After entrusting his dozen dogs to the Taoist children on the mountain, Song Qingshu left Wudang Mountain again.

He was all alone and even worse than the Huashan Sect which later fell into decline.

It didn't look like the appearance of a future leader of one of the top martial arts sects.

Not only does he not have any younger brothers, he has to do everything himself.

There was no time to stay in the mountains for any longer.

These Wudang guys really should live in seclusion in the martial arts world, become a hidden sect, and not participate in the social interactions of the martial arts world.

In this era, the further north you go, the more desolate it becomes.

As early as the Southern Song Dynasty, most of the population chose to migrate south.

But it is not completely desolate. After all, capitulationists exist in every era and it is impossible to eliminate them.

The location of Yuan Dadu is the later Beijing, which was the political center of a vast feudal dynasty.

No matter how bad it is, it is still one of the largest cities of the era.

It cannot be compared with Kaifeng, which had a population of over one million a hundred or two hundred years ago.

But most of them can more or less show the prototype of the later capital city.

Several prominent buildings of later generations, including the Forbidden City, the Bell and Drum Tower, and the Altar of Land and Grain, were either under construction or partially built and put into use.

Even under the policy of forced migration, there seems to be a population of several hundred thousand.

In addition, there are no restrictions on culture and business, so entertainment and commerce are quite developed, and there is a unique kind of prosperity.

It is enough to intimidate the ignorant Europeans of today.

The city is not small and has a large population, which makes it difficult for Song Qingshu to find people.

Song Qingshu could only wander around the city.

Look for the Wudang Sect's unique communication code on various landmark buildings in the city.

There are so many gangs in the underworld that a random mark on the wall that looks like a child's graffiti may be the contact code of a sect.

What Song Qingshu could discover most were the secret codes that were suspected to be from the Beggar Gang disciples.

Although the Beggars' Sect no longer has masters and rarely appears in the martial arts world, there are still traces of the Beggars' Sect everywhere in the martial arts world.

After wandering around the city for three days, Song Qingshu finally found the Four Heroes of Wudang.

It wasn't too secretive for a few people to hide, so they rented a small courtyard in a hotel that was quite big and owned by a close friend of theirs in the city.

"Qingshu, why are you here in Dadu? Have you been back to the mountains? I haven't heard from you in the past two years. Is your father worried?"

Zhang Songxi said excitedly when he saw Song Qingshu coming over.

Zhang Songxi is the only person on Mount Wudang that Song Qingshu cannot understand.

He is neither ostentatious nor impulsive, never puts himself in danger, and always plans before doing anything.

The result of not fighting a life-and-death battle is that no one can figure out Zhang Songxi's strength.

In normal sparring matches, no one knew how much effort Zhang Songxi put in.

It is certain that he is not as good as Yu Lianzhou, but whether he is comparable to Song Yuanqiao or not, and how big the gap is, perhaps even the second generation people don’t know.

Zhang Songxi has done so many things and accumulated so many connections for Wudang.

No one will know until something happens.

So now, even if his skills have greatly improved, Song Qingshu doesn't know whether he can definitely beat Zhang Songxi.

"I have already returned to the mountain to visit my master. Since I haven't heard from you guys, I came to look for you."

"We are fine here, but you said you were going to travel, but there has been no news for two years. It's even more worrying. What have you been doing in the past two years?"

Under normal circumstances, for a true disciple of a major sect like Song Qingshu, two years of wandering in the martial arts world is enough to make him famous and announce his debut to various forces.

It has indeed been nearly two years since Song Qingshu separated from a few people at Yumen Pass.

If Song Qingshu had not been hiding in the nameless valley, Jade-faced Mengchang would not have been rumored to be only in a corner of Wudang's sphere of influence.

"I'll talk about my business later." Seeing that there was no one else in the yard, Song Qingshu asked, "Fourth Uncle, where are my father, second uncle, and seventh uncle?"

"They're all out on the lookout."

"Spying on Prince Ruyang's palace?"

Song Qingshu asked tentatively, if nothing happened, it could only mean that the masters of Ruyang Palace were all causing trouble outside and not all of them were guarding the base camp, otherwise it would feel like he was sending himself off.

"Not really. We are mainly following the martial arts masters coming out of the Ruyang Palace. The more we investigate, the more unfathomable we find the Ruyang Palace is."

Although it is not easy to judge a person's true strength without taking action, otherwise there wouldn't be such an old bastard who has never taken action in his entire life and is unknown to anyone.

But experienced people can still judge some clues about a person's strength from some details.

Although it is not completely accurate, it is pretty close.

"The Mongolian Emperor has entrusted the task of dealing with the Central Plains martial arts world to the Prince of Ruyang's Palace. The power of the Prince of Ruyang's Palace should certainly not be underestimated." Song Qingshu agreed.

