Film and television started from Yan Jiecheng in the Siheyuan

Chapter 405 Self-cultivation of licking dogs

Chapter 405 Self-cultivation of licking dogs

"I have a lot of clothes, so I'm not in a hurry to make them now. I'll wait until my mother makes these two clothes."

A businessman is a businessman, and he can speak well. If Fan Jinyou didn't have that much money, Chen Xueru would have said that, and he would have put a piece of cloth on himself.

But it's a bit embarrassing to say that I definitely can't say that I have no money.Fan Jinyou is not cheating. When the door is closed this month and the salary is raised, he will definitely make a dress. By the way, he will also pull more cloth, and make a suit for each of the sister's dolls.

Follow Chen Xueru to choose the fabric for my parents.

"Boss Chen, what do you think about public-private partnerships?"

"I don't have any ideas yet, I want to see how other merchants do it."

Chen Xueru stared at Fan Jinyou for a while before continuing.

"Boss Chen, don't misunderstand me. I'm not asking you as a street cadre. I'm speaking to you personally. With so many merchants, I admire you the most, Boss Chen, so I'm alone with you. First of all, public-private partnership is the trend of the times, and no one can avoid it. Therefore, hurry up rather than late, early will definitely have benefits!"

"Has your street decided on a public-private partnership?"

"That's not true. Right now, it's just a matter of blowing the wind. We must wait until next year to discuss the matter of public-private partnerships."

"Then what you said, early public-private partnership is beneficial, is it your street's decision?"

"It hasn't been implemented yet, so how can it be settled. What I told you is my own inference, and you can slowly decide how to do it."

"Okay, I'll think about it."

Seeing Chen Xueru being perfunctory, Fan Jinyou didn't stay much longer.

Let Chen Xueru be the first public-private joint venture, Fan Jin has the current status, obviously the influence is not enough.

On a public level, Fan Jinyou is just a preparatory street cadre.

In terms of personal relationship, Fan Jinyou can only be regarded as an acquaintance, neither of them can be called friends.

But these words are not without benefits, at least it can prove Fan Jin's foresight.

After Xu Huizhen's first public-private partnership and reaping the benefits, he can just confirm what he said today.

Having proved my ability, it will be easier to persuade Chen Xueru in the future.

After all, Chen Xueru is a second marriage. Although she is very beautiful, Fan Jinyou is very satisfied in all aspects.

But wouldn't it be better to help Chen Xueru win Xu Huizhen without putting herself in it.

"Mom, I bought a piece of fabric for you and my dad. You have nothing to do at home during this time, so you can make clothes and wear them during the Chinese New Year."

Mother Fan took the fabric first, unfolded it and looked at it twice, then said with a smile: "The material is good, where did you buy it, why didn't you buy a piece of fabric for yourself?"

"I bought it at Chen Xueru's store. They said it was a new product, and they gave us a lot of discounts. I don't lack clothes, so I'll make them for you and my dad's clothes first. If mine can't keep up, I'll do it next year." There is no rush."

Speaking of making clothes, Fan Jinyou discovered that he didn't even have a sewing machine at home.

I definitely can’t afford it now, but I still have to take advantage of the past few years, when not all products require tickets, and buy things that should be bought early.

With his status as a street cadre, it is not difficult for Fan Jin to buy the products that are in short supply in department stores, and the fruit of face is still useful.

Although street cadres do not have factory workers, they are given benefits for whatever is produced in the factory.

However, some hidden benefits of street cadres can also make up for these.

When I came back early today, Fan Jinyou accompanied his mother, cooking and chatting.

As long as the blind date is not mentioned, everyone is still a good mother and son.

After the old man came back, he served it with some peanuts, and the two of them drank a little.

"You don't have to buy so many things for us, Jinyou. We are all old, what else can we eat and drink. If you have spare energy, please help your sister."

After drinking, the taciturn father talked a little more.

Because there are only two children in the family, the old couple does not have such a strong patriarchal thought.

Good for both kids.

The daughter that the old couple has always cared about, of course, because the daughter is also very filial.

Fan Jin has a sister who often goes back to her natal home, and she doesn't just come here to take advantage.

In normal times, I help the family to sew, mend, wash and brush. When the old man is sick, it is mostly my sister who takes care of the old man.

So Fan Jinyou is also very willing to help his elder sister.

However, for an ordinary working family with children, it is more or less difficult.

The food has been rationed, and if they want their children to eat fine grains and some good dishes, it will be difficult for the family.

Fan Jinyou is capable enough to help his sister find a temporary job, which can also be converted into a regular job in the future.

But there are two children in my sister's family, and there are parents who need to take care of them, so it is not realistic for my sister to work.

The best way is for Fan Jinyou to subsidize a little more often, so that these things will not be worse in the future, so it is a little more difficult now.

"Dad, I get it. After a while, I will prepare some New Year's goods for my sister's house. When I tear up cloth next time, I will also bring it to my sister and two nephews."

After Fan Jin has no money, he has no capital to spend outside.

I can only rely on the system's sign-in, make a little money, and watch the excitement in the tavern after get off work.

After a long time, Fan Jinyou also found out.

People who often drink in taverns are basically divided into these grades.

The highest level is basically the best loose wine, Niulanshan, which costs one yuan per catty, comes for half a catty, and two plates of rice noodles, small tripe, peanuts, tofu, and pickles are optional.

This level is mostly private business owners outside Daqianmen, such as Master Niu, who have a family background, can also be regarded as this level.These people can be regarded as spending casually in the tavern, and basically come every day.

The middle class has the most people, usually two taels, sometimes four taels, who come to serve small dishes. These people have a decent job and come here every day. Xu Hesheng and Fan Jinyou are both in this class.

The other one is that I like to drink, and those who are addicted to alcohol, come to the tavern every day to drink two taels of cheaper wine, watch the excitement, and when encountering happy or unhappy things, drink more, or have a side dish.

These people do not necessarily make a small amount of money, but they do not have regular jobs and their income is not stable enough.

The representative figures are Pianerye and Qiangzi who had ridden three rounds before.

Cai Quanwu can't even count, because he has to save money to marry a wife, Cai Quanwu makes a lot of money, but he has been reluctant to spend money.

Fan Jinyou didn't know whether Cai Quanwu used to come to the tavern often to drink.

But now Cai Quanwu comes to the tavern to drink a lot every day, which should be the real reason why he fell in love with Xu Hui.

As a qualified licking dog, it is not surprising that Xu Huizhen will open a tavern with a woman and something will happen, and come to the tavern to drink every day just to protect Xu Huizhen.

(End of this chapter)

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