Chapter 575 The winner of life
To build a five-star hotel, such a large investment can drag down the Xu Family Group, not to mention.

But it's definitely not a problem to drag down the development of the Xu Family Group.

Of course, Xu Huizhen also has other projects that cost a lot of money, so Xu Jingtian and He Lixia's partners have been called from abroad.

When the two Ph.D.s came back, of course they couldn't sit idle. Xu Huizhen supported the two of them in their scientific research.

No matter whether two people want to work on computers or mobile phones, without mastering any core technology, some two people will play slowly.

And after Xu Huizhen's hotel is built, Fan Jinyou has plans to further consume Xu Huizhen.

"Xueru, our group company is established, shouldn't we also build a headquarters building, as a symbol of the group, and also as a facade."

"The hotel hasn't been built yet, how can we do it, and start other big projects."

Steadiness is Chen Xueru's characteristic, and Xu Hui is true to doing business casually.

"I'm not talking about now, but now, we can make plans for the future."

"It can be considered later."

"Xueru, look, there are more and more people starting companies, and the office market is getting hotter and hotter. You can't deny that, right?"

"I do not deny."

"You said that if we build a headquarters building and rent it out in the future, is it a good investment?"

"Building a hotel is troublesome enough, and the construction period for building a building is too long, and the payback is too slow."

"Xueru, you can't think like this. The group building is not just a simple investment. It is also a symbol and a huge advertisement. Think about it again. In this capital city, there is a building named after you, Chen Xueru. Naming, how does it feel"

"Then it's not just the business community at Daqianmen, they know me, Chen Xueru, then how will Xu Huizhen compare to me!"

"So, our company should take a piece of land near China World Trade Center and prepare to build the group headquarters building in the future without affecting the development."

Fan Jinyou just wanted to use a building and continue to drag Xu Huizhen.

If Chen Xueru wanted to build a tall building, would Xu Hui really follow suit?

Fan Jin has this confidence because there are still a few years of prime time for the barter trade with the Soviet Union and Russia in the future.

The funds earned in the past few years must always be found for a suitable use.


In the next few years, Xu Huizhen Group's development can be said to be good.

Xu Huizhen selected several industries, tourism, hotels, and real estate, all of which have great potential for development.

The general direction of the choice is correct. If there are no problems in the operation, the profit situation is still good.

Most of Xu Hui's daughters and nieces are educated and knowledgeable people, and they are all qualified managers.

After so many years, the Xu Family Group still hasn't expanded much.

It was because Xu Huizhen learned that after the Xueru Building was rebuilt.

It is also required to build the headquarters building of the Xu Family Group. Other companies can only continue to inject blood into the building, and naturally they cannot expand the scale.

This is not a scam for Xu Huizhen. Building a commercial real estate, or located in the CBD after the capital, must be a super value thing.

It just made Xu Huizhen less likely to go to other industries, lose money or earn more.

After 95, the barter trade did not have the huge profits before. Both Xu Huizhen and Chen Xueru also stopped this business, and Xu Huizhen basically quit the management of the Xu Family Group.

The daily routine has become, take Cai Quanwu, call the Lord Niu, and throw away old furniture from all over the world.

After Chen Xueru's 60th birthday, she withdrew from the company's management and handed over the company's rights to her children.

This surprised Fan Jinyou, and Fan Jinyou thought about it.

After eliminating all the impossibilities, there is only one last possibility left. Xu Hui is really weak. The gap between the two companies' current business scale is getting wider and wider, and there is no sign of catching up.

Without Xu Huizhen as a competitor, Chen Xueru would have no motivation to fight.

Already 60 years old, I have reached the age to entertain my grandchildren at home.

This is already very good, for people like Xu Huizhen who have no grandchildren, they can only find some hobbies, write and write, and play around with antiques to pass their old age.

After Chen Xueru retired, Fan Jinyou really relaxed.

You can take Chen Xueru, grandson, granddaughter, travel everywhere.

I have played in China, and continue to go abroad to play, which can also be considered as my own travel company to develop more travel routes and make contributions.

"What, you said that Xu Huizhen's company has opened another technology company, which produces mobile phones and has even been published in newspapers?"

Went to Chou Country, and after Chen Xueru's Chou Country grandson came back, Fan Zhijun reported the situation to Chen Xueru.

"Xueru, why are you so anxious, what are you surprised about, let Xu Huizhen start a technology company and let her run it. Besides, look at his mobile phone, can it be said that it is a mobile phone production, at most it is an assembly of mobile phones."

Fan Jinyou really didn't pay attention to Xu Huizhen's technology company.

If you don't have any core technology, what kind of technology company is it?

The money earned by producing a mobile phone is not as much as foreign companies charge patent fees.

How is this possible, to compete with other companies.

"Dad, Aunt Xu's company sells pretty good mobile phones. Should we also start a company and make mobile phones?" Fan Zhijun asked.

"You decide on the company's affairs, but if you don't do it, it's fine. If you do it, do it seriously. Don't be afraid of spending money on research and development. You can understand the technical research yourself."

Fan Jinyou didn't bother to participate in these things that he didn't understand.

If Fan Zhijun wants to do it, Fan Jinyou will provide some development directions at most.

It's okay to develop a small game, but the hardware technology is really embarrassing for Fan Jin.

Xu Huizhen's technology company has been booming for less than two years. After that, there has been more competition, and no matter how much money it makes, it also loses it. It's like a joke.

After the new century, within a few years, Xu Huizhen, who was less than seventy, had a heart attack and died immediately.

Cai Quanwu also really likes Xu Huizhen, he doesn't think about food and drink, and after half a year, he just follows.

In the Xu Family Group, Xu Jingli inherited the largest share and took control of the shares. It was considered the property of the He family and was finally returned to the He family.

The three daughters of the He family also got a bit of shares in the Xu Family Group.

In the end, the winner in life turned out to be He Yongqiang, and most of the Xu family's property was inherited by He Yongqiang's daughter.

After Chen Xueru lost Xu Huizhen, her body was getting worse day by day, which proved that Chen Xueru also had true love for Xu Huizhen.

It didn't last for two years. After explaining the funeral, Fan Jinyou followed and closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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