Chapter 197 A Little Help

Others don't need it, it would be very immoral if they don't pay it back, donating money can be said to be free, and it's hard to say anything if they don't pay it back.The money that Widow Qin has borrowed for so many years can't be black and white, so let's just pretend it's nothing.

Yan Jiecheng has been back to the courtyard a lot recently, just because of Mr. Jia, whether he needs a little help or not.

With Yan Jiecheng's help last time, Bang Geng didn't make a bigger mistake.

I hope this time I can also let the stick stop the cliff, don't make mistakes again and again, how can you not get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river.

It's just that Boss Jia's talent is really good. After learning a lesson, he still has a lot of growth.

I have long been separated from fighting alone, and now the group has a clear division of labor. Those who let go, those who do it, those who respond, those who sell stolen goods, and those who are now commanded and organized by the stick.

Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet, ordinary people are still watching the fun, Mr. Jia has already shrunk at home and does not go out.

"The young people in the courtyard still have to look at our sticks. The younger generation counts as one. They are not as good at work as our sticks. Now doing business is the biggest business of our sticks."

Yan Jiecheng heard Jia Zhang's voice before entering the courtyard, turned his head to see Jia Zhang holding his fourth aunt and insisting on letting her listen.

"Yes, your stickies are the most promising, and you bring big and small bags to your family every day, so you can wait to enjoy the blessings of your grandson."

After the fourth aunt cooperated and praised the stick, Jia Zhang released the fourth aunt. Jia Zhang is not too young now, and it is even more difficult to mess with. It is the same as the deaf old lady back then. I can't scold it, I might just lie down if I touch it.

Of course Yan Jiecheng didn't say hello to Jia Zhang when he came in. The two families still had grievances. Yan Bugui could still chat with Jia Zhang, but the other old Yan family didn't communicate with Jia Zhang.

When Yan Jiecheng entered the courtyard, Jia Zhang snorted and looked up at the sky and people with his nostrils. Yan Jiecheng didn't bother to talk to the old woman, so he chose to ignore it, and his arrogance would last for a few days.

"Boss, you are back again, why didn't the children come back with you?"

Yan Bugui, who was playing chess, was talking about watching all directions and listening to all directions. When he saw Yan Jiecheng coming in with fruit, he stopped thinking about playing chess and said after he took the fruit.

"I haven't been so busy recently, so I'll go back to the courtyard to see you and Mom. You continue to play chess, and I'll just watch."

The three uncles have enjoyed a good life recently, and they have enjoyed a good retirement life. Because Yi Zhonghai has a high level of work, his retirement salary is not old or young, so he still spends it alone. Although he has no children to take care of him, he will not have a son Disrespectful bad thing.

Liu Haizhong is more comfortable, the pension is actually quite a lot, and he is also doing business with Xu Damao in partnership. Xu Damao contacts customers, and Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu run errands. It's cheaper, and you get a lot of benefits.

Originally, the most pitiful person should be Yan Pugui, who had the lowest salary back then, and now has the least pension. The old couple lived on one person's pension, but Yan Jiecheng hired a nanny, and the restaurant could let Yan Pugui prostitute for nothing. The standard of living has not been left behind by the two uncles.

The three people who are free are different from other old men and old ladies. They don't like to go out of the courtyard, but like three people to gather together to play chess. Every time they come back, they can see three people gathered in the front yard.

The three of them think that they are still in charge of the courtyard, their status is different from that of the masses, and they don't like to get together with other people. Although they can't control everything in the courtyard now, the three of them still like to talk about various things in each family. If you have something to do, you want to participate.

Yan Jiecheng came back to inquire about the news about the stick. Now that the three uncles are more concerned about the courtyard, the news in the courtyard is better than that of the three big moms, so it is the same to listen here.

Because Yan Bugui got up to pick up the fruit, the chess player who took over was Yi Zhonghai who played chess with Liu Haizhong.

When playing chess, the mouth must not be idle. A few people talk about the parents of the east and the parents of the west, the young couple of a certain family quarrel, and the old man of a certain family is arrested for hiding money from his own house. These things can be ignored.

"Old Liu, you and Xu Damao are doing the steel business recently?" Yi Zhonghai said after taking Liu Haizhong's pawn.

"It's okay, Xu Damao is here to do these things, and you know I'm just in charge of contacting the factory and collecting money, Lao Yi, why are you still concerned about business now?" Liu Haizhong replied with a dazed expression.

"I don't want to care about your business. I just want to stay at home every day and don't go out recently. You are all doing business and trading. Just ask if it is not easy to do business now!" Although he is not Yi Zhonghai's own grandson, Yi Zhonghai is no less worried than his own grandson, and should be even more concerned than his own grandson. He happens to be retired and has nothing to do, so he keeps an eye on the Jia family's developments.

While Yi Zhonghai was thinking about something, Liu Haizhong stole the opportunity and took two moves, took a shot from Yi Zhonghai, and then said: "It's easy to do, why is it not easy to do, now everywhere is undergoing great development and construction, how many steel products are there?" You can sell as much as you can, but the difficulty now is that you can’t get too much steel. As long as there are goods, there is no problem that you can’t sell them, and the stick is resting at home, maybe it’s because you can’t get the supply?”

The second uncle of the reckless man, accidentally told the truth, the stick can't find the source of the goods, the "purchase" has stopped working, and the others have also closed down, the stick hides at home and does not go out, no nothing To avoid the wind means.

Yi Zhonghai was absent-minded, and didn't notice that he had stolen the cannon, so he turned his head and asked Yan Bugui: "Old Yan, did you go to the public trial two days ago?"

"Go, look, there are hooligans, thieves, and robbers, and they will be sentenced immediately. If it is serious, they will eat peanuts..." Let Yan Bugui tell a story, and he can't stop.

Yi Zhonghai was stunned when he heard this: "Okay, Lao Yan, don't talk any more, I'm a little tired right now, go back and have a rest, come and continue to accompany Lao Liu." Yan Xiecheng knew what Yi Zhonghai was thinking, The business of stick stems is not serious, and it is inevitable that Yi Zhonghai was stimulated by what Yan Bugui said.

When Bang Geng was young, Yi Zhonghai felt that there were few problems in the Jia family, and he was afraid that he would not have the opportunity to perform in front of the Jia family. After retirement, he pointed to Sha Zhu and Widow Qin for the elderly, and was afraid that the Jia family had problems now, which would affect him. pension plan.

But now Yan Bugui is required to take over the game of chess, Yan Bugui is not willing, why did the second uncle steal it, Yan Bugui and Yan Jiecheng watched helplessly, just now they were very happy to watch, but now taking the game is not a scam For myself: "Since Lao Yi is tired, let's get off here today, boss, let's go home."

(End of this chapter)

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