Now it's time to use Song Qingshu again. How can he properly and reasonably expose the information about Prince Ruyang's Mansion?

When you know a person's intelligence, you can avoid being killed on first sight.

The masters of the Yuan court are different from those of the Central Plains. Each school in the Central Plains knows what martial arts they are good at, and the Yuan court also knows this.

When you take action, you will naturally be prepared.

However, the masters of the Yuan court came from various backgrounds.

There were those who went south to sweep the Central Plains martial arts world, collected various secrets, and trained their own masters.

There are various masters contributed by various vassal states.

These people's kung fu is considered strange and bizarre to the Central Plains martial arts world because it is unfamiliar.

When you know yourself but not your enemy, it’s easy to become passive when you take action.

Just like the two Xuanming Elders, the iconic masters of the Ruyang Palace.

If you know the intelligence, you can use weapons to fight against two people. This is a competition of moves and internal strength. If you are a first-class master, you can fight with two people alone for dozens of moves.

But if you don’t know the intelligence, you will just foolishly fight against two people.

As long as one's internal strength is not as good as that of the two people, he will basically be defeated by the two people in one move and be infected with cold poison.

Of course, the Xuanming Divine Palm of these two is powerful, but it also has great limitations. When their internal strength is not as good as others, the cold poison can easily backfire. If they dare to fight against Zhang Laodao, they will be defeated in one move.

Therefore, the one they fear the most is Zhang Laodao, and they simply don't have the courage to fight him.

"No matter what, your Third Uncle's revenge must be avenged."

The people of Wudang Sect are actually quite vindictive, especially when it comes to the lives of their disciples.

Only Zhang Cuishan died of suicide, and the cause of his death was too complicated for Wudang to take revenge.

"My nephew is here to avenge my uncle."

Even if they can't kill Zhao Min, they have to kill Asan, otherwise these four brothers may not go back.

"Okay, let's avenge your uncle together. Wherever you live now, it's probably not safe. Why don't you move in and live with us?"

"Then I'll go back to the inn and pack up before coming back."

Song Qingshu always carries his luggage with him.

But you have to pretend to go out and bring it back. "Can't you be more quiet? You went out with your uncles, but didn't you come back with them? You ran away alone and never came back. Do you know how worried your uncles are about you?"

Even though Song Yuanqiao hadn't seen Song Qingshu for two years, he couldn't say anything good about him.

This person is just like that. He will never say anything nice to Song Qingshu.

"Lao Deng, draw your swords." Song Qingshu shouted in his heart, but he didn't really draw his sword with Song Yuanqiao. Although he really wanted to fight Lao Deng, it would definitely be inappropriate to do so in the courtyard of the inn.
"You just ran away if you wanted to. You haven't sent any letters back to the mountain for such a long time. Don't you know that others are also missing you?"

"Big Brother, is there any news about the thieves from the Vajra Sect?"

When these people got together, Zhang Songxi turned out to be the one who smoothed things over.

In fact, it's quite helpless. The fifth brother has passed away, and the sixth brother is not around, so there is no one among the brothers who can liven up the atmosphere.

Among these four people, only Mo Laoqi likes to talk more, but Mo Laoqi is obviously not a person who understands the ways of the world.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have shouted and called for the death of Song Qingshu just because he peeped into the girls' dormitory.

Although peeping into the female bedroom was excessive, it was nothing compared to Zhang Cuishan marrying a cult witch and becoming friends with a murderer.

According to the Wudang Sect's Taoist master Zhang, Zhang Cuishan was not in any trouble except for breaking the promise to his master and ancestors. Song Qingshu's mistake was not worthy of being expelled from the sect.

This person must be either bad or stupid to handle this.

Song Qingshu hasn't figured out the bad side of Mo Shenggu yet, and still thinks that Mo Shenggu is more of a fool, so what Song Qingshu hates most is playing with Mo Laoqi.

It's not just the two people who are backlashing, it's also the reason why Song Qingshu killed Mo Laoqi in the original plot.

"What we can confirm is that there is only one monk named Gangxiang in the palace, and the other two thieves are probably laymen."

It can be seen that it was very difficult for several people to get the news about Ruyang Palace.

Unlike the news about Wudang Sect itself, which is completely everywhere, not to mention the people in the martial arts world, many ordinary people can know a lot about Wudang Sect.

"How about we just capture this monk Gangxiang?"

Song Qingshu made a direct proposal to several people.

This monk will definitely trick Zhang Laodao in the future, so it will definitely be a win-win if he kills this guy first.

If we really inquire based on the efficiency of a few people, it would be difficult to get a result.

The real situation is hard to imagine, a top-notch master in the martial arts world, without any status, is willing to be a dog for a ten-year-old girl in the palace.

