Chapter 322
After the hustle and bustle, the life of the villagers quickly returned to normal. After spring plowing, summer cultivation, autumn harvest and winter storage, the time came to the spring and summer of 1979.

The Shige Festival has changed a lot, Guanzi Village has changed a lot, and Wang Manyin's family has also changed a lot.

The bazaar on the Stone Ge Festival is even more lively. In addition to the products purchased and sold by the state, there are more stalls doing various businesses in the bazaar, and there are many businessmen.

The life of the villagers in Guanzi Village is much better than before. Now the first choice of craftsmen is not to go out of the mountains to earn centimeters, but to start a small business. There are many more people in the city looking for work, and the village has increased a lot of vitality.

In Wang Manyin's house, Maodan has already entered elementary school, Goudan is already a six-year-old boy, and the third child is about to turn two years old. Now he can not only talk, but also is a small talker, and he can run fast on the ground.

Over the past year or so, Wang Manyin has remained the same as before. He did not do anything out of line, did not buy or sell, and made money mainly by selling self-produced agricultural products.

The family earns a few hundred yuan publicly, but actually earns several thousand yuan, and has a little capital to do things.

The obvious income is not much, just the balance that the team distributed to individuals at the end of last year. Every year, I go to various villages to guide and make green storage, and the income is dozens of yuan.

Also, because the life of the villagers in Guanzi Village has become more prosperous with the naked eye, in the past year or so, several young children have married in the village, and the craftsman Wang Manyin earned some money by making furniture.

Wang Manyin didn't think much, and Sun Shaoan's envious eyes were already turning red.

Although the grain output of Shao'an's production team is similar to that of previous years.

However, the income cannot be said to have no progress. It’s just that the Shao’an production team has no capital to breed sheep and can only rely on self-breeding. As a collective property, the group has increased a lot, but at the end of the year, the members have not seen any more money.

As for the villagers of Shuangshui Village, they expected that after the mountain dam was blown up, the Kuiyan River would be silted up into a river of rice and grain, and the village would no longer have to worry about food.

The dream has been shattered. After a heavy rain, the seemingly solid dam was directly washed away by the mountain torrent.

The flash flood broke down the dam and Tian Futang's morale. Shuangshui Village, not to mention having more arable land and high yields, sold tens of thousands of catties of grain reserves in order to buy explosives, and they are still waiting to pay back.

The reason why the villages have become lively again recently is that Tian Fujun was transferred to the area without a job, and then went to the province to help out for more than a year, and was promoted to three levels in succession to become the district commissioner of the Huangyuan area.

After Tian Fujun came to power, he promoted the contract responsibility system in the Huangyuan area.

Although the contract responsibility system has not yet been implemented on the Shige Festival, the news always arrives first.

The villagers became agitated. Of course there are benefits to collectivization. Only by concentrating efforts can we accomplish major tasks. Without collectives, Guanzi Village would not be able to build dams, and individuals would not be able to build water conservancy facilities. Guanzi Village would not be able to build so many terraced fields.

Of course, there is no benefit to everything. If the collective time is too long, it is inevitable that some people will steal and play tricks, resulting in low overall production efficiency.

Now that it is reform and opening up, the villagers are not willing to confine themselves to the farmland all the time. They do small businesses and work in the city, and they all have a good income.

When Wang Manyin was herding sheep and reading a book on the mountain, Li Laishun turned around.

The sheep-herding children have changed two or three times, and only Li Laishun and Wang Manyin are still serving the sheep.

"Man Yin, have you heard?"


Li Laishun was dumbfounded by Wang Manyin's reply: "I didn't say anything, you just heard about it?"

"Yeah, you didn't say anything, just asked me if I heard about it, should I say yes or no."

"Manyin, I didn't make it clear. You heard that we have no production responsibility system here?"

"Why haven't I heard of it? From the elderly with limited mobility to the dolls who are waiting to be fed, there is no one who hasn't heard of it."

"Do you think it's a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Is this still a question? Of course it's a good thing."

"Man Yin, you have to think about it clearly. If the responsibility system is implemented, you can't just read here leisurely, and you have to go to work in the fields."

Wang Manyin didn't expect that Li Laishun was used to living together, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Brother Laishun, don't just look at our Guanzi Village for the past two years. The villagers have lived a decent life, and their income has been increasing year by year, but the extra income is all for farming, and the annual food distribution is not enough. How to see the rise, this big pot of rice is unbearable."

"You're right. Our Guanzi Village can eat enough food now. If we want to eat well, we still need to implement the contract responsibility system."

"It's right to think so."

"Man Yin, you are thinking hard, help me think about it, you say, the collective is gone, and I am not good at farming, what will I do in the future?"

"Whatever you do now, you can do whatever you want in the future. Brother Shun, with your breeding skills, are you afraid that you won't be able to make a fortune?"

Li Laishun's cleverness is really focused on learning various skills, without any economic acumen.

Li Laishun, who should not be worried about the way out in the village, is also worried about what to do in the future.

After Wang Manyin chatted with Li Laishun, he realized that he should do something to prevent Guanzi Village from setting up a production responsibility group that could never get up or down.

It is divided once now, and it will be divided again after two years. It will be done in one step, and the production will be divided into households to fully liberate the labor force.

After getting off work in the evening, he told Lan Hua and came to Wang Youcai's house with two bottles of wine.

"Aunt Osmanthus, has my Uncle Cai come back?"

"I haven't come back yet, what do you need from him?"

"I have something to do, I want to talk to him for a drink."

"If you want to drink with your Uncle Cai, you can go into the house with Man Yin. Auntie will cook something for you, but Man Yin, be careful when drinking. Don't drink too much of Uncle Cai every time you drink."

Wang Youcai drank a lot, I really don't blame Wang Manyin, Wang Youcai's drinking highlights the boldness of a Northwesterner, and he can't be stopped even if he doesn't persuade him.

"Aunt Osmanthus, don't be so busy, I'm not here today. If you want to talk, you have to bring Brother Mancang. You can tell Uncle Youcai to find us at Brother Mancang's house when you come back!"

Wang Mancang and Wang Youcai, a village party secretary and a production team leader, are both very busy people, and someone might be looking for them at any time. They are afraid that no one will be found, and things will be delayed, so they try not to leave home when they drink.

Coming out of Wang Youcai's house, Wang Manyin returned to Wang Mancang's house within a few minutes after leaving.

"Brother Mancang! Brother Mancang!"

"Come to the house, you came just in time, I am going to find you as a staff officer?"

"I brought wine here, and I want to talk to you about something. I also asked Uncle Youcai. He should come over later."

There is a village party secretary and a production team leader, which is enough to solve the problem of the first team in Guanzi Village, and contract production to each household.

(End of this chapter)

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