not my master. She has achieved the state of creation and is one with nature. How could she be in seclusion for such a long time?"

What Song Qingshu wanted to remind was that it was normal for Zhang Sanfeng to go into seclusion for several months at a time in his cultivation.

At the level of Miejue, apart from the Sword of the Heavenly Sword, his combat power may not even be as good as Song Yuanqiao. He would starve to death if he didn't eat for a week. How could he possibly have the conditions to seclude himself for a long time and ignore external affairs?

Every time he returns the letter without even reading it, it is obvious that he doesn't want to read it.

"With the relationship between our two sects, how could Master deliberately shirk responsibility?"

Yin Liting's affection for Emei was absolutely extreme, after all, Emei assigned him a wife.

It’s hard to say about other things, but the appearance of Emei female disciples has always been guaranteed.

What men value most is appearance.

"Sixth Uncle, I heard some news when I went down the mountain last time. I thought it was just a rumor. But now with Emei's attitude, it seems that these news are not rumors."

Song Qingshu thought for a moment and said.

This was not a rumor Song Qingshu had heard, but something he vaguely remembered from watching various versions of the plot. "What news?"

"There is news in the martial arts world that Nun Miejue's brother and his family were murdered by the Golden Lion King Xie Xun."

"Qingshu, you can't say this casually. If this is the case, how can Emei exchange the Nine Yang Gong with us?" Yin Liting said anxiously.

"I'm not making this up. Wudang and Emei have been friends for decades. If this is not true, why would Emei have such an attitude now?"

If we think logically, the last time the Emei Sect went to Wudang Mountain to celebrate Zhang Sanfeng's birthday, they must have been sincere at the beginning.

It took a long time to prepare carefully, and the embroidered robe given to Taoist Zhang for his longevity must be real.

But when the major sects threatened Wudang, Emei was willing to stand with Wudang, which might just be Wudang's wishful thinking.

No one holds a grudge more than Miejue. If her brother's family was really killed, Miejue would want to know the news of the Golden Lion King more than anyone else.

"Sixth Hero Yin, the headmaster is still in seclusion, and Emei is not convenient for receiving guests. You two should make yourselves at ease."

After waiting for a long time, many people came down from Emei Mountain.

Some are dressed as monks, and some are dressed as lay disciples.

Like Emei and Wudang, disciples are free to become monks or not.

Compared to Wudang, which has only one monk, Zhang Laodao, Emei has more monks. It can even be said that most of the people in Emei are monks.

So many people came down, which not only proved that Emei had more disciples than Wudang, but also made it hard to tell whether they valued the two people or were afraid that the two people would force their way up the mountain.

"Sister Ding, is Lady Ji Xiaofu here?"

Yin Liting asked anxiously.

Yin Liting is so cautious towards his senior sister that it is obvious that he is a bootlicker.

But Yin Liting is definitely more worthy of being a bootlicker than Song Qingshu.

Although he lost Ji Xiaofu, he gained Yang Buhui, which was definitely not a loss. He was the type of person who would get everything to the end.

"Junior Sister Ji is not on the mountain. I'm sorry to disappoint you, Sixth Hero Yin." The leading Emei disciple said with raised eyebrows.

"She...when can she return to the mountain?"

"He will definitely not be back anytime soon, so Sixth Knight Yin should not have any expectations."

The person who came said this as if he knew something.

This woman is undoubtedly Ding Minjun.

This woman cannot be said to be that bad. Her biggest problem is that her martial arts skills are not good enough. If her martial arts skills were good enough, she wouldn't have to resort to any conspiracies or tricks.

Although she is not the eldest senior sister of Emei, as the eldest disciple of Emei's lay family, when all the disciples who want to become monks are sincere and have no idea about the position of the leader, she can be regarded as the number one seed to become the next leader of Emei.

But if a junior sister comes, she will be more qualified than herself and will be more favored by Ming Jie. If a junior sister comes, she will be even more qualified and will be more favored.

It's normal for him to become a pervert after failing to get the position of the head of the sect.

It is normal for this kind of situation to occur in the competitive way of raising Gu.

