Chapter 465 Find Two Guarantees

Fan Jinyou felt that Xu Huizhi was not that bad for the time being. He had some prejudices against Xu Huizhi before. In order to express his apology, he bought a few more steamed buns and served a soup. This meal should be eaten well by the three of them. .

The main thing is that Lixia from Xu Huizhi's family is not bad when she grows up, and she is pretty good in all aspects. She can establish a good relationship first and provide a guarantee for her Zhijun.

Thinking of this, Fan Jinyou also thought of Xu Huizhen's third child, Xu Jingtian, this girl is not bad when she grows up, and she can also be a guarantee for her own Zhihua.

If Hou Kui still hasn't changed after he grows up, he really still wants to actually marry Xu's family.

One son was exchanged for Xu Huizhen's daughter, so her youngest son married Xu Jingtian.

It can also keep Chen Xueru in a barely worthwhile situation.

"Comrade Fan, we are full, you don't need any more."

It wasn't when meeting Xu Huizhen's family, Xu Huizhi still knew how to be polite.

"Eat more when you are full, and eat more. If you can't finish eating, you can take it back to eat on the road. If you can't go back, let He Yongqiang know that you are not full. I should say that I am Fan Jinyou. I am not particular about my life and I am not good at hospitality. gone."

Fan Jinyou ordered four steamed buns and a tofu and radish soup.

After thinking about it, he should have a good relationship with He Yongqiang's family no matter what.

Even if it's not for He Lixia, He Yongqiang is also a natural ally of Fan Jinyou and Xu Huizhen from the perspective of opposing Xu Huizhen.

Even if He Yongqiang can't do it anymore, He Yongqiang is still very good at holding back.

"Comrade Fan, what are you saying about us? I will definitely tell He Yongqiang when I go back that you treated us well."

"They're all neighbors!"

Fan Jinyou just ate two steamed buns and a few mouthfuls of vegetables.

Although Xu Huizhi said that she was full, the steamed buns and soup that came up were eaten up by three people, one big, two small, and only one steamed bun was left, and the two plates of stir-fried vegetables were also eaten up.

Ordinary cabbage and potatoes actually test the chef's skills. In addition, the canteen is more willing to put oil and seasonings than at home, and it must be much more delicious than the white water boiled vegetables cooked by Xu Huizhi in the countryside.

The remaining steamed bun was left for Xu Huizhi to pack. On the way back to the countryside, the two children were hungry and could eat the steamed bun as a snack.

"Uncle Fan, the food in your city is really delicious."

"It's delicious. I think it's delicious. Lixia, you can come to the city more often in the future. If there is a chance, I will treat you to dinner again."

Fan Jinyou really doesn't mind, He Lixia will come to the city often in the future.

Even if they invited them to dinner, Fan Jinyou would just accompany them with a few steamed buns, while Cai Quanwu and Xu Huizhen would have to accompany them with dozens of catties of grain at a time, and maybe dozens of dollars more.

In comparison, the Xu family was more hurt.

Allowing Xu Hui to accumulate less capital can also reduce the difficulty for Chen Xueru in the future.

"Xu Huizhi, what are you going to do now, do you need me to go to the tavern and call Cai Quanwu for you?"

When it was time to part at the intersection, Fan Jinyou said.

"No, we'll just go to the door of brother-in-law's house and wait. You can go about your business."

Separated from Xu Huizhi, Fan Jinyou went home and continued to eat.

Of course, Fan Jinyou couldn't get enough of the two steamed buns. After eating two, he mainly accompanied Xu Huizhi and the three of them, so that Fan Jinyou could only watch and not eat, and the three guests would be embarrassed.

As a martial arts practitioner himself, and running outside all day, Fan Jin's energy consumption is naturally greater.


From the day after meeting Xu Huizhi, nothing happened, and the end of the year soon came.

Fan Jinyou found Lao Sun and confirmed what kind of deal Lao Sun had with Cai Quanwu.

After confirming that Cai Quanwu is not considered audacious, he dared to resell grain in an open and honest manner.

Only when Lao Sun heard that the tavern has channels to buy food, did he find Cai Quanwu.

At the end of the year, Fan Jinyou finally ate one of the big cakes painted by Lao Li, and became the deputy section chief of the street economics department.

At the same time, the salary of one level has been raised, and the wages of the 22nd level of administration and the fourth level of clerks are 56 yuan per month.

Although it is short of the position of deputy section chief of the street, it should belong to the level of deputy section, and there are four levels in the administrative 18th level.

However, Fan Jin's position has already been mentioned as a sub-department, and there is enough time for the salary level, so he can be promoted naturally without any obstacles.

Fan Jinyou is a high-ranking and low-ranking person. Due to the lack of talents in all aspects, it is a normal phenomenon.

Although the position has been promoted, Fan Jinyou's work has not changed much, but he has a few high school students under him, and he still has to spend most of his time outside.

In the economics department, the only ones who can sit firmly in the office are the head of the department, Lao Yao, and a few elderly aunts.

"Fan Jinyou, now that you have officially taken up the leadership position, you can be confidently called Fan Cadre, shouldn't we celebrate!"

Chen Xueru's performance was a little happier than Fan Jinyou expected.

Chen Xueru is not an ordinary housewife, not only knows how to do business, but also has some understanding of politics.

Fan Jinyou has no background, a junior high school education, and at the age of 30, it is still rare to be able to become a sub-subject in an institution, enough to give Chen Xueru a good face.

"There is no need to celebrate, and it is not a big leader."

"Why don't you celebrate, don't be a small leader, how can you become a big leader. Call your parents, your sister's family, my mother and my brother's family, and let's go to Fengze Garden to celebrate together." Chen Xueru counted with her fingers excitedly with.

"Xueru, this is really not good. Where is your political savvy? When everyone is in such a difficult time, I just became a small leader and spent a lot of money. What does it look like?"

At this time, the famous big hotels in the capital are not what they used to be.

Although the supplies of these big restaurants are not in short supply, and they do not need food or meat coupons for consumption, the prices are many times higher than before the difficult period.

Those who can go to consume are big capitalists who have a lot of money and show off.

After the difficult period, Fan Jin never went to these high-end occasions.

It's not that he doesn't want to contribute to the country, it's just that he has status with Fan Jin and doesn't pay.

"It's such a big happy event, we have to celebrate it."

Chen Xueru resentfully said that she was still too young, and hadn't passed the age of showing off.

"If you really want to celebrate, we can do it at home. Cook some good food, open two bottles of good wine, and call our own family over to have a good time."

"Several families come here together, our family is not easy to entertain!"

Although the house is very big, it is a building after all, and it would still be very cramped if you want to entertain a family of ten or twenty.

"That would be easier, just separate the two families and invite them."

This is more in line with Fan Jinyou's thoughts. The two families grew up in different environments, and it is really not suitable for them to mix together.

(End of this chapter)

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