Chapter 250 with a word

The villagers of Shuangshui Village were driven away in disgrace, but the joys and sorrows of people are not connected.

The villagers in Guanzi Village who had won the battle were very happy. Everyone felt that they had made a contribution. By keeping the water of this dam, they also saved the lives of so many villagers in Guanzi Village. The old nephew Wang Mingqing sang Xintianyou directly and happily.

Wang Manyin only felt that it was urgent to solve this matter.

Guanzi Village's move directly cut off Shuangshui Village's way to solve the problem peacefully.

Although the current villagers are generally very conscious, but in this life-and-death situation, they can only guarantee themselves first.

The water from this dam cannot guarantee that Guanzi Village will not be short of water, so there is no need to care about Shuangshui Village.

Even if the villagers in Shuangshui Village have relatives, they still want to guarantee Guanzi Village first. It is better than having no crops in both villages.

"Brother Qiang, although the villagers of Shuangshui Village have left, there is still no water in Shuangshui Village, and the crops are dying of drought. Sneak attack, our village should send militias to patrol and guard the dam during the day and night.” Let’s start with the simplest village of Guanzi to defend against them.

Some people in Guanzi Village doubted Wang Manyin's ability to work, some people doubted Wang Manyin's character, but no one doubted Wang Manyin's wisdom.

After his mother was gone, Wang Manyin kept working and being a bum was quite rewarding, and then found himself a daughter-in-law who didn’t need a bride price and was outstanding in everything. No one could underestimate Wang Manyin’s cleverness.

"Man Yin, what you said is reasonable. I will arrange a meeting of the militia in a while to arrange the patrol." Wang Manyin once again confirmed that Zhang Zhiqiang is a good comrade, and he can listen to the opinions of the masses.

"Okay, let's do it for now, my bucket and ladle are still on the mountain, and I have to go and finish watering this field."

There are too many crouching dragons and phoenixes in Shuangshui Village, and they can’t do things well, causing trouble No. 1. Going to Shuangshui Village will definitely not be able to solve the problem of Huoba. Wang Manyin knows a Sun Shaoan, and Sun Shaoan went to Shanxi for a blind date. , the right to speak in the village is not very big, as the only production team leader in Shuangshui Village, he didn't even get involved with a village branch committee.

Tian Futang, the party secretary of Shuangshui Village, has no ability. He was able to become the party secretary because he has a younger brother who is the leader.

The deputy branch secretary, Jin Junshan, was also injured because he was injured with the team. Jin is a common surname in Shuangshui Village. He was mixed with a deputy branch secretary, and his work was not as good as Tian Futang.

Jin Junwu, the leader of the second production team, is shrewd and capable on the surface, and he is also good at crop handling. When encountering some major problems, he just follows the village to fool around.

Sun Yuting, Tian Futang's son-in-law, a dog-headed military adviser, is not worth mentioning.

Accountant Tian Haimin, being able to become a branch committee member, took advantage of his position and a bit of culture, so he didn't have much say.

None of these people can be influenced by Wang Manyin. If they can't solve Shuangshui Village, they will solve everything that can be solved externally.

Guanzi Village is the easiest, just mention it to Zhang Zhiqiang, and arrange militia patrols. Even if Guanzi Village is solved, there is only so much that can be done in Guanzi Village.

After lunch, Wang Manyin took half a day off in the afternoon, and took another four centimeters for Shuangshui Village, feeling sorry for himself for a second.

I didn't meet a car along the way, and I walked to Shigejie. There are indeed Wang Manyin's acquaintances in Shigejie, and there are two second-raters in small businesses.

Wang Manyin came directly to the village brigade headquarters of Shigejie Village. He was lucky to see Zhao Zhigao, the branch secretary of Shigejie Village, on duty at the brigade headquarters.Shigejie Village is not a small village like Guanzi Village and Shuangshui Village. The combined population of Guanzi Village and Shuangshui Village is not as large as Shigejie Village, and there are several production teams.Otherwise, the commune cannot be located in Shige Festival.As the village gets bigger, there must be more things for the village party secretary, and the village party secretary is not so easy to find.

"Zhao Zhigao, Zhao Zhishu, it's good that you are here."

"you are?"

"I'm Wang Manyin, and Wang Mancang branch secretary of Guanzi Village is my brother."

"I know, you're a well-known bum in Guanzi Village, I'll know who you are as soon as you tell me."

Wang Manyin sighed with emotion, with his damn fame, in the entire Shige Festival Commune, from the [-]-year-old to the babbling doll, there is no one who has not heard of Wang Manyin.

I don't know how many families I have contributed to, and I have been treated as a negative teaching material.

"My poor reputation has already reached the ears of your branch secretary Zhao. Don't dare to take it, don't dare to take it."

Anyway, the bums have spread throughout the Shigejie Commune, so let's use the residual value of this fame.

"Where are you coming from our Shige Festival brigade?"

"I have something to do. Come to Shige Festival. My brother, Wang Mancang Wang Zhishu, ask me to give you a message!" This little matter Wang Manyin decides by himself. In the countryside, the words of a village party secretary and a bum have different weight. Even if he knew the actual situation, Wang Mancang probably wouldn't mind.

"Secretary Mancang, what do you want me to say?"

Still, the village party secretary is treated well and has weight. When he mentions it, the tea is poured and the cigarettes are also handed over.

"Let me tell you about the situation first, so you will know what I mean by what I brought you." Wang Manyin lit his cigarette, drank a sip of tea, and then continued: "This morning, Shuangshui Village brought people. The dam in our village was forcibly removed, but our village caught and threw it out. However, there is no water in Shuangshui Village. If it is clear, it will not come, and it will definitely come when it is cloudy. Starting today, our Guanzi Village will start patrolling the dam day and night to prevent Shuangshui Village. Send someone to break our dam at night."

"What does this have to do with our Shigejie Village?"

"This has nothing to do with you. It has a lot to do with you. Just think about how much water there is in the dam of our Guanzi Village. If all the water in the dam of Guanzi Village is drained, it will not be able to meet the gap in Shuangshui Village. .”

Wang Manyin took a sip of tea and continued: "Think about it again, Guanzi Village can't satisfy Shuangshui Village, what should Shuangshui Village do? Your Shige Festival cut off the water of both rivers. The village is big, and the dam stores a lot of water. , how could your Shige Festival not be targeted by Shuangshui Village, our branch secretary Wang, let me tell you, I want you to be careful that Shuangshui Village sends someone to quietly open your dam at night, otherwise you will wait until the next day. I found out that the water has flowed out, so what else can you do?"

(End of this chapter)

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