Chapter 581
The next day, Niu Ye and Niu Ma went to school together. On the first day of school, they had to report, collect summer homework, pay tuition, and distribute books.

We also need to deal with the repeated students in the class, the head teacher is still very busy.

The two waited in the teacher's office for a long time before the original head teacher, Teacher Wang, was free.

"Mother Niu Ye, although your Niu Ye's final grades last semester were pretty good. But let him go directly to the fifth grade, you parents, don't you think it's still a little thoughtless?"

The quality of teaching in the school is not high, and the teachers are fine. They have experienced skipping grades.

It is also to blame that in the past few years, education was not paid much attention during the special period.

Regardless of whether the teaching is good or bad, the way out for children is to go to the countryside.

Even if students don't have to go to the countryside now, the old habits can't be changed so quickly.

"Mr. Wang, my Niu Ye, said that he has already taught himself the fourth grade. Let's let him take the exam first and see the results. If he really can't keep up, we will continue to trouble you in the future."

"Okay, guys wait for me, I'll go find two papers, let Niu Ye do it in the office first."

Naturally, it wouldn't take long to make two elementary school papers.

After Mr. Wang corrected, there were two full marks again.

"Student Niu Ye, the teacher knew you were smart, but he didn't expect that after studying hard, you improved so fast. You are really a young student. If you were able to enter the university, you might really become a college student."

Teacher Wang said with a regretful expression.

"Teacher Wang, there is nothing to regret. I heard that the country is already preparing to resume the college entrance examination."

This teacher Wang is still a good person, he is not very old, and he may take the college entrance examination.

Niu Ye didn't mind, he reminded him more than a month earlier, and whether he could seize the opportunity was up to Mr. Wang, whether he believed it or not.

Then Teacher Wang, with the graded papers, took Niu Ma and Niu Ye to the principal's office.

Even skipping a grade requires the principal to approve it.Unlike repeating a grade, for such an important matter, the head teacher just needs to approve it.

"Niu Ye, when the work is done, Mom will go back first, and make some delicious food for you to celebrate. Remember to go home for dinner at noon."

After leaving the principal's office, Mama Niu went home first.

Then Teacher Wang introduced Niu Ye to the head teacher of the fifth grade.

After paying tuition fees, receiving books, and arranging seats, Niu Ye became a glorious fifth-grade elementary school student after a set of procedures.

After that, the selection of class cadres and class representatives had nothing to do with Niu Ye, a newcomer to the class.

It's a pity for Niu Ye that the classmates in the class are one year older than him.

There are also two repeaters, who are more than one year older than Niu Ye, and they are no longer the tallest children in the class, and there is no hope for the golden seat of "returning to their hometown".

"Brother Niu, don't you need me to help you with your homework in the future?"

During the break between classes, Niu Ye thought that his younger brothers would come to him first.

Unexpectedly, the one who came to find me first was Xiao Fang, a "little homework expert".

Doing homework is indeed a problem. I am so old in my heart, what is going on at home all day doing homework for primary school.

"Fifth grade homework, can you do it?"

"Brother Niu Ye, I can learn." The little girl said firmly.

"Okay, wait for me at the door after school. I'll give you your homework. You can try to write it first."

The little girl is very smart, and I don't know if I can learn the fourth and fifth grade classes together.

After sending Xiao Fang away, Niu Ye went to the second grade to find his younger brother Qiao Erqiang.

"Second strong."

"Brother Niuye."

"When you get home today, find out your elder brother's fifth grade textbook and send it to my house."

"Okay, Brother Niu Ye, it's okay to leave this matter to me."

"You'd better tell your elder brother about this, I'll exchange it with you for rice. Don't be the same as the last time you took the textbook, don't tell your elder brother, let your elder brother teach you."

There are many ways Niu Ye can find textbooks, and he chose Qiao Yicheng's to help Qiao's family.

For the four children, Qiao Zuwang only paid ten yuan for a month's living expenses.

This includes, buying rice, noodles, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, and all the expenses of buying vegetables are included, and there is only so much money.

The money is used to ration the food for several children, and there is not much money left after buying it.

In other words, there are coarse grains in the ration, which can be cheaper, otherwise the money would be enough to buy fifty or sixty catties of rice.

After school in the afternoon, Niu Ye first found Xiao Fang's little girl and brought her home.

After finding some biscuits for the girl to eat, he waited for Qiao Erqiang to deliver the textbooks.

"Brother Niu Ye, I brought you the textbook. My elder brother said that you can use the textbook as you like, and you don't need to give us anything."

Qiao Yicheng didn't want to owe favors, because Niu Ye usually fed the three brothers and sisters of Qiao's family a lot of things, used old textbooks, and Qiao Yicheng felt embarrassed to accept the benefits.

She has a good personality, a child can understand it, and she is self-respecting and self-reliant, which is quite admirable.

"I'll give it to you, and you'll take it. Brother Niu Ye, am I short of money?"

Niu Ye said proudly, with the tone of a rich man, an upstart.

After giving the rice to Qiao Erqiang, he asked Qiao Erqiang to go back first.

A child who is so greedy, how can he resist the temptation of food.

"Xiao Fang, this Chinese class is all copied and written, so you can help me write it directly. I will write the homework for the math class by myself first, and you can take the textbook back and study on your own. When you catch up with the progress, I will give it to you write."

"I can write now, too."

Xiao Fang took the old textbook that Niu Ye handed over, and Qiao Erqiang said.

"Don't make trouble, you study for a while before you speak, even if you only do Chinese homework, we still have the same old rules."

This little girl is quite troublesome, and Niu Ye didn't want to let the little girl lose her homework income just because she crossed over by herself.

This income seems to be very important to the little girl.

This year he is still in the same school, so he can make do with it for another year. Next year, Niu Ye is supposed to go to junior high school, so it's not easy to do it like this.

This year, I still need to take time to understand, the little girl's family, and try to solve the problem fundamentally.

"Niu Ye, I heard that you are in the fifth grade and skipped a grade. Oops, it's amazing. In addition to Qiao Yicheng, there are also students like you in our courtyard."

Niu Ma may be too happy to talk to everyone.The news of Niu Ye skipping a grade soon spread among the neighbors.

Niu Ye temporarily replaced Qiao's family and became the center of gossip.

In the past, only when Niu Ye's father came back and brought back all kinds of foreign knowledge, the Niu family had this kind of treatment.

The aunts and aunts in the courtyard would all praise Niu Ye when they saw Niu Ye.

From someone else's education background, Niu Ye became someone else's child again.

(End of this chapter)

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