Chapter 204 The Heir

After going back to the courtyard and having a meal of melons, Yan Jiecheng's mood was indeed much better. Although he also had a headache, compared with Jia's family and Yi Zhonghai, he didn't feel that his affairs were embarrassing.

Widow Qin's life can be said to be mostly for her three children, and the best of the three children is more important than the two daughters combined.

For the sake of the three children of the Jia family, Widow Qin was unwilling to practice a trumpet for Shazhu. Now that the big name of Bang Geng has been completely abolished, Widow Qin has not collapsed, and she can only be said to be strong.

Needless to say, Yi Zhonghai's problem, decades of pension plan, can't be said to fall short of success, it's really hard to say how much effect it will have in the future.

It would be better for Yu Haitang to want to have a child than for Qin Huairu not to give birth to Sha Zhu. Think about Sha Zhu, who has raised two sons in his life, one belongs to someone else and the other belongs to someone else.

Think about Xu Damao again, who has worked hard for decades just to have a child of his own.

However, the stick has not been caught yet, and it cannot be said that it is not a pity that the stick has not been caught.

Stick is also too confident in hiding himself. It is not popular in this era to perm his head. Stick has curly hair on his head. I don’t know how special he is. His features are too obvious. Even if he shaves his curly hair and leaves a bald head, then It's also equally eye-catching.

The others didn't know, but Yan Jiecheng told the patriotism and the Aijun right away, the two of them often walked around the streets, helping to watch out for unfamiliar curly hair or bald heads, and Uncle Yan would help if he could. put it.


Since the police came, Jia's family has become a mess. First of all, the gang committed the crime this time, and it will definitely not be as easy as stealing gasoline from the unit before.

It seems that Stickyong committed the crime by himself alone, but the impact on everyone in the Jia family is not small.

Selfish and selfish to benefit Jia Zhang, the psychological ranking is undoubtedly the most important, and the second most important thing is that no one will object to the stick. The advantage of other families is that they have grandchildren. If Jia's family loses the stick, Jia's family will become the most despised family of the Jia Zhang family.

Jia Zhang couldn't bear this, so he fainted from a cerebral hemorrhage, and then Xu Damao was happy to help others, and he didn't know whether he had done a good thing or a bad thing.

Although it sounds a little disrespectful to life and it doesn't sound good, but if the Jia Zhang family is really gone, it may still lighten the burden on the Jia family.

Now that a paralyzed man has been rescued, not to mention the extra money, there will still be someone to take care of him in the future.The rest of Jia's family will die Xu Damao, and they want to thank Xu Damao for saving their lives.

Shazhu is absolutely sincere to the Jia family, and his worries about Banggeng are relatively pure. Worrying that Banggeng will not be able to provide for him in the old age only accounts for a small part.Except for working hours, the other time to mobilize the apprentices is to find sticks. Running sticks is definitely not possible. Surrendering himself to the crime and getting a lighter sentence is the only way out. Silly Zhu is still very clear, hoping that he can find sticks first The stem can make the stick stem know how to turn back when it goes astray, and turn back to the shore.

Shazhu is the only person in the Jia family who sincerely thanked Xu Damao for making the emergency call in a timely manner. He completely substituted himself as Jia Dongxu and treated Jia Zhang as a cheap "son". After all, he inherited everything from Jia Dongxu.

There are wives, children, and old mothers, all of which are lacking in Sha Zhu himself.Although Jia Zhang's treatment of Shazhu is really bad, but Jia Zhang's treatment of Shazhu is really good.When I saw Xu Damao recently, my attitude improved a lot, so I dragged Xu Damao to have a drink.

Widow Qin was different. Something happened to the stick again, and she was about to be arrested. Widow Qin felt that her sky was falling, she was about to collapse, and she didn't want to live anymore.

But after calming down, the Jia family members were still pointing at themselves, so they could only cheer themselves up.

Although Bang Geng is already in his thirties, and on the surface, it seems that he can set up a family, but the backbone of Jia's family has always been Widow Qin.

The sticky thing has happened, and the rest of the people will continue to live.

If without himself, a person like Shazhu could kindly provide for the old lady in the neighborhood and raise the children of the neighbor's family, then he would think too well of Shazhu.Yi Zhonghai, who has taken care of Sha Zhu for decades, Sha Zhu can't think of taking the initiative to take care of him, let alone lose his Jia family.

It is inevitable that Bang Geng will go in again this time. The conditions inside are so difficult, and it is inevitable that he will continue to send money and goods to Bang Geng. Widow Qin can only be strong by herself.

Blessings never come singly, misfortunes never come singly, Widow Qin hasn't digested the sticky things yet.

Jia Zhang couldn't bear the blow and was sent to the hospital directly. Widow Qin's filial piety is just a human design, who can really want to be filial to an old godly woman like Jia Zhang.

Now that Jia Zhang is paralyzed, for the sake of his personality, he must continue to honor Jia Zhang.

It's true that good people don't live long, and the scourge lasts for thousands of years. Good people like Da Ma left early, and people like Jia Zhang are like drug addicts. They have taken painkillers for decades and nothing happened. He was rescued in time, and generally speaking, it was all Xu Damao's fault.Widow Qin herself sighed, how could she catch up with relatives like Xu Damao.

If Widow Qin hadn't been witty enough to leave Jia Zhang's troubles to Yi Zhonghai, Jia's family would have to go to work, and there would be no one to take care of Jia Zhang.

For Xiaodang and Huaihua, this kind of thing is a mixed blessing. It's not that the two have no feelings for the stick, and the stick will be arrested again, and the two feel uncomfortable.

But compared to the benefits of being caught and staying, feelings are not that important.

Xiaodang is not too young anymore. She is in her twenties and can't find a boyfriend. She is a veritable old girl at this age.The main reason must be because Xiaodang has no advantages of his own, and the requirements for finding a partner are not low, but people don't like to look for reasons from themselves.

Xiao Dang firmly believed that the reason why he couldn't find a suitable partner was because he had a brother who was a thief. Sha Zhu had a reputation as a thief back then, and he almost messed up He Yushui's marriage.

Now the stick is not only the thief's reputation, because the labor camp prisoner who was actually caught for theft has affected his life's major events.

After being arrested again for the stick, after being sad that he will not be able to enjoy the benefits brought by "Mr. Jia", the first thing he thinks of is what benefits he can get. It's not that Xiao Dang has never seen the public trial meeting, so in the case of stick, At least not in the short term.

Now that the stick is gone, it is a question of who will continue the Jia family.Should it be my turn to be the heir to the Jia family? Although the Jia family is poor, it doesn't mean they have no family background.

(End of this chapter)

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