Chapter 145
Most of Yan Jiecheng's news about the courtyard now comes from Xu Damao when he is eating in the No. [-] cafeteria.

When Yan Xiecheng was queuing up for dinner, Xu Damao happily came over and said, "Xiecheng, have you heard that Shazhu is going to get a divorce!"

That's right, Xu Damao shamelessly jumped into the line today. As the only projectionist, he has more face than Widow Qin.Occasionally jumping in the queue, no one bothered with Xu Damao.

"It's nothing to make a fuss about. Didn't everyone expect Shazhu's divorce? I'm surprised that Xu Hongxia can bear Shazhu until now. How can there be a married man whose wife and children can't eat enough? To help the widow next door." Yan Jiecheng said calmly.

Yan Jiecheng was too calm, Xu Damao didn't want to, and he felt uncomfortable if he didn't tell the happy things: "You don't even ask me why, why you can't bear it with Shazhu, you can't bear it, and you want to divorce if you are pregnant."

"Did something happen these days again?" It's all fun, so I still want to hear it.

"It's a long story, I'll talk to you later when I sit down."

When the two found a place, Xu Damao didn't shy away from others, and said, "It starts with our two old hens. I went to the countryside to show a movie, and the commune insisted on thanking me for giving me two old hens." chicken."

"Da Mao, there's only so much time for dinner. Can we make a long story short? Don't talk about how the old hen got here. I'm afraid you'll start with how the old hen hatched from the egg, and you won't be able to finish it until you get off work." Xu Damao is really worthy of his lip service, he explained it in detail.

"It's those two old hens. I'm going to raise the ones that lay eggs, and they are raised in the chicken coop in front of my house. When I got home from work yesterday, I found that the old hen was missing one. I guessed it was the little bastard. Steal it." Xu Damao said happily.

"This has nothing to do with Sha Zhu."

"You can't tell me what's next."

"Don't worry, the words come out of your mouth and into my ears, even if they have entered the grave, when did I tell you all the things you told me." Yan Xiecheng assured, there are so many people in the cafeteria, so pay attention He could listen to two people talking without Yan Xiecheng spreading the news himself, he listened first and then spoke.

"I was planning to go to Widow Qin's house and let her accompany our old hen, but before I got to Widow Qin's house, I smelled the smell of stewed chicken from Shazhu's house. I changed my mind at that time, Qin Widows will cry and be poor, and they may not be able to compensate me if they don’t catch the loot. Guess what I did?” Xu Damao said in a low voice.

Can Yan Jiecheng know this? This is the answer to the open-book exam. I have read it.

"You must have gone to Shazhu's house and said that Shazhu stole your chicken."

Xu Damao patted the table, obviously very proud of what he did, and said: "That's right, I found Shazhu's house, and Shazhu didn't want to take the blame at the beginning. I can forgive him. The chicken in Zhu’s family was brought home from the rolling mill, and silly Zhu couldn’t explain the origin of the chicken, so I asked the second uncle to hold a meeting of the whole hospital.”

The next development was exactly the same as what Yan Jiecheng knew. The development of things was so inertial. Shazhu's chicken was brought home from the rolling mill, but it was never a problem if it was not caught by the guard at the rolling mill.

Silly Zhu was afraid that Xu Damao would make a big deal out of stealing the chicken, and make a fuss outside, which would affect the reputation of the stick.In the end, he helped Bang Geng take the blame and paid Xu Damao five yuan.

"Shazhu's daughter-in-law heard that Shazhu admitted that she was a thief, so she didn't want to. She gave him a big mouth, saying that her child didn't become a thief's father, and she wanted to divorce him." What happened yesterday Well, if I talk about it today, Xu Damao can still laugh out loud.

"Didn't you see the chaotic situation yesterday? No one can persuade her. Xu Hongxia wants to divorce Shazhu, and everyone in Shazhu is stupid."

Yan Jiecheng reminded Xu Damao, who was going crazy with joy: "You still have the time to gloat, and silly Zhu is thinking about how to take revenge on you."

"You still don't understand Sha Zhu better than I do. Now Sha Zhu is in danger of protecting himself, his wife and children are about to fly away, how can he take revenge on me?"

"Is there any result in the divorce?"

"The result hasn't come out yet, but the two are definitely divorced, and there have been conflicts all the time. Xu Hongxia hopes that Shazhu will take home all the salary lunch boxes. Shazhu despises Xu Hongxia to take care of him, so that Shazhu can't take care of the widow. You think Shazhu can be happy. Well, this time Shazhu became a thief, Xu Hongxia will definitely leave for the sake of her child's reputation." Xu Damao said with certainty.

"What about divorced Xu Hongxia? With a big belly, she brought her two children back to the countryside to earn centimeters?"

"How is that possible? The child in Xu Hongxia's stomach belongs to Sha Zhu. Sha Zhu is irresponsible. Sha Zhu must at least raise his own child." Xu Damao disagreed.

Yan Jiecheng also learned about what happened yesterday from Xu Damao. Although Xu Damao and Sha Zhu must have two different versions, the development of things should be correct.

Shazhu marrying a wife is really a waste of people. I already have wives and children, and I still miss Jia Dongxu's wife and children. I put other men's wives and children first in my heart. Whoever marries Shazhu can have Have a good time.

Yan Jiecheng sincerely sympathized with Xu Hongxia and married a man who didn't care about his family.

However, since Xu Hongxia filed for divorce, it seems that she has really made up her mind, and even if she regrets it, she can't agree to it.

People like Shazhu can marry a wife. There are many people who are dissatisfied with this matter. Shazhu wants to get a divorce. big.

Widow Qin and Yi Zhonghai, the two people who had the greatest influence on Sha Zhu, definitely agreed with it.

The Jia family has had a hard time in the past six months, and the family is obviously not as round as before.

The money spent on lunch boxes for Xu Hongxia and her two children used to belong to the Jia family.

Ever since Widow Qin entered the city, her life has never been so difficult.

Only when you lose it can you know how to cherish it. In the past, when you were touched by a small hand, Silly Zhu dedicated all your days. Widow Qin misses it so much.

Xu Hongxia wanted to get a divorce. It couldn't be said that Widow Qin didn't have schemes. It could be said that Widow Qin had everything under her control. She was not smart at work, but a widow who schemed against people's hearts was powerful.

Which normal woman can bear her own man is unclear with a widow outside.

Silly Zhu is a married man, the two flirt and flirt just like before.

If Shazhu didn't have dirty thoughts, he couldn't be taught by his wife every day to help Jia's family.

(End of this chapter)

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