Chapter 238

With his wife and children, it is difficult for Wang Manyin to stop a passing car to go whoring for nothing. The seat of the co-pilot cannot fit four adults and children together.

Mijia Town deserves to be in the old society. It is a well-known big town. Up to now, the transportation is very developed. There are buses from Mijia Town to Yuanxi County and even to Huangyuan City.

On the road outside the village, the four of them boarded a car directly from Mijia Town to Yuanxi County, and arrived at Yuanxi County in less than an hour.

Lanhua is an adult, it's okay, the two children are very happy to ride a bus for the first time, and there is no problem of motion sickness.

After getting off the car, Yuanxi County gave the orchids and cat eggs to the town. In Wang Manyin's view, it was an underdeveloped small county, but for Lanhua and the two children, Yuanxi County was comparable to the two streets in Shige Festival. Much more prosperous.

When I was in the village, when I didn’t care about the cat, it could be said that I could run away by letting go of my hand. Now the cat is holding the orchid’s clothes and he dare not let go, and the dog is even unwilling to walk on the ground. .

There is still a difference from the village, the village is all dirt roads, which is the same as the original West County, the main street is all bluestone roads.

Although there are no high-rise buildings, there are more houses, more people, and more cars than the village. Even if most of them are bicycles and animal-drawn carts, there are more cars.

"Lanhua, don't worry about shopping. The children are here for the first time, and you don't come too many times. Let's go shopping in the city first." Wang Manyin said to Lanhua, who was a little cramped in a strange place.

Even if it is an old couple, it is not easy to hold hands directly on the street. Wang Manyin is holding a dog egg, and the husband and wife are walking on the street holding the hand of a cat egg.

Wang Manyin took three people to look around, the county government, various government units, hospitals, and public units all went around once, and Wang Manyin wanted to explain to Lan Hua while walking.

I don’t think it’s too inconvenient to be illiterate when I’m in the countryside.

Orchid doesn't have social bullshit, she's not a person who likes to ask directions, it's rare for rural people to feel a little inferior when they come to the city, and their clothes are quite different, and the clothes of urban people are obviously much more decent than rural people.

"Lanhua, this is the county high school."

"Is Shaoping going to school here?"

"Yes, it's here. When our cats and dogs grow up, they should also come to school here." If Lanhua is unwilling to leave the original Xi County to live, there is really a possibility.

Neither of the two mentioned going in to see Shaoping. Wang Manyin himself didn't like this person. Lanhua might be because she was from a rural area and her clothes were not decent enough. She felt that looking for Shaoping would make Shaoping lose face in front of her classmates.

Seeing a seller of candied haws, Wang Manyin asked Maodan, who was always blind when he entered the city: "Maidan, do you want candied haws?" The business of candied haws is very good, and it will not be affected at any time.

"Dad, I will eat."

"I want to eat too." Goudan was also very conscious.

Not only children are addicted to sweets, but adults also like sweets because of the lack of sugar in their bodies. Wang Manyin bought four candied haws, and the family ate them while walking.

"I'm such an adult, you can just buy cat eggs and dog eggs." Orchid is just like the thousands of parents who have poor family conditions now, and they always think about their children first.

"You haven't eaten much. If you buy it for you, you can eat it steadily. You can't do without the children."

Then in the photo studio in the county seat, the family took a family portrait, the two children took one together, and each child took another one separately. They wanted to take a picture for Lanhua alone, but Lanhua refused.

The child's growth process and good memories should be kept more. Lanhua is unwilling this time because her family is poor, and she can always change Lanhua's mind in the future. Wang Manyin does not believe that women don't like to keep their youthful looks .

After paying the money and opening a note, the photographer said that they can pick it up in a week. In this case, Wang Manyin will come to the county to pick up the photos again. The state-run operation is still reassuring.

It was noon when we came out of the photo studio, Wang Manyin said, "Lanhua, let's go to the restaurant for dinner."

"I have pancakes in my bag, didn't we say delicious pancakes?"

"It's pancakes. We don't have meat tickets. We don't need to buy steamed buns if we bring pancakes. If we order two vegetarian dishes at the restaurant, it won't cost much."

Wang Manyin thinks that Lanhua is really used to being in charge of the family by herself, and she has her own opinions in everything she does.

At noon, I ate a plate of scrambled eggs with leeks and a plate of tofu. The state-run canteen had oil and seasonings, and the chef could reach an intermediate level.

The soda is far less delicious than that of the Arctic Ocean. As far as this cat egg has said, it is the best thing I have ever drunk.

I started shopping after eating. Wang Manyin’s movie watching plan was also canceled by Lanhua. If you don’t watch it, don’t watch it. In the countryside, you can still watch movies several times a year. Most of them have to go to the Shige Festival. The commune went to see it. It's not like they didn't go to see it when they were dating.

I bought a plaid scarf for Lanhua, a catty of fruit candy for my child, and two bottles of local wine for [-] cents a bottle. I wanted to buy something for the Sun family. , I didn’t even have a ticket, so I finally bought a white towel and planned to let Sun Yuhou take it back when Lan Xiang came home to deliver the book and pen today.

It took another hour on the bus before I got home and divided up the things I had just brought to the neighbors.

Lan Hua hurried out in a hurry: "Man Yin, you can rest at home, I'm going to hunt pigweed."

The little black piggy is the baby pimple of the orchid. People can eat less, but pigs can't. Whether Wang Manyin's family can pay off their debts this year depends on whether the pig is big enough and fat enough.

"I'll go with you, go early, and come back early."

"I'll be back soon, you're going with me, and you're taking your two kids with you."

A child as old as Maodan can already play with the older children in the village without parents worrying about it, but because Goudan is still young, Maodan believes that he has the responsibility to take care of his younger brother because of Lanhua's education, so he and his little friends There is less time to go out to play.

The cave dwelling was still too small, so Wang Manyin let the cat and dog play in the yard, and the two could play whatever they wanted, as long as they didn't leave the courtyard.

Sitting in the yard by myself, while watching the children play, while thinking about various future plans, it is definitely necessary to make a fortune and get rich. If you want to be happy, you must at least have certain material guarantees.

"Sister, sister, are you home?" While thinking wildly, Lan Xiang's voice came from outside.

(End of this chapter)

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