Chapter 157 Temporary Construction
In the current situation, it is absolutely impossible to go back to live in the building for a short time after the earthquake. First of all, we must solve the problem of food and accommodation after the disaster.

At that time, when housing was allocated, most of them were young people, and Yan Jiecheng had enough prestige.

Commanded everyone to build a shockproof shed and eat a big stove together. They are all people with certain qualities and know that they need to work together to tide over the difficulties.

After solving their own affairs, everyone began to worry about their loved ones again.

Yan Xiecheng was worried about Yan Pugui's old couple, and Yu Li was also worried about the situation at home. In order to prevent Yan Jiefang, Yan Jiekuang, and Yan Jiedi from going to dismantle the earthquake-proof shed, Yan Xiecheng sent wood to Yan Pugui once.

Yan Xiecheng was not worried that Yan Pugui would not have a shed to shelter from the rain, but he was afraid that if the three of them still had to demolish the wood, it would make Yan Pugui angry.

If it weren't for this situation, don't worry about Yu Li taking three children alone, Yan Jiecheng can go back to the courtyard to see the situation.

It is not suitable to go back to the courtyard so close, and it is even more inappropriate for Lao Yu's house to be far away.Yan Jiecheng could only comfort Yu Li, and also sent wood to Lao Yu's family. At least he didn't have to worry about the rainy weather. Usually, the family would store food for a period of time, so he didn't have to worry about starving.

After waiting for a day and the order basically returning to normal, Yan Jiecheng went back to the courtyard to see the situation.

Only then did I learn about the incident in the courtyard house on the day of the earthquake. When Yi Zhonghai was not involved in pension issues, he was always a good person with rich experience, timely response and reasonable command.

The problem of food and lodging in the courtyard was not a big problem. Yan Jiefang and Yan Jiekuang, whose natures were hard to change, still came to the courtyard to dismantle wood.Yan Bu, who had already calculated that the old Yan family had more timber, would not need to produce food, was very noble.

That is to say, Yan Bugui looked thin and weak, but he was actually in good health. If it was replaced by other people in the courtyard who couldn't keep up, he would just lie down.

Yan Jiecheng's education is not a complete failure. Yan Jiedi came here just to borrow the courtyard, and didn't come here to mess around with the second and third, and came directly to join the old couple.

The second thing is that Bang Geng rescued Xu Damao, who was frightened and had weak legs. After growing up, Bang Geng still has a little ability to distinguish right from wrong. Knowing about the broken shoe incident, the root cause is Sha Zhu and Widow Qin's broken shoes.

Bang Geng came back from the countryside to jump in the queue. Because there were too many young people coming back from the countryside, the number of jobs was limited, and it was not his turn to arrange for Bang Geng.

After receiving an olive branch from Xu Damao and Qin Jingru who can arrange to work in the movie theater, Bang Jian did not hesitate to choose not to believe that it was Xu Damao who of course instigated Yan Jiekuang and Liu Guangfu to engage in the "broken shoe" incident, and devoted himself to his stupid father's mortal enemy Xu Damao embrace.

As expected of a clever stick since he was a child, he only believed in what was good for him.

False and submissive, reckless and courageous, just to learn Xu Damao's projection technology and get a regular job in a movie theater.

This time, during the earthquake, Xu Damao, who had weak legs, was rescued from the house at the risk of danger.

Helping Xu Damao's family build an earthquake-proof shed, eating with Xu Damao's family, and sleeping in Xu Damao's earthquake-proof shed at night, made Widow Qin very angry, and tricked Qin Jingru into thinking that she had picked up a good old child for nothing.

Seeing that the Siheyuan was in good condition, Yan Jiecheng comforted Yan Bugui symbolically, and then rode his bicycle to continue to Lao Yu's house.

The situation of Yu’s father, Yu’s mother and Yu Peng is not bad, because there is wood sent by Yan Jiecheng before, and the earthquake-proof shed was built, and it was not exposed to rain, but the wood reserves of other families in the yard are not sufficient, and there are too many people and less earthquake-proof sheds, so they are crowded Together, it is impossible to take a good rest, so we can only make do with it, which is much happier than having no place to hide from the rain.

The situation is much better today, and there are more earthquake shelters, partly because the government has made arrangements, and some people just don't know that the weather will change after the earthquake, and they were caught off guard by the heavy rain.

After the earthquake passed, there were a lot of fixed earthquake-proof sheds in each courtyard. It was said that it was for earthquake resistance, but in fact it was because of the shortage of housing.

It turned out that the development was slow during the special period. For example, the rolling mill hadn’t built a dormitory building for ten years. The young people before had all gone to the countryside, and the houses were barely enough to live in.

Now that so many young people have suddenly come back, not only jobs but also housing cannot be arranged.

In the case of housing shortage, it is inevitable that the temporary earthquake-proof sheds will be converted into fixed earthquake-proof sheds for people to live in.

When Yan Jiecheng came to the courtyard again, he saw that the courtyard was full of temporary buildings. Although such a courtyard did not look beautiful, it could not solve the problem of living in it. No matter how beautiful or elegant it was, it was of little value.

There are also special considerations for temporary construction. The basic principle is to choose an open space in front of your own house. If you build it indiscriminately, you will definitely have conflicts with your neighbors.

Yan Jiecheng turned around and found that only Yi Zhonghai and Sha Zhu lived in the backyard where the deaf old lady lived. There was an open space in front of the house, and only these two people did not choose to build a temporary building.

Of course, Gai Linjian in the courtyard was proposed by Yan Bugui and led by Liu Haizhong.

As far as small calculations are concerned, it was Yan Bugui who made the most of it. Seeing other courtyard houses being built temporarily, Yan Bugui immediately found out that there was a bargain to take advantage of. He brought Liu Haizhong with him because he was afraid that the house would not be needed and the family would be extinct. Zhonghai's objection.

With the two uncles taking the lead, the neighbors in the courtyard also took action. Xu Hongxia also hired someone to build a temporary building. The children need to live separately when they grow up. Shazhu’s vacant rooms are all arranged for the Jia family. How can I think of myself? son.

Yi Zhonghai has no children, so he doesn't even look up to the house left by the deaf old lady, and of course he doesn't look up to Lingjian.

Another thing I don't like is Shazhu who doesn't lack a house to live in. Shazhu doesn't help him build a temporary building, but helps Jia's family build two big rooms, which are used to block the stick.

After the temporary construction is completed, a young man like Bang Geng finally doesn't have to live in the same house with two women, Mrs. Jia Zhang and Widow Qin.

But Widow Qin continued to worry, it's okay to live in Linjian temporarily, and Bang Gon has reached the age of dating, so he can't bring his daughter-in-law to live in Linjian, as the son of Widow Qin, he can't bear this grievance.

For Shazhu's house, the marriage with Shazhu was put on the agenda again.

After the stick grew up, he grew up a lot and understood Widow Qin's thoughts. If it weren't for the blood-sucking fool, the Jia family would not have such a luxurious life.

If Widow Qin hadn't married Shazhu, how could she justifiably occupy Shazhu's house.Although he still doesn't talk to Shazhu, he also tacitly agrees that two people can get married.

But there are many houses, and there are many right and wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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