Chapter 588 Arrested

"Qiao Erqiang, do you still want face!"

After Niu Ye left Qiao's house, he could still hear Qiao Yicheng scolding Qiao Erqiang.

"You are not allowed to eat tonight!"

After hearing a few slaps and the sound of Er Qiang's butt being beaten, there was the sound of Qiao Yicheng not letting Qiao Er Qiang eat.

It's still Qiao Yicheng who knows Qiao Erqiang well. Compared with hitting him a few times, he may still not let him eat. This punishment is more memorable for Qiao Erqiang.

"Niu Ye, when will you be able to get married like Aunt Wu's son? Mom will be satisfied."

It's a happy thing to have a lively dinner, but Niu Ma's wedding banquet only ate the experience of getting Niu Ye to get married early.

"Mom, I don't get married, I don't marry a wife."

Niu Ye said in words suitable for his age.

"Hehe, when you grow up, you won't think so."

If "hehe" didn't mean that there was no future, Niu Ye thought Niu Mama was mocking him.

Niu Ye did have plans for himself and his future marriage.

The curriculum of junior high school is indeed much more complicated than that of elementary school.

More or less, he already had some knowledge that Niu Ye had forgotten.

Niu Ye didn't plan to finish junior high school step by step, so he had to study the second grade of junior high school by himself, and the class began to become less boring.

When another spring comes, Niu Ye will be 12 years old.

"Mom, in the second half of the year, I'm going to be in the third year of junior high school, and I want to skip another grade. You still need to come forward to this matter. When you have time, go to school again and talk to our teacher. "

"Niu Ye, you want to skip a grade again. Now you are in junior high school, which is different from the previous elementary school. Can you keep up with your homework?"

"I can keep up. There is no problem. If you want to skip a grade, you still have to pass the exam as before. I won't mention this matter to you if I'm not sure."

"Okay, as long as you are sure, it seems that our family is going to have a college student. Mom leaves work a little earlier today, so I will go to your school first."

So after school was over, Niu Ye stayed at school, waiting for Mama Niu to come to talk to the teacher.

Niu Ma communicated with the teacher, and the two chatted about some things, which took a lot of time.

After Niu Ye and Niu's mother came back, they found Xiao Fang and several other children who often did their homework at Niu Ye's house waiting at the door of Niu's house.

The other children are all Niu Ye's younger brothers and younger sisters. They came to Niu Ye's house to do their homework in order to make it easier for them to finish their homework and go out to play with Niu Ye.

But Xiao Fang was not. This little girl was invited by Niu Ye to help the three children of the Qiao family with their homework.

Of course, among the three younger members of the Qiao family, only Qiao Sanli was willing to study seriously.

But tutoring or not is not that important. Niu Ye just found an excuse to subsidize classmate Xiao.

"I've been delayed for a while, please come in quickly."

Niu Ye let the waiting children into the house first, and asked them to start doing their homework first.

"Sparrow Eyes, have you seen Qiao Erqiang and the others?"

After settling the people down, Niu Ye said to a squinting child.

"Brother Niu Ye, Er Qiang and the others didn't come today."

Sparrow turned his head and Niu Ye replied, but he didn't open his eyes, and he didn't know if he looked at it or not.

"You guys write first, I'll go to Qiao's house to have a look."

Niu Ye gave instructions, went out, turned a few turns, and arrived at Qiao's house.

After pushing open the door of Qiao's house, he saw Qiao Erqiang and Qiao Simei playing outside.

"Second Qiang, have you finished your homework, and are you here to play with Simei?"

"Not yet. But it's not me being playful, this is my elder brother, let me stay and watch the house."

"Your elder brother left you at home, so where did he go?"

"Sanli is not feeling well, my elder brother took Sanli to see a doctor."

"Okay, even at home, don't just play around, write your homework."

Whether it is useful or not, Niu Ye casually gave instructions.Some people's talents may not really lie in reading.

Whether it's the teacher, Qiao Yicheng, or Niu Ye, the expectation for Qiao Erqiang's grades has already become a pass.

After dinner, Niu Ye brought four bottles of canned food, two bottles of oranges and yellow peaches, and came to Qiao's house.

On a sick visit, Niu Ye didn't produce any moths. Eggs for adults and canned food for children are the best gifts for visiting sick.

"Er Qiang, are your eldest brother and Sanli back? What's going on with Sanli?"

After Niu Ye came to Qiao's house again, Qiao Erqiang was still playing in the courtyard.

"My elder brother sent Sanli back, and he went out again. Sanli suffered from gastroenteritis and diarrhea. After going to the clinic for infusion, she was much better."

Qiao Erqiang stared at the can in Niu Ye's hand and said.

"Okay, I'll take a look at Sanli."

Niu Ye took a look at Sanli, felt his pulse, and confirmed that it was just common gastroenteritis. The treatment was reasonable and he recovered well. He left the canned food and left Qiao's house.

Although the children of Qiao's family are not well dressed, they are not full of food.

But apart from being tall and thin, the body is still quite healthy.

This time, Qiao Sanli felt unwell, and Qiao Zuwang should be in trouble.

The children in the usual family are safe and sound. Qiao Yicheng looks forward to Qiao Zu, and he can tolerate it when he goes out to play mahjong every day.

But Qiao Zuwang didn't care about the child's illness. Qiao Yicheng felt that Qiao Zuwang, the old man, had acted too irresponsibly.

Just wanted to go, Qiao Zuwang played mahjong, regardless of his family roots.

Although Qiao Zuwang played mahjong in a very hidden way, it was in the innermost courtyard of the alley, the innermost family in the courtyard, Qiao Zuwang's house of a friend of his.

The windows were covered and the tables were cushioned so outsiders could not see or hear them.

But this kind of thing, you can hide it from outsiders, but you can't hide it from your own family.

On the day Sanli was ill, Qiao Yicheng got angry, gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and went to the police station to report Qiao Zuwang.

Qiao Zuwang was arrested for gathering a crowd to gamble.This catastrophe must not be avoided.

People grew up eating whole grains, how could they not have a headache.

There are so many children in the Qiao family, and the material conditions are still average. They have been healthy and healthy for the past two years, which is already very lucky.

"Have you heard that Qiao Zuwang was arrested by the police station for playing mahjong for money?"

"You haven't seen Qiao Zuwang in the past two days, right? He's locked up in the police station."

There is no secret at all about what happened in the courtyard, especially with Aunt Wu's big mouth.

Just sit at the entrance of the alley when you have nothing to do, and chat with your neighbors as they pass by.

After chatting for a few words, we will talk about Qiao Zuwang. There are some honest people in the courtyard, and Qiao Zuwang is the only one who spends the night at the police station.

"Uncle Qiao, you're back, you look good!"

Qiao Zuwang was detained at the police station for three days and fined before he was released.

Niu Ye was outside, and when he saw Qiao Zuwang coming back, he greeted him loudly and reminded the children of Qiao's family.

(End of this chapter)

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