566 Sudden Attack
Xu Hui really didn't come over this time, so it was much more convenient to talk about things.

"As I said a long time ago, as much as you can bring, I can eat as much."

Vladimir said confidently that the market in the Soviet Union is indeed so big.

"Yes, I believe you can eat it, but it also depends on what products you want me to ship back. It's all broken steel that can't fool me."

"Boss Fan, Xueru, I haven't been idle during this period of time. I have contacted many factories and enterprises, and they all have a lot of equipment and products to sell. Let's take a rest first, and then I will take you to have a look ’ said Vladimir.

Fan Jinyou and Chen Xueru took a day off at the hotel, and then Fan Jinyou and Vladimir went to the suburban factory together.

Chen Xueru mostly stayed in Moscow, and went to the Moscow trading market with Elena.

Find out real-time prices for a wide variety of goods at this wholesale market northeast of Moscow.

It is the main concentration of small traders from various countries who came to the Soviet Union to do barter business.

"Vladimir, you are not what you used to be. You are also a person with a certain amount of capital. These fertilizers, tractors and so on. You don't need to bring me to see them anymore. Make sure you buy the materials I need and find them. Store it in a warehouse, save your time, and save my time, and if you have this time to barter one more time, all the losses will be earned."

Fan Jinyou said to Vladimir that Vladimir did not lie and contacted many sources of goods.

But after looking at the factories one by one, they didn't find any surprising products, which made Fan Jinyou very impatient.

However, it is still quite difficult to exchange large quantities of materials for US dollars and francs.

The reason why the transaction was so troublesome was because Vladimir was reluctant to exchange all the cash in his hand.

"No problem, next time I have these, I will take them first and store them in the warehouse in Moscow."

It was quite straightforward for Vladimir to agree, but it is not certain whether he can do it.

When the public security is not good, it is not an easy task to take care of a warehouse that stores millions of dollars worth of goods.

Fan Jinyou followed Vladimir out for half a month and returned to Moscow after ordering all the goods.

Seeing Xu Huizhen coming out of the hotel, Fan Jinyou stayed where he was in surprise, and didn't think of what to say for a moment.

"Fan Jinyou, why, I don't know him anymore."

"Xu Huizhen, when did you come?"

"I came here yesterday. You and Xueru have been in Moscow for so long, and you won't go back. As an in-law, I was worried about you, so I flew here." Xu Huizhen said with a smile.

The reason for looking for it is quite high-sounding, but it can't hide Xu Hui's true purpose.They just want to inquire about business intelligence, and want to know what Fan Jinyou and Chen Xueru are doing in Moscow.

"It's not the first time we've come to Moscow. There's nothing to worry about. I'll trouble you to fly over here. How dare you make me and Xueru feel like this."

The reason was fair enough, and Fan Jinyou had to cooperate with Chen Xueru to perform.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, just tell me what you and Vladimir went out to do."

"What can I do, go out with Vladimir to experience the life of a Soviet farmer on a farm."

Xu Huizhen didn't have much truth in his mouth, so Fan Jinyou fooled Xu Huizhen, and he just opened his mouth to talk nonsense, without any burden.

"Oh, tell me about your experience. How is the life of the peasants in the Soviet Union?"

"It goes without saying that food was the most scarce thing in the Soviet Union. You should know what's going on."

After simply dealing with Xu Huizhen, Fan Jinyou used the excuse of being tired and went back to the room to rest.

When Chen Xueru and Xu Huizhen came back from drinking tea, Fan Jinyou asked.

"What's going on with Xu Hui?"

"I don't know, yesterday's one came over suddenly, and I called Elena only when I arrived in Moscow. When I saw the person, I was also surprised." Chen Xueru said.

"This is a surprise attack for us!"

"You and Vladimir were not here yesterday. She will definitely suspect that you both went out, what are you doing?"

"She might ask Vladimir now."

"Can Vladimir keep it a secret for us?"

"That might be difficult, not to mention the special relationship between the two of them. Of course, Vladimir hopes that Xu Huizhen, the larger the barter volume, the better, and the more types of goods he is willing to trade, the better."

Vladimir is also a businessman now, and his reputation is really hard to guarantee in the face of interests.

The last time Fan Jinyou was able to keep it a secret was also because the barter of other products had not been done yet.

Even if you tell Xu Huizhen, Xu Huizhen is not interested.

There are no ready-made examples. The only products that Xu Hui really likes are cars and motorcycles.

The situation is different now, Fan Jinyou has already made a batch of machine tools

If he can make money, it is possible for Xu Huizhen to follow suit.

Under Xu Hui's "forced questioning", it's not surprising that Vladimir would explain everything.

"Will Xu Hui really stop insisting and barter only for cars and motorcycles?"

"That's hard to say. Xu Hui is really so courageous. I don't even know what she is afraid to do. It's just whether she dares to do it."

"Then Xu Huizhen will definitely do it. This Xu Huizhen has always been, what I want to do, she will do."

What Chen Xueru said was indeed true, but it was still missing half. Whatever Xu Hui really wanted to do, Chen Xueru would follow suit.

"Even if Xu Hui really wants to do it, it will be the next barter."


When Fan Jinyou and Chen Xueru were eating in the restaurant the next day, Xu Huizhen also sat over and said:
"Chairman Fan, are the machine tools from the Soviet Union easy to sell in China when they are brought back? Did the furs brought back make you a lot of money?"

"The machine tools are good. They use good iron and steel. After they are sent to the steel factory for melting, the steel is really easy to sell. Where do we make money from the fur? The company's clothing factory just needs it, so we ship it back to the clothing factory. Last time, there were too many goods shipped over, so we couldn’t bring them back in US dollars. We are willing, but we can’t agree to go to the Soviet Union’s border.” Fan Jinyou said.

Countries with small foreign exchange reserves have foreign exchange control policies. It is okay to take a small amount of foreign exchange out of the country, but it is impossible to take large amounts of foreign exchange abroad.

It wasn't that Fan Jin didn't want to, so he sent the goods directly, and then exchanged them for US dollars to take back.

This kind of transaction is simple and fast, and Fan Jinyou can't wait for the business to do this.

Being a loser and using barter is not only for maximizing profits, but also a helpless choice if the money cannot be brought back.

(End of this chapter)

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