Chapter 194
Hearing what the three mothers said, Yan Jiecheng was helpless. The old couple was old and couldn't eat much, and the standard of meat and vegetables was pretty good.

Not to mention the stingy old couple of Yan Pugui who was reluctant to cook more food to cause waste, and now Yan Jiecheng also feels that wasting food is a shameful thing no matter what age, he will not, and will not support the waste of the old couple.

Good days are only a few days away, and the idea of ​​wasting them is a bad idea.

Yan Bugui can't be ranked, so he has to look at the top three, what is the situation, they can't be compared, and they can't be compared.

If there is no face, then there is no face. Yan Bugui has always been a marginal figure among the three uncles. It is normal to be suppressed by the first and second elders. It will not affect Yan Bugui's status. The neighbors are also used to it. No one will be surprised , this is not news.

"Now because the sticks bring back the ingredients, Shazhu's family cooks and eats in the yard every day. The smell is too strong, which makes the children next door cry. As a result, the food in the courtyard is always rising."

It's because Jia's family has no morals. The children next door are crying greedily, so why can't they invite the children of the neighbors to have a meal?
Not to mention that Bang Giao grew up eating a lot of food. This is all done by Bang Giao himself, and the Jia family may not accept favors.But the several donations made by the Siheyuan to the Jia family are not fake. The neighbors of the Siheyuan have helped the Jia family more or less, so they have the heart to make the children cry. The Siheyuan has the most houses in the Jia family, so they cannot be in their own home. Have a meal?

Of course, Yan Xiecheng just listened to the excitement, Yan Pugui and his wife lived well, and Yan Jiecheng didn't have the energy to change, and didn't want to change the others in the courtyard.


In 1983, Yan Xiaoluo did not disappoint Yan Xiecheng. He was successfully admitted to the Central Institute of Finance and Economics, and chose business administration under Yan Xiecheng's strong request.

With the strong support of Yan Jiecheng, every poem he wrote was sent to various magazines, and he failed to publish one in three or four years, which successfully dispelled the literary youth Yan Xiaoluo's dream of being a poet.

Yan Xiaoluo was admitted to university, Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li were naturally very happy, but Yan Pugui was the happiest in the old Yan family.

Although the second generation of the old Yan family, who boasted of a scholarly family, had decent academic qualifications, except for Yan Jiefang, who graduated from high school, none of them went to college. Home, the slogan of a scholarly family.

Now that the eldest grandson of the old Yan's family has successfully passed the university entrance examination, Yan Bugui can be said to be elated. He gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and decided to hold a big banquet in the courtyard and invite the neighbors in the courtyard to eat together.

Yan Bugui's determination is really not small. According to common sense, holding a school entrance banquet will not lose money, but in a courtyard, Yan Bugui still has to be prepared for a blood loss.

"Dad, there's no need to hold a school entrance banquet in the courtyard. Xiao Luo is not a child in the courtyard. With Xiao Luo, we will always live outside." Yan Jiecheng felt that the school entrance banquet could be held, and relatives and friends could be invited. It's fine to hold a show in a restaurant, there is no need to invite people like courtyard houses, what's the good thing about inviting neighbors who don't know each other well.

"Yan Jiecheng, you are still my son, and I am still your father. Xiao Luo is the first college student of the old Yan family, which is related to the face of the old Yan family. This entrance banquet must be held. You don't need to worry about anything. This time I will pay for it myself." Yan Bugui patted the table and said.

Yan Xiecheng saw that Yan Bugui even said that he had paid for it himself, so it can be seen that Yan Bugui has eaten the weight this time, and he is determined to do it.

It wasn't a matter of principle, so Yan Jiecheng didn't stand up to Yan Bugui.

But this time Yan Bugui said he was spending money, Yan Jiecheng arranged for a chef to come over, and really didn't care about spending money.

Let Yan Bugui bleed once, so as not to wait for Yan Xiaohe and Yan Xiaoqi, Yan Bugui will come and do two, two, three, four and do it again.

Yan Jiecheng’s family restaurant has opened ten restaurants. It can be said that the capital is basically saturated. No matter where you are in the capital, you can go to Yan Jiecheng’s family restaurant for dinner. The distance is not far. Mid-range restaurants are enough. Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li’s plan is to The focus is on high-end restaurants.

The most indispensable thing in the family is a cook. Most of the neighbors in the courtyard are old-fashioned. It is more convenient to go to a restaurant to eat together. It is more convenient to eat in the courtyard.

Although there were more than 20 families living in the courtyard at its peak, most of the young people who are doing well now have moved out of the courtyard. Because the courtyard is all temporary construction, there is no such a large space as before. Yan Bugui In the end, it was decided to set up eight tables.

Families with few people, such as Yi Zhonghai, have one family. Of course, there are many people. The Jia family has six people, and the second uncle's family has seven or eight adults and children. These can be said to be special cases.

Most of the Jia family is because the girl is too old to get married, so what can be done about it.

The second uncle has a lot of family members because his father is rich, and Guang Tian and Guang Fu's two families have to come and be filial, and they can't be driven away.

Yan Pugui spent money to hold a school entrance banquet, so of course the entire old Yan family attended. Yan Jiefang, Yan Jiekuang, and Yan Jiedi all reported as a family.

In the past few years, because the old couple lived with Yan Pugui's retirement salary, they didn't need their children to spend money to take care of them. The children of the old Yan's family behaved quite normally, and they could still visit the old couple during the holidays. On the surface It looks quite harmonious.

Yan Pugui's entrance banquet organized by Yan Pugui naturally required Yan Pugui to come and talk about it. The center of the topic could be said to be Yan Xiaoluo, but the protagonist was still Yan Pugui, and Yan Jiecheng was the one who came to eat.

"Third Grandpa is worthy of being a cultural person, and he can educate children. It doesn't mean that the third grandpa's grandchildren have all been admitted to college."

"Third Master himself is the people's teacher, and Lao Yan's family has always been a scholarly family. The first native-born college student in our courtyard is still from Lao Yan's family."

"Old Yan, now that your grandson is admitted to university, you can just wait and enjoy the blessings in the future!"

In any case, the third master was the host to set up the banquet. There are not many such opportunities. The third master spent money, and the neighbors in the neighborhood were also very respectful. He said a lot of what Yan Pugui wanted to hear, and made the old couple happy to spend money. All less than half.

There are not many opportunities for Lao Yan's family to make a splash in the courtyard. What they can do is that the children's academic performance is not bad, but they are not successful if they don't go to college.

Now that Yan Xiaoluo has been admitted to university, he finally let Yan Pugui shine, showing the presence of Yan Pugui as the third master.

Although with the changes of the times, the three uncles in the courtyard have long been indifferent, and they are in name only. The older generation only cares about the three uncles, and the middle-aged generation only Shazhu and Xu Damao want to inherit. The younger generation is even more concerned. nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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