Chapter 187
After the summer vacation was over and it was September, Widow Qin finally had a happy event, the stick was about to be released, which was gratifying to congratulate.

Not only the Jia family is looking forward to the return of the stick, but the melon-eating people in the courtyard are also waiting for the return of the stick. The reform-through-labour prisoners have heard of it, but they have never seen it. When the stick comes back, it will also increase everyone's knowledge. Isn't it the little brother inside? One is a talent, and he speaks nicely, and he likes it so much that he is reluctant to come back.

Hearing that Bang Geng was going home, the son who moved out of the courtyard, and the daughter who had married back were all young and old. When Yan Jiecheng came back, he thought he didn't look at the calendar, what day was it today.

"Hey, you just went home to visit your parents today. What a coincidence, I miss my parents today and come back to see them."

"Isn't there nothing to do today? I heard that there are many people coming back today, so I will come back today to see the old neighbors."

What a harmonious courtyard house, when the third-generation stick of a courtyard came home, so many people came back to greet and express their welcome. The return of the stick indirectly contributed to the wish of many parents to see their children.

Then the people eating melons sat in the yard, chatting, most of them haven't seen each other for a while, chatting about the recent situation, talking about the recent changes, Yan Jiecheng also heard that Yi Zhonghai found a nanny, which surprised people who didn't expect it Little, Yan Xiecheng didn't say that it was all his own merits and fame.

Not only did Yi Zhonghai find a babysitter, but even the big guy was able to go back to the courtyard to eat melons, all thanks to Yan Jiecheng. Yan Jiecheng didn't say anything about it. He became an unknown hero once.

Then I saw Shazhu pushing a bicycle, followed by a stick terrier, the curly terrier has become a bald terrier, at least the appearance is much more pleasing to the eye.

Ever since Shazhu found a driving job in the ministry for Banggen, he always looks up at the sky when he walks. Now that his problem has been cured, he knows how to look down at the road and keep his feet on the ground. His body shape has not changed much. Maybe free corn bread is more nutritious. , plus the fact that Widow Qin didn't miss a lot of gifts, it can be seen that there is no lack of mouth.

"Okay, okay, let's go, let's go, the child is fine, and has come back safely." Silly Zhu stopped the crowd who wanted to go up to interview the stick.

Everyone is still very curious. As the only person who has seen the big world in the courtyard, the masses have many questions that they want to ask the stick to understand, for example,

Is the free corn bread more fragrant than the one at home?

A person who needs a beating like a stick can get a few beatings in a day.

I also want to know what is the status of the heir to the Pirates Gate after sticking in.

Each of them is a talented person. Has the stick learned any advanced stealing techniques?

Can you tell everyone a little bit about it, so that everyone can be a little bit wary.

Is it very memorable inside? When will the stick plan to revisit the old place.


There are too many questions, and I want to consult the stick, but Shazhu didn't give the big guy a chance.

Sha Zhu went to pick up people, and Widow Qin was not idle at home. She prepared chicken, duck, fish, four meat and four vegetables for Bang Jiao, and eight dishes were waiting for Bang Jiao to eat.

According to the old rules, when Jia's family had sat down to eat, BangJiao found that there was one person missing, and his eyes were red at that time.

As for my great grandfather, why is the big one gone? If Jia’s family is gone, who will eat it?

Widow Qin, who was always paying attention to Banggen, found that Banggen's eyes were red: "Banggen, why are your eyes still red? It's okay. Isn't everyone already home now? It's all over. Can't bear it inside?" Don't feel wronged!"

Stick remembers that life inside is even more aggrieved, and his eyes are even redder: "Mom, it's okay, I didn't suffer any grievances. My eyes are red because I have only been in for half a year. When I went in, my grandpa was still fine. How do you say it?" If it’s gone, it’s gone, now that the grandpa is gone, don’t I need to live in Temporary Building, when will I move?”

The Jia family: "..."

The entire dinner table fell into silence, at this moment Shazhu said: "Bang, you are such a good boy, don't be sad, your grandpa is fine, the current situation is that Grandpa Ni sees our family is not easy, I didn’t want to cause trouble for our family, so I hired a nanny, and now I cook by myself.”

What Sha Zhu said made Bang Geng really sad. Bang Gauge is not a Sha Zhu, and he doesn’t know that the whole family eats Yi Zhonghai’s pension, and the wages of Sha Zhu and Bang Geng’s mother are kept for himself For marriage.

My mother can save a lot of money for me. I thought about how beautiful my wedding was before, and I even thought about who to find. Now Yi Zhonghai is running away with a bucket, and the daily expenses of the family are spent on silly and With Qin Huairu's salary, how can he get married.

Jobs and jobs are gone, money is gone, and life is left in darkness. Even if you have everything from chicken, duck to fish, you can’t eat sticks.

Even her own mother, Widow Qin, couldn't figure out the idea of ​​Banggen. When Banggen went to Xu Damao's place, the widow didn't know, and she couldn't guess it. Worried, I can only comfort the stick: "Bang, as long as you have nothing to do, isn't it just a job? Your stupid dad knows the leader after cooking all these years. If you don't have any, let your stupid dad find it for you. If it doesn't work, mom You can still take over the job in the rolling mill, which is left to you by your own father."

After hearing the job left by his father, Bang Gon felt even sadder. He had a serious record in his file and was fired. Not to mention his father, he would not be able to take over the job left by his grandfather.

Stick can't eat, think about it, think about it, all he can rely on in the future is this family-handed technique, after all, Stick is also the master of the theft techniques of the Jia family and the He family. But Yu Lan still worried that he would have nothing to eat in the future.

Let's not talk about the far ones, let's just say how nourishing Sha Zhu's life has been for more than 20 years by relying on this stealing technology, everyone can see in his eyes.

The living examples are right in front of him, which barely arouses a glimmer of hope for Bang Giao in his future life.

"It's okay, it's okay, even if you can't find a job for a while, it's okay. Silly dad will support you. Stupid dad is a cook. I have never heard of a cook who starved to death. If you don't starve silly dad, silly dad will definitely not be able to starve you." Shazhu is sincerely kind to BangGong, and he also said it sincerely.

Although Bang Geng was tricked by Sha Zhu once, but Bang Geng also knows that Sha Zhu is really stupid, just because he is greedy for his widow mother, he also sincerely treats him well.

I can't be angry with Shazhu, not to mention that Shazhu can still make a lot of money now, even if Shazhu can't make money, Shazhu still has a few houses waiting for him to inherit, Shazhu still can't offend him.

(End of this chapter)

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