This is actually the pot of extinction.

People in the martial arts world are hot-tempered, and not everyone can be as united as the Seven Heroes of Wudang.

In fact, Song Qingshu felt that all the Emei disciples were useless.

Only Ding Minjun can more thoroughly implement the will of extermination.

But the martial arts world is not a place for reasoning, and in the end, fists will do the talking. Miejue Si looked down on Ding Minjun's qualifications, but there was really nothing he could do.

"Can I wait on the mountain for a while?" Yin Liting asked humbly.

Looking at Yin Liting, Song Qingshu could imagine what he would be like in a dozen years.

Except for Miejue, the strength of Emei's other disciples is pretty good. Now there are only a few who can defeat Song Qingshu.

Their reputation in the martial arts world is almost as great as that of Shaolin and Wudang.

Song Qingshu thought it had something to do with the many beautiful female disciples on the mountain.

There is absolutely no problem in marrying off a female disciple and winning over a sect as an ally.

No matter what, marrying a female disciple of Emei is the ultimate pursuit of a man in the martial arts world.

As far as Yin Liting's qualifications are concerned, if he was not a disciple of Zhang Laodao, he would not have been able to marry an Emei disciple.

"Sixth Uncle, we still have important things to do?" Song Qingshu pulled Yin Liting and reminded him.

"Oh, yes. Lady Ding, I have something to trouble you, Emei."

"what's up?"

"Have you ever heard of the Western Regions Vajra Sect?"

After all, Sichuan is closer to the Western Regions than Hubei, so Song Qingshu also has some expectations for the answer.

"Never heard of it."

Ding Minjun exchanged glances with Emei next to her and replied.

"I would also like to ask all the senior and junior sisters to pay attention to the news of the Vajra Sect as much as possible. If you can gain anything, Wudang will be very grateful and will definitely report back."

Wudang doesn’t have much money, so if they want people to do things for them, they can only do more favors.

"Emei disciples will definitely do their best."

Ding Minjun's promise should have some credibility. After all, this man wants to be the head of the sect, so he certainly wouldn't mind doing Wudang a favor.

"Goodbye!" Yin Liting said with a fist salute.

"We haven't even seen the Golden Summit of Emei yet."

Song Qingshu felt a little unwilling. After all, with the current transportation situation, after this trip, he might not come again.

After leaving Mount Emei, Yin Liting took Song Qingshu to wander around Sichuan.

Although Sichuan's scenery is quite nice and unique.

In times of chaos, Shu was more isolated from the outside world than the rest of the world, the people suffered less persecution, and the atmosphere was relatively more peaceful.

But these were definitely not the reasons why Yin Liting stayed. While tracking down the news about the Vajra Sect, Yin Laoliu never gave up on looking for news about Ji Xiaofu.

Long-distance relationships are really hard to handle in this day and age. My fiancée's children are already grown up, but my fiancé is still as infatuated as a fool.

"Sixth Uncle, it's time for us to go back to Wudang."

It was already the end of the year, and even though he had become a man of the world, Song Qingshu began to miss home, and wanted to have some peace and stability during the New Year holidays.

"We haven't found any useful information yet. We have accomplished nothing on this trip. How can we go back so soon?"

It cannot be said that the two people did not find out the news.

At least the existence of the Vajra Sect has been confirmed.

The Vajra Sect’s inheritance is messy and ordinary people don’t know at all that the core of the Vajra Sect is the Shaolin inheritance.

"Go back. Master is already a hundred years old. Can you bear to let him spend the holidays alone and be lonely?"

Perhaps only Taoist Zhang is more important than women in Yin Liting's heart.

At most, the few fellow disciples can be equated with Ji Xiaofu.

"Okay, we'll be back in a few days. We can take a boat across the Han River and we'll be back in a few days."

"Okay, then we'll stay out for a few more days."

Song Qingshu didn't believe that Ji Xiaofu could be found.

Who knows where this person is, pretending to be an ordinary woman and raising a child.

He doesn't even walk around in the underworld, so how could he be found so easily?

(End of this chapter)

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