Chapter 293 Vacancy
After getting through the radio, the people who gathered and chatted in the village disappeared after work.

They all go back home and listen to the radio. This enthusiasm will definitely not dissipate for a while, and they learn about current political news, the weather, and the central work that the county, commune, and brigade must focus on.

Every day, you can hear model operas such as "The Story of the Red Lantern", "Shajiabang" and "Taking Tiger Mountain by Outsmarting" from the loudspeaker at the door. Revolutionary songs, cross talk, and storytelling are also available.

Small speakers may not be uncommon in other areas. They have been heard for more than ten years, but it is indeed a new thing for Guanzi Village, which has just been powered on. People in Guanzi Village really envy the villagers of the Shige Festival Brigade who have small speakers in their homes.

Of course, Guanzi Village is also the envy of other villages now, and Shaoan is very envious of the broadcast after the power supply of Guanzi Village.

This year's winter infrastructure task is still to repair water conservancy. For this kind of task, the villagers are much more enthusiastic than repairing terraced fields in Shuangshui Village.

When the work on the farmland is finished, the villages will be organized to repair the levee. A production team is a unit, a tender section, and detailed task requirements. If they are completed in advance, they can go home early.

After receiving the task, all the staff went to the embankment to build the project. The road is relatively far away, they live and eat on the embankment, and set up a temporary thatched shed. The men live in a thatched shed, the women live in a thatched shed, and lanterns are used for lighting.

Start work at 7 o'clock, take a half-hour break at 9 o'clock in the morning, take a one-hour break for eating at 11:14 noon, rest for another half an hour at 18 o'clock in the afternoon, finish get off work at 20 o'clock for dinner, and turn off the lights for sleep at [-] o'clock.

The strong laborers all go to the infrastructure construction site, and the laborers who stay in the village are not idle, but they are more relaxed and not so busy. The farmers are talking and laughing at work, the parents are short-lived, and the production team leader turns a blind eye. .

Wheatgrass needs to be hoeed, farmyard manure needs to be picked up in large fields, farmland ditches need to be shoveled and dredged, roads need to be repaired, and small water conservancy needs to be strengthened to eliminate dangers.In addition, there will be more meetings, such as summary meeting, commendation meeting, criticism meeting, struggle meeting, study meeting, appraisal meeting, reminiscence meeting and so on.

Of course, the centimeters earned are relatively fair. Those who go to the infrastructure construction site are all full centimeters, and those who stay in the village are relatively few.

Rural infrastructure is still of great value, whether it is to build reservoirs, dams, rivers, or terraces. If it is not for the public organization, let the villagers do it themselves. In the era of lack of large-scale machinery and equipment, large projects cannot be done. Decades later Looking at it again, a lot of farmland infrastructure is also the foundation laid in this era.

Although Wang Manyin stayed in the village, he was not idle. The size of the sheep flock expanded, and the number of incidents multiplied. In addition, if there was a problem with the green storage in other villages, Wang Manyin would always help find the reason.

There are more sheep raised, so there are naturally more sheep to be slaughtered and sold. The young and strong in the team are selected, and the rest are old and young. Only Wang Manyin is considered a strong man, and there are too many Wang Manyin. Help Li Laishun It is much more convenient to slaughter sheep and sell sheep together. It is much more convenient to buy mutton by yourself.

Time passed quickly in 77, and Lanhua had been pregnant for more than seven months, and her body became obviously heavy. When Wang Manyin came home, she saw Lanhua humming a model play.

"Lanhua, what good thing happened to you, so happy, knowing that I'm going to buy mutton today and eat something delicious?"

"You bought mutton again, and the team slaughtered sheep again? If you kill sheep in the team like this, you buy mutton once. When will the family save money? Is it a good thing for our Shaoping to graduate from high school?"

"Outsiders are scrambling to buy mutton from our village. In winter, you only eat cabbage, radish, and potatoes. You are pregnant, and cat eggs and dog eggs are still children. They need nutrition. How can you not eat some good supplements?"

In fact, buying mutton a few times a month in the village really doesn’t cost much. A catty of mutton costs five or six cents, and it doesn’t cost a few dollars a month.

While packing up the mutton in his hand, Wang Manyin was about to make a stewed radish with mutton, and said to Lan Hua, "Shaoping graduated from high school. I knew it since the day I was in high school. It's not a surprise. It can make you so happy?"

Graduating from high school is considered a talent in the countryside, but graduating from high school cannot be said to be of great use. All the positions in the production team that require culture are occupied, and there are people with culture in the village. Although a large part of the educated youths have been transferred back to the city, But every village has leftover educated youth.

The two remaining educated youths in Guanzi Village are both teaching at the school, so now the village can run primary schools, and there is no shortage of educated people.

For Shaoan to become the captain, the most important thing in doing things is to be fair. Originally, accountants, staff recorders, and elementary school education are enough, and the performance is quite qualified. It is impossible to replace Sun Shaoping to do these tasks. Shaoan cannot agree. The members of the team Can not agree.

"Not only did Shaoping come back from graduation, but he was also assigned to work as a teacher in a village primary school. Not only could he earn [-] centimeters a year in class, but he also earned [-] centimeters a year when he went out to work in the mountains. The commune paid six yuan a month. Subsidy." Wang Manyin could hear the orchid, and he was happy from the bottom of his heart.

The status of the people's teacher has always had a high status in people's minds.

For Sun Shaoping to be the protagonist, he still has the luck of the protagonist.

All good things can be caught up, and you can always meet noble people when you have difficulties.

There are three children in Shuangshui village who go to high school in the county, Sun Shaoping, Jin Bo, and Hetian Runsheng.

Tian Runye has a soft personality and a thin body. As the second generation of Quan in Shuangshui Village, his family has good conditions and has never worked in the fields. Now that he graduated from high school and returned to the countryside, Tian Futang is not willing to let Runsheng work in the fields.

Tian Futang was worried at home all day long, Tian Futang was unhappy, and Sun Yuting, the dog-headed military strategist, was of course also anxious, but Sun Yuting was still a bit clever to be valued by Tian Futang.

It really made Sun Yuting think of a way to let Tian Runsheng go to the village school as a teacher.

There are only so many children in the village, and Shuangshui Village already has two teachers, one is the public teacher Yao Shufang, the landlord is Jin Guangliang's mother-in-law who works in the county's Ermen City Department, and the other teacher is Jin Cheng, a democratic teacher, the deputy party secretary of Shuangshui Village Jin Junshan's son.

The positions of the two teachers are not something that Sun Yuting can shake, but there are no vacancies that Sun Yuting can create.

There are only two production teams in Shuangshui Village, there are only so many children of the right age, and the number of students is so small. The combined junior high school is not enough for one class, but Sun Yuting still runs a junior high school in Shuangshui Village.

Since Tian Runsheng was only allowed to go to the school to teach alone, Tian Futang was afraid that the villagers would talk about it, which would have a bad influence.

There were only three high school students in the village, and Jin Bo had already joined the army, so Sun Shaoping, the only high school student who came back from the village, took advantage of being able to go to school with Tian Runsheng to teach.

(End of this chapter)

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