Chapter 595
After staying with Little Cotton for a long time, Niu Ye figured out the role of a little bit of his talent.

Like kittens, animals with a higher IQ, Niu Ye can hear the emotions that animals want to express when they bark.

In the past, Niu Ye could understand their emotions when he heard stray cats and dogs barking and didn't have much contact with them. He thought it was because he knew cats and dogs better.

But after today's experiment, Niu Ye understood that this probably has something to do with his talent.

When training cats, it seems easier for cats to understand their own commands.

It didn't take long for Little Cotton to understand, and he gave several instructions.

Even if this cat is smart, but learning so fast is too fast.

The most useful place for this ability might be a zoo or a circus.

Niu Ye didn't want to go to the zoo to raise elephants, nor did he want to play monkeys and become a folk artist.

This talent is only for entertainment now.

Or when pets become valuable in the future, opening a pet shop can be considered a way out.

When Niu Ye is free, although he also likes to raise some cats and dogs, but now he lives in a small place, which is obviously not so suitable for raising.

The time is also not suitable. The law and order has started to deteriorate in the past few years, which is the time when the number of dogs is greatly increased.

If there are more dogs, more will be abandoned. There will be a lot of stray dogs with rabies hurting people, and then they will carry out a dog-beating campaign in cities and rural areas.

It is not so suitable to raise cats in the yard. Originally, raising cats can catch the mice in the house, so that less food in the house will be spoiled.

But in this courtyard, there are more than a dozen households, and the kitchens are all set up outside. It is inevitable that there will be some bacon and salted fish in the house, and the cats will stare at them.

Although cats also help neighbors catch mice, but if there is meat, cats may also help neighbors eat it.

In the case of small space, keeping pets can only be for the family, causing a lot of neighborhood disputes.

As for Aunt Wu in the courtyard, because of raising pigeons, she often quarreled with her neighbors.

The Qiao family often quarreled with Aunt Wu because the pigeons of the Wu family shit on the clothes of the Qiao family to dry.

With so many inconveniences, Niu Ye temporarily gave up the idea of ​​raising cats and dogs by himself.

Normally, I can only use Qiao Erqiang's cat to test my abilities.

"Cotton, little cotton."

"Er Qiang, stop barking, your cat is at my house."

It might be that Niu Ye fed the cat too hard, which caused the cat to misunderstand something.

Now the cat stays at Niu's house longer than at Qiao's house.

Cats are more realistic creatures than dogs, and they are willing to stay in whose house the food is good.

When the cat caused trouble, the neighbors went to Qiao's house, and Qiao Yicheng was the one who apologized and quarreled.

Niu Ye enjoyed the joy of petting cats.

This feeling is really good to be honest, no wonder the children of the Qiao family like to ask Qiao Yicheng to take care of whatever troubles they cause.


"Brother Qiao, where did you go with the hemp rope? Why did you come back with a smile on your face, as if you found money?"

"Aunt Wu, I didn't find the money. When I find the money, I will invite you to eat steamed stuffed buns!"

"If you didn't find any money, can you turn your mouth around?"

They are all small citizens who like to take advantage of a little bit, after all, whoring for free is more popular.

But this time Aunt Wu really misunderstood Qiao Zuwang. Qiao Zuwang really didn't make any money.

The children of the Qiao family have been doing well for a while, and nothing major has happened.

But Qiao Zuwang, something happened here again.

Qiao Zuwang is actually a lucky person. Before liberation, his father opened a barber shop.

His father had a craft and his family had a shop. Qiao Zuwang had a good life when he was a child.

The old tradition is that the son inherited his father's business. After Qiao Zuwang couldn't go to school, he continued to learn art in his own barber shop.

When Qiao Zuwang was about to leave his teacher, his barber shop caught fire, the shop burned down, and Qiao Zuwang's left thumb was also smashed.

Although it was a pity that the shop was gone, Qiao Zuwang was blessed by misfortune because he was missing a thumb on his left foot.

As a disabled person, he was arranged to be a worker in a welfare factory for the disabled, and lived a life of guaranteed income in drought and flood.

Qiao Zuwang's job is also very good, because he has no obvious disability, which does not affect his ability to move around, and he can read some characters, and can write and calculate.

After entering the field, he was assigned to the logistics and took care of the warehouse.

It can be said that Qiao Zuwang is like a fish in water when doing this job.

In the previous years, I played mahjong at night and slept at work during the day.

Even if he went to work the night shift in the factory, Qiao Zuwang still slept in the factory, and night was the time to sleep.

Whether the things in the warehouse are lost or not is not what Qiao Zuwang cares about.

With the adjustment of the national policy, the salary has been raised twice.

In short, Qiao Zuwang, working in the factory before, was very comfortable.

It's just that after the reform and development, the factory operates independently, and there is pressure to make a profit.

The factory manager looked at Qiao Zuwang, a basically healthy person who was just dawdling in the warehouse, and couldn't stand it.

After all, it is a welfare factory for the disabled, and basically all the workers in the factory are disabled.

Disabled people are working in the factory, glowing and glowing, Qiao Zuwang, a basically healthy person, hiding in the warehouse to catch fish, no matter how you look at it, it is not so suitable.

So the factory manager fooled Qiao Zuwang and asked Qiao Zuwang to be in charge of the canteen's purchases.

After Qiao Zuwang heard this, of course he was willing to do so.

Buying, everyone knows that it is a good job, and there can be a lot of oil and water in it.

Don't talk about it if you are black-hearted, even if you buy it at a low price, there will be a rebate no matter what.

Qiao Zu looked forward to Pidianpidian and went to work in the factory cafeteria.

It's just that after going to the cafeteria, Qiao Zuwang knew that he had been fooled by the factory manager.

There are two people in the cafeteria who are responsible for purchasing, and the other person is mainly responsible for purchasing.

Qiao Zu saw the cafeteria, and he was in charge of buying the food inside, "picking" the tricycle, and went to the vegetable market with others to buy.

Qiao Zuwang has enjoyed most of his life, so how could he be willing to work hard.

Knowing what he was asked to do, Qiao Zuwang stopped going to the cafeteria.

After thinking hard at home, I finally came up with a plan.

He took the hemp rope and went to the factory manager's house, hanged himself from the beam, and forced him to die.

It was also the first time for the factory manager to see such a scoundrel as Qiao Zuwang.

With no experience in dealing with it, he agreed to Qiao Zuwang's request in a daze.

Qiao Zuwang was transferred to look at the gate. The important thing is that the salary remains the same.

In this kind of unit, the gatekeepers are all looking after some old men, and it is also a leisurely job where you can fish.

Conscious that he has done such a beautiful and important event, how could Qiao Zuwang not be complacent when he came back.

(End of this chapter)

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