Chapter 296 Divine Book
It is normal for bookstores to have a lot of people. Now that education and culture have obviously begun to be valued again, people's desire for knowledge is also unprecedented.

Some of the bookstores seem to be intellectuals engaged in writing work, with obvious characteristics. This kind of people like to have pens in their uniform pockets.

Others are working-class people who come to bookstores to improve themselves, and wear factory work clothes to stand out.

Some of them are young students, both in middle school, high school and university. Wang Manyin also roughly distinguishes them based on age.

There is also a large group of people who are little dolls, and they are also very serious looking around the bookshelf of comic books.

Although the bookstore is a place to sell books, there are really many people who come to read them.

Wang Manyin's goal is still very clear. He bought some "Journey to the West" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" villain books for Lan Hua and Maodangoudan to read together.

"Emperor's Internal Classic", "Nanjing", "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases", "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" and "Tiaodian of Febrile Diseases" are indispensable.

"Jingyue Quanshu", "Danxi Heart Method", "Spleen and Stomach Treatise", "Liu Hejian Six Books", "Syndrome Diagnosis Record", "Medical Hearts and Candidate Records", such medical classics have never been touched by Wang Manyin It is also the learning focus that Wang Manyin wants to improve in the future.

Originally, I wanted to find some books on carpentry, blacksmithing, and architecture to learn, but I didn't expect Wang Manyin to discover a set of "magic books" - "Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Self-study Series".

The whole book includes four volumes of Algebra, four volumes of Physics, four volumes of Chemistry, two volumes of Plane Geometry, one volume of Solid Geometry, one volume of Plane Analytical Geometry, and one volume of Trigonometry.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a divine book. With this set of books, and I am willing to learn, this set of books is almost directly equated with the university notice.

Wang Manyin was surprised that he could find it here. It is only the beginning of 77, and this set of books has not been reprinted yet.

Now the whole set can be bought here, let alone the whole set in a few months, it is hard to buy even one volume.

It explains the mathematics, physics and chemistry knowledge below the university incisively and vividly. It is more detailed than the current [-] whys, and it is also equipped with a large number of corresponding exercises. The current Xinhua Dictionary is similar.

Although it cost more than ten yuan, Wang Manyin still bought a set.

Although Wang Manyin has three children, and only has a primary school education background, he is not planning to go to university.

But this set of books, whoever Wang Manyin gave to them in the past few years, can be said to have given them a bright future.

Before the new generation of high school students graduate and take the college entrance examination, it is regarded as a divine book, and it will be a set of excellent college entrance examination guidance books for a long time after that.

Wang Manyin thought about the people he knew. On the surface, the person who needed this set of books the most was Sun Shaoping, a high school student who just graduated this year.

But Wang Manyin himself was not happy to give it to Sun Shaoping, not to mention that Wang Manyin looked down on Sun Shaoping.

Send it to Sun Shaoping, Wang Manyin is afraid of being ruined, Sun Shaoping is only interested in the illusory world, reading novels is okay, what is mathematics, physics and chemistry, Sun Shaoping has no interest at all.

The college student in my family is Lan Xiang, but Lan Xiang will only go to high school in the second half of this year. The new generation of high school students can no longer enjoy the simple preferential treatment of the college entrance examination questions. Judging from Lan Xiang's results in being admitted to North China University of Technology, This set of books is of little value to Lan Xiang.

In the end, Wang Manyin could think of only his teacher Tian Runye as a cultural person he knew, and he could go back to Yuanxi tomorrow to see Runye's situation.

Buying books is also a time-consuming thing. Looking through, looking at, and choosing one, Wang Manyin also waited until the bookstore closed, only to realize that the whole afternoon had passed like this.

Wang Manyin was not picky either. With the letter of introduction, he found a nearby hotel. He didn't ask for anything else. A single room was fine, so he stayed in it.

Although he was used to sleeping on the kang, Wang Manyin could still get used to sleeping on the bed for a whole day, except that the orchid child was not by his side, and he slept well.

On the second day when I came to Huangyuan, I got up early, and got up before dawn.

Wandering around to the edge of the city, following the suburban farmers who came into the city to sell things, it was easy to find the black market in Huangyuan. Wang Manyin has been wandering outside for so many years, and there are many ways to find the black market in a strange place.

Although it was early in the morning, there were quite a few people who came to buy and sell things. Wang Manyin first went around twice.

It was found that agricultural products and bills were still the main items, and Wang Manyin had nothing to buy.

I came to the black market and walked around, mainly to understand what the current situation is like. Even when Wang Manyin was the poorest, he would bring gifts for his wife and children when he went out for a stroll and returned home. He still needed a little receipt.

After observing, Wang Manyin walked towards a ticket dealer with the best business.

"Young students, what kind of tickets do you want, food tickets, cloth tickets, meat tickets, everything!" Wang Manyin just walked up to him, and the bearded ticket dealer who seemed to be in his 30s said.

"Is there a rare ticket?"

"Whatever ticket you want, bicycle, sewing machine, watch ticket, I can get it for you."

"Do you have a milk powder ticket? If you can get a milk powder ticket, I will exchange this with you!" Wang Manyin took out a bottle of Moutai from the bag he had been carrying.

"Yes, yes, yes, wait for me for a few minutes."

"Okay, I'll go shopping again, and I'll come back to you later."

This is the easiest way for Wang Manyin to buy milk powder tickets.

Although most of the rewards for signing in every day are saplings, Wang Manyin has saved a few bottles of good wine for such a long time, which is useless in the countryside. Now Wang Manyin thinks it is appropriate to exchange for milk powder tickets.

A bottle of Moutai is just not easy to buy. If you don’t have a wine ticket or a special approval, the value is not very high, and you are not afraid of people’s wrong thoughts.

After a while, the ticket dealer with a beard on his face came trotting over: "Brother, I only got one milk powder ticket, which is a bit small. I will give you two more malted milk tickets, which are considered gifts." Yours, let's calculate the price normally for wine."

He is quite honest in doing things, no wonder Wang Manyin has been observing for so long, this ticket dealer has the best business.

"I don't take advantage of you, so don't forget about the ticket price, just give it to me at the store's price, and just exchange it for a cloth ticket, sugar ticket, or non-staple food ticket."

"Okay, brother is happy enough. I gave you two catties of white rabbit toffee tickets. If it weren't for the new year, there would be more tickets. If you come to me in the future, no matter what you want, I will give you justice price."

It’s really a good material for doing business. The ticket dealers can do business well. They must have some background to some extent, and they will be changed soon. Huang Yuan is so big. Wang Manyin believes that he can still meet this person .

(End of this chapter)

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