Chapter 585 Do You Want To Go
During the New Year's Eve dinner, the Niu family's life was not so happy.

Although the New Year's Eve dinner with eight dishes and one soup is very rich, but without one person, the reunion festival will not be so complete.

On the contrary, Qiao's family, who usually had a bad life, had a good life this New Year's Eve. Qiao Zuwang still bought some vegetables, and Wei Shufang also brought salted fish.

The meals at Qiao's family were sumptuous, and the family of five sitting together was lively and lively.

After the Spring Festival, Niu Ye is considered to be 11 years old. He has started the second half semester of the fifth grade. The most enjoyable primary school career, Niu Ye only has half a year left to enjoy.

After half a year, Niu Ye has been eating out of school, and there is nothing new about it.

Food is a great hobby, but I still don't want to give up.

I started to think about showing my cooking skills a little bit, and I was going to start bringing lunch from home to school.

"Mom, when you go out to buy breakfast in the morning, can you buy some food by the way?"

In this day and age, an 11-year-old child can cook by himself, which is not out of the ordinary.

"What do you want food for?"

For Niu Ye's weird request, Niu's mother is not so conniving, so she still needs to ask clearly.

"It's nothing, I want to cook by myself, take it to school, and eat it at noon."

"What's the matter, don't you like buying food near the school?"

"There are only two stores near the school, and I'm tired of eating them."

Fortunately, Niu Ye's words were not heard by Qiao Erqiang. Qiao Erqiang passed by the door of the two stores, often drooling greedily, and Niu Ye had eaten so much that he didn't want to eat any more.

"Then mom will make a meal for you in the morning, and you will take it to school to eat."

"No, you are in a hurry to go to work, cook for me, and you have to get up early, it's too hard."

Niu Ye really didn't want to trouble Mama Niu.

"Then why don't you come home to eat at noon when Mom goes home to cook?"

"I still don't want it. Your factory is quite far away from home, so you don't need to come back."

The scale of the food factory is not small. The key is that the profit is good, and the canteen is still very good. The family conditions of Niu’s family do not need to bring their own meals to save money. Niu’s mother eats directly in the canteen of the factory at noon. .

Qiao Zu hoped that such a scumbag father would be more at ease, he didn't care what his children did.

Niu Ye wanted to cook by himself, but it was so troublesome to explain.

These words were somewhat shameless, sorry, of course Niu Ye didn't say it.

"That's fine. When mom goes out to buy breakfast, I'll buy some vegetables for you."

In fact, the bacon and pickles that are usually stored at home are enough for Niu Ye to cook.

Not to mention, Niu Ye signed in for half a year, and he has saved a lot of ingredients and meat.

It's just that, for cooking, you always need to report to Niu Ma.

It's only convenient when Niu Ye is cooking at home.

It is still the beginning of spring, and there are not many vegetables to buy. Some winter vegetables, radishes, potatoes, meat, eggs, poultry, fish, tofu, and bean sprouts are all common things.

After a while, Niu Ye gradually showed some of his cooking skills.

Niu Ma attributed Niu Ye's ability to cook better than herself when she first started cooking to her son's intelligence and talent.

But a big man, though still a little boy, with a talent for cooking.

Although it's not a shameful thing, it's also not glorious, so Niu Ma didn't publicize it.

After that, Niu Ma went out in the morning, and most of the time, she just bought vegetables, bought some steamed stuffed buns, deep-fried dough sticks, and sesame seed cakes.

Niu Ye can also take home some of the rewards for signing in from time to time for the reason he bought them.

Niu Ye is rich, and when he spends a lot of money, he can often buy some meat back, so Niu's mother is not surprised.

After a while, Niu's mother recognized Niu Ye's ability to cook, after the weather warmed up.

"Niu Ye, mom will buy you a bicycle!"

"I don't need a bicycle. I just go to school every day, after school, and don't go anywhere. I don't need this thing."

Other children may be very interested in bicycles, but Niu Ye is normal to this thing.

"Since you have to cook by yourself every day, if you do it in the morning, you have to let the food cool down and reheat it again. Why don't you go home at noon, cook and eat now, and buy you a bicycle for the convenience of your commute to and from school."

Regardless of Niu Ye's involvement, Niu Ma's words are still very reasonable.

Niu Ye "reluctantly" accepted, a [-] Phoenix bicycle.

With Niu Ye's current stature, he can only make do with [-], and he will have to wait a few years to revisit [-].

When I thought about it before, I didn't pay much attention to it, but after riding to school, I feel different.

Bicycles are not uncommon among workers who go to work, they are quite common.

Among middle school students, it is not rare, there are still some.

But at the level of elementary school students, Niu Ye was the only one in this third-rate elementary school.

There is a sense of superiority when no one else has what I have. After being young in mind, being envied by a group of elementary school students is also somewhat proud.

"Simei, go call Sanli and come to my house for dinner."

After you can go home at noon, there is also an advantage, you can feed Sanli and Simei when you are free.

It's not regular either, every few days, give the two sisters some nutrition.

The two sisters are both thin and small, with dry hair and a look of malnutrition.

"Brother Niu, wait for me, I'll be back soon."

It didn't take long for Qiao Simei to bring Qiao Sanli back.Compared to Qiao Simei's eccentric spirit, Qiao Sanli is shy and much quieter.

Niu Ye gave the ribs he had made to each of the two little girls.

"Sanli, you should go to primary school in the second half of the year, right?"

"Yes, Brother Niu, after this summer, it's time for me to go to school." After all, Qiao Sanli didn't talk much, and she only answered after asking a question.

"Then what will Simei do after you go to school? Are you going to leave her at home alone?"

"Brother Niu, I can stay at home alone."

Qiao Simei is so old, she doesn't know where her confidence comes from.In her situation, if she really wanted to leave her at home alone, she would definitely be locked at home and not allowed to go out.

"Just after the new year, a preschool teacher came to the house to mobilize Simei to go to preschool, but my father didn't agree. He said that the children in the past didn't go to preschool, and they went to the same school. There was no need for Simei to go to school. Preschool."

Children without mothers tend to be precocious. Qiao Sanli, who is only seven years old, speaks clearly and clearly.

After finishing, you can be treated as a little adult and communicate normally.

Qiao Zuwang, it is easy to understand why Simei is not allowed to go to preschool.One is afraid of trouble, and the other is afraid of spending money.
"Simei, do you want to go to preschool?"

I don't know if it is possible to save this scumbag in preschool.

(End of this chapter)

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