Chapter 610
Although the process is a little funny, the result is good.

Qiao Simei got a second chance to make up the graduation exam, and Qiao Sanli also had something to do during the holidays.

Give Qiao Simei some tutoring at home, and now Qiao's family looks more harmonious.

Qiao Yicheng, the older one, and Qiao Simei, the younger one, were studying at home with books.

Niu Ye spent most of his time on Shamao Lane.

"Second Qiang, come here."

"Brother Niuye."

It's really hard to change the address of two people after getting used to it.

"Why are your eyes so blue? Who bullied you in the factory?"

Niu Ye looked at the green in the corner of Er Qiang's eyes and asked, Niu Ye is still very concerned about his little brother,
In this kind of matter, Qiao Erqiang has been too honest since he was a child, and he has to worry about whether he is being bullied from time to time.

"I am fine."

Qiao Erqiang touched the corner of his eyes and said.

After working, I grew up a bit, but still not much.Even if you lie, you can't tell it satisfactorily. I'm afraid that others won't see the injury, so I touch it with my hand to remind me.

"It's okay, why are your eyes blue?"

"I accidentally knocked on the door?"

Er Qiang faltered and said.

"Second Qiang, do you think I've been in college for nothing these years?"

Qiao Erqiang was originally a boy, but when he was impulsive, it was normal for him to have conflicts and fights.

Niu Ye just cared about the injury of the top two, and didn't want to pay too much attention to the fight.But Qiao Erqiang's movements, expressions, and whole body were exposed. He was hiding something, so Niu Ye couldn't ignore it.


"It's obvious that you were injured by someone. No matter what happened in the factory or outside, if you tell us, we can always help you find a way."

"It's all small conflicts, I can handle them myself."

Qiao Erqiang forced a smile and said.

"Okay, try to deal with it yourself first, come with me, I'll get you a bottle of medicine, you go back and wipe it off."

Although Qiao Erqiang can't lie, he can also hide secrets, and he is a stubborn person.

Erqiang didn't want to talk about it, so Niu Ye thought, go find an acquaintance from Yuhong Machinery Factory, and ask him sideways, there's no need to beat Qiao Erqiang to death today.

"Sanli, this way, let's go to your second brother's factory."

On the second day, Niu Ye took Sanli out for shopping, not far from Yuhong Machinery Factory, Niu Ye said.

"Brother Niu, why do you suddenly want to go to the second brother's factory?"

"Didn't your second brother get injured yesterday?"

"He said that he accidentally bumped into it."

"Let's just treat him as an accident." Niu Ye smiled and continued: "Your second brother has been working for such a long time, and we haven't paid much attention to him. We just came here today, so let's go into the factory to see and understand. Tell me about your second brother's work situation."

"Okay, I'm also curious about the second brother, his usual work situation."

Sanli nodded in response.

"Sanli, your second brother, is there anything unusual recently?"

"It's nothing unusual. After joining the job, my second brother has become more serious and loves to be clean. He used to wear his clothes for days without changing them. Now he changes his clothes every day. Before going to bed at night, he knows how to brush his teeth."

"Sanli, if this is not abnormal, what is abnormal?"

It may be that the love made Sanli lose her mind. Sanli, who usually sees things clearly, didn't find anything wrong with the second strong this time.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in here?"

At the gate of the factory, Niu Ye and Sanli were stopped.There is still basic management in the factory, and strangers are not allowed to enter or leave.

"Master, let's go in and find someone, the chief of the personnel department of your factory."

"go in."

Niu Ye originally thought that there would be some negotiations, but he didn't expect the guard to be quite talkative.

"Master, how do you go to the personnel department of your factory's office building?"

"At the end of this road, turn left and go straight to the first intersection, then turn left and you will see it."

"Brother Niu, why don't we go to their factory cafeteria?"

"Wait and then go, first go to the office building, meet an acquaintance, and learn about the situation."

The office building of the machinery factory is quite easy to find, with obvious features, except for the office building, the others are factory buildings.

After inquiring all the way, Niu Ye also found the personnel department.

"Sanli, wait for me outside for a while, I'll go in and find out about the situation."

Then Niu Ye knocked on the door and entered the office of the chief personnel officer.

"Hello, Chief Ren, I'm Liao Jie's classmate."

The two of them just ate a meal, and I'm afraid I won't remember, so Niu Ye also reported his family first.

"Student Niu, right? Why did you come to the factory today?"

Section Chief Ren thought about it for two seconds, but he still remembered Niu Ye. It's hard to say anything else, but in a state-owned enterprise, being able to hold the position of chief of personnel department is quite good at communication.

"Passing by, come in and have a look, see you, Section Chief Ren, and learn about the working situation in the canteen of the factory with my relatives here for so long."

"That relative of yours should be working pretty well, and I haven't heard of any problems."

A section chief is still able to grasp the key points of the conversation, knowing that the previous ones are just polite.

"Well, Section Chief Ren, my relative has been injured for the past two days. I asked him what happened and he didn't say anything. I don't know if something happened in the factory. Can you help me?"

"Did you get bullied by something in the factory? I have some friendship with the director of their cafeteria, so I can help with words."

A section chief in a state-owned enterprise is still quite sensitive, and he instinctively thought that Niu Ye came here to ask for care of the second strong.

"Section Chief Ren, don't get me wrong. There is really no hidden meaning in what I said. We really don't know what happened to him. We want you to help us find out."

"That's easy. I'll call the director of the cafeteria and ask about the specific situation. What's the name of your relative?"

"Qiao Erqiang, his name is Qiao Erqiang."

Director Ren was also very straightforward in his work, and asked Niu Ye to wait a while before making a phone call.

"Hey, Feng, are you busy?"

"I'm asking you personally, how is Qiao Erqiang doing in your cafeteria recently?"

"The young man is very down-to-earth, and his performance is quite good, that's good. 』

"Qiao Erqiang was injured recently, do you know what happened?"

『You really know that he helped someone fight and was accidentally injured. 』

"I went to Lama Suqin and her man, no wonder he got hurt." 』

"Okay, I know everything, this child can take care of him, you can take care of him as much as possible, okay, let's get together and have a drink. 』

When Director Ren made the phone call, Niu Ye could hear some problems with just a few words in the conversation.

"Student Niu, you can rest assured. Your relative is doing very well in the cafeteria, and their director also likes him very much. The injury was not because of any problems with him, but because he was accidentally injured while helping others."

(End of this chapter)

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