Chapter 298 Copying
"Brother Man Yin, I have been graduating for several years, and I have forgotten a lot of knowledge, and I can't pass the college entrance examination if I resume!"

Wang Manyin could tell that Runye was moved, either because he wanted to leave Yuanxi, or because of his thirst for knowledge, or both.

"Then you don't have much confidence in yourself. Now that you are a high school graduate, you are a teacher and an insider in the education system. You should know what level they are."

Wang Manyin took out the "Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Self-study Series" he bought from his bag, and handed it to Run Ye.

"The level is about the same. If you start reviewing in advance from now on, of course you will be more likely to be admitted to the university than others. I even prepared the study materials for you!"

Tian Runye: "..."

Run Ye was silent for a long time, not knowing what to say, Wang Manyin's actions seemed familiar, like when the second mother Xu Aiyun wanted to introduce Li Xiangqian to Run Ye.

How to deal with Run Ye's soft personality, not to reject others, so as to achieve his own goals.Xu Aiyun wrote down all the answers, and it was too easy for Wang Manyin to copy them.

"Language and politics require you to work hard on your own. Read the newspaper more often. This set of books is not given to you, but borrowed from you. When you are admitted to university, you will return it to me."

"Hey, Brother Manyin, I will return the book to you."

"Okay, let's go back, classes will start this afternoon, remember to study hard."

After leaving the school, Wang Manyin didn't want to stay in the county town any longer, and he felt like returning home.

If Lanhua is not pregnant and lives with the child for a few days, Wang Manyin is not worried. Lanhua can take good care of herself and the child. Now that the situation is special, she must be more worried than usual.

When Wang Manyin returned to Guanzi Village, although he only left for more than a day, it can also be said that he went there yesterday and returned today. After returning, facing the familiar environment, he was still a little more cordial.

It is said that Tian Runye is lonely, but in fact Wang Manyin is even more so. After his mother left and before marrying Lanhua, he was alone, and those who did not return home were all alone. It is not surprising to be a bum.

"Lanhua, I'm back!"

When he arrived at his yard, Wang Manyin couldn't help shouting.

"Dad, you're back."

"Dad, why didn't you come home yesterday?"

Before the orchid appeared, the cat and dog ran out first.

"God, didn't dad tell you to go to Huangyuan and leave home for a day? Where's your mother?"

When answering Goudan, although he asked two people, the answer was already in Wang Manyin's mind, and after a few words, Wang Manyin also walked into the room.

Stopped Lan Hua who was about to get off the kang: "Don't get off the kang, you are quite heavy."

When Maodan and Goudan returned to sit on the kang, Wang Manyin also sat down on the edge of the kang, and the whole family happened to sit around the kang table.

From the bag, I took out all the things I bought for several people.

"Cat eggs, dog eggs, dad bought pastries for you, including peach cakes and cakes, fruit candies, white rabbit toffee, canned food, canned fruit and canned meat, and bought you a lot Little book."

First, a toffee was stuffed into the mouths of the two villains. It was considered a rare item in Wang Manyin's house, and they couldn't buy it if they wanted to buy it. Only Wang Manyin had signed in, and the two children had eaten it a few times.

Then I saw that the cat egg was a little bigger, and was more interested in comic books, but the dog egg was not good enough. Looking at the table of food, my saliva almost flowed out.

"Lanhua, I bought a lot of fabrics in Huangyuan. Take a look at the two fabrics. The ones that are popular in the city are much better looking than ours. I will make two sets of clothes for you."

"You bought it for me anyway, didn't you and the children?"

"I bought it, and I have it for my children. Even the third child, I tore off a piece to make him a diaper."

There is nothing to choose from for men's clothes, but there are at least various floral and plaid fabrics for women's clothes, so you can choose from them.

"Man Yin, you want to use new fabric to make diapers for your children?"

"Our family doesn't have any old clothes anymore. The children always need diapers. It's not a waste to make some. I even bought you cream."

Lan Hua said that Wang Manyin was a waste, but Wang Manyin bought things for himself and his children, and he was obviously very happy.

"Dad, I want canned food!"

"Okay, son of a bitch, wait a minute, I'll prescribe one for you."

Wang Manyin took two cans of oranges and opened them, took four bowls, and poured one bowl for the family.

The canned food tastes good, and you eat less sweets, so eating it once in a while will make you feel better and feel happy.

Canned food is also very useful. In rural areas, it is generally a gift for well-off families, who will only use it when they officially visit relatives.

And it is also very effective for sick children nowadays. Children have a fever and a cold, and they are afraid of taking medicine and cry. Parents only need to prepare a bottle of canned food for the child, and the child can take the bitter medicine.

I also showed Lanhua the tickets for milk powder and malted milk essence. Wang Manyin hadn’t bought them yet, but Shigejie Supply and Marketing Co., Ltd. sold them. If you have tickets, you can buy whatever you want.

"Okay, cat eggs, dog eggs, we have to eat tonight, how can we eat now that we are full, mom will put things away for you first."

"Lan Hua, I bought a lot of cakes. After a while, let's go to the outside of Guanzi Village. Wait for Lan Xiang who passed by after school, and ask Lan Xiang to bring some back to grandma."

The Sun family has not changed much. Even if the Sun family raised a few sheep last year and increased their income by more than 100 yuan, the Sun family's living standard remained the same.

Xiulian was right, the big family of the Sun family seemed a bit like a bottomless pit, Shaoan wanted to carry this big family on his shoulders, and if he wanted to live a good life, there was no hope for him in the near future.

The Sun family needs to spend too much money. First of all, they have to pay back the money owed by Shaoan when they got married. They sold the pigs and sheep near the Chinese New Year, which is almost enough to pay off.

But the repayment of the money only means that the Sun family has no foreign debts, and the family's expenses in the new year have not yet been settled.

The Sun family is still facing several major problems. Shaoan and Xiulian still live in the cave dwelling in the team, and the couple always want to stay in the cave and have their own home.

And Sun Shaoping is not too young anymore. At this age, he is going to start a family.

To marry a daughter-in-law, you need to prepare a bride price. If there are so many women who don't want a bride price, Shao'an will not almost drag himself into an older youth, marry Xiulian, and make the young people in the village jealous with envy.

Shao'an has made great contributions to the production team, and there is still a cave dwelling for the production team to borrow. Sun Shaoping must not think about such a beautiful thing, and he must try to build a new kiln.

In addition, Lan Xiang will have to go to school in the future, and he will go to Yuanxi to go to high school in the second half of the year, and the cost will increase a lot. Although Wang Manyin is willing to take responsibility, Sun Shaoan still takes this responsibility on himself and said that he will pay it back.

(End of this chapter)

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