Chapter 416 Agree and Disagree
Xu Huizhen is really a sensible person, Fan Jinyou gave a hint, and he understood Fan Jinyou's thoughts, and did not look for Fan Jinyou again.

I didn't have any feelings at first, so I didn't feel uncomfortable.

After Fan Jinyou refused, Xu Huizhen set her sights on elementary school teacher Xu Hesheng again.

Of course, Xu Hesheng couldn't refuse Xu Huizhen. Teacher Xu's thoughts can be said to be Sima Zhao's heart in the tavern.

Although Xu Hesheng is over 30, he was divorced again and has a child.

But being literate is a plus, along with a decent job as a teacher.

Although old widowers are not popular in the wedding market, Xu Huizhen herself has gone to junior high school, so she likes cultural people.

With Xu Hui's real sense, it's not hard to come to the conclusion that, as a widow with children, it's not bad to marry someone like Mr. Xu.

Xu Huizhen and Mr. Xu, the friendship between the two cannot be considered deep.

Only Xu Hesheng was cheated by Xu Huizhen's friendship.

Now only Xu Huizhen is satisfied with Xu Hesheng's appearance, age, appearance, family, and work.

But Xu Huizhen didn't know much about Xu Hesheng's specific personality.

So Xu Hui really wanted to get to know Xu Hesheng up close, so she came up with a way.

The government has been advocating learning to eliminate illiteracy, which gave Xu Huizhen a chance.

Taking advantage of the sunny weather, Xu Huizhen dressed up, left the child in Cai Quanwu's care, and came to the elementary school.

I found Xu Hesheng, and then talked about the idea of ​​holding a literacy class in the tavern.

I hope Teacher Xu can spare some time in the afternoon to go to the tavern to help with the class.

Xu Hesheng liked the little widow's beauty, the widow's large family business, a large courtyard house, and the antique calligraphy and paintings left by the old Hetou. It was of course his agreement to have more contact with the little widow.

While doing good deeds and helping the masses to eradicate illiteracy, they can give themselves an object of investigation.

Xu Huizhen really knows how to calculate, and the reasons she seeks are also fair enough.

If he hadn't known that Xu Hui's education level was not low, Fan Jinyou would have believed it. Xu Hui really ran the literacy class purely to do good things for the masses.

After the teacher made a decision, he began to look for students.

So that night, Xu Huizhen announced that he would hold a literacy class in the tavern when he was not busy in the afternoon to help everyone learn to read.

To run literacy classes, not only is it hard to find teachers, but students are also hard to find.

The afternoon time is also a bit embarrassing, when they are busy working to make money, how can there be so many idlers.

In the end, it was Xu Huizhen who used her power as a widow to make a group of idlers headed by Master Niu willing to study in the tavern run by Xu Huizhen.

Master Niu, a legacy of the Qing Dynasty, who was born in a wealthy family, walked birds in a cage, and dumped antiques, how could he be illiterate.

But people like Master Niu don't have to go to work, they are idle and boring.

On the one hand, it is to express the genuine support for the widow Xu Hui, and on the other hand, it is for people to watch more fun.

So a group of people who want to watch the excitement, people who like to gather together to have fun watching widows, plus some illiterates who really have spare time, gather dozens of people, and there will be students who Xu Hui really wants to hold a literacy class.

No matter what, it's a good thing that Xu Hui really has the original intention. The literacy class also won the support of the bald old grandson, who agreed to open the small restaurant in the afternoon for the literacy class to use.The problem of the venue is also solved.

There are dozens of idlers in the literacy class, and the news will spread quickly, of course.

Soon the neighborhood committee was alarmed, and within the scope of the neighborhood committee, it took the initiative to respond to the call and organize literacy classes for free.

What does this show? It shows that the leadership of the neighborhood committee is good, and when there are achievements, the director of the neighborhood committee immediately reported it to the street.

Director Li of the street heard this, and of course he was also very happy. Xu Hui really reported the matter of running a literacy class to the district.

Things spread quickly, and Fan Jinyou didn't go to the tavern for a week because he rejected Xu Huizhen. The literacy class in the tavern had already caused a sensation.

First Director Li was going to attend lectures at the tavern, and then the District Chief was coming too.

After the district chief came, the matter of the literacy class had been fermented and spread to the city.

Of course, a lot of things happened in between.

Xu Hesheng is willing to spare his private time to attend literacy classes. In addition, his teaching level is excellent and he is appreciated by the leaders, so his salary will be increased.

And because Xu Hesheng came to the tavern to teach literacy classes, it was rumored that he missed the little widow.

The thinking is not so pure, it is not voluntary to serve the masses.

So Xu Hesheng disregarded the current good situation of his relationship with the little widow.

In order to prove his innocence, he came to the tavern to teach literacy classes, not for the little widow.

Create a fiancée for yourself.

I don't know if other people have affected or not, but this makes the little widow Xu Huizhen very anxious.

After holding a literacy class, the two got in touch. Xu Huizhen and Xu Hesheng got along very well, and they also discovered Xu Hesheng's advantages.

The level of teaching is good, and they are quite talented.

As soon as she fell in love with Teacher Xu, Teacher Xu showed up with a fiancée. Xu Hui really couldn't bear it. How could she give up a cooked duck?

So Xu Huizhen sent Cai Quanwu to the elementary school to find Xu Hesheng, and invited Xu Hesheng to his home for dinner.

The two Xu had a meal and a drink, had a good chat, solved the misunderstanding, and expressed their feelings to each other.

It's just one step away from two people getting married.

After the two expressed their intentions, Xu Hesheng changed his mind.

After claiming Xu Hui's true love, Xu Hesheng couldn't see her anymore.

My partner, my fiancée, a young widow's house, has a young man coming in and out all the time, which man can bear it.

Even if you have confidence in Xu Hui's true character, I believe that the two of them will not do anything out of the ordinary.

But wind reviews are also a very important thing, since Cai Quan has no ins and outs, it is impossible for everyone to believe that the two are innocent.

As far as the present is concerned, there are quite a few rumors that Cai Quanwu and Xu Huizhen have an affair.

As soon as Xu Hesheng changed his mentality, he found that there was a green crisis on his head.

Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, Xu Hesheng is serious about the color of the hat.

After drinking, he euphemistically kicked Cai Quanwu out of Xu Huizhen's house, and asked for the key of Xu Huizhen's house in Cai Quanwu's hand.

A young man with a key to a young widow's house.

Aunts and aunts who are free and have nothing to do, sisters-in-law and so on, can spread countless jokes.

Normal widows can't do this kind of thing.

Teacher Xu's general reaction of a normal man drove Cai Quanwu out and angered Xu Huizhen.

The relationship between the two had just made great progress, and Xu Huizhen directly disagreed with Xu Hesheng.

(End of this chapter)

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