Chapter 162 Yu Haitang Unemployed

There are actually quite a few people who understand the principle of gold and antiques in troubled times, but not many people actually take action.

People like Yan Bugui also understand this truth, and also know a little about antiques. What they do is to keep the antiques at home well, have some savings, and also prevent some accidents. They will not take the initiative to collect antiques regardless of food and clothing.

After Yu's father and mother visited, he was even happier that his eldest daughter lived in such a big house. The happiness of children's life is the greatest happiness of parents.

But there are happy ones, and there are also unhappy ones. Regarding Haitang being taken back to the house allocated by the rolling mill and changing jobs, there is nothing that can be done to worry about it.

Yan Jiecheng jokingly said that the boss is more difficult than Haitang, and now it really has become the biggest difficulty for the old couple.

The marriage is not happy, the job is not going well, and there is no housing. Yu's mother blames Haitang whenever she has a chance. No wonder my sister-in-law is unwilling to go home and live.

After the visit, Yan Jiecheng had to go back to continue cooking, and when he came back to cook, Yu Li, Yu Haitang, Yu Ma, and the three mothers all followed.

"Yu Li, take your two mothers and go out to drink tea. If you both come in, whichever of the two fathers will entertain you, Haitang and I are enough here."

"Xie Cheng, you cook, we watched, you don't cook often, why is cooking more and more delicious now, much better than what we have cooked for decades, and the dishes you cook are better than ordinary restaurants Delicious." Yu Ma said.

"Yeah, Xie Chengyou's cooking is comparable to that of Sha Zhu's professional cook, but it's too much of a waste of seasoning for you to cook this way." The three moms have never had the same focus.

If there are too many people, there is no need to make preliminary preparations, and it will be faster to cook. Sweet and sour pork ribs, braised fish, small fried chicken, twice-cooked pork, braised pork, fried vegetables, mapo tofu, shredded apples, dry-stir-fried beans, stewed goose in iron house, key points It's the big goose. Now Yan Jiecheng's big pot has a mouth of [-] to [-] centimeters. It is definitely a big pot, which is most suitable for this dish.

There are a lot of preparations, and now there are too many people. With the stuffed rice in the ground pot, except for the half of the big goose left behind, it was eaten by ten people.

At his son's house, Yan Bugui was able to eat enough to eat, and he was afraid of losing money. In addition, he ate happily and drank a little wine at noon, so he couldn't leave for a while.

In the afternoon, he continued to play at home. For the first time, Yan Jiecheng saw Yan Pugui and Yu's father playing chess. Yu's father played chess with the calculating Yan Pugui.

Yan Bugui is not Yan Jiecheng, and he doesn't know how to save some face for his old in-laws, but Yu's father still refuses to admit defeat, and keeps fighting and losing.

Mama Yu and Mama Three discovered Yan Xiaoqi's five little chickens, and expressed their strong interest in them.

However, it is really not suitable to raise these in a large courtyard. There was still a little space before, but now it is full of houses.It would be annoying to force them to raise chickens, and the number of chickens raised in rural areas has increased greatly. Eggs are not as scarce as before, and they are not so difficult to buy. Yan Jiecheng persuaded the two of them to give up this idea.

These little chickens were held and played by Yan Xiaoqi. The little chickens were timid and could easily be scared to death. These little chickens basically had no chance to grow up.

After Yan Jiecheng made arrangements for both parents, he still had to go to work on the radio business.


After a month of moving, Yan Jiecheng and his family have all adapted to life here.

Yan Jiecheng's radio business is also doing well. There are more than ten radios a day, and Yan Jiecheng can earn about 1 yuan a month.

The nature of the two brothers is indeed relatively simple, and they are not jealous that Yan Jiecheng earns more, but are very grateful to Yan Jiecheng for bringing the two brothers to make money together.

The two have initially passed the test of Yan Jiecheng, and their abilities are not enough to be cultivated. Yan Jiecheng needs the most trustworthy people.

Radio is not a long-term business, and it can only make quick money for a period of time. Yan Xiecheng is small now and has not attracted attention. After other people also find that refurbishing second-hand radios can make money like this.

There will be more competition, bad radios will be harder to come by, and refurbished radios will be cheaper.

But this is not what Yan Jiecheng needs to consider now, Yan Jiecheng is just to save the first pot of gold.

Everything here is going well, but Yu Haitang is making trouble again.

In the past, he also worked as a factory flower in a rolling mill for several years, and was also an announcer working in the office of the propaganda department.

Now he has become a cleaner all of a sudden, not to mention the hard work, and the strange eyes of his fellow workers. Yu Haitang couldn't bear it. After persisting for a while, he still couldn't persist and chose to leave the rolling mill.

"Yu Haitang, what do you want to do? It's so difficult to find a regular job now. If you say you don't want to do it, you won't do it!" When Yan Jiecheng returned home, he heard Yu Li teach Yu Haitang a lesson.

"Sister, I really can't do it anymore. Patriotic Patriotic Army has made a lot of money with my brother-in-law recently. Although I don't know the exact figure, both of them want to buy a house in the city and settle down. They must have made a lot of money. Work in the rolling mill I can't do it any more, tell your brother-in-law to make money with me." Yu Haitang said to Yu Li.

Yan Jiecheng thought to himself, no wonder Yu Haitang quit so simply, he had already figured out his way out.

Although Yan Jiecheng asked the two brothers to keep their income a secret, even if the two brothers spent money conservatively, they were considered extravagant in the eyes of wage earners.It cost the two brothers more than 200 yuan for a set of new clothes for each of the seven or eight members of the family.

He often helps Yan Jiecheng inquire about the house. With money in hand, it is not surprising that he wants to settle his home in the city.

Yan Jiecheng couldn't keep eavesdropping on the two sisters outside, so he pushed the door open and entered the house and said, "Haitang, you also know what they are doing, you don't even want to be a cleaner, and you are willing to ride a tricycle to the house. Collect trash on the street."

"Brother-in-law, you are back, you have heard it all, don't you still sell radios, I can do this."

"Xie Cheng, whoever sells it is still selling it. Haitang is still our sister, so let her try it." Yu Li also chimed in.

Yan Jiecheng just reconsidered the risk of letting a girl sell radios. The most chaotic place Yu Haitang has ever been to was to go to the black market to buy things, but now single women can say that they dare not go out at night, and there are too many jobless people in society, but Said to be the most chaotic period of law and order.

Although Yu Haitang is also in her early thirties, she has maintained her figure well without giving birth.Compared with before, the years have not left too many marks on the faces of the two sisters. After the baptism of time, they have become more feminine, and they are more attractive to men than when they were women.

(End of this chapter)

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