Chapter 325 On The Road

Wang Manyin walked with Wang Mancang for a while, and they left when they arrived near the house of Deputy Party Secretary Zhang Zhiqiang.

With the ability and contacts of the two party secretaries, it is not a big problem to build a project in the original Xibao.

Although the residents of the city do not need kilns or houses, the houses are allocated by factories and units.

But it is also because of this that after the reform and opening up, various units and factories also had a lot of projects due to the construction of more factory buildings and dormitory buildings.

When Wang Manyin returned home, he naturally needed to explain and comfort Lan Hua again.

For Lanhua, she is very satisfied with her current life, her husband and wife are harmonious, her children are obedient, and she has enough food and clothing.

Except when working, the whole family does not wear patched clothes.

The family eats refined grains most of the time, and they can also eat meat from time to time to improve their lives.

This year, the village has started contracting production to households again. Apart from strength, Orchid is not comparable to adult men. She is also a good farmer and has the confidence to increase the grain yield.

There are a lot of livestock in the family, including cows, pigs, chickens, and about [-] sheep. There is no shortage of income in the family.

Contented and happy, knowing how to be satisfied, I feel that the life I am living now is already in the Sun family, a life I dare not dream of, and I have no more extravagant hopes.

It was obvious that he couldn't understand that Wang Manyin wanted to go out and make trouble after such a good time.

Lanhua doesn't understand, but Wang Manyin understands that with the reform and opening up, the gap between rich and poor will soon widen.

There is no end to people's pursuit of a better life. Now they feel happy and satisfied, which is also a result of comparison. Of course, white flour buns are more delicious than steamed buns and black noodles.

But when everyone else eats roujiamo and you are still steamed buns, it will be difficult to feel happy.

Besides, Wang Manyin's house is better than ordinary people in the village, and much worse than that in the city. It will be 80s soon, and the three turns and one sound are not matched.

Not to mention the new three-piece set of refrigerator, washing machine, and TV series that has quietly emerged.

Relying on the reputation that has changed in the past few years, Wang Manyin asked Lan Hua to support him to go to Xi'an instead.

When Wang Manyin left home, it was inevitable for Lan Hua to feel uneasy.

But Lanhua is not a woman who will hold men back. Wang Manyin wants to go out, and Lanhua thinks more about taking care of her family.

It is good to travel with the whole family, but the transportation is inconvenient, the child is too young, and Wang Manyin has too many things to do, so this time is not suitable.

A trip to the provincial capital is not close, so it can be called a long trip, and preparation is necessary.

It takes several days to go out, clothes need to be prepared, dry food is also essential for farmers to go out, food stamps and money are also necessary.

Although she didn't want Wang Manyin to go out, when Wang Manyin really went out, Lan Hua got up early the next day and spread pancakes and a lot of white flour cakes for Wang Manyin to make dry food.

After Wang Manyin got up, he continued to do daily exercise, fetch water, and feed the livestock at home.

After breakfast, I took my luggage and reluctantly left Jars Village.

Wenrou Township is really a tomb of heroes, even if you know that now is the golden age of doing business and accumulating the first pot of gold.

But even if there is no systematic task, Wang Manyin is reluctant to leave Lanhua behind and go to the south where there are more opportunities to develop alone.

On the side of the road at the entrance of the village, after bidding farewell to Lanhua and the child, Wang Manyin boarded the passing truck to Huangyuan.

The bus is full of people and the speed is slow. If you can sit or not, if you can go fast for free, of course you will.

Thanks to the old revolutionary areas here, the quality of the common people is still higher, and road bandits and road tyrants are basically not seen. Even now that the reform and opening up have been implemented, you can still catch a ride.

It was almost noon when we arrived in Huangyuan. After Wang Manyin got off the train, he queued up to buy a train ticket. There was plenty of time for the train at night.

If you want to do business, of course you need to understand the situation. Two years cannot be said to be too long since Wang Manyin came here last time.

But the changes are still very big, and there is a big difference in the clothing. It used to be grey, blue, and black, but now it is more brightly colored.

There are also many small restaurants without noodles on the side of the road, and eating is much easier than before.

Wang Manyin was tired from walking around the city, so he found a restaurant that was seeing a boom in business and went in.

Although the business attitude of private restaurants is not comparable to that of later generations, it is much better than state-run canteens. Food stamps and meat tickets are not needed, as long as you have money, you can eat a plain mutton steamed bun.

Wang Manyin can only sigh with emotion that although the time for reform is short, there are already people who have become rich. The supply of restaurants is in short supply and the business is doing very well.

I also saw that there are many job hunters from rural areas who are willing to do any kind of work. There are many competitors and the wages are not high.

The early contractors and construction team workers were mainly neighbors and relatives.

Even if there are some contractors who are born in cities, there are more than enough surplus labor in the rural suburbs near the Yellow Plains.

Sun Shaoping, who has no talent, came out to find work alone, and he was not starved to death. It can be said that he was lucky enough to meet noble people everywhere.

Wang Manyin was in Huangyuan, and what he saw was enough to make people happy, and the conditions for doing business were basically mature.

The black market in Huangyuan City has almost become an open market. Except for the products that are purchased and sold, most of them can be bought and sold freely. In addition to the local products in Huangyuan, many southern products can also be seen coming to the northwest.

It was almost time for the train to leave before Wang Manyin returned to the train station.

Fortunately, the train was not delayed for a long time, but there were a lot of people on the train.

Wang Manyin needs to be experienced to squeeze the train. Now the train is not air-conditioned, and the windows can be used as doors.

There are all kinds of people on the train. If the train is crowded, it doesn't matter if there are too many people.

The most important thing to watch out for is pickpockets. It’s not the students who start school, and the most targeted by thieves are businessmen traveling around.

For the sake of convenience, Wang Manyin brought dry food made of orchids with him. Others are stored in the small world, so naturally he would not pay attention to them.

First, I chatted with my seatmate, a couple with a child, for a long time.

After midnight, I arrived in Xi'an after a night's sleep.

After saying goodbye to the young couple who chatted for a long time, Wang Manyin came to the provincial capital again.

Although the provincial capital was the ancient capital of the thirteen dynasties and one of the four ancient capitals in the world, the development of the provincial capital during this period was not good.

There are not many high-rise buildings. It has been many years since Wang Manyin came here last time, but the city has not changed much.

In other words, a batch of new residential buildings were built on the North Street of the provincial capital, and most of the other places were old buildings.

Of course, it’s not just Xi’an. Most cities developed rapidly after the reform and opening up, and Shenzhen is now a small fishing village.

After leaving the train station, I was not in a hurry, and after walking not far, I found a stall selling a large bowl of tea. Wang Manyin bought a large bowl of tea for two cents, and it was a meal with pancakes baked with orchids. breakfast.

(End of this chapter)

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