Chapter 508

"No, how can I remember that you pushed me to the ground 30 years ago? I really don't have the time. I didn't enter the city alone."

He Yongqiang's words were quite interesting. If it wasn't for He Yongqiang, he would have opened his mouth and told the whole story, and Fan Jinyou would have believed that He Yongqiang really didn't hold grudges.

"Is your daughter-in-law Xu Huizhi here too? Let's go together. It's okay. Your wife and I are not strangers. We met a few times in the past few years. Because it's your daughter-in-law, I even invited her to dinner with the children. Didn't she mention it to you?"

Wanting to forcefully invite He Yongqiang, Fan Jinyou also tried his best to point out the friendship of those years and a few meals.

"I mentioned it, I mentioned it, Fan Jinyou, I really want to thank you for this. Food was so expensive in those years, and you even invited them to dinner."

When the matter of inviting him to dinner was mentioned, He Yongqiang's face finally became a little more enthusiastic, and his smile became a little more sincere.It seems that Xu Huizhi did mention this matter with He Yongqiang.

"No thanks, no matter what, we are all old neighbors for many years. Your wife and children have entered the city. It's nothing if I treat them to a few meals. After all, I'm no outsider. Let's go and call With your daughter-in-law, I invite you to have a meal together."

"Okay then, wait a minute, I'll go back to the room and call her."

He Yongqiang called Xu Huizhi back in the courtyard, and Fan Jinyou was waiting outside. He didn't worry about why he didn't invite himself in. Fan Jinyou also knew what Cai Quanwu's two rooms looked like. Such a small place is often inconvenient to receive guest.

"Chairman Fan, look, I still want you to invite us to dinner. Lao He and I should have invited you to dinner."

Without much effort, Xu Huizhi came out with He Yongqiang, speaking very politely.

Xu Huizhi is polite, and Fan Jinyou is also polite to others. Xu Huizhi should also be said to be a harmless person to Fan Jinyou.

As for the grievances between Xu Huizhi and Xu Huizhen, it has nothing to do with others.

It is not easy to say who is right and who is wrong, and it is difficult for outsiders to evaluate.

Maybe Xu Huizhi felt that Xu Hui was really sorry for herself, and the logic made sense.

Originally, He Yongqiang and Xu Huizhi were on a blind date, and they saw each other right.

Xu Hui, who was brushing, came to seize love with a sword, knowing that Xu Huizhi and He Yongqiang were both on good terms, but she insisted on marrying He Yongqiang.

Xu Huizhen was abandoned by He Yongqiang in the end, and Xu Huizhi cannot be blamed entirely.

In this triangle relationship, there is absolutely no good thing.

"Don't be so polite, it doesn't matter whoever invites you. You haven't returned to the city for so many years, and I, as the landlord, invite you down."

After finishing speaking, Fan Jinyou led two people out of the alley, led the way in front, and walked towards Dashilan.

"Fan cadre, Fan Jinyou, where are we going? I think we can just eat here."

Walking out of the alley, it becomes more and more prosperous, and the grade of restaurants is getting higher and higher.

He Yongqiang may have been in the countryside for a long time, not used to these bustling places, felt cramped, pointed to a small restaurant on the street and said.

"I just run a restaurant. I don't need to go to other places to eat. Today I go to my family's restaurant. It's in Dashilan, not far away."

Fan Jinyou said while walking that there is still a little distance, if it is not inconvenient to drive in the alley, he should have come by car.

When they arrived at the door of the restaurant, He Yongqiang and Xu Huizhi were a little dumbfounded.

He Yongqiang really stayed in the countryside for a long time, out of the times, thought that the capital city was still the same as in the 50s, only a few famous restaurants and restaurants had exquisite decoration.

Xueru Restaurant is not out of the ordinary, it can only be regarded as exquisite decoration, and the environment shocked He Yongqiang, and people were a little embarrassed to go in.

"Fan Cadre, is this restaurant yours?"

He Yongqiang really is now, he has a deep understanding of money, and he respects Fan Jinyou.

"Yes, isn't it just a place to eat, let's go, please come inside."

Originally, he wanted to take He Yongqiang directly to the private room, but Fan Jinyou remembered again, and now He Yongqiang took the initiative to show his head in the capital.

He couldn't hide the news that Chen Xueru and He Yongqiang were not dead. Fan Jinyou himself should take the initiative and inform Chen Xueru and ask Chen Xueru to come over for dinner.

In order to avoid the embarrassment of the four of them having dinner together, He Lixia had to be called over to enliven the atmosphere. Both sides were familiar with each other, but calling just one was not good, so they simply called all three daughters of the He family.

"Hello, Chairman."

"Well, hello, let me make a call." After responding to the girl at the front desk, Fan Jinyou waved He Yongqiang and Xu Huizhi over, "Old He, I called Xu Huizhen Hotel for you, you and the children Tell them to come and have dinner together."

"Ask He Lixia to answer the phone."

"Who am I? I'm her father."

"I'm not cursing, I'm really her father."

"Lixia, I am your father."

"Your Uncle Fan invited me, your mother, and our family to dinner at their restaurant. You call your eldest sister and come over with Xiao Xia."

"Which restaurant is it? You, Fan Jin, have Uncle Fan's restaurant."

"Old He, just tell Lixia that you can stay at Dashilan." Fan Jinyou was very interesting to hear He Yongqiang's call, but He Yongqiang didn't understand the situation, didn't know how many stores there were, and couldn't tell where. Fan Jinyou still intervened. Take a bite.

"At Dashilan, you and your elder sister, Xiao Xia hurry over here, your mother and I have already arrived."

After calling a waiter and leading He Yongqiang and Xu Huizhi to the private room upstairs, Fan Jinyou started calling Chen Xueru, calling the hotel, the garment factory, and finally the silk shop before finding Chen Xueru.

"Xueru, are you done with your work?"

"I'm going to invite Lixia's parents to dinner today, so come and join us earlier."

"What are you busy with? Let me tell you, you will regret it if you don't come here."

"Anyway, just come here quickly, there must be surprises waiting for you when you come."

"Leave it alone."

After finishing the phone call, Fan Jinyou went to the private room and asked He Yongqiang to order first.

When ordering food, Fan Jinyou realized that old man He really couldn't say much about He Yongqiang.

The old man He is so rich, and He Yongqiang has been his adoptive son for so many years. He Yongqiang has never eaten any of the big restaurants in the capital, and he doesn't know any other dishes except home-cooked dishes.

Fan Jinyou could only explain the dishes to He Yongqiang while chatting with He Yongqiang.

Fan Jinyou admired He Yongqiang for being willing to give up a good life in the city for a woman and return to the countryside to live a life of starvation. He has been a farmer for 30 years and has no regrets.

Based on this, even if He Yongqiang abandoned Xu Huizhen, Fan Jinyou would not be able to call He Yongqiang a scumbag.

There is also Fan Jinyou, who is also very interested in He Yongqiang's experience in farming for 30 years.

(End of this chapter)

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