Two people are willing to transform themselves into the most ordinary slaves. It is difficult for people to distinguish the thousands of servants in a royal palace.

The last time I saw such humble masters was when they were Yin Wushou, Yin Wufu and Yin Wulu from the Sky Eagle Sect.

But the three members of the Sky Eagle Cult only wanted to express their gratitude to Yin Tiansheng for saving their lives and volunteered to serve as his servants.

The Sky Eagle Cult did not really disrespect the three people, but Zhao Min really treated A Da and A Er as servants, ordering them around and disposing of them at will.

"The King Kong Sect may have informed them, and they may have been wary of us. It is even more inappropriate to act rashly and alert the enemy. It is easy to capture Gang Xiang, but it is more important to avenge your uncle."

Zhang Songxi's plan was to catch them all in one fell swoop.

If you don't know the intelligence, it is indeed better to do this.

After all, according to the current information, Wudang still doesn’t know who specifically injured Yu Daying.

"Then I'll go with you tomorrow to help find out the news."

Following the four heroes to gather information means following some martial artists who often come in and out of Prince Ruyang's Palace, and going to restaurants and brothels together.

Trying to eavesdrop on some information inside the palace.

This efficiency is hard to describe in words.

It’s not that these people didn’t think of sneaking into the palace and investigating directly by touching the cards.

The main reason was that I met an expert the first time I went there and suffered a small loss.

Zhang Songxi, who wanted to play it safe, did not deploy such radical measures again.

The imperial court institutions are still much more rigorous than the martial arts sects.

In terms of intelligence confidentiality, it is countless times stronger than the martial arts sects.

None of these can be considered an operation. The martial arts sects are promoting themselves, pursuing traffic, and actively exposing themselves.

The Prince of Ruyang's Mansion is as shady as possible and tries to hide as much as possible, and is as despicable as possible.

Although intelligence is difficult to collect, the process of collecting intelligence is not difficult for Song Qingshu.

It was really fun to go to various brothels, restaurants, and theaters every day.

Although the few people would not allow Song Qingshu to really do anything, it was nice to drink and listen to music.

It must be said that the entertainment venues in Dadu are of higher quality than those in Xiangyang City.

The quality in all aspects is far better than Xiangyang.

Although I saw the little loli Zhao Min go out and confirmed the appearance of A Da and A Er.

But because he was living a good life in Dadu, Song Qingshu did not act rashly.

Whether in Wudang or in the Western Regions, Song Qingshu had not enjoyed such prosperity for a long time.

After waiting for more than a month, the three members of the King Kong Sect left the city together, but I didn't know what mission they were going to do.

Song Qingshu then notified the four heroes to go and capture the man together.

"Qingshu, are you sure this person is from Ruyang Palace? I think this person is a senior monk from Shaolin."

After following from a distance, Song Yuanqiao questioned Song Qingshu.

"There is no such thing as a Shaolin monk. Aren't these Gangxiang, Er'er, and San from the Ruyang Palace, the three disciples of the Vajra Sect who surrendered to the Yuan court?"

Song Qingshu felt that Song Yuanqiao was targeting him again.

I decided in my heart that I would not take Mo Laoqi or Song Yuanqiao to play with me in the future.

It’s better to go out with the second, fourth and sixth brothers, as it’s more pleasant to communicate and work together.

"You have never been to Shaolin, so don't talk nonsense. This master is Shaolin Master Kongxiang."

"Isn't Shaolin about emptiness, seeing, hearing, wisdom, and emptiness? What the hell is this emptiness? Why haven't I heard of it?"

The four great monks of the Kong generation of Shaolin are very famous. Like the Seven Heroes of Wudang, they are all top figures in the Central Plains martial arts world.

Except for Kong Jian who died long ago, the other three had come to Wudang Mountain when Old Zhang celebrated his 100th birthday. Song Qingshu had seen them before.

"Your father is not yet old enough to have blurred vision."

Song Yuanqiao said angrily.

"Then this Lao Deng is the imperial court's undercover agent in Shaolin. No matter what his identity is, it is definitely right to arrest him."

Song Qingshu thought about it and felt that it was possible that Lao Deng really had a pseudonym in Shaolin.

Cheng Kun has a pseudonym in Shaolin, so why can’t Gang Xiang have a pseudonym?

There are many Shaolin disciples, and it is indeed convenient to use numbers and strength when fighting with others.

But when there are too many people, it becomes difficult to conduct political reviews and it is inevitable that corruption and filth will be harbored.

Not to mention that what Shaolin likes most is having someone to teach you martial arts.

Regardless of background, we recruit all the masters in the world.

Faced with the threat to Wudang's status, it is not surprising that Shaolin would do anything. (End of this chapter)

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