Chapter 264

"Then let me tell you straight, uncle. I have taken a fancy to your green storage technology. With enough feed, we can expand the breeding scale in the team. We raise sheep, sell them for money, and the members have Only with money can we afford to stretch a few feet of cloth to make clothes for the children, the elderly can eat soft white flour steamed buns a few times at home, and the members of the commune can eat meat several times a year."

Once Wang Youcai exported it, it was a set of suits. A production team leader who exercises such a good eloquence is definitely a good way to cheer up and encourage the members of the commune.

"You don't need to talk about Uncle Cai. If you don't talk about it, I can't just focus on myself. Isn't it just green storage technology? I have promised to teach the second team, so why not agree to our first team."

"Man Yin, this is considered a skill that can be eaten. You can contribute it directly, and uncle can't cheat you. You have made a contribution to the team. Qing Chu also needs your technical guidance. In the future, you When I go to work again, my uncle and the members of the commune said, I will give you a full centimeter."

Wang Manyin doesn't care about these two centimeters, but Lanhua should be very happy knowing that,

"My questions are easy to talk about. If you want to make silage fodder in the team, you need the consent of all the members. The matter of firewood is not a trivial matter."

"I will solve it in the team, and we will have a meeting after work today."

"Uncle Cai, you have to hurry up. The greener the straw for green storage, the better. It's best to do the grain right after it's harvested. You still need to do some preparatory work in the early stage."

Without all kinds of additives, Wang Manyin only plans to use sorghum stalks and corn stalks, which have the highest sugar content. In rural areas, the level of education is not high, and the simpler and more practical the more suitable for the principle.

If the silage feed is successfully produced, many problems will arise. It is difficult to buy high-quality basic ewes. Guanzi Village can only choose the way of self-breeding, so it is not easy to kill ewes that were not prepared to be breeding sheep before.

The problem of the members eating meat cannot be ignored, so naturally the mutton sold will be less, and the centimeters at the end of this year will naturally be less.

The sheep pen needed to be expanded and manpower added, and many issues had to be considered. Naturally, Wang Youcai and Li Laishun were the main ones to discuss. One was in charge of the production team leader and the other was the breeder. The two held the right to speak about the livestock of the production team.

Wang Manyin is now considered a technical talent to participate in the discussion, and he listens more and speaks less. Wang Manyin has a lot of theoretical knowledge, but most of them have certain basic conditions to realize. The actual situation of Guanzi Village must be considered, or Li Laishun thinks more comprehensively.

Not only Wang Manyin knows that adding a certain amount of concentrated feed can make animals grow better, but anyone who has fed animals can know that, so it is unrealistic to propose.Concentrate feed is the treatment that hard-working cows, horses and mules can enjoy during the busy farming season.

After work and dinner in the evening, members are required to go to the team headquarters for a meeting, and at least one person from each family will come to attend.

After dinner, it was said that one person per household would be fine, but because there were too few entertainments, the villagers liked to be lively, and there were quite a few couples who came. When both husband and wife came, the children naturally followed. .

Wang Manyin came to the team headquarters to have a look. Isn't this the same as the situation in the wheat field at night, except that the kerosene lamps in the team headquarters were lit up, making the hall much brighter, and the staff more concentrated and more lively.

Adults chatting, children crying and shouting, it is busier than the morning vegetable market in the city.

I don’t care much about meetings. Of course, it’s hot in the courtyard, and the room can’t hold so many people. There are few people sitting and many standing. Wang Manyin used to hang around outside. It means that after getting married, Lanhua always participates. I have never participated in this kind of activity, which is quite rare. I hid in the corner to watch the excitement, and it was quite fun to watch.

When almost everyone arrived, Wang Youcai slapped his hands and attracted the villagers' attention and said, "That's enough, don't chat for now, you are done with business, and those who want to chat can stay and continue chatting, now listen to me first."

Wang Youcai has been the captain for many years, and he still has prestige, and the villagers are all adults, not naughty children, and the children who fight are also stopped by their parents, and they are temporarily quiet.

"The thing I want to talk about today is about the silage feed made by Manyin. Some people have gone to Manyin's house to see what's going on. Some people haven't been there and don't know what's going on. I'm simple To put it bluntly, it is necessary to use corn stalks and sorghum stalks to be stored as feed for cattle and sheep during the dry grass period in winter and spring.”

"I saw the silage feed that Manyin's sheep ate, and the sheep ate quite well."

"Captain, are you going to promote this technology in the team?"

"I saw it too, the stalks harvested in summer are still green!"

"My family doesn't raise sheep, and my family doesn't need it."


After Wang Youcai said it, the villagers began to talk about it, and Wang Manyin became the focus. He said everything, and most of the positive comments accounted for it, which was considered a good thing.

"Don't talk about it, everyone, just listen to me. Green storage has been proven feasible, so the team has decided that after the autumn harvest, the team will also carry out green storage. With sufficient feed, of course we must expand the number of sheep in the team. The size of the flock, the more sheep are raised, the production team can have more income, the members can wear sheepskin vests, have wool spinning and clothes to wear, and can eat meat when they want to eat meat. At the end of the year, you can also get a sum of money in your hands. Everyone said, is this a good day?"

"Okay." This was the first time Wang Manyin heard these people shout.

"I dare not dream of such a day!"

Those who say this are some seniors.

"For the sake of our wives and children, we should raise more sheep, the more the better."

This is the idea of ​​the middle-aged generation in the jar village.

"If you can live the life the captain said, there will be women who don't want to marry into Guanzi Village."

Those who want to marry a wife are the young generation who have grown up in Guanzi Village.

"However, if you want to live a good life, how can you do it without paying? If you don't sow seeds in the ground, where can you grow food? If you want to expand the flock, this year's ewes in the team can't be slaughtered. I want to make more silage. This year, each family can only send half of the firewood of previous years. Whether we want to stay poor forever, or want to have a better life next year, we need to decide together with our members.”

"With less firewood, there will be even less firewood for cooking at home. What should I do if there is no firewood in winter?"

"There are fewer sheep sold this year, so my family will hang upside down too."

"There is less money in the team, how will I live next year?"


"If the team decides to start green storage and expand the size of the flock, I hope to get the support of all members. If there are difficulties, they can overcome them by themselves, and if they cannot, the team will find a way to solve them."

(End of this chapter)

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