Chapter 440

Chen Xueru came back from the south every now and then to bring special products, make clothes, and gave Fan Jinyou a lot of gifts, so it's really inappropriate not to give them back.

Chen Xueru's financial conditions are good, and she can say that she has everything.

There is no sincerity in giving Chen Xueru ordinary things, so Fan Jinyou changed a few pieces of jewelry and prepared them.

Wedding anniversary, Chinese New Year, birthday, whenever you need it, there are ready gifts.

Having been with Yi Lianna for a long time, Chen Xueru can always learn something that Fan Jinyou doesn't know.

During some festivals, Chen Xueru prepared gifts, and Fan Jinyou could only get some signed gifts, such as chocolate, Moutai, Wuliangye, etc. to fool people.

This caused Fan Jinyou to be passive and awkward sometimes, and Chen Xueru was good at wine, and she was willing to keep it if she didn't drink it. Fan Jinyou had to deal with it several times.

Fan Zhijun stayed in the courtyard for a week before being picked up by Fan Jinyou.

The child stayed in the courtyard, and the old lady was in a good mood, and she was able to go out for a walk with her grandson in her arms with the same uncles and aunts.

But no matter how good the mood is, if I don't rest well at night, my blood pressure still rises.

Fan Jinyou found out that the situation was wrong, and everyone was visibly haggard, so he forcibly brought the child back.

"Fan Jinyou, why did you bring the child back?"

Hearing Chen Xueru's question, Fan Jinyou looked at Chen Xueru in surprise, this woman is really different.The children are the same as those picked up, and it is enough to see them a few times a week, and they don't need to be hugged and raised.

"Our parents can't take care of the children, so they looked fine a few days ago, but after a long time, the body can't bear it anymore."

"There is nothing wrong with the parents, right? Let's take the child by ourselves." After drinking a cup of tea, he thought for a while and continued: "Now Hou Kui has been staying at home, although Hou Kui is old, It doesn't look that troublesome. But Erya has worked a little harder, so I'll pay Erya more."

"The old man's body still has those old problems, so it's not a big problem. Okay, it's time to pay Erya more." Fan Jinyou also thought of giving Erya some food as a welfare. "Erya... Did you hear that, your aunt said that she is going to give you a raise."

"Auntie, there's no need to raise my salary. You guys have treated me well enough. I'll take Hou Kui and Zhijun with me. There's nothing wrong with me. I'm not tired."

"Erya, you don't have to refuse. You have been at home for so many years, longer than me. You should go to work first."

Seeing that Erya is so sensible, and also helping her to take care of the child so well.

Fan Jinyou had the idea of ​​helping Erya: "Xueru, Erya should be twenty, did you mention her husband's family?"

"It happens to be [-] this year. I haven't talked about my in-laws' family yet. The family is in trouble. Erya's mother just wants the child to earn a few more years at home."

"Okay, Erya is a very good child. When the child is ready to say goodbye, before leaving our house, I will find a way to arrange a job for him. Even if it is a temporary worker, there is definitely hope for him to become a regular worker."

"Hey, this is a good thing. Whenever you, Fan Jin, have such kindness."

Chen Xueru said that she has no kindness, but Fan Jinyou does not admit it.Seeing cute and pitiful children, Fan Jinyou often sends sugar.

Whether Fan Jin has good intentions or not is rumored by a few women in the courtyard.

Marrying a daughter-in-law like Chen Xueru who took advantage of the money did not let the people in the courtyard take advantage.

I usually go to the street to look for Fan Jinyou, but Fan Jinyou refuses to help, so naturally he won't get a good reputation in the courtyard.

Having said so many harsh words, Fan Jinyou certainly didn't want these people to continue to take advantage of them.

After leaving his own courtyard, Fan Jin's reputation is much better.

These people in the courtyard, Fan Jinyou, who is so busy, can't be bothered to talk to them. Naturally, he will not help with such a big matter as arranging work for them.

"This can't be called kindness. I will definitely not care about strangers. Erya helped me bring up the child with all her heart. I must repay it."

It's not that the family doesn't enter the same family, the two people's thoughts are really compatible, Chen Xueru and Fan Jinyou don't mind doing some good things, but they are not from the Holy Mother.

Xu Huizhen and Cai Quanwu, the two of them can come together because their thinking is on the same channel.

At least Fan Jinyou couldn't understand the thoughts of these two couples, and there was no logic in his thinking.

When Xu Huizhi came over and called her brother-in-law twice, Cai Quanwu was willing to help her ex-husband see a doctor and support his family.

Xu Huizhen was the only one who could understand Cai Quanwu. She inquired about her ex-husband every day when she had nothing to do. Knowing that her ex-husband had a child, no one needed to tell her.

"In your yard, those families didn't help. You told the reason, and I know the reason. I see that you have a good relationship with Mr. Pian, why didn't you think about arranging a job for Mr. Pian."

"Hey, you're talking about a son-in-law?"

"What's the matter with Master Pianer?"

"Pianerye is not a person who is willing to go to work seriously. He is used to freedom, he is optimistic, and has a good attitude. Let Pianerye go to work. It is better to let him do what he is doing now. He spends some supplies and food stamps every day. It’s fun to earn some money and drink some wine.”

For a person who does not have a formal job, if he is caught, he has nothing to lose. If the scale is small, his property will be confiscated, he will be educated, he will be locked up for a few days at most, and then he will be released again.

Even if Fan Jin has watched the film and his father is kind, it doesn't matter how much favor he gets from finding a job.

Mr. Pianer simply quit and resigned, and even dumped supplies. The bill was arrested and fired, showing how stupid Fan Jin is.

The recommender has to pay some joint and several liabilities.

Nothing happened in the next paragraph. The biggest thing in the family was weaning the child.

The harder the suppression is, the stronger the rebound will be. It is Chen Xueru who is talking about.

After Fan Jinyou went home and had dinner, he accompanied Chen Xueru to the tavern for two drinks every day.

Chen Xueru loves wine and excitement, especially the tavern, a place where you can drink and be lively, there are many people chatting and there are many kinds of news.

Drinking at home also dislikes the lack of atmosphere.

Of course, even if Chen Xueru hasn't come to drink in the tavern for a long time, the tavern is still filled with these familiar faces.

Because the consumption of small restaurants is higher, the flow of people is not so fixed.

But in a tavern, it only costs a few cents for a person to drink, and the people who come to drink are the neighbors nearby, and they are all familiar people.

It's just that the bachelors in the past have now become families and married wives.

Although Qiangzi and Mr. Xu are all married, they basically come to the tavern to drink every day.

The daughter-in-law can't stop her desire to come to the tavern, only the wages can stop her.

"Huizhen, don't be busy, let Cai Quanwu be on duty for you, sit down and drink some wine together."

It's really different. I didn't want Cai Quanwu to replace Xu Huizhen back then, but now I propose it on my own initiative.

(End of this chapter)

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