Chapter 248 Artificial Drip Irrigation
"The green storage is used as feed for our sheep. Hay, dry straw, cattle and sheep don't like to eat it, and it is not nutritious to eat. The effect of green storage will be different. When the effect comes out, you can go to our house to see it. .”

Wang Manyin felt that he had fallen, and he was playing tricks with the villagers, and he wanted to play hard to get.

"Where did you learn crooked ways, don't ruin everything."

"Uncle Cai, this is the excellent technology I learned from shopping outside. If you don't understand, you can ask. If you don't understand, there are commune agricultural technicians. If the commune agricultural technicians don't understand, there are county experts. You can't say that I am Crooked way."

After speaking, Wang Manyin looked at Wang Youcai with contemptuous eyes. Of course, it was darker, so Wang Youcai might not be able to see it. It is not surprising that rural people have night blindness.

"Even if it's not a crooked way, it's not a decent way of doing crops."

"Uncle Cai, if you say that again, I need to talk to Aunt Osmanthus about bicycles and creams."

Wang Manyin didn't really want to go, he was just joking, and he couldn't affect the harmony of other people's husband and wife. If Aunt Osmanthus scratched his face, wouldn't the captain's prestige be ruined? Choose someone who is capable and willing to take responsibility The captain is not easy.

"Wow wow wow!"

Before seeing anyone, I heard a loud cry first.

Adults and children have loud voices, and they are all tempered by life. One small hill after another, if the voice of the conversation is too low, you can’t hear it at all.

Unlike children in the city, children who cry wantonly should be said to be a nuisance to the people.

When I got closer and took a closer look, I knew that it was children who were fighting. It was not a big problem. If there were too many children, they would be noisy. Maybe two children could fight because of a firewood stick. You don't need to participate, comfort, and teach your children a lesson.

Children are also very fickle. Today they fight hard, and tomorrow they may hug and play together again.

When the child cries, find his mother to comfort him, and he will naturally be resurrected with full blood. It is not surprising that he has seen a lot in the countryside.

Although there are difficult people in Guanzi Village, there is no one like his grandma Jia Zhang. When children fight and have conflicts, some parents will come to blackmail them.

We chat for an hour or two every day, and when the heat subsides, we head home one after another. The weather in northern Shaanxi is the hottest at noon, so it's pretty good sooner or later.The cave is warm in winter and cool in summer, and it is very comfortable to live in. When you get home, pour a basin of warm water and wash the two children first. The children are fine. The adults can only wipe their bodies, and the children can take a bath.

Adults themselves will have adult things to do, to do, to do.


Getting up in the morning to carry water, exercise, feed the chickens, pigs, and sheep, Wang Manyin found a lot of work for himself, and every few days he had to clean up the excrement in the pen.

"System, sign in!"

"Congratulations to the host for getting: two yuan of money, two apple saplings."

There was no surprise at all. Signing in was the same as clocking in at work. Although the system could not communicate, after Wang Manyin solved the basic food and clothing problems, the system began to give various saplings every now and then, such as apple trees, walnut trees, jujube trees, Pear trees, apricot trees, and peach trees are all suitable for planting locally.

It is not at all awkward to sell when they are grown. Of course, even if the quality of local fruits is very good, they cannot be sold at high prices locally.

After eating, drinking and exercising for so long, Wang Manyin's other attributes have grown by two points except for his spirit, and finally he will not hold back the majority of male compatriots.

When the sheep were driven to the mountains to graze as usual, except for a few naughty lambs, they didn't eat the crops on the roadside, and it went smoothly.

Afterwards, Wang Manyin's task changed again. After driving the sheep to the mountains to graze every day, he had to return to the village to fetch water from the Dongla River to irrigate the fields.

There has been no rain for more than a month, and this year's rain is not sufficient. The dry land near the river can be watered by pumps, but it can't be done far away, and the price of oil can't be paid.Guanzi Village is full of terraced fields, without such good water conservancy facilities. The main thing is to depend on God for food. Only when the weather is good can the grain be abundant. If there is drought and little rain, the country's relief food should be eaten.

However, artificial watering still has some effect. There are hundreds of people in Guanzi Village. It is a big force to take action, and it can also save a lot of harvest.

Before Wang Manyin noticed, the villagers built a dam on the Dongla River.

From this, it can be seen that Wang Mancang, the village secretary, is much more qualified than Tian Futang of Shuangshui Village.

Tian Futang's ability is that he has a younger brother who is the second in command in the county, and can be taken care of by the commune everywhere. No matter what good things happen to the commune, Shuangshui Village cannot be avoided.

The weather is dry, and the village leaders in the entire Dongla River Basin, starting from Xiashan Village, to the Shige Festival where the commune is located, and then to Guanzi Village, have this awareness. The village leaders of Shuicun foolishly let the water continue to flow, and finally all the water in the village drained and flowed into the Mijia River.

It fully proved the incompetence of the leaders of Shuangshui Village. Wang Manyin used a ladle to irrigate the land, and the conditions were limited. The water was drawn to the mountain by animals, and then the villagers carried their own buckets and split the gourd in half to make a ladle. , Artificial watering, water is very precious, watering one by one crops means a little bit of drip irrigation.

While thinking about the follow-up, the leaders of Shuangshui Village are not only incompetent but also good at causing trouble.

However, it has never been easy for farmers to fight for water.How much harvest can be kept is a matter of life and death for hundreds of people in the village.

It wasn't that Wang Manyin said to Wang Mancang: "Brother Mancang, you see that the crops in Shuangshui Village are going to die of drought. Give some water to Shuangshui Village!"

It is not such a simple matter. When the dam is built to store water, the village party secretary can have the final say. Now it is not a matter for the village party secretary to have the final say when water is released.

In Qianqian Village, whose family has few relatives, it belongs to Shuangshui Village. When life and death are at stake, relatives cannot be considered. In the new society, it is more civilized to fight for water.

In the early decades, in the old society, the struggle for water in the village was no less than a war.

Because of the drought in the countryside, villagers fought with weapons and killed people, and the county magistrate in the old society came, and he couldn't handle this kind of thing well.

In the final analysis, this incident was the fault of the leaders of Shuangshui Village. They didn't know the time of day and didn't know how to store water in advance.

The crops were almost dying of drought, and when I remembered that there was no water, I envied the foresight of other villages. In this kind of weather, the rivers were cut off. Even if the upstream villages did not build dams, Shuangshui Village would not have water without building dams. The consequence of this is that the villages in the Dongla River Basin have no water, and the drought along with Shuangshui Village.

(End of this chapter)

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