Film and television started from Yan Jiecheng in the Siheyuan

Chapter 271 Going to the City to Buy a Car

Chapter 271 Going to the City to Buy a Car
Without waiting for Wang Manyin to speak, Lanhua broke the illusion of cat eggs first. Good cooking skills are also subject to good ingredients, ingredients, and seasoning. There is no qualitative difference between Wang Manyin's fried shredded potatoes and Lanhua's.

For those who often do not eat meat, it is more delicious to eat meat.

For those who can't eat meat, don't talk about the most high-end ingredients and pay attention to the simplest cooking.

Now all kinds of ingredients are quite high-end, no chemical fertilizers, no pesticides, natural pollution-free food and vegetables, free-range chickens, and natural grazing local cattle and sheep are all things that will not be eaten in the future. The simplest cooking Whoever comes out to eat will know.

"Cat eggs like to eat. When the family buys meat, Dad will make it for you."

Although Wang Manyin doesn't like to go out to be a cook, he still likes to cook at his own home, but the usual conditions are limited and he can't do anything fancy, so Wang Manyin has no interest in doing it.


After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the village was a bit more relaxed, and the restlessness in Wang Manyin's nature began to agitate.

There are not too many people in the village who can herd sheep. If the family conditions permit and do not need to earn more centimeters, most of the half-grown children start working in the mountains by herding sheep.

Don't worry about no one to replace him, the production team has already been idle, Wang Manyin has successfully asked for leave, and is going to go to Yuanxi County to solve the problem of the mount.

Wang Manyin rides alone in the car, which is naturally the old rule, rubbing against passing trucks, being generous if you have money, selling a pack of economical cigarettes, which is still cheaper than a bus ticket, plus Wang Manyin is eloquent and good at bragging, master driver He also gave back to Wang Manyin a bottle of Shanxi mature vinegar.

This master obviously went to Shanxi, He Xiulian's hometown, and ordinary people rely on relatives and friends to pick up specialties from all over the place.

Timely Yu Jin Junhai's family can often see special products from various places, and he earns a lot of extra money, otherwise he would not buy bicycles one after another, and let Sun Shaoping waste them for nothing.If the driver only earns wages, it is not a particularly decent job.

The driver was really nice, and he sent Wang Manyin directly to the largest car repair shop in the county.

The largest car repair shop in the county is really unusual in scale. A master in his 40s brought two teenage apprentices. There are five or six second-hand bicycles in front of the shop. Several of them are brand-name bicycles. The price ranges from 100 yuan.

Still, there are too few workers earning wages in the county, the scale of the factory is small and the number is small, there are not many people buying bicycles, and naturally there are few selling bicycles.

Wang Manyin can accept the higher price, but Wang Manyin is not happy if it is a miscellaneous brand. In the countryside, there are mountain roads, ravines and ravines. Usually, he has to carry some grain and vegetables, and the frame of the cart must be at least strong.

The supplies in the county town can’t be compared with those in the capital city, and there are many other brands of bicycles. In Yuanxi, permanent, Feige, and Phoenix bicycles are still one grade higher than other bicycles. Compared with later generations, it is almost the difference between ordinary private cars and luxury cars.

"Master, do you have a big brand of second-hand bicycles?" After looking at a few second-hand bicycles, Wang Manyin took advantage of the master's time to drink water, handed him a cigarette, and chatted with the master.

"Young students, there are no big-brand bicycles. They all want Phoenix, Everlasting, and Flying Pigeon. There are so many. If one is repaired, it will be sold. Look at these two Jade Rabbits produced by us in Shaanxi. It's also beautiful."

After smoking half a cigarette, the car mechanic said that he could tell by his posture that he was an old smoker.

"Master, the Jade Rabbit brand really doesn't work. I'm a rural person living in the countryside. Is there any repaired ones, are there any unrepaired ones, I can repair them myself."

There is still a big gap between the small brands and the three major bicycle factories. If the quality of the small brands is not bad, Sun Shaoping cannot let Sun Shaoping scrap one bike in two years.

"Young man, can you repair a bicycle by yourself?" the car repairer asked in surprise.After all, although the structure of a bicycle is simple, repairing a bicycle is not a particularly complicated technology, but the premise is to be familiar with bicycles, and it is not common for people in rural areas to be able to repair bicycles.

"A little bit, it can be regarded as being able to assemble the parts of the bicycle."

Then come to the house and have a look, there are a few purchased bicycles that haven't had time to be repaired.

In a small town like Yuanxi County, bicycles are important assets even for people in the city. If they are not damaged to a certain extent, they are not willing to replace them with new ones. Wang Manyin saw that there were really two big-brand bicycles in the house.

A Flying Pigeon, stained and stained, looks like it has been ridden for a long time. It must have been exposed to the wind and rain for a while after being eliminated. The whole bicycle is ringing except for the bell.

If you want to ride it, you really need to put in a lot of effort. You have to clean up all the parts. It’s normal for a car repairer to be too lazy to repair this bike. .Bicycles like this in big cities should all go to scrap yards.

There is another car that looks [-]% new forever. I don’t know what happened, but the handlebars are crooked, and the front wheel is tilted by almost [-] degrees. It is completely useless, but the rear half of the car is fine.

Looking at Wang Manyin, he was very interested in this permanent bike, and the car repairer said: "Young man, you can also see that this bike is not bad?"

"Master, don't be kidding. I don't think this bike is good. I'm wondering how this bike became like this. If it's not bad, the Flying Pigeon is not bad. At least it's okay to ride on the road." Wang Manyin pointed The rusty Feige said, Wang Manyin is indeed interested in this Everlasting, but how can the price be lowered without picking any faults.

"Hey, wasn't this hit by a truck! Good bicycles and people..."

The master is quite naughty, he likes to whet people's appetites, and he started smoking in the middle of talking.

"I saw the car like this, what's wrong with the person?"

"One of the wheels was broken, one of the human legs was broken, and he was lying in the hospital."

The bicycles are like this, the owner is just a broken leg, don’t be shy, it can’t change Wang Manyin’s thinking about buying this bicycle, the master sighed, Wang Manyin thought he was gone, and he was thinking about polishing the flying pigeon , It's okay to paint.

"Master, I forgot to ask you, is your surname Pi?"

"My surname is not Pi, my surname is Niu, you can call me Master Niu, how about it, which bicycle do you want?"

This master's surname is Niu also makes sense, he likes to talk half of his words, and now he is over 40, and he was not beaten to death, which is very good.

"How much is this flying pigeon?"

"40 yuan, young man, this is a big brand. Today I was crying and selling it. 40 yuan is a rideable pigeon bike. How can there be such a good thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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