Chapter 481 Different Circumstances

"Hey, with Master Niu and Principal Xu here, it seems that this tavern is really going to close."

After taking the wine and dishes back, I heard Chen Xueru sigh.

"The operation of the tavern is mediocre now. There are a large number of old people missing, and there are no new young people coming. Only a few of our old neighbors are left."

"Chief Fan, oh, it's no longer the case. Although Fan Jin is right to have you, but you and Boss Chen also came to drink in the tavern. It's because it's cheap!"

After Fan Jinyou quit the street, his status in the alleys has dropped a lot.In recent days, I have heard a lot of gossip.

But Master Niu said this teasingly, it was more that the two of them buried the tavern, Master Niu was fighting for Xu Huizhen, it could be seen that they were also neighbors for many years, Master Niu still had a better relationship with Xu Huizhen.

Therefore, because Chen Xueru's interest in antiques has greatly increased, and she wants to match Master Niu to buy antiques, it's really better to point her brother-in-law to help him.

"I think this is going to be closed. If I don't come here again, I won't be able to find this tavern when I get here someday."

In terms of lip service, when Chen Xueru didn't meet Xu Huizhen, did Fan Jin see Chen Xueru lose.

"Wobo, come for two or two."

This is a tavern, and another old acquaintance, Qiangzi, came.

Because Qiangzi was doing Lao Zhou's dogleg, although in a special period, his life was not bad.

However, because of the many crimes and crimes that followed, he is now being backlashed. When buying wine, Cai Quanwu was reluctant and indifferent.

Because Qiangzi also participated in the report back then, the relationship with Cai Quanwu, a good friend, also broke down.

But for Qiangzi, it was worth it. Although there was a stalemate with Cai Quanwu, Cai Quanwu no longer lent him money, but Qiangzi was doing well when he was on the street, and he didn't need to borrow money to survive.

But the consequences now need to be borne by Qiangzi himself. Even if he wanted to sit at the same table with Xu Hesheng and Master Niu to drink, he was disgusted by Master Niu and was driven to other tables.

I think back then Fan Jinyou, Xu Hesheng, Qiangzi, the villains at this table.

Because of the different status, the current situation is also different.

Although Xu Hesheng participated in the report and assisted in the arrest of Mr. Pianer, he has been working under Lao Zhou all these years, but because he is still the primary school principal, it still does not affect his respected status.

Fan Jinyou has worked under Lao Zhou for more than ten years, and now he has no job in the street, and his status has dropped drastically. He has been talked about behind his back and gossip, but because the family took advantage of the money, the neighbors in the neighborhood can maintain a superficial effort.

For so many years, Qiangzi has always been on the front line of doing bad things. He was always at the bottom of the chain of contempt. He has no money and no power.

"Come on, have a drink. Let's go back early after we drink. I have work to do with my sons tomorrow."

Of course, Fan Jinyou hoped to finish his drink early and go home early, and he didn't want to stay longer in the tavern.

"Why are you so anxious, I still want to chat with Huizhen." After having a drink with Fan Jinyou, Chen Xueru approached Xu Huizhen: "Huizhen, it's not that I want to talk about you."

"What do you want to say about me, what's wrong with me, you want to say about me?" After being called, Xu Huizhen stopped cleaning the tavern and stood aside and said.

"You, Xu Huizhen, just like to treat a little bit of a big thing as bigger than the sky."

"Chen Xueru, can you tell me why I regard something as big as a sesame seed as being bigger than an elephant?"

"You really want me to."

Chen Xueru said confidently, she really believed Hou Kui's words to fool her.

"Tell me, there are no outsiders in this tavern now, they are all our old neighbors, old neighbors, there is nothing to say."

"Xueru, let's not talk about it. As the saying goes, you should be forgiving and forgiving, and you should always save some face for others."

Chen Xueru doesn't know, Fan Jinyou can't know, what is the specific situation.

If there were no accidents, Xu Huizhen had already prepared a second hand, copied all the love poems written by Hou Kui to Xu Jingli, and waited for Chen Xueru to drill into it.

Before Xu Huizhen took the initiative to say it, Chen Xueru brought it up by herself, regardless of whether Hou Kui chased Xu Jingli or not, as far as the two children are concerned, what is there to say in public.

Fan Jinyou could only try his best to persuade Chen Xueru not to mention this matter.

"Then listen to my old Fan and save face for you. I won't talk about it."

"Don't tell me, Chen Xueru, don't save face for me, how can you be like you, half-spoken, if you don't say it, it seems like I really did something."

Chen Xueru finally listened to the persuasion once, and Xu Huizhen began to be unwilling again. Fan Jinyou knew that Xu Huizhen would definitely expose this matter, otherwise normal parents, who would have nothing to write their daughter's classmate to his daughter's love poems, Copy it down and take it with you.

"Then don't blame me for not saving face for you, just talk about what you said about my eldest son chasing your eldest daughter. I asked my son, and there was no such thing at all. Is this something you are trying to catch? , Make a fuss out of a molehill, find trouble for nothing!"

Chen Xueru generally doesn't take aggressive tactics, Xu Huizhen is an exception, in front of Xu Huizhen, she won't be calm.

"Say I'm chasing after the wind." Xu Huizhen turned her head and went to the counter to find Cai Quanwu, "Cai Quanwu, what I asked you to copy down."

Cai Quan took out a piece of paper from his pocket without a brush, and after Xu Huizhen unfolded the paper, he waved it around in front of the people in the tavern: "Look what this is, this is your Hou Kui!" A love poem to my eldest daughter."

"Love poetry!" Chen Xueru was almost stunned.

"Let me read it to you all. She is a flower, but she is not a flower after all. I cherish it and don't want to fall with him..."

A water dragon chant by Su Shi, translated into vernacular, was regarded by Hou Kui as his own poem and dedicated to Xu Jingli.


"It's over."

"Yo, it's all right, no name."

Although Chen Xueru had confirmed that it was her eldest son's masterpiece, she still stiffened her mouth.

"Hey, you said that the eldest daughter of our family is also the same. She didn't know how to save face. In front of the whole class, she read the love poem sent by Hou Kui. It made Hou Kui so shy that she couldn't go to class anymore. .”

Xu Hui really made a speech on tea art, which can be regarded as a proof of this poem for Hou Kui.

"Don't listen to her, it's all nonsense."

Chen Xueru was so angry that she didn't want to speak, so Fan Jinyou had no choice but to speak hard on Chen Xueru's behalf.

"Fan Jinyou, Chen Xueru's eldest son may be named Hou, not Fan."

Xu Hui really meant it, and knew very well if it wasn't her son, Fan Jin had no right to take care of it.

"Xu Huizhen, according to your words, your daughter's surname is not Cai, and Cai Quanwu has no right to control her!"

(End of this chapter)

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