Chapter 52 Marriage
Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li came to the department store and bought towels, toothpaste, shampoo and other toiletries, washbasins, kettles and other daily necessities.

I struggled for a long time between buying a sewing machine and a radio. After discussion, I chose to buy a sewing machine. I spent 25 industrial coupons and 140 yuan to buy a (standard brand) small four-four household sewing machine produced by Shanghai Sewing Machine Factory. The sewing machine is equipped with a crouching bucket. The crouching bucket can put the head of the sewing machine into the box. This kind of box for the sewing machine is called a crouching bucket. You can put the sewing machine head into the crouching bucket when not in use. The crouching bucket The lid of the box is flat, that is, it is clean and can put things.

Although Yan Xiecheng still has the money from the system, but the situation of the Yan family is understandable for Yan Xiecheng to buy one big item. If you buy two, you don’t know how much trouble it will cause, and your wife and children will soon be hot. Wait for a while. There is no rush to buy other big items.

At the entrance of the department store, I hired a trolley to help pull the sewing machine back, and there was a lot of excitement back in the courtyard. Everyone came to congratulate and watch.The third master and the third mother are also very happy. The third master thinks that the Yan family has added another big piece to save face, and the third mother is because it will be much easier to sew and mend clothes after having a sewing machine.

After dinner together in the evening, Yan Jiecheng sent Yu Li home.Yan Bugui was still waiting for Yan Jiecheng, "Xiecheng, we're going to have a wedding next Sunday, who do you need to invite?"

"I'll just call a few classmates, Liu Shitou and Huzi over, and the unit will invite our section chief and Li Gong to come over."

"Do they need to prepare a table when they come over?"

"The section chief and Li Gong need it, and I can invite the others individually later."

"Just two uncles in our yard to accompany the guests. How many people are coming from Yu Li's house?"

"Yu Li's family and her family come over, just arrange for Yu Li's parents to have a meal."

"That's enough for a table of banquets. Have you agreed with Sha Zhu?"

"I've made an appointment with Sha Zhu a long time ago."

In the end, it was decided that the scene was similar to that of Liu Guangqi at the second uncle’s house. The parents of Yu’s family and the leaders of the rolling mill were invited to a table, and the relatives and friends who came over had big pot dishes and steamed buns with Erhe noodles in the courtyard.Looking at the scene is similar, but Liu Guangqi was in the most difficult period when he got married, the gold content is far from comparable, and the money spent may be ten times different.

When he got off work on Friday, Yan Jiecheng went to the section chief Liu Gong to ask for leave, wrote a letter of introduction, and invited him to the wedding.Marriage leave can be said to be only two days, Saturday and Monday.

"System, sign in!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining: ten yuan in money and ten catties of pork belly."

Yan Jiecheng probably understood the system, and on Yan Jiecheng's important days, there would be critical strikes.Today is the day when I decided to get the certificate, and the system generously gave me ten yuan and ten catties of pork. I just don’t know if I decided not to go to get the certificate today. I understand that if I go to get the certificate again, whether I can get stuck in a bug, it shouldn’t be that simple.

After picking up Yu Li, the two of them went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to queue up to get the certificate. They came earlier and there were not many people in line.I gave the staff candy and melon seeds, and soon received a marriage certificate like a certificate of merit.The six five-star red flags are directly above the marriage certificate, which means that the couple is a revolutionary youth who grew up in the new era of New China.Ears of wheat entrust the country and the people's wishes for a good harvest.The pomegranate next to the ears of wheat represents the blessing of many children and many blessings in traditional culture.

After receiving the marriage certificate, the two of them returned to the street, moved their household registrations, and processed food, non-staple food, and coal.From now on, the two will be a separate family.Because in this era, many bills are issued according to each household, and the household registration will be divided after marriage.You can also get a certain amount of peanuts, melon seeds and sugar tickets when you get a marriage certificate.

After everything was done, Yu Li was sent home, and she was waiting to pick up her daughter-in-law tomorrow.

On Sunday, I started working early in the morning, entertaining relatives and friends who came over.

At ten o'clock, Yan Xiecheng put on his Chinese tunic suit and set off with big red flowers to pick up his wife.

Yan Jiecheng, Liu Shitou, and Huzi rode three bicycles to Yu Li's house. Yan Jiecheng picked up Yu Li, and Liu Shitou and Huzi brought Yu Li's dowry.

When we returned to the courtyard, the wedding ceremony began. At this time, the ceremony did not change much, and the process was similar to that of Liu Guangqi's marriage.It started with the singing of "Dongfanghong" and ended with "Sailing the Seas Rely on the Helmsman".

I am very happy when I watch it, but I am very tired when I am the bridegroom, have a banquet, and eat.

There are roasted chicken nuggets with potatoes, braised pork with preserved vegetables, braised pork ribs, roast duck, steamed fish, peanuts, scrambled eggs with green onions, tofu with cabbage, fish-flavored shredded pork, and hot and sour potato shreds.Stewed vermicelli with pork and pork in a big pot, steamed buns with Erhe noodles, these were all made by Shazhu and his aunts who helped out in the morning.

Today, there are four members of the Yu family, Yan Bugui and his wife, Liu Gong, Section Chief Liu, Li Gong, the first and second uncles, Yan Xiecheng and Yu Li, who arranged the seats today.

As a groom, you can't just focus on eating, although Sha Zhu cooks more deliciously.Let's put the bar on the table for a while, and then start toasting, expressing gratitude to the guests, and accepting the blessings of relatives and friends.A large courtyard of people gathered around to toast, and there was nothing left on the table.If it wasn't for cheating, he should be lying on the ground by now.

Waiting for the banquet to end, send away relatives and friends, and help clean up the mess in the courtyard.

In front of all the neighbors in the neighborhood, he gave Shazhu half a catty of pork and five yuan.The rules can't be broken, if Shazhu doesn't charge money, he will invite him to be a free banquet for big and small things in the courtyard in the future, how can Shazhu refuse in the future.Even the aunts and sisters who help the kitchen can make more big pot dishes and save them for dinner.

Taking Yu Li and the two of them back to the house was able to take a rest.

Yan Jiecheng said: "Yu Li, after such a long time, I finally married you home. You can rest assured that following me will make you live a better life."

Yu Li: "I believe that I can live a good life and be happy with you, so I married you."

"Let me tell you that the situation in our courtyard is more complicated, and you need to pay more attention when you are going to live here in the future." Yan Xiecheng said.

"Special attention should be paid to the widow Qin's family in the middle courtyard. Their family has two widows and three children. It is very troublesome. You will know it after a long time. Just don't have any contact with them now."

Yu Li: "I see, I also grew up in a courtyard, and there are everyone in the courtyard."

"It's okay for the first man to talk about things in the courtyard. If ordinary matters don't involve the widow's family, he can still deal with justice. The second uncle is an official fan. He likes to meddle in the affairs of the courtyard. If he has nothing to do, he beats the children at home. Fighting, fighting every five days, you just have to be mentally prepared not to be too surprised."

"Our father is the third master, nicknamed Yan Laoxi, and no one usually comes to mess with our family. Don't borrow things and lend money to others, it's not a big problem."

"Our courtyard also has people who borrow money and don't return things. I don't know the situation and I won't make the decision." Yu Li said.

"Not bad, come here to smell a scent." Yan Jiecheng hugged Yu Li and kissed her.

In the evening, Yu Li helped the three mothers cook dinner together, and gave away all the big pot dishes made at noon.For dinner, I eat millet porridge, steamed buns with Erhe noodles (I make more at noon), scrambled eggs, and fried cabbage.

(End of this chapter)

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