Chapter 54 Food
"Let me wash it for you." Yu Li said.

"No, I'll do it by myself, you sit down too, let's wash together." Yan Jiecheng is not used to women washing men's feet in this day and age.It is more comfortable to have an equal family relationship, and it is not a foot-washing girl who goes to the foot bath.Pulling Yu Li and the two of them to wash in a footbath.

"Stop playing with water, the ground will get wet." Yu Li said.

After the two fought and washed their feet, they lay down on the bed and Yan Jiecheng asked Yu Li, "How is your recovery today?"

"Not yet, it still hurts after moving."

"Then just go to sleep." Yan Jiecheng, who was holding Yu Li, said.Yan Jiecheng, who had just eaten meat, could only think that he finally had a warm bed, and he was better than before.

Although there is a saying of going back to the door in three days, but in recent years, we have paid attention to new people, new things and new countries, and many rules in the past are not too strict.Basically, they return to their natal home on the first weekend after marriage.

Everyone had dinner together in the morning, those who went to school, those who went to work, and the third mother was left alone at home.

Now the three mothers have much less work. There is a sewing machine at home, and the stitches are fine and beautiful, and they only need to cook meals for four at noon, so they have more time to chat with the neighbors.

"Three mothers, how is your daughter-in-law? Are you diligent?"

"Very good, help me cook breakfast in the morning, and help me cook dinner when I get off work. I am diligent and quick at work." The third mother returned.

"Three mothers, you are really blessed. Now there are only four of you making money in your family. Your son and daughter-in-law are also filial, and you will be blessed in the future!"

"Your family is also enjoying the blessings. The old man, his son, and the daughter are doing well at work. When your son gets married, he will also be waiting to enjoy the blessings."

The housewives on the street want to talk about reciprocity when they are flattering, chatting about the gossip from everywhere, the older ones talk about their children, and the younger ones talk about their husbands.

I understand that Yu Li understands housewives, and knows that a new daughter-in-law will be discussed when she enters the door, and she insists on doing housework whether she is going to work or feeling unwell.The first impression is the deepest, and it is easy to make people preconceived.The reputation of living in a courtyard house is still a very important thing.It has a big impact on work and life.

Widow Qin has a reputation of being filial and capable, so even if she is a blood-sucking fool and deals with men, eating and drinking, everyone thinks that the widow is a good person.

The deaf old lady also knew the importance of reputation, so she bragged eight hundred times about making straw sandals for the Red Army. In the revolutionary base at that time, the territory of our party, how many women did not make straw sandals for the Red Army? Relying on this Fame, seniority, no one can afford it.

The uncle also worked hard to maintain his reputation. He was upright and enthusiastic. He never left his infertile daughter-in-law, and he returned to his position as the speaker of the courtyard.

This is still an era that requires collective strength. For example, most of the families in the courtyard house where Yan Jiecheng married also contributed.The promotion in the factory also needs to know how the reputation is.It is not a time when the family can close the door and live a life regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

When Yan Jiecheng came home at night, the third mother relayed what the neighbors had said about Li, saying that the old Yan family married a good daughter-in-law.

When Li came home, Yan Jiecheng pulled Yu Li into the house and said, "The neighbors say you are hardworking and a good wife. How about it? Are you happy?"

"Really? So I'm doing pretty well, and my mother and neighbors agree."

"Of course it's true. The neighbors saw you when you went to help mom cook. The new wife is easy to attract attention!"

"That's good, are you tired today at the rolling mill?"

"I'm not tired, but I miss you all the time when I'm at work. How about you?" Yan Jiecheng said while hugging Yu Li.

"You know our factory, the work is not too tiring."

"Did you miss me at work?" Yan Jiecheng asked while playing with the big granary.

"I miss you too." Yu Li, the new wife, still blushed easily.

"Did you meet your dad in the factory, and what's his attitude like?"

"I always eat with my dad at noon, and my attitude is okay, just ask me if I am in our house, if I am comfortable, and if I am doing well."

"Then are you used to living in our house? Are you doing well?"

"It's pretty good. I ate well and slept well. I just miss my mother." Yu Li's eyes turned red all of a sudden.

"Don't worry, after thinking about it, we will go back to see them on the weekend, and now we should be laughed at when we go back."

"Well, I know, I just can't help but think, fortunately, I'm married soon, what should I do if I marry far away!"

"If you marry far away, you will gradually get used to it. If you want to go back, we can go back every now and then."

"Xie Cheng, you are so kind to me."

In this era, it is not popular to visit relatives all the time. Life is not easy for everyone. When relatives come, they want good wine and good food.Girls come home too often, either to go back to their natal home to enjoy the autumn breeze, or to take things from their in-laws home to their natal home. The cost of visiting is relatively high.

"You are my daughter-in-law, and I will treat you well if I don't treat you well." Saying that, Yan Jiecheng kissed her.

After parting lips for a long time, Yu Li tidied up her clothes and said,
"I still have to help mom cook, let's go out."

"Okay, I don't have any customers today, it's easy to do, and you don't need help." Yan Xiecheng said.

"Mom, what are you eating tonight? Let's eat something nutritious. I'll buy eggs and duck eggs when I run out." Yan Jiecheng said to the third mother.

Old guy Yan's food is still not good enough, Yan Jiecheng wants to take advantage of this time to improve guy Yan's food and make it a habit for him in the future.

"Okay, don't eat mustard lumps at night, let's eat fried radishes and salted duck eggs."

The salted duck eggs are very good, they are all salted by Yan Xiecheng himself, they taste oily in the mouth.The eggs and duck eggs in Yan Xiecheng's Small World are still acceptable for Yan's family to eat.I usually bring back a little more, and the salted duck eggs don't smell good and don't attract attention.It is suitable for breakfast or dinner.

When eating dinner, Yan Bugui felt a little distressed when he saw that everyone was another salted duck egg, and the whole family could see it.It's just that Yu Li didn't say anything because she just got married.

This is not bought with Yan Bugui's money. It is a little bit difficult for Yan Bugui to take the initiative to improve his living standard.Depending on the situation, Yan Jiecheng still needs to talk to Yan Bugui.

After dinner, after tidying up and resting, Yan Jiecheng found Yan Pugui.

"Dad, shouldn't our family's food standard be raised a bit in the future? Our life is better than before, and we've made money, so we should supplement it."

"Improvement is not the way you improve. You don't know how to calculate. If you change it to scrambled eggs, you can eat two scrambled eggs and make up for it."

"Eggs, duck eggs, I bought them all, I didn't spend your money."

(End of this chapter)

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